• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?


This story is a sequel to Ascend

Congratulations, Twilight. With Celestia and Luna on their constitutionally mandated vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. The position of Regent is an honored and hallowed one. But maybe it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a nobility jealous of your ascension, or a military unhappy with Celestia's decisions; one thing's certain: your reign will be anything but peaceful.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 617 )

Found it >:V

You fool! What have you done?! You've doomed us all.

Silly Twiclopse, you're not Tyreal :v
*runs away with Bhaal's soulstone* V:

I suppose guess-and-check worked out, 2308346! Yay! Time to get reading! Then there's the final chapter of Ascend... :pinkiehappy:


Lovely. You got to tell me what you made that newspaper in.

And don't, under any circumstance, look into the Great Pit of Azerbaijan or your mind will be fractured into a thousand pieces and cast into such horrifying torment that you'll beg for the sweet release of death.

*snickers* It's funny cuz it's Azerbaijan.
*frowns* It's not funny, because i've been there

Discord's a permanent feature of the statue garden and there's nine different runes in place to prevent him from pulling any dream manipulation or reality warping.

I think it should be there are (there're), not there is (there's)

To recapitulate, I love you and want to have your gay/straight (IDK, either one works) babies.

I got it from this site, edited it in Powerpoint, and then converted the slide into a picture and uploaded it.

Amazing as usual. MOAR MOAR MOAR :twilightsheepish:

I kinda want to read the rest of that news article, though...

A low, intense cry swept the mountains:

Spelling Error: "Live Giving"
Also this story was not unnecessary! In fact I think you should be required to tirelessly slave over it until we get bored! :trollestia:
Great first chapter and very much looking forward to this "Pit"

Ahahahaha Twilight you're so doomed.

Awesome start to this sequel! I'm glad it's here and I look forward to more! Whee! :pinkiehappy:

I'm hoping we get cuts to Celestia and Luna every so often. And I KNEW that was coming as soon as she appointed Rarity and Dash to positions.

Sunset Shimmer


Ahh, accusations of cronyism, that always makes for a nice breakfast.

i'll be watching this closely. a pretty fair start up

ah, cronyism. Twilight really did NOT think that one through, did she?

Hmm! Passing mention of Tirek.

You get a :moustache: for starting the sequel off with a rousing bang.

Wait a tic... Your story day's Twilight is the 13th Regent... yet the newspaper article at the end says she's the 12th... did I misread something, or did ya make a teensy mistake?

Lol She Sings <- Ha! this was perfect.

Nice start to the sequel, can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

40 minutes into Operation: Regent and we're already number two in the featured box, and have amassed 70 likes and 160 favorites. Only one dislike has been reported as of the time of this report. Overall mission status is good. Continuing on to phase two as directed. :twilightblush:

It seems the Canterlot Times will have to print a correction in next week's paper.

two people actually disliked this stoy?! BURN THEM!!!!! :flutterrage:

Unnecessary. Try saying that to your fans. :pinkiehappy:

I can't wait! seems like this thing is gonna be a fun and wild ride!

Nice start to a sequel to a brilliant short story. I await further updates!

the person who printed that paper realises freedom of the press doesn't mean no consiquences right? in most countries an article like that gets the reporter fired, the paper prints a notable retraction and apology and usualy ends up paying a hefty fine.

and yes this includes america, cananda, and the UK.

2308450 Azerbaijan well thats a new country to me :rainbowhuh: ..why where you there? (if ya dont mind sharing)

2308369 Morning Star after reading lines and webs that name screams evil to me

Yeah, uh, that article is so unprofessional it would never see the light of day, and should result immediately in everypony involved in printing it getting fired, forced to write an apology article, and charged with libel. Even with as bad as our politics have gotten, that's a line you just don't cross (except for the opinion folk, but they're not front page, and they still have to be more delicate.)

Last chapter of Ascend was utterly hilarious and I loved it.

As a matter of fact, both chapters had my giggling like a madman.

“The Canissian Empire has been at peace with Equestria since the five hundred's. The Griffons are still recovering from their civil war and take over by that Field Marshall. Both the Nightmare Moon Cult and the Cult of the Broken Circle have been crushed by the Night Guard. The Diamond Dogs couldn't screw a light bulb on, let alone organize an assassination. I don't have any embittered friends. Discord's a permanent feature of the statue garden and there are nine different runes in place to prevent him from pulling any dream manipulation or reality warping. The Changeling Kingdom has collapsed due to their invasion last year. Sombra's scattered in a thousand pieces. And I'm sure that any politician's more concerned with their wallet then with killing me. Anything I missed?”

Calling it now: Twilight will be proven wrong on every single count in the most ridiculous, utterly hilarious way imaginable. She has a year-long regency and we have 8+ months before season 4. We have plenty of time

Special request: Now that the Princesses are away, can Blueblood be banished to some far away, horribly uncomfortable place, like the center of a black hole? Or maybe The Pit of Azerbaijan? That sounded pretty unpleasant. Please?

“Just wanted to give you a little encouragement and ask you a very important question.”
Celestia held up a pair of shorts.
“Do these make me look big?”

you're a horse living among ponies, of course it makes your butt look big:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

when I started reading the part of Celestia struggling to close a over filled suitcase, I really hope I wasn't the only one to start cringing since we ALL just know what's about to happen:facehoof::eeyup:

so the way it looks right now not only is poor Twilight going to have to put up with an attemped military coup but it appears as if the nobility has been hitting the liquid courage :facehoof: hey can we have blueballs swinging from a rope from the highest parapet of Canterlot:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:?

