• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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17. Canterlot: Joint Capability

Metroid Equis

Chapter 17

Canterlot: Joint Capability

After about fifteen minutes of the Hunter silently waiting through the pouring rain, Samus’s gunship revealed itself from the low-lying cloud layer and gently touched down on the battle-scarred forest floor right in front of her. In complete silence, the armorless warrior jumped to the hatch and descended into the cockpit, reveling in the warmth of her ship. Samus sat down in her pilot’s seat and keyed in the necessary commands to get the ship started and on course to return to Ponyville. Looking up before shey keyed for takeoff, Ridley’s flagship still lay suspended in the sky somewhere beyond the cloud layer, accompanied by two more other ships.

Without a second thought, Samus set off, her ship using the Everfree’s cloud cover for camouflage as she let autopilot take her to her destination. Not even a mile out, Samus’s eyes widened in realization:

I never destroyed the base!

At that moment a glorious display of light shown behind her: numerous explosions of different colors and intensities, all magically induced as scans could tell, erupted at several points within the now concealed forward outpost. This was followed by one large mushroom cloud finally erupting from the center in a violent show of force, raining charred debris within a half-mile radius which was quickly doused by the falling rain. Luna apparently hadn’t forgotten.

She’s good, I’ll give her that.

The cloud vapor obscuring her ship’s large viewport began to slowly whittle away as Samus progressed closer to Ponyville. Judging from the position of the sun, it appeared that several hours had easily whittled away since when she departed from the town. A lot could happen in several hours, especially with a full scale invasion of a planet in full effect. As Samus cleared the cloud layer completely, the same warships were still high in the sky weighing in on all who would see them; not to mention the fighters that were scrambling, moving like gnats on a hot summer’s day amongst the skyline.

The Hunter Class Gunship began its slow descent into its position outside of Twilight’s Library as the cloaking device was engaged, rendering it invisible from Pirate Radar. As Samus exited via the hatch, she was quick to notice that the entire town was… barren. Celestia had made good on her actions to evacuate the entire town.


The armorless Hunter quickly shot her gaze to the origination of the voice calling her name: Twilight peeking out and waving her over with her hoof. Samus’s eyes were drawn to the two Elite Royal Guards keeping a low profile on either side of the library, energy spears at attention. Dismissing the observation, she quickly flew through the air and landed ever gracefully on her feet before making her way into the Library where the door was promptly shut behind her. Gazing around, all the remaining five Elements of Harmony were gathered in the common room while Celestia was seated, sending and receiving letter after letter, order after order, and memo after memo away through magical channels.

“Princess Celestia was able to evacuate most of Ponyville and the surrounding towns and cities,” Twilight began, trotting over to her friends with Samus in tow. Her eyes shifted as a result of stress and her mane seemed unkempt.

“Where to?”

“Farther east moreso, specifically towards the Whitetail Woods past Canterlot and beyond. Many went south towards Appleoosa and and as far East as Stalliongrad and even into the borders of other nations. The farther they go, the safer they’ll be.”

“Indeed,” Celestia piped up, addressing the recently arrived Hunter. “Any news since your departure?”

Samus was about to mention herself and Luna finding and ultimately eliminating a Pirate base in the Everfree, but from past conversation in the forest, she felt that Luna’s presence was meant to be as discreet as possible.

“I found, infiltrated, and destroyed a Pirate military installation in the Everfree. I was able to collect what data I could on other current and planned footholds. This will be invaluable to your troops and the Federation when they arrive in the next thirty or so hours.” Then Samus popped another question, already knowing something the Solar Princess most likely didn’t: “What’s the situation with military matters?” she asked, taking a seat.

“So far, nothing too serious. The peacekeeping army we have has been put on the defensive until further notice. We’ve grounded all air units on account of having no way to counter the smaller, faster ships… the ones that look like tadpoles.” Celestia explained.

“The fighters?” Samus clarified.

“If that’s the proper name, then yes. We don’t have the technology nor the ordnance to combat them air to air,” Celestia affirmed. “We’ve already lost dozens of good pegasi,” she added morosely.

“Have there been any skirmishes between the Pirates and your army?” Samus asked while looking at a map on her tablet.

“Luna tells me that there have only been minor probing attacks but that could change very soon. Activity is heavy towards the Frozen North and the Crystal Empire though.”

“Alright. I’m gonna need to head North as soon as possible, so just be aware of that,” Samus gave a verbal note.

“I am well aware of that, however with this Galactic Federation arriving to our planet soon I’d rather you be here to mediate first contact and help smooth this over at first,” Celestia proposed. The other mares plus young dragon seemed to agree.

