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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts508

  • Thursday
    June Plans - Hammies, Reversal, and more (Update Blog)

    June is almost here, and boy, there's a lot to go over. A tl;dr section will have to be put towards the end of the blog post, but if you want more in-depth stuff, then you should just read on.

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  • Thursday
    Screw Poll; do both!

    Screw the poll; I'm just going to do both. Reason? Simple really: I have a lot of built up creativity that needs to go some where. Plus, right now, my mind's got plenty of ideas for the Hamtaro fic.

    Regardless, expect a more proper update blog soon-ish.

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  • Wednesday
    Tiebreker Poll

    The results from the poll are in, and there was a tie between the Hamtaro Crossover fic, and the reversed roles universe fic. So, as a result, a tiebreaker poll is now being run. You can find the poll here: https://strawpoll.com/GPgVY2X5Bna

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  • Tuesday
    Poll time is running out!

    Time is running out for voting on the poll: https://strawpoll.com/B2ZBEm0RxgJ

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  • Tuesday
    Cool-down Poll Update - Hamtaro in lead

    As I'm winding down for the day, I decided to check the poll again (link here) and found the Hamtaro x MLP:FiM crossover in the lead. I know that I made three polls talking about this today, so tomorrow, I will only be checking the poll once tomorrow (which is your last day to even vote in the poll btw) which will be around mid-day. And if you are

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Strike. Fucking. Two. · 11:44pm May 17th

Here we go...NIntendo has to be Nintendo here and do something Nintendo because why would Nintendo not do something Nintendo?

A while back, there was this supposed DMCA notice for Gary's Mod so that any and all Nintendo content would be removed from that game. Thing is, a troll had been going around issuing fake DMCAs so a debate started. Recently; as in a few days ago; the DMCA notice was discovered to be a legit DMCA, which was strike one if only for the reason that Gary's Mod has gone 18+ years with the Nintendo content on the service and it's only now Nintendo has decided there's an issue? While I could argue that Nintendo is in their legal right to take this stuff down; which they are, don't get me wrong; the fact that the content has been here for 18+ years without issue is like your favorite local ice cream shop has sold the most amazing ice cream for 18 years without issue and suddenly some big ice cream chain suddenly claims copyright on the formula that the local business owner is using. It's a serious middle finger that I really can't see a logical reason behind.

But I was holding out hope that this would be a one time thing, but now Nintendo has canceled physical pre-orders from Walmart & Amazon for the Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake on switch. This serously has no reason I can see existing that would be good enough for this. And now I'm really worried that future physical pre-orders will be shut down for little to no reason. Meaning if this continues and all physical pre-orders are canceled, it means that the only way your getting a physical copy is to buy the game day one and fight the crowds in doing so.

Honestly, this makes zero sense. It's basically shooting yourself in the foot three ways from sunday. Fans have been begging for this, and now Nintendo is starting to take down physical pre-orders?

This is officially strike two on Nintendo in my eyes. Which means that I'll need to do some future proofing. Thankfully, there's not much I have to do with The Legend as I only really have to change the name of the cargo ship where Ark 7 takes place. I'll probably just go with some generic name such as calling it the "UNA Cargo Hold" or something along those lines as I can't be assed to come up with anything too original for something that is ultimately going to blow up.

But, it does mean that potentially if a third strike does occur, it'll cause me to have to delete My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot from my account as well as Video Game Cossover Saga Finale - Stop the Ultimate Reset and I was hoping to legit make the saga whole this year, but if Nintendo does something Nintendo and it's super mega bad, then I have to cancel those plans and have to reboot the "When Friendship Shimmers" universe for the second time. And that will not make me happy to have to reboot that universe TWICE.

So yeah, if I suddenly delete My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot out of left field, and you don't see a blog post related to that within a day, it'll be safe to assume that Nintendo did something Nintendo again and it was bad enough to where I just cannot defend them any further.

Report RobtheMorpherPony · 62 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

I also don’t know why Nintendo is doing this and I am with you and agree with you.

