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Good morning all! It's Inky Jay here and myself and all the admins are super-duper excited to celebrate our making it too and crossing the hundred member threshhold. We'll have three events as part of these wonderful games, and we hope you guys will enjoy them as much as we've enjoyed creating this group, seeing it grow, and being such a positive influence to the brony community.

Event One: Interviews with the Admins
Inky Jay
So, you can start by introducing yourself. What’s your name?
Answer: Inky Jay, the Great and Powerful (though I don’t have a horn, or an amulet; only wings)

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: I am the vice-founder along with our wonderful vren55. I do anything that needs doing as well as help you guys out and other super-secret-spy stuff.

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Only one; Marks of Harmony

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: Um, written only one, so methinks it’s still Marks of Harmony

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: At first I just wanted to explore world building from the perspective of the laws, rules, and types of magic. But then it acquired an undertone of philosophy about idealism and destiny.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Answers: To generate ideas, I would say just pick something from the show that’s hinted at but not fully explained. Build your story around something you can add onto. It gives you more freedom in the long run. As far as the actual writing of it, take your time. I know by experience that once you get an idea, you just want to get it out as quick as possible. That’s not always the best way to go about it. I’ve written at my best when I’ve sat down and thought about all the details. I’ve even spoken dialogue out loud to myself just to see how it sounds. That helps a lot. Yeah, I would say just take your time.

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer: Pen Stroke, hands down. Awesome story-teller and writer.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer: Astral, I really enjoyed reading your review of the first three chapters of MoH. Keep reviewing that way for everybody here. I know I appreciated it.

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer: Read It and Weep. Great episode, and I love the Indiana Jones references.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer: Rainbow Dash (makes sense after the previous question).

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer: The obvious answer would be Past Sins (at least for me), but I think I’ll go with a fic that really surprised me in how much I liked it. Myths and Birthrights.

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer: Not really a shipping fan, but were I forced to choose….. I’d have to say Chrysalis/Shining Armor

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer: Derpy, nuff said.

Favorite Villian?
Answer: Chrysalis (she’s my profile pic, did you expect anything less?)

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer: Over a Barrel. Okay, so yeah maybe the buffalo might kill me or something, but hey, an apple pie shoot out is totally worth it.

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer: Knighty, because he likes his ban hammers.

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer: No! Lyra would be scary and dangerous with hands!

So, you can start by introducing yourself. What’s your name?
Answer: vren55

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: Oh nothing much, just founded it, chose or handpicked almost all the admins starting with Inky Jay. Helped set up the folder system, started the all important Introductions and Self Promotions Thread (link) and helped promote the group so that we got 100 members in less than two weeks, with a solid majority of them being active reviewers. No biggie.

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Canterlot: Her Creation and Her Architects
Remembering the Fallen
The Seven Bells and the Six Bearers

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: Canterlot: Her Creation and Her Architects. It's on how seven very entertaining OCs I know like the back of my hoof/hand, built Canterlot after the war between Nightmare Moon and Celestia.

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: Well, in a sense, I was following the values that the show presented as well as took a lot of inspiration from the show. Friendship, honesty (and the detriment of not being honest), loyalty, generosity/(I notch it up to sacrifice), kindness and laughter. Apart from those themes, the actual prompt itself, really just strolled into my mind (borrowing line from JK Rowling). At the subconscious level, I guess I probably was inspired a bit by my knowledge on medieval history and ancient architecture, which mostly came from documentaries and my own reading.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Three maxims:
The simplest idea can become the greatest story.
Preparation, preparation, preparation.
Live with one foot in the world you created and the rest of your body in the real world.

Let me explain:
My own story Canterlot started from the question "Who and how was Canterlot built?" A simple idea, but as may read on and see, a great cast was built from there.
Call me paranoid, but before I published Canterlot, I did research to see if the idea was in use or popular before I published it. I took time to take note of how Celestia was portrayed by most successful fanfic authors. I thought about would people like it if I turned the conflict between Celestia and Nightmare into a war. I took a LOT of time fleshing out my OCs and thinking about how to show them. Preparation, preparation, preparation!

Live with one foot in the world you created and the rest in the real world. This is difficult, you must live sometimes in the world you have created, this is very valid with all-OC stories. This is because you have to become very intimate with your characters. At the same time though, lose sight of what is real and you cannot create any good OCs because your characters are after all, based after people's actions and reactions in real life. Not to mention you'd just screw your life over and won't be able to write! Live your life in the real world, get away from the computer (i have to do it more often), but at the same time, know your fictional world well.

