• Member Since 21st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 27th, 2020


Just some random guy. [Retired]

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  • 261 weeks
    Speed Paintings

    It's been a while, huh? I don't really have much to say on my end, but I figured you guys might enjoy seeing some more speed paintings, as LeStrange has been kind enough to produce some more videos of the artwork that will appear in Exchange's book.

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  • 284 weeks
    Book Update

    Hey there! It's been a while, so I figured I'd make a post just to let you know the project is still moving along. Currently we're waiting on artwork to be completed. There's a good amount of it— 1 cover + 19 interior illustrations— so it'll be a while yet before we reach the finish line. For those interested, you can find a speed paint of Chapter 1's illustration

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  • 300 weeks
    Reader Survey

    Hey there, quick question for you guys.

    Let's hypothetically say that there'll be a hardcover of Exchange printed which'll include a good amount of interior artwork. Which scenes / events / etc from the story would you like to see illustrated? Please let me know in the comments below, and keep in mind that you don't have to choose just one!

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  • 305 weeks
    Exchange Hardcover Poll - UPDATED

    This is a V.I.P. (very important poll) and your response is greatly appreciated!

    IMPORTANT UPDATE #1: The cost of the book (including shipping) has been revised down to about $50 with the exception of some potential edge cases. If that influences your decision, please indicate it in a comment below.

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  • 321 weeks
    Final Status Update: Stepping Away

    First of all, to avoid any confusion, yes, this is one of THOSE posts. If you follow a bunch of people on Fimfic you've more likely than not seen a "leaving the fandom" post every now and then. Well, this one's mine.

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Remembering Rainbro · 9:36pm Jan 4th, 2017

Allow me to take you on a journey to the past.

The year was 2012, and on a certain section of a chinese cartoon image board, a very odd phenomenon was taking shape. Little humorous stories about a wayward human named Anon and his misadventures in the fictional world of Equestria were starting to appear, much to the combined delight and disgust of the posters there.

Anon faced many trials and tribulations in these stories, usually in the form of a certain little yellow pony who would attempt to rape was overly friendly toward our hero. But it wasn't just her-- often other ponies like AJ and Twilight would get into the mix too. Sometimes it would seem like the entire world was against poor Anon.

But thankfully, he often had an ally. A friend to help protect him and drive those overly-amorous mares away. A best pal, a drinking buddy, a confidant, a loyal, steadfast, trustworthy companion... a Bro.

Rainbro Dash stories were some of the first to appear on ol' /mlp/, and though they've long since fallen out of style, they're an irreplaceable aspect of AiE's history. In these stories, Rainbow Dash acts as a best friend for Anon, often defending him against one or more of the "rapist" ponies in what at first glance appears to be a totally platonic but undoubtedly awesome bromance.

But, as with most things, there's something more below the surface. It turns out Rainbro usually has a barely-hidden crush on our plucky human as well, and faces an internal struggle over whether or not to act on it. After all, getting romantically involved with a Bro is a major violation of the Bro-Code! It doesn't help that Anon is also portrayed as the most dense, clueless character to ever exist in fiction, so most of her signs go unnoticed. He doesn't know what wingboners are, understand flirting or innuendo, or even what blushing means most of the time. Some of the lines relating to this are still gut-bustingly funny to me even all these year later, as most of the comedy centers around his unbelievable obliviousness and what Rainbow has to do to overcome it, if she can even admit her crush to herself in the first place.

Given their simple nature, Rainbro stories were usually small oneshots. Some bigger stories, such as this one written by some forgotten soul, incorporate Rainbro elements as part of the larger narrative, but are not totally focused on it.

This post will take you on a guided tour of some Rainbro stories so you can see what they're all about. As time moved on, the Flutterrape aspects would slip away and spin off into their own little thread, leaving the focus entirely on Anon and Rainbow's evolving relationship. Being an FR author myself, I like both types of stories, but some preferred one over the other. Regardless, both styles will be represented here.

Without further ado, let's get started!

First Rainbro Fic
Written by Leucine
Click to Read

Anon's relationship with his Rainbro is tested after she works up the courage to confess her true feelings to him.

This is one of the oldest Rainbro stories I could find, and it's also a great starting point as it contains many of the core elements of early Rainbro fics. It's also not the only story by Leucine that will appear in this list, as you'll find a wildly different one further below. Still, starting here will give you a good idea of how things tend to play out in these stories. You'll find the Flutterrape elements front-and-center at the beginning, but they gradually give way to the relationship drama between the two protagonists as the story goes on.

So, have fun? Even laugh a little? Good, I hope you're warmed up, 'cause it's time to get a little wacky.

Assorted Rainbro Stories
Written by Dashisbestpone
Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 3

Various tales of two Bros who were obviously meant for each other, even if they may not realize it.

One thing to keep in mind about Rainbro stories is the fact that both the protagonists... well... they're not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, if you get my drift. But they're so cute together, you can't help but root for them anyway. Here are three silly, short Rainbromantic Comedies by one of AiE's early authors. It's strange, even after all this time, I never discovered who his favorite pone was. I suppose it'll be yet another mystery lost to the ages...

