• Member Since 17th May, 2019
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


I'm Leaf. (Fledgling) Author Extraordinaire. Everyone loves me.


Amanda was never a very popular girl. She was always too strange, too eccentric, and her obsession with a TV show from years ago certainly didn't help. She lived a fairly bland, lonely life, but she never would have said she was unhappy if you asked her.

That all changes when she wakes up to find herself transported into that very TV show. And she's not just in Equestria; She's at the start of it all, the very first episode. Knowing she can't afford to let the opportunity pass, she leaps into action, ready to join the adventure and help the Mane 6 along their journey!

Things rarely go so neatly, though, and before she can even meet Twilight, she runs into a pony who, by all accounts, shouldn't be there. Trixie is in Ponyville, and she can't believe what she's hearing. The story is just too unbelievable.

How could she be a villain?

Sucked into a reluctant alliance, Amanda—now a pony going by Starfall Sage—must try to steer Trixie towards a good ending, but as she'll discover, that's a lot easier said than done.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Desperate Devotion

Married, happy and in love, Twilight and Chrysalis are in a good place in their lives. They're living in the Canterlot Castle, sitting where Celestia and Luna once sat. They have plenty of wonderful friends, and Equestria has been at peace for a long time. If things continue as they are, they could easily live simple, fulfilled lives until they grow old together.

Neither of them were ever very content with being content, though.

After a long time spent discussing it, they finally decide to have a child, and in typical over-the-top fashion decide to have Equestria's first ever half-pony, half-changeling child.

They have no idea what's coming.

While this is a sequel to Desperate Devotion, it's set many, many years in the future. Things have changed, some of which I've written the stories of, others which I haven't. You should be able to follow along no matter what you've read beforehand, (you don't even really need to read Desperate Devotion honestly) but the status quo won't be quite what you might expect.

Chapters (37)

How bad do things have to be to resort to something as dangerous as time travel?

For Twilight, the line is an apocalypse. A world of fear and despair forged by years of failures. Years where she got nowhere. She doesn't know what caused it, or how to stop it. She doesn't even know where to look.

None of that matters anymore, though.

She's out of time.

Chapters (13)

Pinkie Pie gets sad sometimes. It's just a fact of life, and it's one Fluttershy had to get used to when they got together. Sometimes Pinkie gets sad, and all Fluttershy can do is be there for her.

Pinkie is brash during these episodes, though, and that can cause problems. Such is the case when she's spending time alone at her "thinking spot," the mirror pool in the Everfree Forest, and an accident leads to her falling straight into it.

The magic of the pool splits her in two, and suddenly there's a new Pinkie in town. She isn't there to party, though, and her sour expression and flat mane don't seem like they're going to disappear anytime soon.

She'll just have to learn to live with it.

This story is set in the same universe as most of my other stories, and as such the setting and characters may be a little different than they appear in the show. None of my other stories are required reading for this one, but they do have context for why characters may look slightly different or live in a different town.

Going the other way, this story does have slight spoilers for other stories in the chronology, notably for my last story.

If you'd like to read the other works in this universe, you can do so here!

Chapters (20)

Thousands of years ago, Equestria was a dark place. Safety was a resource few could afford, and fewer still could provide. The creatures of the night were no exception, and when it came time for them to band together, a single pony rose to lead them.

This cruel, unforgiving man came to be known as Count Dracula.

Some years later, tensions had calmed. A leader was still needed, but many grew spiteful towards the Count's harsh, violent means. Amongst those unhappy was his daughter, and after much hardship, the reign of Count Dracula came to an end.

Thus was born Lady Dracula.

Now, Equestria has changed again. No longer is it fraught with danger and distrust, and Dracula has come to a decision. It's time for her to step down, and make room for a new Dracula.

A kinder one.

This is set in the same universe as many of my other stories, seen here. None are necessary to read before this story, but they are there if you want them.

Use your discretion with regards to the gore and violence tags. It's a vampire story and I am not a subtle person. The tags are there for good reason.

Chapters (32)

Applejack and Luna have been dating for some time, and in that time Applejack has watched as Luna tore herself up inside over long held frustrations that never waned. Luna does her best to control those emotions, locking them away in the recesses of her mind, but that may be doing more harm than good.

Applejack wants Luna to air her frustrations before they air themselves, but after so long, Luna simply isn't able to. Every part of her that could, all assertiveness and confidence and anything else that made Nightmare Moon who she was, is locked away too deep to dig out. As she is, Luna has no choice but to bottle it all up.

So, it's time for Nightmare Moon to make a return.

This is set in the same universe as my short story anthology, but it'll stand entirely on its own. There's no need to read any of those other stories, but they are there if you're interested!

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Desperate Devotion

One of the most common things asked after any story is "Well, what happened next?" It's an understandable desire, especially with light, fluffy stories. You've seen this important moment in the characters' lives, but what about the rest? How do they spend their regular days?

Well, that's more or less what this is. It's a collection of short, slice of life stories all set in the same "canon," so to speak. One world, one set of characters who grow and change as the stories go on.

Things start around season 7; think post-castle, but pre-school, with some slight alterations to characters' relationships. It's just regular old Ponyville. No grand machinations, no impending doom, just a group of friends living their lives.

For the sake of neatness and ease of access, all the stories will be found right here. You can jump straight into chapter 1 and not have to worry about missing anything. The parenthesis after each chapter title shows who I feel are the most prominent characters in a story. It's not always romantic.

Chapters (21)

Fluttershy gets home one day to find Pinkie in a full-on breakdown. Or at least, that's how things look, but Pinkie is as cheery and bubbly as ever. She seems content with her new look, but Fluttershy is determined to make sure Pinkie is okay.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis is sick of Twilight always getting in the way of her plans. So sick of it, in fact, that she's willing to do anything in her power to stop Twilight from stopping her. She'll even go so far as to fall in love with her greatest foe.

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy and Pinkie have been dating for a few months, but Fluttershy still hasn't met most of Pinkie's family. So, Pinkie decides that Marble's birthday party is the perfect opportunity to introduce them.

Secretly, though, Pinkie isn't exactly confident that things will go smoothly, especially with some of the rougher parts of her family.

Chapters (1)