• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2022


Writer, Actor, Singer, Rapper, Aspiring Brony Voice Actor, Artist, Funny Guy, College Student & Aspiring History Teacher. I'm just a guy who wants to make an impact or mark in one way, shape or form.


Let's talk · 1:24pm Jul 19th, 2020

It's been a good long while since I've logged onto this site. I haven't paroozed around much, but I don't care right now. I'm going to be serious for a minute. The site, and fandom as a whole, has a huge nazi and pedophile issue that needs to be addressed and better actions need to be taken. Sure we have outed out pedophiles in the past (toonkritic, performance major, etc.) but more and more are popping up like crazy (Andy Stein recently, formally known as MandoPony). And the nazi issue,

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Just some stuff · 4:00am Sep 14th, 2019

So, I promised to put up my BronyCon vlogs here, so I got a playlist set up for y'all to see me and other people be cirngey AF!

So, plans going forward:

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BronyCon 2019 · 10:29am Aug 24th, 2019

So...why have I not written a blog about my BronyCon experiences. Well, that's all being compiled into a series of vlogs. I am finalizing my epilogue vlog and it will be out soon. The other vlogs I have already released on my YouTube channel. I'll make another blog post where I have all the vlogs up here. So much fun was had. I am thinking about doing a "thoughts on bronycon 2019" video where I discuss somethings that happened off camera, talk about some behind the scenes stuff I heard about,

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Story Reception · 4:57am Jul 27th, 2019

Holy cow guys, I've only recently got back and my first two days back on the site, "Snowed In' was in the non-mature feature box! First of all, WOW! Second of all: thank you so much for your likes and comments. I'm truly grateful to know people enjoy the horse words I jot and write.

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Report NickyD · 346 views ·

It's been a while, huh? · 11:03pm Jun 24th, 2019

Yeah, so I've been dead silent for nearly an entire year and let me say I'm sorry for keeping you guys in the dark. Real life friggn sucks. College, holy crap, this year was a roller coaster. And it's not gonna let up. I'm gonna start student teaching in the Fall. It's exciting, don't get me wrong, but to get all the stuff for college prepared is super time consuming. AND, I also did a little substitute teaching back in May. But...I have been able to get some writing done every here and there,

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My Radio Silence · 4:56am Oct 6th, 2018

Howdy guys, sorry about my silece here. Real life and other hobbies have been taking up a lot of time for me lately, but hey, what can you do? So, let me catch you guys up on what has been going on.

My las blog left off with BronyCon, so I will start with that:

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What's to come/BronyCon · 10:37am Jun 23rd, 2018

Hey guys! Man, it has been a while, hasn't it?

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Somethin'g Comimg (Herd Of Us) · 10:38am Mar 4th, 2018

So remember that rap collab I talked about? Yeah, it's out! It's been out for a few days now. I haven't been able to show it you guys because I've been super busy. Still am btw. So, give this a listen. Me and the boys spitting some hot fire!

Also, we got featured on EQD!! Dope, ain't it?

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Philly Philly · 4:30am Feb 10th, 2018

What's happenin' y'all, hope everyone's been good lately! I've been pretty quiet on fimfic for a while now. Let me explain a few things

1) School
College has started up once again (I think I mentioned that in the last blog). The work load isn't as bad as last semester, thank god. It's fairly manageable, but it is still super time consuming. Haven't had any time to do any writing. The only writing I have been doing is for college papers.

2) Eagles

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Super Bowl Hype · 9:35pm Jan 24th, 2018

So guys... as you know, this past Sunday, this year's Super Bowl has been decided. This year, it's the New England Cheat-I mean, Patriots and...my team...THE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES!!!! HOLY CRAP I'M HYPE AS HELL!! We haven't been to a Super Bowl in 13 years!

Literally everyone has been doubting us ever since Carson Wentz went down, saying Foles won't be able to get us far. Let me tell you this, look how Big Duck Nick played against the Vikings. He was playing crazy good!

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