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer: I have no idea. You see I'd like to do a collab with an author I know well not just a famous one. If i was on speaking terms with all the authors on fimfiction, I would choose either Pen Stroke or Insertauthorhere of Past Sins and My Little Alicorn respectively. I love Penstroke's work and I have immense admiration for insertauthorhere.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer: That's very difficult. Inky Jay my fellow admin did help a lot (well he's my editor and I am his so he gives me tons of feedback), so did arandompenguin (though he wasn't admin at the time), zyr1987 did a very thorough job too and though his review was a little on the critical side, it was quite valid.

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer: I have favorites, too many, but I narrowed this down to a few. For some reason, "Friendship is Magic Parts 1 and 2" are two of my top favorites. It was a little cliche, but I really liked the tone it set, how it introduced the characters and Nightmare Moon. And since I'm a Luna fan, "Luna Eclipsed" is one of my favorites. In season 3, my favorite was Wonderbolt Academy, it was remarkably well done.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer: Twilight Sparkle. I'm a lot like her. I LOVE books (though I need to read more these days) and I'm usually a very responsible/studious person who tends to freak out a lot and lose my head. No I don't go crazy, I just get mad.

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer: I have a few, but these two are the best:
My Little Alicorn by Insertauthorhere, Past Sins by Pen Stroke,

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer: I generally dislike shipfics between main cast. I do like SOME on CelestiaxDiscord or LunaxTwilight. I can say for certain that VinylxOctavia is probably my favorite ship.

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer: Female: Octavia. Don't ask me why, because I've only recently become interested in stories featuring her.

Favorite Villian?
Answer: Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis are tied.

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer: Woah, this is a hard one. Wait! I know, "The Best Night Ever". As to what I'd change? I'd go dance with Rarity after I politely show how Blueblood is a fool, talk with Princess Celestia and TS for an extended amount of time to make it more interesting for them, buy a dozen of AJ's treats, scare the animals (I'm generally not good with them) into Fluttershy's waiting arms/legs and loudly talk about Rainbow Dash's accomplishments while she is in front of the Wonderbolts. That would be The Best Night EVER!

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer: Knighty. He's used his hammer more, TWE and Regidar being prime examples.

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer: ... I'm not a fan of the Lyra X Humans, but if she actually wanted them in the first place, yes.

And finally, a special thank you to my fellow admin and practical co-founder, Inky Jay, who deserves credit for making this interview sheet and for helping me get this group together. Without him, we would never have reached one hundred members, and thus, would have never had these games!

So, more intervies to come as the day wears on and as well as an announcement of the next event!

why could he not talk from his own account! I sense that someone are laying words in others mouths! :pinkiecrazy:
(sarcasm detected)

I can assure you that has not happened. If you feel strongly about it, you can always ask vren for confirmation.

Nah just kidding :derpytongue2: Did just find it odd that he didn´t post it from his own user, being a pubic interview and such

Event #2, Inky Jay and vren55 duel until only one remains...or, you know, pretend to eat poisoned berries or something...:derpytongue2:

And Lyra with hands might be scary, but if Pinkie Pie can have them, why not?:twilightsmile:

I sincerely thank you both for founding this group. It has already been a great asset for me :twilightsmile:

Since niether Inky or vren are online at the moment, I'll just slide mine in here. (Besides, it can always be deleted and moved into the first post later (hint hint)).

So, you can start by introducing yourself. What’s your name?
Answer: ProfCharles. Uppercase C, no space. Don't get it wrong, I have threatened people over less.:pinkiecrazy:

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: I keep an eye on the forum, particularly the “I haven’t got three reviews thread”. I also go around reviewing various group fics.

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Oh Goddess, I don't know where to begin. Too many. You can see the full list here. I recommend King of Chaos, Where Cold Winds Blow and Irredeemable as the best of my work.

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: Tough choice, but probably King of Chaos. It’s easily my most popular, which is very surprising since I came up with the concept, wrote the first chapter and posted it in about 12 hours flat. Heck, I spent most of the writing process drunk.

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: My inspiration for King of Chaos? Some barely remembered wacky dream I had after spending three days straight reading Discolight stories.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Answers: Make a plan. It helps develop your ideas and allows you to throw out the infeasible ones. Generally speaking, I write a short paragraph depicting what I want to happen in each 1000 word block. Two paragraphs make a 2000 word chapter. Five paragraphs make 5000 words and so forth. This is no mathematical law, mind you, just a very rough guideline. Also, constantly reread your work. The number of times I have dropped a word, or even worse, merged two words together, simply because I am thinking faster than I can type, is ridiculous.

