• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2014


I hung ae vung ee nungo rung ea sung o nung tungo wung rung i tunge ee a bung i o (note that English IS my first language)


So I'm not sure who's seen this already... · 2:52am Jun 14th, 2013

So I saw something amazing, and you've probably seen it if you were on MLB lately but I'll post it here, just to be safe.


And after seeing this I had an interesting thought. I would actually love to see a serious, legitimate fic like this. When I saw that, I don't mean a joke fic that's written for fun. I would actually like to see this done. Legitimately...Enough that I might even... *Gasp* Write something!

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Report Jaohni · 427 views ·

I just realized fimfiction is bragging... · 1:47pm Jun 7th, 2013

So today I woke up, had a shower, messed around on fruity loops for a while and then came to this site. It was then, when out of fourteen hundred unread chapters couldn't appeal to my reading tastes of the moment that I scrolled down in boredom. Then, I noticed out of the very corner of my eye, a stat that said "page generated in 0.25" seconds, or something to that effect.

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Mind Fuschia Garden (twenty points if you get that reference) · 2:33am May 29th, 2013

I just had my mind screwed with beyond any possible help. I realized something so absolutely glaringly obvious that I have no idea how it wasn't noticed by someone before. Why don't stories focus on ponies who can play music?

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Report Jaohni · 365 views ·

Our one true burning question... · 9:39pm May 15th, 2013

There is a question that all bronies ask another, at one point, and would absolutely love the chance to ask the mare, Twilight, herself.

So...What is it?

Why... Do the vampires in Twilight Sparkle

A loud and deafening silence was heard.


A crash followed the silence.

Whoah! Put the lamp down! You could break something

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Report Jaohni · 312 views ·

A piece of wisdom for you all... · 1:11am May 9th, 2013

So, today in English class I was working on writing a collaborative horror story, and I would like to present to you the following scenario. A group of teens, after having been caught not doing their work, were spending time in detention until around five-o-clock, as a result of having a really bad teacher named Mr.Lupus. As they looked around, they realized they had been so focused on their work that the teacher had left, probably some time ago. Deciding that all was good in the world if

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Lykofos · 5:06am Mar 18th, 2013

Hello and welcome all, if you are reading this then you are either very curious, stalking me, or part of the team, all of which are good reasons to come here, though I request only Lykofos team members and applicants post here. Now, I just put this up for everyone to comment on, so feel free to chat or the like, though I would appreciate it you would write down (for future reference of the writers, of course) what it is that you happen to be joining for, whether it be editing, pre-reading,

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Report Jaohni · 383 views ·

Philisophical thoughts and random shinanigans. · 4:22am Mar 1st, 2013

I have a question for one of the two people that probably actually watch me. Out of curiosity, what is it that makes a being worthy of any form of moral obligations? What I mean is, not what makes human human, but rather, what is deserving of rights like we have? How do we know that the being itself can actually think and perceptive in the way we do? The being's sensory perception could be a world different from ours, they could have no sense of what we call "art", and they could be entirely

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Report Jaohni · 243 views ·

New episode reaction (or lack thereof) · 5:20am Feb 17th, 2013

So...Twilight is an Alicorn, Celestia sang a song, and the mundane five ( Referring to the other element bearers, it doesn't nescesarily mean that they're boring, but rather reflects the relation one might see in the element bearers) had their destinies screwed with. And? I mean, everybody is all freaking out over this and here I am...Just...Not really making a big deal of it.

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Report Jaohni · 251 views ·

Well... · 8:54pm Nov 22nd, 2012

...I set up my story, 'A Mare Walks Into A Forest...' and am currently waiting for it to pass or fail. I've seen worse stories than that one, and it doesn't break any of the rules, so it should pass. On the other hand I included an O.c., and a non-English language (as a secondary function, not as the main part, there will be a few lines of it here and there, so it might fail for that,but otherwise it should be good.

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Report Jaohni · 308 views ·

I am the only one that does this... · 11:02pm Nov 7th, 2012

So...I'm writing fanfiction for my English class. You heard me right. But not just any fanfiction....SHAKESPEARE FANFICTION! No seriously, I'm not joking. Not one bit. I am going to write a Shakespeare fanfic and be happy because of it. I would be willing to bet that there is no non-school induced Shakespeare fanfiction out there. So yeah, I'm unique. Or something...Anyway, have a free picture, also if it doesn't show up you probably need to update your Flash. And possibly Java.

Report Jaohni · 224 views ·