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  • Saturday
    Yearly Contest Schedule

    so i've been running contests for a while now! and at this point i would like to commit to some sort of regular schedule. there are at this point three "main" contests that i would like to keep doing on a yearly basis, and in any particular year i may run at most one more "big" contest, for a total of four:

    • The Science Fiction Contest: Early March to mid-April

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  • 6 days
    2024/06/02 Update

    so i've given up on the notion of anything like a regular blog schedule! i'll just post these whenever i have news, as a sort of record for any horsewords-related activities i've been getting up to.

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  • 10 weeks
    Announcing: The Science Fiction Contest III (2024 Mar 25 - May 14)

    copied from the forum thread below the break:

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  • 17 weeks
    ABBS VI: Quiet Days


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  • 18 weeks
    ABBS VI: Comment Exchange Revival


    well, it’s happened again! another very busy week in both the good and bad sense, which really squeezed out any time and energy i had for fandom things. i don’t want to say that i’m definitely pulling back on any plans, but i am more cognizant than ever what the tradeoffs are between what i’m trying to do here and what i’m trying to do with the rest of my life. 

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[LyraBon Contest] Results! · 5:42am Oct 10th, 2022

reproduced from the forum link below:

dangit it happened again! all of you wrote too many good stories and it pained me to have to choose between them. but i was so delighted to read them, and that i got to spend some time with this couple i love so much. i wanted to thank you all for the stories, as well as encourage you all to read them, so in addition to the prizes:

  • First Place: $50
  • Second Place: $30

i will start off with a blurb of each entry in order of submission, ending with an Honorable Mention of the entry that was published before the original deadline of 2022 Sep 18.

Entrant: Game of Darts by bahatumay

a very cute and enjoyable slice-of-life story about two high schoolers figuring out how to take their best friendship to a relationship. i really loved the little hints throughout that build up to the reveal in the Author's Note at the end; that was my favorite part that left a lot of fun questions!


TGame of Darts
Lyra plays a quick game with Bon Bon, but it doesn't go quite how she wants.
bahatumay · 3.7k words  ·  24  1 · 314 views

Entrant: Prench Art Film by EileenSaysHi

a fun look at Lyra and Bon Bon trying to get one over on a student film festival committee with an experimental film that is much too out-there for those squares. as someone who loves reading deeper meanings into artistic works myself, it was great to see the story's characters use such powers for, if not the greater good exactly, at least fun at the world's expense.


TPrench Art Film
Lyra and Bon-Bon find their somewhat risqué entry into Canterlot High's film festival is facing some tough questions from the review board.
EileenSaysHi · 3.3k words  ·  80  6 · 1.1k views

Entrant: Hear You In My Heart by Flutterflyer

this is a LyraBon shipfic in the most traditional sense, covering their relationship from the day that they meet in the series pilot, through the events of the canon they experience together, and beyond. there are a few great bits of flourish here, and in terms of endings this one was my favorite of the whole contest.


EHear You In My Heart
One Summer Sun Celebration amidst the chaos, two ponies meet. This is their story.
Flutterflyer · 11k words  ·  32  5 · 626 views

Entrant: My Average-Sized Bat by _Undefined_

a simple children's story about magical pastel bats turns out to be Lyra inventing what My Little Pony could have been if it had been created by Equestrians, and through it the story comments on the nature of fandom and fanfiction writing in a clever way i could not help but love, while also saying so much about Lyra and her relationship with Bon Bon.


EMy Average-Sized Bat
The story of two bats – one a musician; one a candymaker – who meet and fall in love.
_Undefined_ · 1.8k words · 193 views

Honorable Mention: Friendship Was Magic by SparklingTwilight

within the story's Equestria, My Little Pony is a children's TV show run by profit-minded executives, and Lyra and Bon Bon are at the same time former actors on that show, fans of it, resentful of how it ended, and watching the sequel on their TV as they wither away to death in PonyPox quarantine. and through it all, their conversation meanders through dense references and cultural worldbuilding as the grim details of their situation seeps in around them. out of anything i have ever read on this website, reading this fic comes the closest to the feeling of watching an experimental play, which left me feeling very Art.


TFriendship Was Magic
My Little Pony: canceled. Civilization: suffered, Bon Bon and Lyra included.
SparklingTwilight · 4.3k words · 292 views

Second Place: No, Agent Drops, I Expect You to Love Me by Captain_Hairball

this story really leans into the silly and over-the-top side of the LyraBon dynamic, and executes its spy movie pastiche setting and hilarious comedic dialogue with perfection. Lyra's lovable ridiculousness and the sheer quality of their back-and-forth would have been amazing enough by itself, but what really elevated this for me was the core of their relationship dynamic shining through underneath it all.


TNo, Agent Drops, I Expect You to Love Me
When secret agent Sweetie Drops is captured by the Mare with the Emerald Hands and taken to her secret underwater base, she thinks she knows how things will go. Then Lyra makes it weird.
Captain_Hairball · 1.9k words  ·  194  6 · 1.8k views

First Place: First Night by TCC56

i loved how deathly seriously this story takes Bon Bon's past as a monster-hunting secret agent, as she faces her anxiety about Lyra seeing a part of her that she is not ready to explain. her trauma is rendered with its proper heaviness by a skillful prose that gives both visceralness to the flashback and weight to the quiet, emotional parts. and Lyra's reaction to it, far from Bon Bon's fears, is a beautiful moment that shows just how great this ship can be.


TFirst Night
Bon-Bon's former life in S.M.I.L.E. haunts her nightscape. Lyra wants her marefriend to spend the night. Bonnie never did know when to retreat.
TCC56 · 2.7k words  ·  83  4 · 977 views

and there we are! i hope you will join me for the next contest in the series, though it may be a while. while you're waiting, do check out the following:

and that is the end of the LyraBon Contest, though hopefully not nearly the end for these wonderful wives i love.

goodbye for now!

Report Bicyclette · 562 views ·
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