“That’s… actually a good idea. Alright then, here’s what we’ll do…” Samus began, getting to her feet and starting to pace a bit. “Federation arrival by my estimates is a little over a day. I’ll help with any evacuation procedures if you need and as necessary I’ll help defend the area. Once contact is made, we’ll formalize the requisition of troops and supplies and start northward. With the Federation and your own forces helping to hold the south, we can all collectively drive the Pirates more north, allowing us to link up with the Crystal Empire and then find the Phazon core.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Twilight interjected. Samus gave a sarcastic grin.

“Simplicity has its own uses in battle planning. Of course, the idea of tentativity has heavy influence but nevertheless it helps to play by some structure,” Samus responded, finally turning to face everypony in the room, hands and arms crossed behind her back.

“So… what now?” Rainbow Dash asked, getting fidgety and not particularly liking the fact that she was forced into protective custody like the others.

“We wait,” Celestia answered.

“Yep. I just ask that you keep me updated about issues on the ground. If there are areas close by that come under Pirate attack I’d rather be there to help defend,” Samus added, also not a fan of just standing around, but there was little choice.

“We do have reports of ponies going missing or being visibly abducted by the Pirates,” Celestia read off from a parchment, her mood going even more south. “But all of these are coming from the north, deep within what can now be assumed as occupied territory.”

“Damn…” Samus furrowed her gaze. She knew that if she attempted to go north to assist in efforts to defend and evacuate, her ship would get shot out of the sky immediately by enemy fighters. In fact even when the Federation arrived, it would probably be wise to travel on the ground than risk being shot in the aerial battles that would ensue. “If there aren’t any reports of mass killings and only abductions, the Pirates are taking prisoners to use as test subjects… sometimes a fate worse than death in all honesty,” the Hunter addressed Celestia. She had a right to know.

All the mares turned their attention to their ruler, who looked like her head would explode from the sheer mix of emotions she was feeling. She had been trying to keep her thoughts clear lest she make a decision under duress, but the notion of her ponies being taken as test subjects did a number on her emotionally. It also wasn’t like she could go protect her subjects physically… the moment she took flight she’d get killed, even with magic. Besides, as much as she wanted to risk her life, Celestia knew it would be a foolish thing to do at the moment. Equestria and even the planet needed her and Luna’s leadership at the moment. Celestia went back to working and overseeing evacuation efforts, but no matter how much she kept her stoic face, everybody in the room could she she was slowly breaking down.

Samus, eyeing the strong Solar Alicorn, felt compelled for some reason to do something. While the other mares, including Twilight, decided to give their ruler space to work on her most important tasks, Samus decided to sit next to her, as if offering some intangible moral support while she poured over the Pirate Data she had collected.

Most likely another side effect of the elemental absorption.

Silence overtook the room for an unspecified amount of time. It felt like hours to Samus, but her thoughts were disturbed by Celestia’s voice:

“You’re ready for another Element.”


“Come with me,” Celestia beckoned as she got to her hooves. Samus fell into step with her as they departed to the guest room. “Being one with enormous magical connection I have the ability to feel it naturally in others. I had expected the absorption of the Element of Kindness to make your own magical prowess a bit… unstable. To my surprise, however, your natural magical activity is completely docile. As such, I feel you’re ready to hold on to another Element,” Celesita explained, finding the same small chest and bringing it before the Hunter.

“I guess you’d know better than me. What’s next then?” Samus asked.

“This,” Celestia opened the chest and let an unidentified magical aura coalesce into what looked like a blood-red lightning bolt. “is the Element of Loyalty. Rainbow Dash volunteered to let you hold onto her element next, saying something along the lines of you being ‘cool enough for her’ to do so,” she finished with a small chuckle.

Samus stoically examined the holographic-looking magical lightning bolt as it hovered and spun counter-clockwise in front of her. Out of habit, she used her arm-console to scan the object in front of her.


And that’s all her scan function had to say. Without further ado, she gently clutched the magic, which dispersed into her being and came together on her chest. Like last time, Samus’s eyes pulsed a blood red color, allowing her normal blues to be visible through between each pulse, before dying out completely.

[Element of Harmony Acquired!]

“This is the Element of Loyalty, the second of six.”

Like last time, no other information was available.

“How do you feel?” Celestia asked, genuinely curious as to the effect.

“I feel… interesting…” Samus commented honestly. She felt almost… ‘pumped.’ Like she got a burst of energy suddenly and was ready to just go do something.

“Hmmm…” Celestia eyed her curiously. “I want to monitor you for today. If things go well then maybe we can induce another later.”

Samus nodded and the two of them joined the rest of the group, Celestia immediately getting back to work and Samus analyzing all the Pirate Data she collected.

“Water! I need water now!”

“Go go go!”

Magical and Quantum Assault Cannon fire flew in every which direction of the street. The city of Trottingham was in the middle of an evacuation when the Pirates launched an attack from a foothold base. Ponies of the Equestrian Regular Army were doing all they could to keep civilians safe.

