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Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.

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Not as bad as i thought · 7:52pm Nov 5th, 2015

It looked like in order to preserve what has happened but remove the controversy, all i had to do was remove the implied sex from the scene in chapter 106. It now cuts off before anything can happen that makes the reader draw a firm line to 'then sex happened'

All the dialogue from the following chapter still works, and the next chapter will confirm all removal anything pointing towards it.

Yeah, fine, slight spoilers about what actually happened, but i'd rather have it be this way than look like some idiot who didn't understand the deeper implications of something i had written myself.

I repeat. A small portion of the scene with Spitfire in her room in chapter 106 was cut off to remove implications of a certain detestable act and will be further solidified with chapter 108. This has not changed anything in my outline, i did not have to heavily alter my ideas, in fact if i hadn't it would have complicated other plans i had going forward in terms of how i wanted the readers to react to certain things.

There will be a note about this at the beginning of chapter 108 as well. Sorry for any confusion, i just DO. NOT. want to deal with any controversial subjects in the comments or start discussion/arguments about such things, this is not the place for them.

So i will be deleting all comments related to the subject as well.

Report Calm Wind · 889 views · Story: Piercing the Heavens ·
Comments ( 22 )

I feel like mistakes are what help us grow. This didn't even seem like a mistake. A bit of controversy is healthy for getting inside your readers' heads.

I personally thought you had meant that to be there. Though I guess that would probably warrant a dark tag.


but it was controversy i didnt want, and the way people were approaching it and discussing it made me feel like i hadn't considered it fully and would be branded as someone who doesn't give much of a damn about the subject.



And believe it or not, it was not what i wanted to imply, which goes to show how much i screwed up because really it was right in front of me.


I was thinking about asking you that during my pass on the edits, but I sincerely thought that's what you had meant to do. I was definitely surprised you were taking it that far at that point. I assumed the reveal would come a bit earlier. At the cost of adding a dark tag, it would have made for pretty good shock value.

good job and it sounds like a Farley easy fix.
Thanks you Calm Wind for the effort in you story and the time you are devoting to it.

I didn't find it all that bad actually


And i felt the same, but two things happened that i didn't want to happen, the first being discussions about it in the comments and the second, damage to how the readers viewed certain things that would damage the impact of later events. i didn't take it into account when i outlined that part nor when i wrote it.

Some of the shock value will be lost, but a lot of the impact will remain. it wont have any effect on the course of the story and the fix was a lot simpler than i first thought.


but some people did. This sin't me bending over backwards for my readers though, this is me realizing something had a very large unintended effect and it had to be removed for the sake of future story events.

As one of the readers who commented, may I say, thank you. I certainly didn't mean to browbeat you or anything, but I'm really glad you made the change. Can't wait for the next chapter, this truly is a fantastic read.


it wasn't so much me reacting to you guys as it was you all making me aware that i didn't quite consider every angle people could look at it with.

Worry not, im not angry at a single commenter, i just didn't want it to be drawn from it, but it was, and so im taking measures to both remove it and remove any conversation of it.

I didn't really have a problem with the scene and the implied actions

Mistakes happen, it's something where you don't truly see the error until you see the peoples reaction to it. I can understand that it can get 'exciting' when your on a long writing streak. I'm glad this is being looked over. Being a long time reader, I sometimes get too emotionally invested into the story, then boom bam it's the red wedding all over again. Just file that chapter under "Directors Cut". But no matter what mistakes happen your still my favorite author and PTH is still my absolute favorite Fic no matter where it goes.

While I personally had no issue with the goings on behind closed doors in recent chapters, I can understand the need for a change in the eyes of many. A responsible decision to calm a growing storm as you will...

A stories path can only be chosen by the author, but may be influenced by those surrounding it. Whether this means that possible mistakes are noticed before they have a chance to be written into a greater portion of the story, or whether a change which effects the whole timeline is made to appease the masses is made, as long as the authors views remain unaltered within the fictional world, the story will continue to entertain as it always has.

this may be incomprehensible babble, but i just mean to say that whichever path you chose to take, it is one that should be respected.


thanks, and just for the record, i don't make changes to appease the readers. I did that once in the past and it really threw my plans for a loop.

Doing so also goes against the spirit of writing, you write what is in your heart and your mind, not what is in the heart and mind of others.

This was a case where i didn't consider a certain reaction to how i portrayed something until i saw a widespread reaction i didn't want/wasn't expecting. The change was made to make sure osmething worked how it was supposed to later... and because i felt i myself had goofed. While the readers are the ones that influenced the decision i didnt change it because of them.

In fanfiction you have the luxury to make changes whenever and however. If this were a real book and i had to run it through professional publishers and proofreaders, im sure that would have been brought to my attention.

3524032 That was kinda what i was trying to get at, I do remember that time and how it did send a little bit of a spin through the whole story. This story is your world, not ours, so all decisions should be yours. But again, incomprehensible, exam study and trying to make sure the new puppy doesn't ruin the house... So my words dont exactly work at the moment...

NO, man, that is cowardice, some people will always get mad when something that they consider inappropriate appears in something they like, they will always want to destroy it, just look what happened to derpy, if you remove it then you sacrifice realism, you don't like controversy? ignore the comments or deactivate them but please don't become something like disney.

*Insert comment about relief here*


I did not remove it for the sake of the readers, i removed it for my sake. I didn't want to convey Rape, but when i realized what i wrote could be looked at as rape from a different angle, i wanted to remove it.

I don't bend over backwards for my readers, i've done it once in this story back in part 2 and it was disastrous, forcing me to alter my outline so things still worked.

This was a decision i came to based on reading responses and thinking about what I wanted in my story. I realized i crossed a line i didn't want to cross, so in order to not have this crawling on my back, i removed it. It did not alter anything, i had to remove a few lines from one scene and alter one line of dialogue in the upcoming chapter.

This story is my own and i am bombarded by readers EVERY SINGLE DAY about what they want me to do in the story or what they hope i will do in the story (mostly over PM) but i always tell them the same thing, this story is set in stone, i have an outline that im following, it's not being made up as i go along. This was a rare case where i realized what happened would heavily effect something i had planned later, so i changed it.

It was all my choice alone.

3524961 well, rape or not, it fitted the character, at least subconsciously in your mind you know rapidfire would do that, otherwise you wouldn't have written it, also there have previously been other contradictions and you havent changed anything, but in the end its your decision.


no, i wrote it with the mindset that it wasn't rape only to look back later and realize it was/could easily be perceived that way, which i didn't want. It didn't say "Rapidfire rapes Spitfire" in my outline, there was nothing about Rape in my outline period.

It was brought to my attention through comments, yes, but it wasn't the comments that made me decide to change it, it was my own choice after going back and looking it over. It wasn't a knee jerk 'oh shit they don't like it' reaction. I don't get on my knees and bow my head to the readers and what they like/think, any change to the story post submission is because i wanted it. I've had plenty of things people have disliked, i have some followers who talk about they hate certain characters or don't like how something happened. I have people demand for certain things to be in the story. I don't change a single thing for any of them. It's mine, not theirs.

I felt like i made a blunder after looking at it again, so I decided to tweak it. For my sake, and for the sake of future story events. Past contradictions in the story have all been minor and not in dire need of change nor have they been of much significance to the main course of the storyline. THIS... was. So i felt it necessary, and since it was in such a recent chapter, the whole thing was still fresh in everyone's mind. Easy fix, now it's back on the course I want it.

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