• Member Since 18th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2021

Bucket of Skies

Author with a bucket of ideas

More Blog Posts9

  • 235 weeks
    Shout At The Devil : Verified

    TShout At The Devil
    One guy makes friends with his demons. Or well, his demon.
    Bucket of Skies · 36k words  ·  9  15 · 827 views

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  • 235 weeks
    What's So Wrong with a little fun?

    It's only been a few chapters I had posted for the sequel to "Shout at the Devil", and I already have the exact same dislikes as I did the first time posting it all together. It's super frustrating for me because I'm trying out a different way of telling the story and making a few harmless jokes to the fandom, but others see it differently. It's like, compared to other stories that do something

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  • 235 weeks
    New Sequel in place.

    The not so wanted sequal to everyone's least favorite story, Shout at the Devil, is live now!
    Come along for the ride as you follow Brimstone and the rest of the gang on a road trip to remember

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  • 236 weeks
    Miles Away is completed. Now onto stage 2.

    I finally finished with the rest of "Miles Away", and posted the rest of the story for all of you to read. Thank you all so very much for the positive feedback on the story. This was a story I wanted to have a liking from people who relate with the characters and all that jazz.
    But enough of that, it's back to work on a possible sequel for another story I'm working on as we speak. 😱😱😱

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  • 236 weeks
    Do you think it is wrong to make fun of your fanbase?

    In a story I'm writing and a story I wrote before, I make jokes towards the brony fandom in good taste. Am I crazy for thinking that it isn't wrong to do that?

    1 comments · 238 views

Shout At The Devil : Verified · 6:20pm Nov 29th, 2019

TShout At The Devil
One guy makes friends with his demons. Or well, his demon.
Bucket of Skies · 36k words  ·  9  15 · 827 views

What's up buckets! So in this post, I'm going to be breaking down most of the jokes and scenes in all of "Shout at the Devil" in order they appear. Now, being completely honest, I stole this from another author (ThRedFox) who did the same thing with his story parodying a very funny movie. But anyways, let's get right into the breakdown. Oh and spoiler alert! Read the story before reading this. Okay let's go.

1. In the introduction alone, I wanted to mislead the reader into thinking that this was gonna be a much darker story with the main character Rocky Pebbles claiming that he is insane and has a demon inside of him. I really got that idea from a TV show by the name of Mr. ROBOT who had a narrator who did sort of the dark and well creeper sounding voice.

2. When I introduced the second main character (Brimstone), I wanted him to be easily distinguished with the reader so that you don't just read the same text but get confused with what you're reading and who is taking control of narration.

3. Along with many of my parodies, I made a subtle parody of deviant art by just making it devil themed. I wanted to also emphasize the stereotypes about the overly emo and dark user base of the site by Brim making fun of Rocky's intro.

4. The one of many revolving jokes in this story is the Brimstone breaking the fourth wall by talking about the author, (or well in this case me) and how I felt lazy to explain why Brim does what he does.

5. The theme song for a story was a part of me that I wanted to show more depth to the story. For this example, the theme song for this story was "Drunken Lullabies" by Flogging Molly. When I listen to this song, I typically think of a fun time at a bar or pub with your friends who simply mess around and be dumb. The reason I didn't choose the obvious "Shout At The Devil", by Montley Crue was because I just felt that that wasn't part of the playful and funny nature of this story. I know, I am stupid.for wasting away my opportunity.

6. A very tip on the nose reference I make in the beginning with my 2nd favorite animated superhero movie "Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse", where Peter Parker did a similar intro with the phrase,"Okay, let's start this from the beginning...".

7. The intro to Dee is a bit of a selfish implementation of a character because well, that is my characterized version of myself. In most of my stories, I like to add a Stan Lee type cameo, or in this case, just me. As far as him being a comic book writer, who knows.

8. It's a joke I had made a lot when I went to visit New York for the first time that anyone who bought a car was an idiot because, like in the story, it was so much faster just to walk than sit in traffic.

9. The Manehatten Look is a look that I've seen in New York multiple times. Essentially, it is the look of "I don't have time for any of this crap. If you talk to me, I will beat the mess out of you. Rocky describes it in a kind way.

10. When I was planning out this story, I put a lot of thought to what would happen of I did certain things with canon characters. Hence, why I decided to alter up Sunset Shimmer's storyline and make her future be at Manehatten as an accounting major in college. And hence, why I decided to make the two come together in the end.

11. "Good Grief!", was the catchphrase that I stole from another series that stole it from another series that I wanted to use for Rocky. Simply put, I was watching jojo at the time and really loved that phrase and thought," Why not?".

12. I wanted to crush Rocky's dream in that transition alone. I had looked at a bunch of similar transitions in films and story and each one of them were funny to me. It was a way to break flow, but not really. Kinda hard to explain, but it makes sense.

