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Winter Is Coming (But Not to Florida) · 11:34pm Dec 17th, 2017

Got your attention?


I'm an old dude. Well, older than most of y'all. Once upon a time, I had the super creative sexual vigor that allowed me to sit down and hammer horse words into a hot sopping wet word processor for hours at a time. That was maybe five years ago. Now I'm considerably sadder, fatter, and at least one electoral holocaust beyond the ability to taste the succulent nectar of happiness.

Long story short, I don't quite have the stamina that I used to for balancing holidays and retail work and horse wordery all at once. Or maybe I do have the stamina but I'm just too short-winded to reach past my exponentially increasing dad-fat to grasp it.

I have two SS&E oneshots I wanna do this week. Well... one oneshot that I absolutely need to do and the other one I want to. I'm starting to feel that they won't get finished unless I make them the one and only focus of my writing.

Whelp, I think that's a good enough excuse for what's about to lactate into your eyes next: I'm taking a sabbatical. One week. Maybe two. Maybe half of one. Hell, I could be writing my dailies again as of this weekend. But I wanna get these two SS&E things done before I go back to Ofolrodi and Appledashery (even though nobody reads the latter).

So while it sucks that I'm giving into exhaustion, laziness, and ennui--at least y'all marsupials will be getting some new SS&E stuff from it. F'naaaaaaaa. Maybe I should Delorean myself into having only one account... it'd make it all less awkward. But oh well.

Winter's coming, and while it may not suck for Florida, it's the excuse I'm using for this momentary shift in priority. I like to think it's for the best, but greater mistakes in the history of explosions have been made.

You know what winter does suck for? Having a car that's broken down in Michigan while having polynumerous familial obligations to deal with. I've no idea how hellish that is.

Unfortunately, Wanderer D does. Don't believe me? Go check out his blargh about it. Shit sucks and shit sucks even more when you're scrapped for cash.

Thankfully, we've got the Internet to help out with that. Or at least we will until the FCC convinces Congress to sodomize us all.

But before that happens, you can go visit Wanderer D's GoFundMe Fun Fundraiser thingy and toss some green at him so he doesn't have to deal so heavily with the white. No, he doesn't live in California. In that case, tossing him some green would help him deal with the brown.

I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I'm throwing some his way, if that's any incentive. Tis the season to cuddle Pokemon in winter gear, I suppose. I dunno. Nintendo's marketing has brainwashed me.

Gawd, if 2018 isn't the year that I finally write smut, I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself

Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 3,869 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

4751486 4751488
Shirley you saw this cumming.

No, no, no, SS&E was obviously talking about LatiosxLatias

And once you're back in the hot seat, the race is on. Who will finish their epic saga first? MLPFiM or the Austraeoh series?

Glad to help. :twilightsmile:

And FFS just take your break, you've earned it plenty of times over! :pinkiehappy:

Gawd, if 2018 isn't the year that I finally write smut, I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself

In Pokemon Movie:Heros, There not only is a familial problem, but also a numerical one, which either is resolved through several means, each more canon melting than the last.

If Latias disguised herself as Bianca, who did Latios disguise himself as?

Dont mind me, I cant even get basic code working, otherwise Id have run the whole of Austroh through a multidimentional self building neural net that I been wanting to code up for at least the last 15 years.

Dont rush, have a quiet holidays, dont go out in crowds and get ill, rest up until horse words bend you over annd make you spew into the keyboard instead of the cheap liquor. :trollestia:

I kinda get what you're feeling. My motivation to write has been close to zero lately. Between the SUCKING CHEST WOUND that is 2017, the usual holiday depression setting in (every damn year, man, I used to LOVE Christmas, now it's like blaaaaaaaaah just get it over with already), and the whole "being a transient crashing in my aunt's rumpus room" thing getting REALLY OLD REALLY FAST (they SAY I'll get to go back to my apartment in January, but they're STILL HAULING OUT SHEET ROCK OVER THERE...)

Basically 2017 has done me up the butt so hard all my creative juices are all spooged out into the sod layer and I spend entire days just lying around feeling drained and empty. The ongoing drama in my OTHER fandom IS. NOT. HELPING. Seriously, Miraculous Ladybug fans have problems pony fans have NEVER had to deal with. X_X

Do what you gotta do, take what breaks you gotta take, and if you need to walk away and just indulge in something else for a while until you get your groove back, do it. We've all been there, we all understand, and we're ALL praying 2018 isn't More Of The Same (TM).

Excuse you. I read ALL of the Appledasheries, thank you very much.

But yeah, you do your thing the way you wanna do it :raritywink: I'll be looking forward to whatever you dump into my feed.

Just make the plunge into the ponut.

You won't regret it.

Nobody reads Appledashery.

The truth is that the best of us
love all things incestuous.
Sisters are best when they've been groped
by brothers with whom they've eloped.

Aunties, uncles born united
and by familial bonds excited.
Mothers, sons or dads and daughters
who let love flow like cool, clear waters.

Cousins sometimes though as you move
far down the tree you'll find proved
It's not as fun as DNA
that's cuddled closest in every way.

Just commenting to say as a Floridian I find that title offensive. It's been hitting the mid 70's this week. I even had to put on socks in my own home because the floor gets cold now! The winter months are equally hard on everyone.

Enjoy your winter-in-name-only!

Well... You're now on someone's watch list I think. Might be the FBI, might be 4752000

February 9th, 2018

Still waiting for new Ofolrodi chapters ;(

It's been 7 weeks since this announcement... What's going on=?

Rainbow Pony requires your attention again! ... But seriously it's one of the few stories worthwhile reading that's left for me, on fimfiction in general, and I like it very much.

It pains me to see that your absence on Imploding Colon, and this story in particular, already extends to the 8th week mark.

Please write again, anything for the A U S T R A E O H, just throw us a bone here and there.:fluttershysad:

I read Appledashery. :( And I know I’m not the only one. I would hate to not get to see those cuddles that were promised. :unsuresweetie:

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