Ugh, Nintendo is doing this now? Where were they during the past decade? Even though I love the games the company makes, the decisions they have with copyright and this kind of stuff is absolutely stupid. If there's one thing that Sega does that Nintendon't, it's allowing fans to make they're own Sonic fan games and become they're own game designer and find passion for it, as long as no profit is involved with them, fans can go nuts, this just shows how some company's are better then others with certain things, if this happens to your story's dude, I'm sorry, and Nintendo is to blame for it.

I'm really hoping I don't have to reboot the "When Friendship Shimmers" universe for the second time.

Plus, like I said, Gary's Mod has been just fine with having Nintendo Content on it for at least 18 years now and it's only now that Nintendo decides they have issues with their content being in Gary's Mod. Like hello, why do you suddenly care Nintendo?

Topping it off with the physical recall of Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remakes on Switch for Walmart & Amazon is just also none sensible. You may as well just shoot your self in the foot with that one. I'm hoping this doesn't spread beyond Walmart & Amazon, but time will tell if Nintendo decides to be more Nintendo with that front...

(I won't really count that as Strike 3 as I have a plan in case the physical pre-order recall spreads further. What would be strike three is if something just would be on these same levels.)

I do not want you to have to reboot that story, Nintendo being a pain about copyright now is so stupid, calling off physical releases of their new games is what I agree when you say" Shooting themselves in the foot" It won't sell nearly as well as Nintendo will hope, it will just be a waste of money. And Like I previously said, Sega at least allows Sonic fans to make they're own Sonic fan games as long as no profit is involved, do you REALLY think Nintendo would be alright with Chaos X remaking Sonic 06 if it was their property? Or if people were to remake Mario Sunshine in Unreal Engine 5? No. Because it's decisions like these that makes Nintendo look like idiots, not Warner Bros level of idiots, but still really stupid.

I don't want to have to reboot the story either, but if Nintendo decides to pull a Nintendo like this again, I'd rather distance my profile from that sort of very obvious corporate greed.

Hey at least it's not as awful as what Disney is doing to the Lion King right now with retconning the Lion King universes lore by having Mufasa be the own to usurp Taka( aka Scar) and become king of the Pride Lands for the sake of money, I've been done with corporations like Disney because of Wish, and they keep making these kinds of decisions, this is just digging Disney's live action " Remake" crap all the more deeper, if you've seen the trailer for Mufasa, you can tell people are FURIOUS with that movie, let's just agree to not see that dumpster fire, and go see Sonic 3 instead for Keanu Reeves as Shadow and Jim Carrey.

I've not really been into Disney since they started doing live action (minus the first three Toy Stories which I don't mind are live action because it works; I have not watched Toy Story 4 and have no plans to do so atm.)

But funnily enough, speaking of Wish, it's sad when a youtube creator has created not one, but two villain songs that are better then "This Is The Thanks I Get?".

(If you don't know what I'm referring to, you have not been watching SMG4 on youtube during the Puzzle Vision arc. Both the "Villain Song" from "Once Upon an SMG4" and "Creative Control" from the arc's fubake movie "Puzzlevision". Seriously, go look both songs up on youtube after you read this. Even if "Villain Song" is short, it's still better then "This is the The Thanks I Get?" from Wish. And "Creative Control" is a bop.)

Smg4 is a gem of a youtuber, and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have GLITCH Productions, and we wouldn't have shows like Murder Drones and Digital Circus because of him, he help that group thanks to all the support he's had over the years, and right now he's probably making more money and making better quality stuff then Disney is, a hilarious youtuber is making better stuff then Disney because he actually cares about what he makes, let's hope Glitch doesn't get money hungry and can make the Indie shows that we all love.

Highly doubt SMG4 will do that. Heck, one of their arcs was made just to avoid any potential lawsuits from Nintendo.

(If you know the arc, then you know the arc. Won't be hard to even narrow which arc it is, since the name literally gives it away.)

I'm just glad someone like SMG4 is helping other people make shows that are Indie productions, stuff that are Indie means that the creator has as much time as they need and they can work on they're projects without a deadline, and for shows like Murder Drones I'm glad it's getting the time it needs because the recent episode was awesome with it's horror theme and fights.

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