Rainbow Dash Gets Fleas
Written by Jazzteeth
Click to Read

Rainbow Dash somehow gets a bad case of fleas, forcing her to ask to her best bro Anon for help.

This is a situation I think we've all found ourselves in at one point or another. Your best buddy gets fleas, and before you know it you're both naked, sitting in the bathtub, covered in shampoo and going through their hair with a fine-toothed comb trying to catch and kill the little bastards. And of course they can never sit still while you're working, so you're guaranteed to get shampoo in your eyes when they suddenly start flailing around...

What? Of course we're talking about dogs! What did you think I meant?

Anyway, as we've firmly established by now, dogs and ponies are practically the same thing, so a story like this was bound to pop up sooner or later. This one doesn't have the romantic subtext, but it is an excellent example of the Bromance between Anon and RD. It's also written by Jazzteeth so you're guaranteed to have a good time.

What are you waiting for? Go on, click it already!

Please Proof Me! and Please Dress Me!
Written by Hazardus_Havard
Click here and here to read.

Rainbow asks Anon for help with a few things, though she may just have ulterior motives...

Now we're moving into the more cute side of things. If the author's name sounds familiar, it's worth noting that Hazardus_Havard is the author of the well known (though sadly unfinished) An Alien Walks Amongst Us, which is a good read if you're a fan of Minty and CandyButt.

Anyway, these are two super cute little Rainbro stories that I'm sure you'll enjoy, so give 'em a read!

A Rainbow in Winter Air
Written by Leucine
Click to Read

Anon and Rainbow get snowed in during winter, and the cramped quarters force them to make a much needed admission.

As I said above, this story from Leucine is much different than the first. Far from being comedic or silly, this one is really sweet and has a great atmosphere. Definitely a comfy story to read on a cold winter day.

Dash Tries to Win Your Heart
Written by Flutterpriest
Click to Read

Anon crashes and burns during his attempt to ask out his crush. Maybe spending some time with his best bro Dash will help ease the pain?

Even though Rainbro stories were a fad that has long since passed, that doesn't mean new ones aren't still written from time to time! This one, produced by local lovable scamp and part-time workplace romance advice columnist Flutterpriest, takes a look at how a Rainbro romance would play out through a slightly more realistic lens. The story presents a nice character arc and has a satisfying conclusion. I'm really glad he decided to expand it beyond the little short story it originally was, and based on the reception it got, it looks like most of his readers were as well!

Then and Now
Written by Theseus
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Epilogue

As a child, Anon is suddenly thrown into Equestria, where he comes to meet both a deranged stalker and a true friend.

So, you made it this far, huh? Congrats! I hope you've enjoyed these Rainbro stories. I saved the best for last for you, trust me.

This particular Flutterrape-themed story might be a little more serious in tone than you're used to. You also might wonder whether this is actually a Rainbro story or not at the start! But don't worry, just keep going and you'll see why this is not only my favorite story on the list, but one of my favorite FR stories period. The only reason I've held it back until now was because I knew I'd be making a Rainbow-themed post at some point down the line. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I did when I first read it!

Well, I suppose that's it for this time. Happy reading!

"Th-thanks, bro..."

Report getmeouttahere · 1,744 views · Story: I Dream of Luna ·
Comments ( 11 )

i had that EXACT flame shirt when i was younger...always wondered where it went..

Oh man! Look at all these awesome stories on here! Im happy that so many authors that shaped Me are being prai-

*sees mine*


GMOH y u do Dis.

Seriously though. I miss theseus. That lovable bastard.

4369344 Are you Anon, by any chance ?

I'm surprised there is no Lero.

Yeah. One of the most well known "rainbro" stories was Xenophelia. Damn good fic.

oh u. Don't be so modest, it was a cute story and I was very happy it got the proper expansion it deserved.

And yes, I miss Theseus too. ;_;

I've heard rumors that that was originally an AiE story, but was never able to confirm anything one way or another. I could swear my first exposure to it was reading the text embedded in an image on some image board with Anon as the MC name, but it's been so long there's no telling if that's true or not. Either way, everyone already knows that one, so it'd be kind of a waste of a slot here.

Thank you so much for doing these blogs, I'd never find good stories like these otherwise

I just finished reading First Rainbro and I liked it. It should be uploaded here.:pinkiesmile:

Also, reading that story has opened my eyes to something.

1.I think I'll add this to my favorite type of stories like Flutterrape

2. We need some more Twirape fics. There is barely anything here with a AnonxTwi rape.

Thank you once again for the reading list.

These scenarios really bring out Rainbow's brand of cuteness, these armor cracks. Hers is a unique, awkward cute. It's in there, but she's holding it back, so actually seeing it is so satisfying.

Thx for these lists. You got some good taste as always.

I know this thread is old, but I just want to say that I just finished reading Then and Now and loved it. It was both funny, sad and enjoyable. Fluttershy never learns and Twilight doesn't reveal her feeling for Anon. :fluttershysad:

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