Villains of Equestria 1,811 members · 3,434 stories
Comments ( 45 )
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If you have a idea or just want to complain. Post it here. We are always looking for new ideas. You can post idea's for folder, name change, themes, etc. Even reasons why you should be a Admin.

Leave suggestions and ask questions.

Thank you for your time.

We are Villains Of Equestria, the craziest murderest bunch in all of Equestria.

1439875 I demand a raise! :flutterrage:

I still want money! :flutterrage:

Comment posted by Gary Bucking Tree deleted Aug 14th, 2013
Group Contributor

1439875 how about we have a featured fic of the week? Always good to promote writing

I Like it.
You should make it into a thread in our personal group.

Group Admin

1439875 Rule 13 needs to be added IMO.

I wanna complain about not being able to douchebag it up to my full extent in this group
peeps take shit WAY too seriously in these threads:facehoof:

Group Contributor

1440077 how do you mean?

>tfw you say something jokingly and get told blatantly not to be rude

Group Contributor

1440251 was the comment rude?

*looks back*

hmm..I guess it did seem a bit...

maybe I'm just used to talking to people who know not to take things I say seriously so I just said stuff I say naturally....

Group Contributor

1440443 I can take a joke quite well as long as it's in good taste:moustache:

I'll just be an ignorant prick and blame my autism:moustache:

Something like a group voted fic every week, or something.

Silly; not to be taken seriously:
You should all address me as: " Lord Megatron" from here onwards.

Group Admin


Comment posted by Gary Bucking Tree deleted Aug 14th, 2013
Group Admin

1444023 Waiting is for loozrz.


WHy i should be a admin....well i have no more reason than the others. But i want to do something for this awesome group, i am here since the beginning but i never really DO something for help the future of this group. So i hope i can be a admin for help you all.

ps: Chrysalis is best vilain!

pss: I hate writting on a ipod

pss: Chrysalis is still the best!



You should make some fic contest like: You have two days for write a one shot fiction featuring a villain or instead give a theme like: A fiction where Chrysalis is best pony! (lol) Then we post the top 5 or top 3 of these fiction somewhere on the group.

My reason to be an admin is so I can rain chaos upon all who cross my path. Also because power means I can be one step closer to becoming Discord. Oh yeah I want this group to become even awesomer (is that word? probably not but let's go with it) To become even awesomer than it already it. HUZZAH!

I just came from here.
Sev applying will probably lower my chances significantly, but I'll try anyway.
I have no desire to abuse the abilities of admin, and I'm an admin in several other groups. (3 or so)
I have an ego problem. I am however, quite awesome.
My main goal is to patrol the forum and remove anything that's against the rules.
I will notify at least another admin before I take action though.

why I should be admin: I will protect this group from the Jedi scum. I will get rid of the people who are disobedient. I will prove the Galactic Empire isn't a giant tyrant empire. And this group will get protection from a lot of accurate soldiers. Also people who fail to put a story in right folder will be dealt with by me.
(my soldiers aren't accurate if the person there shooting is a main character)

why i should be an admin.
1. I will never ban without a sufficient answer.
2. I am a natural leader.
3. I will go over the situation before issuing the punishment.
4. I will never let people hang.
5. I will always watch, and fight for the good.

Group Admin

1444104 Are you sucking up knowing that I love Queen Chrysalis? :rainbowhuh:



hahah nope, i started to say sine i started to year ago! And since that time i alway say Chrysalis is best pony well....becuase she is really the best pony...

But today she is angry after me D: she discover that i have favortie a story from Sombra but she helped me when i have to deal with pinkamenia.

1439875 I think I should be an admin for the following reasons.

1: I've run groups and clans with over 200 members in the past by myself.
2: I'm already an admin for 4 groups on the site.
3: I've never broken any rules, so I'm clearly trustworthy.
4: I picked the group theme song (Perfect Cell Theme)

What can I say? You're pretty popular, and I'd vote for you too.


Is it 23h so i have the best idea ever!



Dude, just leave the place to Ben he will be the best admin!