13. With Brim telling Rocky narrating that no one cared about the details of his day, I wanted to make fun of some stories I had read that just dragged on and on and on forever just to move one hour into the story. Like an example would be describing exactly everything that a pony did while on her route to mail a package when eh saw a butterfly that flew too far onto a dog eating a cupcake and- you get how pointless the small details are.

14. Ah yes. The asshole boss character. The first person that came to mind when deciding how to describe him was Danny Devito. So much so that I really wanted you to hear Danny just scream those lines.

15. This is clearly not true when it comes to Rocky's drinking compared to real life. Please don't try that system at home it wont work. And you probably will mess something up.

16. When Biff pulled out the whiskey called "Blackjack", I was making a reference to the FoE pony, and how she loves whiskey. Another one is also made when Biff calls out the special drink "Vee deu Delta", which I wanted to make as a reference to Delta Vee in Space Ponyo.

17. I wanted to make the evil laughter joke with the sound system as an homage to the joke made with Rainbow Dash's dad with the sound system with the door to the memory room.

18. Now, I have never been drunk or high or anything like that, but if you somehow disagree that ending a conversation in the middle with "wah wah wah wah", is kinda funny, you are not funny.

19. With Rocky waking up, I wanted to make a small reference with the waking up scene in the movie "The Hangover". Minus the tiger in the bathroom.

20. I love the classic horror movie helpless woman weapon of a metal coat hanger, so much so that I made that what Rocky used.

21. The first time Rocky sees Brim was a moment that came up when I thought it would be funny to try and imitate the scene in "Venom", when Eddie Brock hears Venom speak in his mirror and falls back into his shower.

22. The classic denial of reality when drinking an unknown substance was an idea I had especially if you are a pothead. Which is why I loved the idea of Rocky questioning himself about whether he was hallucinating or not.

23. A classic parody from another great movie "A Beautiful Mind", where the main character calls his schizophrenic hallucinations not real out loud.

24. I couldn't resist my own self promotion of my own story. The comic book that Brimstone picks up pretty much is a reference to my first ever story called "Miles Away", where I recall a long distance relationship with stallion unicorn and a Griffon.

25. The number 6 is brought up a lot. And in this case, I wanted to further prove that Rocky was stuck with Brim by showing he had gotten a fully permanent tattoo from Brim being his demon.

26. When I was making this story, I wanted at least one silent character. That character was the tattoo artist. I wanted her to almost look the part of a Vinyl Scratch look, minus the headphones and music gear.

27. The idea of Heaven and Hell as a rival company that invests in souls was always a funny idea of what I though dying would be like. So I always thought, well what if Hell was also trying to reject souls because it can cause them to be overwhelmed with work and to try and balance out heaven workflows and all that crap. Hence why I thought the idea of demons helping people achieve happiness in life and go to heaven always seemed to work for me.

28. I wanted Brim to almost be like the Discord of Eg universe by having him turn things into his props with the snap of a finger. So with him with the bottle turning into the resume, I wanted to be the introduction to make him the wacky chaotic character.

29. When Brim described his past souls, I wanted it to reflect that he has seen it all and been through it all. My favorite one was with the middle ages simply because you know that the witch trials were all about that sort of stuff.

30. The explanation about magic Brim makes pretty much describes what I think all explanations of magic in certain stories. "It just happens."

31. I wanted to add foreshadowing with Brim's explanation of magic being everywhere with Sunset Shimmer being referenced.

32. The classic Sleep Paralysis Demon joke was one that was relevant around the time I wrote the story. A lot of memes made by people like Shadman and others did one sleep paralysis joke. When I looked up the other synonyms for sleep paralysis, Sleeping with Your demons was exactly what I needed.

33. The phone rule was a parody of the scene in Detective Pikachu when the kid is talking to Ryan Reynolds pikachu with his phone against his head.

34. The scene with Brim inside Rocky's bag was one that I imagined any sort of hiding a small talking wise cracking being would be like. Also, I wanted to show the dynamic between Rocky and Brim where Brim continues to make fun of him and his crush, to which Rocky subtly elbows him for that.

35. To further show the dynamic between Rocky and Brim, I wanted to have Brim get a little bit frustrated once again with Rocky slowly progressing the story way to slow, resulting in him just ending the chapter.

36. I'll admit it, the Rule 34 joke with Brim and Rocky was a bit presumptuous of me. But I couldn't help it because everyone I showed these two characters to said that they seemed like a gay couple. I disagreed with it, but I decided to play with the joke of Brim and Rocky having some gay moments.

37. The next scene where Brim and Rocky walk next to each other, I wanted to show that Brim was going to be brutally honest about what he thinks about a situation. Hence, starting the trend of Brim calling Rocky a "wussy".