“I wish I could stay, but I have to make sure that the little woodland creatures comfy burrows their spending the winter in don't get buried under snow. It would be wonderful if you could come visit. We could have tea and relax.”

I'm going to be blunt. The chapter quality dropped. Especially towards the middle there's just no lettuce in that salad. (Cause ponies are herbivores... no meat) When writing character actions I'd try to put more attention on the ponies that are actually speaking. Paragraphs containing two words just make it look like you put no effort into it. (Which is not true)

I really wanted to love this chapter... couldn't find it... don't hate it either...

You need to update this, and you need to do it now.

I gave it an up-vote before I even read it! :twilightblush:

oh god yes

have an instant upvote and fave:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Normally I would assume Twilight is somewhat '' doomed '' ....then again two of her closest advisors are the most feared pranksters in Equestria. Good story and funny, thumbs up.

I loved the first story, but I am looking forward to this one and seeing if where this one goes too!! And while I loved the comedy I'm looking forward to a bit more serious stuff too

“The Canissian Empire has been at peace with Equestria since the five hundred's. The Griffons are still recovering from their civil war and take over by that Field Marshall. Both the Nightmare Moon Cult and the Cult of the Broken Circle have been crushed by the Night Guard. The Diamond Dogs couldn't screw a light bulb on, let alone organize an assassination. I don't have any embittered friends. Discord's a permanent feature of the statue garden and there are nine different runes in place to prevent him from pulling any dream manipulation or reality warping. The Changeling Kingdom has collapsed due to their invasion last year. Sombra's scattered in a thousand pieces. And I'm sure that any politician's more concerned with their wallet then with killing me. Anything I missed?”

You win the internet right there.

Uhhh... the press is gonna go through a shitstorm and a half by the time Twilight is done with them.:twilightoops:

Twilight still has some "advisers", apparently. Please fix the spelling, as you did in the 'newspaper'.
Also, favoriting, liking, and watching.

2309866 I like Blueblood, I think his character has potentially a lot of depth. I see him as a blank page that the show put in place so that the writers could possibly expand on his personality.


I've told quite a few people my opinion on best pon- err Blue Blood, honestly? I see Rarity as a Gold Digger, she didn't want Blue Blood because he was charming or anything, but because he was a prince and she wanted to be a princess. The poor guy probably has to beat off gold diggers with a stick at this point, he probably lost it at the gala and said "buck it! If they want me because of my title, lets see how far they will go to get it!" Rarity got what she deserved in my opinion! It would be funny to see Blue Blood help twilight out and be all cool and chill, and twilight explodes at him, and Blue Bloods like...

"Rari-who? That gold digger at the gala? Meh"

What is this A-sir-bay-john and Hawie-yee of which you speak. Are they related to those odd creatures Lyra talks about all the time? She's been making up these crazy stories about a world with talking apes with ponies as pets who they ride on. Very strange indeed.

Translation: How do the Ponies know about real-Earth places such as Azerbaijan and Hawaii? :unsuresweetie:
(I'm using this emoticon a lot recently)

On final notes:

“The Canissian Empire has been at peace with Equestria since the five hundred's. The Griffons are still recovering from their civil war and take over by that Field Marshall. Both the Nightmare Moon Cult and the Cult of the Broken Circle have been crushed by the Night Guard. The Diamond Dogs couldn't screw a light bulb on, let alone organize an assassination. I don't have any embittered friends. Discord's a permanent feature of the statue garden and there are nine different runes in place to prevent him from pulling any dream manipulation or reality warping. The Changeling Kingdom has collapsed due to their invasion last year. Sombra's scattered in a thousand pieces. And I'm sure that any politician's more concerned with their wallet then with killing me. Anything I missed?”

1. Best line ever
2. Regarding the cult, you were aware that Winter Bells had updated today weren't you!
3. I think you should take out the apostrophe in "hundred's".
4. Field Marshal has one "L" not two.
5. "then with killing me" should be "than with killing me"

On an actual final note: I love how you did that with the last chapter of Ascend. I wouldn't have been here otherwise!

2310499 he could also have said sorry not interested.:twilightsmile:

What was that story where the princesses were changelings?

Good start. I love the part where Celestia and Luna get stuck together with bubblegum. :pinkiehappy:

Poor Twilight. I guess ponies don't really have the whole "13 is unlucky" superstition going on, otherwise she'd be clued in that this regency ain't gonna be a cakewalk. :raritydespair:

And the Media. The Press. Those soulless, empty-eyed vultures who circle around death and tragedy in order to feast upon pain and despair, may their bones rot and their bodies burn, have already started in on Twilight and her friends.

:twilightoops: "It's going to be a loooonng year."

The Alicorn Delusion. Notable for its Not My Destiny-esque [Grimdark] AU ending.

2311032 there are stories as dark as Not My Destiny? :rainbowhuh:

The door opened and Twilight walked in to see her teacher covered in shorts, socks, and even a pair of underwear.

Where did the underwear come from!?

“Celestia, Luna. Let your twelve centennial vacation officially begin!”


References, references everywhere.
Even when things turn serious there will still be humor mixed in right?

“How would you like your eggs?”


“Right away, Lady Regent.”

Pffft... I'm not going to talk.. Pfft...

OKAY! It would be funny if Twilight said "fertilized"

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