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer: Tough question. I don’t think I would. I am a highly independent person, you see. I have difficulty enough working with Proofreaders and Editors, let alone a co-author.

Mind you, I am tempted to jump in on the Chess Game of the Gods bandwagon.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer: vren gave me a few good reviews, but I have to hand this one over to Doomande for the detail he put into his review for My Little Evangelion. (Most of which I still need to follow up on.)

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer: Okay, confession time. I haven’t watched all the episodes. Shocking, I know. I’m missing the gala episode, most of the second half of season two and Spike at Your Service for season three.
However, out of the episodes I have watched, Party of One is at the top. Why? Because I have been in that situation before—all my friends were avoiding me, and I felt unwanted. I empathized with Pinkie—I understood her pain. Didn't go compleatly crazy, mind you. Only mostly crazy. And I was so happy for her when it turned out her friends were simply throwing her a surprise party.
My friends were just jerks.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer: Just one? Pinkie. Because I see a lot of myself in her—her insecurities concerning her friends, her need to keep her friends happy (because if they're not happy, they won’t like her), the way she pretends not to care what others think about her. Yeah, if I had reality warping powers, I would be a male, human version of Pinkie.
Twilight, Rarity and Luna form a close joint second. You don't need to know why. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer: Toughy, but it's a tie between Fallout: Equestria: Project Horizons by Somber and Friends of a Solar Empire by Dalek IX. Both of these were my inspiration to start fanfic writing.

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer: RariPie. Or TwiLuna. Or TwiMoon. Or TwiPie. CelestiaBelle is my crack ship.:trollestia:

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer: Lyra and Bon Bon. Or Tavi and Scratch. Or Derpy, cause everyone likes the Derp.

Favorite Villian?
Answer: Canon? Discord. Fanon? Nightmare Moon.

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer: I wouldn’t. The show is too good for me to mess it up like that.

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer: Wanderer D is awesome, but so is Knighty, and Knighty owns the site anyway. I'm gonna put my monneys on Derpy. Cause Derpy wins everything:derpytongue2:

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer: Only if she earns them through an appropriate amount of character development.

Well Prof, it's okay that you put yours up, since I've got Hingard's right here to go with yours. We're doing them in paris, in case nobody noticed. And now for Hingard's answers.

So, you can start by introducing yourself.
What’s your name?
Answer: Hingard

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: I maintain the "I Haven't Got Three Reviews Yet" thread, I also created the Group banners

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Twas a night before Hearthwarming eve, and Guardian of the Hearthfire

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: It would have to be Guardian of the Hearthfire,

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: Not really, it first started off as a jumble of ideas for a short Story I was writing for the Hearth warming eve contest (goal was to send fanfics to a little girl suffering from a brain tumor). ended up with Guardians from a bunch of ideas.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Answers: My advice is keeping a notebook with you at all times, I've written some great ideas, and scenes for my stories. You never know when an Idea might surface

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer: That's tough, but I would have to say Pen stroke since his writings got me hook on MLP fanfiction. A strong second would be Urbanmoose for his fic The stranger and her friend.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer: That's an even tougher question, and I can't really narrow it down, everyone whose posted on my story has give me a great review.

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer: Magic duel, loved the star wars references in it.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer: Luna is my favorite princess mainly because of dark past and because of Past sins, but Fluttershy is my favorite of main six, since she's shy around others but will always stand up for her friends.

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer: Past sins with out a doubt, Nearly read the whole fic in a day.

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer: Not really a fan of ships unless their done right.

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer: Lyra, because of Anthropology

Favorite Villian?
Answer: Nightmare moon, was only villain besides Chrysalis that actually felt like a threat

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer: I would have to say Spike at your service just to stop him from that life debt thing.

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer: Don't know much about either, other than they're moderators, but might say Knightly

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer: no, it would look A: weird and B: Lyra was never cannoned as a Human enthusiast.
also Pinkie pie is the only one who can break the laws.

Group Admin

If you don't mind inky, I'm actually going to revise my answers so there not so plan looking.


Feel free! It's a celebration after all, so the more lively, the better!
Just send 'em to me like last time and I'll put 'em up pronto.

Group Admin

599078 Well Inky made the form and sent it to me to fill out, so I did. It's called trust, which is the basis on how we work in this group :twilightsmile:. And really that should be an element of friendship, except you can't really have a character exemplifying the trait of trust so AJ's the closest because Honesty promotes trust.

And now for the final two admin interviews!