The scene was at the center of a fork in a main road in the heart of Trottingham, lined with townhomes and of which were ablaze in several locations. A platoon of pony soldiers that was assigned to defend a city ministry and the civilians inside was cut off when Pirate forces surrounded them. Slowly but surely the enemy advanced up the road in this urban battle. Unicorns could fight with their magic but Pegasi and Earth Ponies could only rely on their agility and strength respectively in close quarters combat when able. This put the Equestrians at a horrible disadvantage against the Space Pirates’ ranged weapons.

One soldier, a Unicorn Lieutenant, poked his head out and almost got it shot off.

“Lieutenant Whirlwind! Did you get the message to Princess Celestia?!” his commanding officer shouted at him as the entire line of unicorns returned fire towards the advancing horde of Pirates.

“Negative, Captain! The only unicorn who knew of the royal magical channel got killed!”

“That means we’re cut off from command entirely! The damn invaders are disrupting this new radio tech we have so we’re completely isolated! Prep your mares and stallions for a last stand, soldier.”

So… this is how it would end. The Lieutenant saluted his Captain and was prepared to deliver the news to his remaining squadron.

Suddenly, eight bursts of magic signaled long range teleportation spells activating. All the remaining troops looked up and found eight black-clad unicorn soldiers with the emblazoned Magickakorps on their armor line the top of the townhomes overlooking the advancing Pirates. As soon as they teleported in they opened fire, unleashing a rapid torrent of hard magic against the Space Pirate battalion in the street.

The formerly defending troops peeked over and found the Pirates getting cut down in droves by the unidentified friendly forces, falling by the dozens with multiple holes in their chests, heads, et cetera. They immediately seized the initiative and went on the offensive, bounding their barricades with a war cry, unicorns unleashing their own volley of magic-weapons fire from their horns. When the first section of the street was clear (albeit lined with bodies of Space Pirates and ponies alike) the eight elite troops teleported to the ground level and met up with the regular soldiers.

“Thanks for saving our asses back there! Command didn’t tell us they were sending reinforcements but… who are you?” Captain Stalactite addressed what appeared to be the officer of the newcomers. Finally able to get a better look, each of the soldiers was covered in jet-black leather with same-colored metal armor as an overlay. Their faces were completely obscured by black armor and a visor, which was again black, save for small holes poked in the snout area.

“We’ve cleared a route out of the city. Get the civilians out of here now!” the unidentified female officer spoke urgently. The Captain thought he should pull rank and demand to know who the newcomers were, but with the safety of civilians at stake, he opted to take the opportunity which presented itself.

“Lieutenant! Have your troops gather the ponies inside the ministry and let’s get them out of here.”

“Yes, sir!”

Stalactite turned back to the eight troops of the Magickakorps in front of him.

“Thanks again,” he only said, to which the elite force silently saluted in return before teleporting out.

Captain Stalactite looked around and found himself alone amongst the dead and ruins of the street. He gave one uneasy look behind him and took off running to join the rest of his troops in the retreat.

Eight teleportation spells went off once more on the roof of one of the taller buildings overlooking Trottingham. The eight elite unicorn troops gathered together while the leader pressed her hoof to her face.

“Vector Squad to Lunar One…”

“I read you loud and clear Vector Squad, how do you find these new radios?”

“They work excellently, Your Majesty. Trottingham on the whole is largely relieved and most of the civilians and troops are out. The invaders are still sending forces in and they continue to control the skies, Princess Luna.”

“Excellent work, Lieutenant. Here are your next orders…”

The squad’s attention drifted away from what Luna was saying when the eight of them spotted a gargantuan amount of movement in the sky.

“... Vector Squad?”

“Uhhh… Lunar One I believe we have a massive problem…”

“Go ahead, Vector…?”

One of the warships was moving in the sky. It slowly but surely yawed left and descended slowly, penetrating the atmosphere completely as it drifted closer to the ground. The large transport frigate then turned its course in a direction which sent a chill throughout Vector Squad’s collective spine.

“One of the enemy warships has completely entered the atmosphere! It looks like it’s heading straight for Canterlot! Based on its speed, ETA is approximately one hour before it will be completely over the city!”

Silence on the other end lasted for several seconds.

“Acknowledged and confirmed, Vector Squad. As of now your orders have changed. Return to Canterlot immediately and regroup at the HiveMind. Your orders will be given there. I must tend to something immediately.”

“Understood, Your Highness. Vector out.”

The eight unicorns of the Magickakorps all turned to each other, nodded once, and teleported out, leaving the now mostly-barren Trottingham to its fate.

Things had remained relatively the same for the next few hours at the Golden Oaks Library. Samus and Celestia were going about their own important work while the Elements just bided their time… it was all they really could do. The comfortable (term used loosely) atmosphere ended when the two Guards outside burst in.

“Princess! One of them is moving!” the one on the right frantically shouted out.

