The Monthly Contest Club 335 members · 51 stories
Comments ( 62 )
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Prizes available!

Prompt: Take two (or more) characters who normally wouldn't interact with each other, and have them interact in someway. Not all characters have to be ones who wouldn't interact (such as a story with Daring Do, Rainbow Dash, and DJ-Pon3 would be fine).

Rules: The "unexpected pair" must be the central focus of the story. No stories rated above Teen. Stories must be new, and completed by the deadline.

Deadline: March 25, 2018

Other: When you are ready to submit your story, please leave a link to it in this thread.

Please inform me whether or not you are participating in the thread below.

Prizes: No contest would be complete without prizes. First place will get a vector (made using a base) of a (pony or pony-hybrid) character or OC of their choice.

Edit: Second place will receive a vector of my favorite pony: Amethyst Star. Why? Because I love her, that's why.

Wondering where this idea comes from? Me being sick of contests that force you to use certain characters. It's quite restricting to the creative process.

6328158 Darn, I feel as though my fanfic "My Wings Will Keep You Safe" will fit perfectly for this contest, however, it's not entirely new now as it was originally posted back in 2017. Ah well, best of luck to everyone who enters. :twilightsmile:

I'm interested,, sounds like fun, and I may have something that would work!

Just the FIMFiction standard: over 1,000

Intersting. My story was published 2 weeks ago. Is it still considered new?

They have to be brand-new (i.e. uploaded starting from this date). :twilightblush: Sorry!

Hazaa I shall play this game.

It sounds interesting. I'm not sure I'll be able to complete the story by the appointed deadline but I'll try. :twilightsmile:

Now the characters don't have to be romantically interested in each other... do they?

Nope! They just have to be in some sort of scenario. Doesn't matter if it's a battle, chat, trap, or whatever!

6328258 I can work with that. Is there a word limit?

Alright, I'm interested. I also already have the perfect pair:trixieshiftright:

This one's caught my attention. I might well give it a go if I can think of a good story for a good pair. (I may have an idea, at that...)

No upper word count limit? That's unusual. Won't affect me as I usually write short stories anyway, but just wondering.


I'll give it a go. This is basically what I aim to write anyway (half the time, at least).

That said, must it be something entirely written between now and the deadline, rather than an old but unpublished project revived?

I think I have a good pair, a pair that not only would have a hard time meeting in the show but there hasn't even been a story with them both tagged together. Now I just need to figure out how to do it.

As long as it is yet to be published, then go right ahead!


Another question occurs to me: One entry per user? Or multiple entries permitted, so long as they obey the rules?

One entry, as to give everyone an equal chance


Thank you for answering my questions. :pinkiesmile: That ought to be enough to start with. Now to think up a good pairing...

Interesting. I might give it a go!

Okay, I have to be honest, I couldn't think of how to get my original pair to work together so I swapped one of them out and apparently there is one story, where this pair are tagged, though I don't believe they are paired together, at least not in the way I was intending. :pinkiecrazy:

Huh... What if they're completely written from this date, not a word on page yet, but they were originally prompted by another contest?

I have a Cakes/Fleetfoot challenge....

Another question I have to ask is: does it have to be exclusively in the MLP universe. What I mean is if something happened that allowed a character from MLP to meet a character from the EqG universe, would it be allowed.

6328158 As with all the contests on this site, I'll promote this one on my user page in an attempt to get you more contenders. Good luck!

You know what I hate most? When you have an idea for a story, you start writing it and then the very next day you already have another idea for the story but the characters change. However one of the annoying things is that in order for my to make the change I have to change one of the original ideas that I found appealing.

6328604 Please forgive me for bothering you so much. I just wanted to ask if the story needed to be completed at the time of submission. I have a feeling that my story might be broken up into chapters, in order to spread the content out. I can assure you however that the characters do encounter each other and interact with one another in the first chapter.

The story needs to be completed by the deadline

6331463 That might be a bit difficult as my story just keeps growing but I will see what I can do.

EQG meeting pony is allowed, but can it be two EQG characters?


Another question: concerning the deadline of March 25th, how exact is that and what time zones apply? For instance, must we hand it in before midnight in our own time zone, or will it be more lenient and allow a few spare hours for stragglers? That kind of thing.

I'm almost done with my story, just need to finish the last chapter and then have an editor look at it.

All right, ten days to go. Can do this, can do this...

6328158 Here is my story:

TDoes this count as... A Crossover?
It's the story of two fictional villains (or are they) coming together to kick plot, chew bubble gum and perhaps find love. It is such a shame they are out of gum.
Robipony · 15k words  ·  33  3 · 865 views

While all the chapters (4) are finished, I thought I might release one per day rather then releasing them all simultaneously. It will be completed before the deadline I assure you. :pinkiesmile:











To those still writing: the deadline is in three days! If you need an extension of a day or two, just PM me so we can work something out.


I was planning to come up with something packing more punch, but in the absence of inspiration, I think I'll go with Plan B.

EZip and Zing and Azaleas Too
Lily wanted to be an explorer. Roseluck wanted to be an inventor. Daisy just assumed they'd end up running a modest, boring little shop. Guess who was right? But Daisy's (reluctant) desire for normality isn't enough to drown out her childish dreams.
Impossible Numbers · 6.6k words  ·  16  3 · 689 views

Unexpected Meeting: Daisy of the Flower Trio, and Apple Bloom of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Not exactly mind-blowing, but it has the virtue of rarity. Here's hoping it fares well. :twilightsmile:

I thought the deadline was last night?

*looks again*

Huh! I have the weekend yet! Woo!











The deadline is today! ... But since I'll be super busy for the next few days you technically have until Wednesday to submit a story because I won't notice! :twilightsheepish:

It's still under the buzzer if you have to pick up the buzzer to slip it under, riiiiight?

Yesterdays and Tomorrows

6374101 Ummm... I think you made a bit of a mistake here. The link you provided isn't the link to your story but to another contest. :twilightsheepish:

Just thought you would want to know.

No idea what you're talking about! :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

You should check again, I think your internet's broken or something. :twilightblush:

6374258 Right... :trixieshiftright:

Well, now that that is fixed, welcome aboard. :twilightsmile:

First thing I've actually written in... I don't wanna think about it.

Hopefully the first of several projects I'll actually friggin' *finish* for a change!

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