• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?



Live from the Canterlot Theater, the Fourth Wall Theater Troupe proudly presents a reinterpretation of a famous musical tale, written and directed by Pinkamena Diane Pie. Funding for this production was made possible by the Please Prevent Pinkie Pie and Discord From Getting Bored Foundation. There will be intermissions between scenes, and closed captioning will be provided for the hearing impaired.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 27 )

This story is pretty interesting. I can't wait to see how this goes. I would definetly think that this would be cannon. Between or durring what episodes would you say this takes place after Discord's reform?

So much win in this I don't know where to start!!

2335984 Actually, I didn't write this with a specific timeframe in mind (besides the fact that it takes place after the events of Keep Calm and Flutter On). I'd say it takes place before Twilight's coronation, but honestly, that event doesn't really impact this story whatsoever. :applejackunsure:

I can't wait to see where this story goes! I saw the thing about the fourth wall and I was like "Ooh, fanfiction!" :derpytongue2:

Looks interesting so far. I certainly know what theme was running through my head while reading this...


"You'll just have to make due, Sweetie Belle."

make due

Make do.

Other than that, I'm ready for showtime!

2338717 Whoops! Thanks for catching that, mate! :twilightblush:

Cool idea, other than the foal and the timberwolf I've not seen much of this concept :pinkiehappy:

Whoa, only one downvote total out of nine stories combined. How'd you manage that? I think I'll have to take a look at some of your other fics a little later.

Anyway! This is a fun story so far. I'm not sure if it helps or hurts that it's been so long since I saw any version of Peter and the Wolf that I barely recall anything that happens. And you know, this might actually be the first story I've seen so far that incorporated Discord interacting with the ponies in a casual friendly way.

Well, not sure what else to say, so I'll just point out the couple minor typos I noticed: "Everypony decided that it was bet not to question it" and "Granny simply gave Apple Bloom and stern look and folded her forelegs." And then the duck quaked instead of quacked a couple times, which I suppose could actually be the intended word.

2340365 Whoops! Thanks for catching those mistakes, mate. Boy, I really need a better fine-tooth comb. :twilightblush:

Anyway, about your question on my downvote record, well, I honestly don't have a good answer for that. I just have a knack for writing. :twilightsheepish:

Hee hee! There's gotta be at least three different levels of narrative flowing through here. Very fun!

I agree with Periphery about it being neat to see Discord actually being buddy-buddy with the gals, rather than playing the usual "antagonist" or "major game breaker" role. Kinda refreshing, and it's what makes me want to read Luminous Atonement, too.

Ha! You really are the Metool Bard now, aren't you? :rainbowwild:

2347172 Heh, I suppose I am. :ajsmug:

Honestly, writing Discord as a good guy is easier than it sounds. I feel that the key to this portrayal is that he's not (and probably never will be) a paragon of virtue. Instead, he's the kind of guy who adds some dollops of whipped cream for Pinkie Pie the next time he summons chocolate rain. :pinkiehappy:

It's impossible to hear the wolf's theme without thinking of A Christmas Story.

But jeez, is Peter and the Wolf really that short? Maybe that's why I didn't really remember a huge amount of details about it--there's hardly anything to forget.

Anyway, it was amusing, and Scootaloo's scenes were pretty cute. I noticed a few typos, but didn't keep track of them to point them out (I believe one was a hear/here mix-up). But I'm actually not sure what's going to come next. I would guess that this is simply the first play they're going to put on, and a different story will start next, but the fic is specifically named "Apple Bloom and the Timberwolf" which implies it's limited to just that one tale. Hmm... something about Rainbow Dash for not showing up? Or maybe they're going to literally break the fourth wall and ask which story they should do next, in a separate fic.

2355223 I think the reason it feels so short is because the music tells most of the story, and I was missing a lot of it. I blame the fact that there isn't much in the way of purely instrumental versions of Peter and the Wolf to be found. Every full version I came across had some sort of narration. :applejackunsure:

As for what comes next, well, you'll see. :raritywink:

"I thought we'd have a wacky scene where it went out of control, and Granny Smith had to use the pots."

Heh, that was exactly one of the things I almost guessed after last chapter, but then I decided that, nah, that probably wasn't going to happen.

Oh and 2355546, it's more that I was surprised to realize just how few events actually transpire in the original story.

This was a very entertaining reading. :pinkiesmile: I like these kind of fics, they remind me of when I was in drama class at school (even though we only did comedies :rainbowlaugh:)

3127555 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

hey i remeber this vidio tape it is ------- and the wolf!!!!!!:pinkiegasp:

Funding for this production was made possible by the Please Prevent Pinkie Pie and Discord From Getting Bored Foundation.

You know, this foundation actually does really, really important work for all Equestria. Sure, you think, it would be better to donate to the Habitat for Equinity foundation or the Big Brother/Big Sister Best Friends Forever organization for troubled yearlings or maybe the March of Bits... but think about it, how much good work could any of those other organizations possibly do if a parade of flying monkeys setting off edible fireworks and playing the bongos were to march through their offices with a singing banana performing "The Ants Go Marching One By One" at the head? Keeping Discord and Pinkie Pie from getting bored is actually one of the most important causes you can donate to for the benefit of your fellow Equestrians! And I'm not just saying this because Discord paid me. Seriously. (Hides the cherry cheese danishes that Pinkie bribed me with)

"All the while, the timberwolf paced around and around the tree with hungry eyes," said Pinkie. "For although it was made out of wood, it still couldn't climb up trees. You ponies at home figure that one out."

The timberwolf did as Pinkie narrated, snarling and growling all the while.

"'Oh, who will save us?' Opal wailed. 'Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE, WORST, POSSIBLE, THING!'"

This? This right here? PURE PINKIE GENIUS.

4613201 I think you mean Environment for Equinity. :raritywink:

"Nothing to worry about. We're just getting rid of a heckler," said Discord. "Maestro?"
Noteworthy shrugged and continued conducting. Taking a deep breath, Beauty Brass blew into her sousaphone, and to her shock sent the heckler flying out the door.
"Don't worry, he's fine!" Discord reassured the audience. "He just had to take part in some physical humor. You know how it is."

Welp, it's official, Discord is best pony.

There was a clearing of the throat from the orchestra pit as Rarity shot Pinkie a dirty look. Pinkie gave her a sheepish grin and continued.

Who wants to bet that part of the script was Discord's idea'

Apple Bloom gave Pinkie a look. "C'mon, Pinkie. I don't sound like that," she said.

Ya kinda do.

"Master of Chaos, remember? It makes sense for me not to make sense," said Discord.

And it is glorious!

Applejack had to chuckle. "I suppose I can't argue with that logic," said she.

What logic?

I hate to tell you this, but the sound links don't work anymore. The videos were taken down.

...except, oddly, the one for the Cat's music.

Anyways, you might want to get new video links.

Love the MLP version of this story, by the way. I always liked the original, probably because of how much I liked Fantasia.

7514309 The necessary updates have been made to our closed captioning system, and the Please Prevent Pinkie Pie and Discord From Getting Bored Foundation thanks you for bringing this to our attention. :pinkiehappy:


No problem! The music's half the fun of the original story, and even if they only appear once in the story, people should still have an idea of what they're supposed to sound like!

Somepony ought to do an actual mlp video of this concept. I grew up with the Disney version of this timeless tail.

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