“What?!” Celestia asked, still not entirely sure what he meant. The entire group fancied a look outside and found the gargantuan frigate, at least a mile or two in the air, slowly drifting towards them. In a few minutes it would obscure the setting sun and cast shadow over all of Ponyville. The mares all looked up with wide eyes which bore nothing but fear at the giant floating ship made of metal above them.

“It’s heading straight for Canterlot!” Celestia concluded independently, judging its trajectory which landed perfectly towards her home. Samus nodded.

“It’s a Space Pirate Transport Frigate. It can carry thousands of troops and if that ship gets over Canterlot that city is as good as lost…” Samus announced.

“I need to notify Luna right now…” Celestia thought out loud, gathering her thoughts to connect a mental channel with her sister which had been inexplicably severed.

“I’m already aware,” a new voice sounded off. The origin was Princess Luna, who landed in front of them while simultaneously deactivating her magical active camouflage. “The city is safe… for now. We have approximately one hour before that ship stands over Canterlot.

“If it gets there, you’ll have at least four thousand Space Pirates to fight off,” Samus added in.

“That is unacceptable! I don’t suppose you may have a suggestion on how to deal with this vessel?” Luna inquired as the ship slowly began to pass over Ponyville.

“I’m thinking!” Samus spat out in frustration. The turn of events was a bit more than irritating to say the least. Samus only had her gunship, which would be next to impossible to take on an entire Space Pirate Frigate with. Even though it was only a transport, it wasn’t defenseless by any means and the Pirates surely sent air support with it. Ridley was most likely getting himself cleaned up so it was highly unlikely that he’d be anywhere near the area at the time, so that was one less thing to worry about.

“Can we board it?” Luna blurted out. If she could get close enough, she and a team of Magickakorps could teleport into the vessel.

“It would take too long. And in case you don’t remember me saying, there are thousands of troops on board. You and a simple team of soldiers would be overrun in due time if you don’t teleport to the right area. Even if you do get to the bridge or engine room, the sheer amount of resistance would slow you down. There won’t be enough time…” Samus explained.

“Well, we cannot simply ask them to turn around… we have to disable the vessel or force it to retreat somehow,” Luna piped in once more. Celestia didn’t offer words, as her specialty didn’t lay within military doctrine. Rainbow Dash, however, couldn’t help but try to listen to the Hunter and Night Princess talk strategy. Samus brought something to the forefront that was on her mind:

“You move the moon right? Can you not move the frigate?” she proposed. Luna shook her head.

“Like Celestia is able to with the sun, I can only move the moon by my magical connection to it. They are extensions of us, not merely just celestial entities. Theoretically, I or Celestia could move the frigate via magic, but levitation and control of an object this size would be nigh impossible, even with both of us combined.”

“Well shit… we’re running out of time here,” Samus exclaimed, her main idea going to hell.

“Wait… that thing’s not flying by magic?” Rainbow Dash pipped in suddenly, asking for clarification.

“No. Use of anti-gravity generators coupled with Fusion-Reactor and Phazon/Fuel-Gel compatible Engines drive that fat-ass up there…” Samus muttered out, studying the ship above her; her face felt cooler as it blocked out Ponyville’s sunlight.

“So… its just… flying… yeah?” Rainbow tried to reason through all the big words and meaningless jargon in her perspective.

“For all intents and purposes, yes…” Samus confirmed, trying to see where the prismatic-maned pony was heading with this. Something clicked in RD’s head as things added up.

“I know how we can bring it down!... or at least turn it away!” she yelled out with urgency. Everyone else turned to her.

“Dash…?” Twilight asked uneasily.

“Pray tell, Loyalty. What do you propose?” Luna asked.

“The Sonic Rainboom!”

Silence from all parties. Samus, in particular, hadn’t an inkling of a clue of what she just said.

“Rainbow this ain’t the time for yer showing off!” Applejack angrily shot back at her.

“No! Listen! Hear me out… when I first performed the Sonic Rainboom, I later learned that all pegasi within half a mile of me were knocked out of the sky by the initial shockwave or whatever you call it. The same thing could work but on a lesser scale for something this big…” she motioned to the warship above them. Luna was about to say something but she stopped herself and thought on Dash’s words.

“Can… someone fill me in here?” Samus asked, completely in the dark.

“Yes… yes that could work!” Luna concluded. Rainbow Dash had a look of success on her face. Luna then turned to Samus.

“We now have a plan. It involves, you, Rainbow Dash, the Canterlot Air Wing, myself, and a group of soldiers,” Luna spoke… putting subtle emphasis on the last word.

Time to see what the ponies were capable of.

Author's Note:

Alright another chapter. I needed to get this one out as I've been sitting on it for a little while. A lot going on as usual but since things are heating up, expect there to be lots going on :)

Hope you enjoy!! Leave any and all comments! :D

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