See! He already made his first rules!

ps: im just listening to Rezz advice.

why I should be admin
1. I'm Batman.
2. I will bring peace and justice.
3. It will add a ironic twist.
4. Irony is boss.
5. I'm Batman.

1439875 Can you make a Nightmare Forces folder?

Group Admin

1873626 You don't know what a Nightmare Force is do you. It's a villain in the comics and comic cannon says their the reason why Luna became Nightmare Moon.

Group Admin

Sorry, but I don't fallow.

1875324 Okay then. They are villains, yes their multiple, that work in the shadows to make the pony, in the comic it was Rarity and Luna, into a Nightmare version of them self. And the trapped pony can't do anything other than sit and watch what the Nightmare Forces are doing to the love ones and there friends. Basically they make you sad or something then take over your body. And that's all my knowledge on them considering I haven't read the comics at all. But I RP with them as a villain so I don't really need to read it.

Group Admin

The comics aren't canon. But we have a folder for the comics.

1878862 *le sigh* That will do. Now to get my creative brain rolling.

In the Month of Halloween, I can't help but think of a special story challenged i would like to present to anypony that's interested. Here it goes:

Title: Elements of Negativity

Main characters: Rainbow Dash, The main Six, Discord, Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis.

Genre: Alternate Universe, Dark, Adventure.

Story:(Most of the story line is from the artist's with small parts reworked to fit the story)
Rainbow Dash persuades Twilight to use her magic in an experiment in order to help her pull off an special Sonic Rainboom she's been working on. However, thing's go wrong and Twilight's magic combined with her Rainboom result's in her being flung into an alternate dimension where she failed to perform the Rainboom in her fillyhood days and died in a horrible a result the Elements, and their fates all change....

Now Rainbow must find a way to survive and bring balance to this new, backwards world. And at the same time, find a way back home, but how can she thrive in a world where everpony thinks she's dead?

The Alternate main Six:

As a filly, Applejack was unhappy in Manehattan with her aunt and uncle. So she ran away and tried to return to Ponyville on her own. Without the rainbow to guide her, she got terribly lost and accidentally ended up in the Everfree Forest. While seeking shelter in a cave she stumbled upon the changeling hive and was captured & converted into one of them. She is now the commanding soldier in Queen Chrysalis' hive and is plotting to overthrow Celestia and take over all of Equestria.

While falling during the big race, a powerful storm sent filly Fluttershy into the icy mountains where she got stranded for days, unable to fly, she eventually gained the trust of some of mountain animal's but never understands them as well as she fully could in the normal timeline. Then one night the shadow-spirit of Sombra saw potential in her and took over her body. Her soft skin became diamond hard armor. Due to Sombra's influence crystals overgrew her body turning her into an empty shell of her former self......

Filly Rarity stared at the rock for hours, unable to discover her destiny she returned home in vain. she was a blankflank for so many years until that night of the 1000th summer sun celebration. Twilight didnt become Celestia's pupil thus Celestia herself battled Nightmare Moon and killed her in the process. The remains lingered of her spirit in the shadows of Ponyville and find's it's way to Rarity, manipulating and corrupting her mind, they merged together to become the new Princess of the Night.....

After failing Celestia's entrance exam, filly Twilight fled in shame, running away from the academy, her family, and Canterlot forever. As the years passed her shame grew into hatred and her hatred grew into anger. She soon started researching dark magic, eventually discovering the Alicorn Amulet. With the influence of the darkness combined with her hatred, the Amulet transformed her into a demonic alicorn. Twilight now intends to use this power to end Celestia's rein and rule all of equestria with an iron hoof.

Sweet little Pinkamena wasted her childhood away on the rock farm, never uttering one giggle or laugh. She eventually moved out and had no idea what to do with her life, after some time she traveled to the kingdom of Canterlot and found Discords statue. From his stone prison the god of Chaos influenced her and eventually managed to persuade Pinkamena to become his new vessel......

Group Admin

Um you guys should add these folders
Slice of Life

Group Admin

2187151 Probably should and will.


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