So, you can start by introducing yourself. What’s your name?
Answer: Well, I'm arandompenguin (or some variation therein) on the internet, though my actual name is Dan.

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: Me an Aqu are the two Admins responsible for the weekly featured fics, in which two fics are featured. One is the choice of the admins, and the other is based on the fic's ratings.

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Well, I've written far too many to count, but I've posted 7 online. I won't list them all, and there are a couple I could have done without, but my main ones are 'Oldnew Luna' and its sequel 'Oldnew Luna: After the Dawn' and also 'You're not real'

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: Ah, I don't know. I'd probably have to go with 'Oldnew Luna', based purely upon its stats and ratings.

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: That would have to be a no. I usually just write whenever I feel like writing, which sort of comes in sporadic bursts. However, I believe the inspiration was from the character model change between Season 1 and Season 2, I wanted to try and explain that, and also ship Twilight and Luna.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Answers:You may have to force yourself to write sometimes, but if you're anything like me, if you continue forcing yourself, you'll find it'll get easier and you can get into the flow of writing.

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer:I'm not sure, I don't want to sully any prominent author's work with my rather unsavoury touch. At the same time however, it would be nice to see how one operated. I would have to say CardsLafter, since I proofread for him and so have a feel for his writing style.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer:I would have to say that it was the user 'Sirius_Face', his review was quite indepth and pointed out clearly where I was going wrong, and how to remedy it.

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer:Oh boy, I would probably have to say 'Suited for Success' as it is the only episode thus far to change my opinion of one of the main characters. That character would be Rarity, whom I previously thought of in rather negative light.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer:Twilight Sparkle, hands down. If you take a look at the list of my stories, you will see that each one incorporates Twilight as one of the main characters.

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer:Tough Choice. Many of them appeal to me, but I'm kinda torn between 'Through the Eyes of Another Pony' and 'The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments'. Though I'm sort of leaning towards TTEOAP.

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer:Twiluna. Though I'm open to most things.

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer:Cheerilee, no particular reason why.

Favorite Villian?
Answer:Nightmare Moon, because she's also Luna (depending on your headcanon).

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer:'Lesson Zero', and I make sure Twilight knew that there wasn't anything to worry about in the first place. Because right now she's stuck in a time loop.

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer:Hmm, knighty has the advantage of experience and power, but Wanderer D has a lot more allies and is likely quicker. I would say its a pretty even match.

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer:Give her one hand and one hoof, that'll really mess things up.

And Aqu!
So, you can start by introducing yourself. What’s your name?
Answer: Aqu, Esquire.

And what do you do or have done as an admin of this wonderful group?
Answer: I'm planning on being involved in featured fics, as well as a grammar guide.

What are the stories you’ve written?
Answer: Iron Vein

What’s the one you are most proud of?
Answer: Iron Vein

Did you sent out with a deeper theme for your story in mind? If not, what was your inspiration for the story?
Answer: I did not, and the inspiration for my story was to simply create a story that others might enjoy.

For all of our great members, what advice would you give them as they generate story ideas through the actual writing stage?
Answers: Have someone pre-read your work, because while your flow may seem great to you, it may be clunky and difficult to read for others.

If you could do a collaboration with any author on FiMFiction, who would you choose?
Answer: CardsLafter. I love his work.

Who have you found to have given a story of yours the most constructive review here?
Answer: Inky Jay, another great admin.

Okay, now let’s get down with some show stuff. What episode is your absolute favorite?
Answer: Sleepless in Ponyville. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were amazingly adorable throughout.

Favorite Pony (yes, you have to choose one)?
Answer: Quick Draw McGraw
Rainbow Dash, In all seriousness.

Favorite Fanfic?
Answer: Through the Eyes of Another Pony, by CardsLafter.

Favorite Ship (if any)?
Answer: Octi-Scratch is best ship.

Favorite Background Pony (AJ is not eligible)?
Answer: Appleja- Vinyl Scratch.

Favorite Villian?
Answer: Queen Cheese-legs.

If you could have inserted yourself into one single episode of the series (not your favorite) which one would you try to change?
Answer: The Mysterious Mare-do-Well, because passive-aggressive, spiteful lessons do not fit the show well.

Wanderer D and Knighty face off in an arena with ban hammers. Who wins?
Answer: Knighty, of course. This is his site, after all.

And lastly, should Lyra be allowed to have those hands she wants so badly?
Answer: No, let her suffer.

And that'll do us for the first event of the Hundred Member Games! Be sure to check ou the drabble contest as well and look forward to the final stage of our group celebration!

Comment posted by Inky Jay deleted Jan 11th, 2013
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