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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

More Blog Posts481

  • 5 weeks
    Letters arc complete and posting Monday with Chapter 10 of The Knight, The Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll too

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  • 8 weeks
    Sun will be down for maintenance on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience. --NASA

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    EA Total Eclipse Of The Fun
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  • 16 weeks
    Goodbye Toby Keith, American Legend

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  • 21 weeks
    New Year 2024- New Projects 1939

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Quick survey on Letters From a Little Princess Monster · 1:41am Nov 14th, 2023

Summary: I have two more chapters done in Letters. Post them now or post them after I'm done with the arc in two more chapters or so? Upvote the comment that matches your opinion. Including a snippet just to let you know I'm not addicted to cliffhangers⁽*⁾. Oh, and I blame Estee for what happens to Green Grass. She's the one who came up with the idea of his special talent. It made me think. That's a bad sign.
(*) Sometimes, I will throw characters off very tall airships instead of cliffs.

The anger she felt was real, but restrained by the importance of her task.  This was only one step in saving her friends and everypony else in the Crystal Empire.  Shiny could not keep his shield up forever, and the growing shadows below would eventually wear him down, tear down the shield, and flood into the unseen city on the winds of the huge blizzard.

If… No, because Green Grass’ magical talent appeared to unconsciously protect him during magical accidents, it had to know how important this was to his survival.  The idea of a cutie mark that thought was unusual to Monster’s distorted mind, but the theory fit into the hypothesis, and all that remained was the experiment to prove it.  Or maybe she had those reversed.  Anyway, it was time as Trixie would say to go all in and call the universe’s bluff.

Above them in the airship’s rigging there was the sudden clanging of a bell and the captain’s voice calling out. “All cargo and passengers report secured!  Trim the sails and rig for rapid descent.”

“Descent?” said Green Grass, looking wide-eyed and panicked.

“It’s the only way to save our friends,” said Monster.  “I trust you.”

Sunny’s young voice shouted, “We’re ready in cargo, Captain Celaeno.”

Almost immediately, the airship began to nose over and the bell from before started clanging in an unbroken sequence of harsh notes.  “All hands to crash positions,” called out the captain.  “Ramming speed!  Dive!  Dive!  DIVE!”

“Uh, Twilight?” started her tutor as the airship continued to nose over until it was pointed nearly straight down at the glittering magical dome glowing with fire in the light of the setting sun and began to pick up speed.  “Is this the way—”

“Sunny said you got hurt by her uncle earlier, but not killed.  Other ponies got eaten.  You lived.  Made me think.”

Comments ( 11 )
Georg #1 · Nov 14th, 2023 · · 1 ·

Approve this comment if you want me to publish the two chapters now. (i.e. Tue and Wed morning)

Approve this comment if you want me to wait until I'm done with the arc.

Before I vote: would this be "two chapters now, only God knows when the rest will be done" or "full arc semi-soon"?

I mean, we've waited this long, might as well get the whole thing in one belly-bursting shot at this point.

5754834 Well, I've got them mentally roughed out, and winter is my best writing time. After Christmas at least. If I had to write for a living, I'm afraid I'd be living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

If only there were some way for us to get money to you...

Shit, with the economy being the way it is, could you even afford the cardboard at that point?

I think Capper might like living in a cardboard box. My cat seemed to enjoy them.

Also, I started reading the little mini update and immediately forgot it was just a blurb. Then I got to the end and now I'm sad. Nooooooooo. Anyway, looking forward to more either tomorrow or when you get to it next. Gonna love it either way.

I didn't even know thos story was still being written.

5754872 Yes, I'm still writing. (ouch, that hurt) I just have a number of real-world responsibilities as a grandfather and husband and almost-retiree so my pace has slowed slightly, and I've got multiple projects including a sell-for-real-money story (The Young Knight, the Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll). Heck, I've been writing Monster for over a decade as of January.
5754864 To be honest, I have too many relatives in this country to be properly destitute. The wife and I would be in somebody's spare bedroom somewhere, working at QuickTrip.
5754862 Kids today don't know what real cardboard was like. In my day, we had cardboard that would stand up under the sun and rain. It was tough. We used to wrestle the rats for it, and they were big rats.
5754841 In a line of a hundred authors, sorted by need of extra cash to keep writing, I'd be at the very back and probably talking about video games. I write because it's fun.

Survey looks like I should wait until the end of the arc to hit publish, so let me scratch down some quick notes for what you should expect

Ch. 94 - You will believe a dragon can fly - Not
Ch. 95 - You will believe a unicorn can fly - Not Also
Ch. 96 - Is It Cold In Here Or Is It Just Trixie
Ch. 97 - Sunburst Gets Well-Needed Therapy. Also His Mother Starts To Call Him Doctor Sunburst. (end of arc)

Ch. 98 - Sunset (if I get permission)

I have a Chinese take-out box I'm willing to contribute to the effort. On the plus side, no need for Kung Pao incense, I've git that covered! :rainbowlaugh:

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