38. Before you ask, "Is that a JoJo reference when Brim predicts Rocky's next line?", yes.

39. When I was writing out Rocky's character to be Jewish, the first thought in my mind was,"How do I include Hitler somehow?", and I played with the idea that Hitler would be sent straight to hell with the saddest job in an office, cleaning up other people's stuff.

40. With Sunset, I wanted to allude the reader that she had to leave behind her friends back in Canterlot in order to come to Manehatten. Not only that it was her friends, but her best friends. So much so that making new friends in a new breed of a place would be difficult.

41. I made a small reference to the show that I love to hate on, "Big Mouth", with Andrew's dad roleplaying as the horse in the Spanish novel, right when Brim describes what he thinks of Al.

42. The one parody I think is played out way too much is the "I quit", scene in movies. Which is why I decided to do my take on it with Rocky somehow messing it up in the beginning with Brimstone's sihmgn, before bringing it home.

43. By the end of the dinner, I wanted Rocky to have a change of heart about Brim. I feel that if someone has helped you through a lot, it is kind of wrong to push them away after you meet them.

44. I loved those classic 50s movies where a person being fired would walk out the door with a suit, a suitcase and a capper. I wanted to do a similar scene with Brim, minus the suit.

45. Once again, Brim breaking the fourth wall by referring to the name of the chapter.

46. The "Training Montage" chapter contains the most movie and TV show references out of any chapter. It starts off with a parody of Sergeant Hartman in the movie "Full Metal Jacket", specifically on how much he swore at his soldiers. I felt it would do just right to make Brim become a knock off version of the character.

47. To further develop the idea of Brim being a Discord-like character, I play around with the idea of him ripping off clothes to show his regular attire underneath. Especially something as ridiculous as a army uniform.

48. A very subtle reference to "Adventure Time", with Finn's famous line from the early seasons," Homies help Homies. Always". In this case, Brim helped Rocky by shaving him "down there".

49. The Discord-like magic is on display with Brim transforming and sounding like Sunset. To add a little bit of comedy to it, I decided to have Brim slightly over sexualize Sunset in this scene.

50. If you are a music person like me, you would be quick to recognize that Brim in the scene is wearing the exact same clothes as Fletcher in the movie "Whiplash". This movie is also referenced when Brim hits him in the face multiple times by stating the scene of "Rushing or Dragging". I even wanted to include the line of," Oh my dear god. Are you one of those single tear people?", before cutting the scene.

51. Another reference to a TV show you may have heard of called," The Office ", where ei make Brim act and sound like a parodied version of Dwight Schrute.

52. One last Whiplash reference when Brim stands up to tell him that he earned the part. Sorry, I just really love this movie.

53. The chapter "A few moments alone", was a chapter that I wanted to be the more serious development chapter with Rocky and his love interest Sunset Shimmer. To this reason, I left out any inclusion of Brimstone's narration, making the reader have "a few moments alone".

54. In this chapter, I also wanted to have Rocky start to doubt most of Brimstone's teachings by having a small argument with him regarding whether he was ready for his date with Sunset. I wanted to make it look like the friendship was weakening a little bit between them before bringing it back next chapter.

55. A music reference is made with Rocky talking about the song he fears when he gets into a taxi. Well, the song he was talking about was the song,"All I Want", by the Offspring, which is the theme song to the popular video game "Crazy Taxi".

56. Anyone who lives in New York knows what a Jersey accent is, hence why I made a parody of it by calling it Horsy. I knwo, I'm on the 500 IQ coming up with this stuff.

57. If you hadn't picked up on it already by the waiter giving Rocky a bad feeling, you could tell that Rocky and Sunset were not exactly the only ones on this date. I mean the guy literally almost said Lucy by accident. Who do you think that is? He even used his magic to empty their Stouts easily.

58. Another allusion to Sunset's past with referencing her friends. I wanted to almost have her have a reminiscence on how she used to he with her friends before she moved to Manehatten. I even wanted to add the attachment of family with them because if you are as ill informed as me with Sunset, I have no clue whatever happened to her parents back in ponyville.

59. A reference to the theme song is made with the ending of the chapter when Rocky talks about having sex with Sunset as a "Drunken Lullabie". In the original song, the lyrics talk about a man who gets in trouble with sleeping with a older cruel man's daughter, making her sing loudly while they....you know.

60. I thought it would be kinda funny to reintroduce Brim as a narrator by having him get mad at the fact he couldn't talk over the last chapter. I think he would've had a lot to say if he could speak his mind about what Rocky did.

61. I love the joke of Sunset Shimmer being a bacon girl, hence why I make the bacon joke with Brim multiple times throughout the story.

