• Member Since 30th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I'm just here to have a good time and write


Fic Illustrations, Open for Scene Suggestion · 4:26pm Jun 17th, 2022

Hey, long time no post! Okay, maybe not that long, but it has been a few months since I've posted anything. I don't really have an excuse for that, I just sorta... Stopped writing? The next Shadow of a Doubt chapter's been nearly done for months, though the chapter after that has been a bit difficult to plan out.


Anyway! Onto the topic of the blog title!

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You can now read Made With Love in Russian! · 8:30pm Jan 16th, 2022

Thanks to KolyanGOLD, for the first time ever, one of my stories has been translated for the first time! I'm not actually sure how many people who follow me will read it in Russian, but seeing as it's the first time one of my stories has been translated, it's a neat little accomplishment.

Links can be found in the story's description, if anyone would like to check that out.


Story updates, + some other non-story stuff · 12:09am Sep 22nd, 2021

First of all, if you haven't seen yet, look what updated for the first time in a year! New cover art and everything, I'd never been too big of a fan of the old art, it was never my best... Though I forgot to leave room for the title, oops. I'll figure that out eventually. It's also blurry, for some reason. The art is not like that when clicked on or sourced, however.

TNo Second Chances
It's not easy, keeping the truth of the dead secret.
MayhemMoth · 15k words  ·  55  5 · 1.2k views

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Would anyone be interested if I offered writing commissions · 2:05am Jun 28th, 2021

It's never been a thing I'd considered too much, I've always considered writing harder than art, but the last blog wasn't actually the end of my money troubles... I'm not desperate for money, I have food and a place to live, but I am jobless and would like to have some money saved for emergencies. There's been a lot of those lately. All pets are fine though! Just... Anxious now, after everything.

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I don't really have a title for this · 11:12pm May 23rd, 2021

So if anyone remembers, back in February my cats all caught colds, and I was particularly worried about one of them, Reeses. Thankfully, they all recovered, but I still really needed to take Reeses to the vet because I was worried about her.

I finally did yesterday. It was too late to do anything though. Feel free to ignore this blog if talk of animal suffering and death bothers you, I just need to talk about this, even if it's to no one in particular.

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Pony restoration · 6:23am May 10th, 2021

So even though I only really got into writing or drawing pony back when S9 was airing, I've actually been into it for a really long time. I even still have a few old ponies from back when I was a kid, sitting around in various places. Decided to dig them out, and these two in particular were... Well, rough. They're both over 15 years old, and were given to my sister and I as children, so they're obviously well played with. So I decided some cleaning was in order.

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Four Days · 6:03am Apr 28th, 2021

If this is still featured tomorrow, it will have been up there for four days.

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Everything's out to get me for my writing I guess · 9:06pm Apr 14th, 2021

Having an issue with Google Drive, which is where I write all my stories. Probably a stupid choice of a writing program but when my only other choice is an automatic word pad that's just not at all pleasing to look at or write on, I'm going with what I've got. Anyway, last night I opened my document, and it was basically uneditable.

EDIT: Sometimes the solution is the simplest thing.

Chapter 16 of Shadow of a Doubt for example:

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Happy anniversary to my descent into madness · 11:49pm Apr 6th, 2021

Beginning of the End premiered two years ago.

I only posted this to Youtube so I could put it here, don't expect anything else from me. Unless I figure out how to record my art process, but I think that'd be boring.

Today, I allowed you to hear my voice, tomorrow, who knows?


So do you guys like books? · 12:09am Mar 29th, 2021

Do you like physical pony fanfics? Do you like human in Equestria? Do you like human-turned-pony? Do you like my art?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions, may I point you to Boopy Doopy's story, I Am Not Sombra, now available for physical purchase right here.

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