62. Would you guess it? Another fourth wall break when Brim references you. The reader.

63. And then the doubting of Brimstone's method finally breaks out when Rocky finds out that he spiked the drink that they drank before heading home. This is when the conflict now shifts to Rocky and Brim falling apart.

64. The line of "a weak f***ing sister" is a not so obvious reference to my second favorite Rockstar Game, LA Noire, where Cole Phelps uses that line in questioning a liar.

65. The condom Brim gave was laced with Shout At The Devil, meaning now Sunset could now see Brim.


67. I wanted to make this the chapter where Rocky finally snaps on Brim with all the things he did to him. After all, I think it would be pretty justifiable to be a little made for the hitting in the face with a book part.

68. This was also the chapter where I wanted to open up a whole lot more on Brim's past before he became a demon. If I were to place him in a time period, I'd say he lived from the very late 1890s to the 1930s. This was also when you found out about Brimstone's teachings about going for it, because he couldn't back when he was alive as a scientist.

69 (nice). What better way to be sent to hell than being the creator of the most dangerous weapon in all of mankind : the atomic bomb. To put a funny spin on it, I thought it would be funny to make Oppenheimer a colleague of Brim that steals his idea and ends up going to heaven because he stole it.

70. The moment where Brim and Rocky share a cigarette was the moment where ei wanted the two to fully make amends before moving forward to make Rocky's situation work.

71. This time, Rocky decided to try and break the fourth wall before Brim took back his title of Fourth Wall Breaking Demon.

72. When Brim introduces himself to Sunset by coming out of the bottle, I made a almost direct parody to the scene in Alladin when Genie comes out of the lamp.

73. I thought more and more about the idea of a demon just following you around to see everything you did. It made me realize that he could even see you masturbating if he wanted. So I decided to make Brim make fun of Rocky by making fun of him to Sunset.

74. And the allusion to Sunset's past is realized by Rocky and Brim. I knew that it would be a no brainers for anyone who knows Sunset Shimmer knows she is not from earth or whatever they call human world in Mlp, but I figured it would be a funny moment for Brim to do a fourth wall break by asking the reader if he/she knew the whole time.

75. Ah yes. The infamous "horse f***er", remark. This was an indirect joke at the clopping community simply because I just found that predicament funny. Like you manage to find a cartoon horse hot enough to want to have sex with? That is the funniest and most messed up predicament ever.

76. This joke was a joke that I guess did not land well with me having all the chapters posted all at once with Brim teasing the reader but then realizing next chapter that it was already up. But then again, I found it kinda funny. Even though I think people were still offended by the cloppers remark.

77. The jump in time was important for the last chapter to show that everything was going well until, the day the chapter takes place.

78. I couldn't resist one last "The Office " by making Rocky and Sunset work at a paper company where a coworker smelled like beats.

79. Once again with the Discord-like magic of Brim by him playing the place of Sunset to mess with Rocky.

80. This chapter I wanted to have a similar effect with the Date for Sunset and Rocky, but this time it is because Brim is hiding something from Rocky.

81. Another Rocky fourth wall break. Ha ha ha.

82. And finally the introduction of the Devil herself, Lucy Fer. With her character, I wanted a character that you didn't want to cross, and nothing spoke that more than a strong business woman. Almost like the chief of police from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

83. For those wondering, Alchemy Spell was gonna be Brim's old name when he was alive, further proving that he was a scientist.

84. The book title for me reflects on how ridiculously negative hell is. Especially when it even calls out Rocky for being a Wuss.

85. To further make her a character that was not to be messed with, I wanted to make them both have a romantic history together where Brim cheated on her because, well would you stay with a bitch like that?

86. And one last Hitler joke showing how much he hates Jews.

87. I also made it a point to make Lucy hate mortals and the living when she sees Rocky for the first time.

89. Fun fact about this chapter, I was originally gonna have Rocky try and battle Lucy in a guitar hero like game to save Brim, but I thought that was too ridiculous and that him giving up his own soul to hell when he dies was far more wholesome.

90. And to further mess with Rocky some more as the author, I decided to crush his dreams of his plan failing, but instead getting Brim fired hence saving his soul to be free.

91. I make a reference to a few shows and movies with this one chapter so bear with me. Brim getting hit with a car was a reference to my all time favorite show Wilfred, where the title character gets hit by a car. When Brim gets up and says it's a scratch to see his arm was off, I made reference to the famous scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the black knight. And then I finished the scene off with a reference from the most badass movie Army of Darkness," Groovy".
92. I ended the show with a song that I felt was the perfect way to end a story. Like listening to it said that this was the end of the story.

And that's it. All my scenes, jokes, and references broken down. Not bad for a story with 12 dislikes.

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