Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
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Hi, I'm Ice Star and I'm a sapient garbage fire! (Though, sometimes I masquerade under another username that is much more open about this) I was one of those nerds who knew about MLP:FiM from the first episode and lurked in the fandom quite a bit before starting to collect my own ideas around 2013-2014 and toying with those stubborn things known as Horse Ideas. I didn't start really writing anything until '14 and by the next year, I had stories ready, stories outlined, and an account to throw them on. I've been producing a concerning amount of pony stories ever since. While university can make my production of them fickle, I still have plenty to write. I adore comments and votes from readers.

While my page does offer a good glimpse at what I do, I'll be sure to ramble some more and toss a few shiny links. I'm a huge reader of both pony and non-pony prose and that variety has influenced the varying genres I'll delve into. My favorites would be adventure, romances, and dark themes while pure comedy tends to be less frequent from me. I have a fondness for headcanon and worldbuilding, and that gives birth to many unusual ideas and odder aspects of my writing because I cannot go five paragraphs without some in-universe history leaking out, okay? I'm a fairly frequent romance writer willing to show a wide variety of pairings, relationships, and orientations that'll totally offer something for anyone who risks clicking my rare-pair stuffed horse things.

I am known to eject poetry with semi-regularity too, and the odd Equestria Girls piece. Maybe. My horse cult flexes include bypassing Equestria Daily's standards twice, getting a Barcast interview, someone making me this nifty group, and a suspicious amount of people finding my prose kinda sexy. Sometimes people will even give me reviews, write their reactions to my work, and present some pretty snazzy readings. (All these things are listed on my page near the bottom!)

Examples of some of the above where you might know me from are:


A Seattle's Angel review of one of my narrative poem 'Autophobia' highlighting what a warped little bunch of verse it is with a plethora of spoilers.
'Wishing Werelights' as performed by Obabscribbler and others!
I was a finalist in the Scribblefest 2016 Rarity category (for elegant prose) with my story 'Ashes'!
Having my story 'All That Lingers' be the host's top pick honorable mention in Jake the Army Guy's pony romance contest!

TAll That Lingers
The night that Cadance discovered the ghost of King Sombra lurking in the Crystal Palace should have been the worst of her life. Her greatest enemy is now lingering in her own home... and she knows that she's going to get to the bottom of this.
Ice Star · 5.1k words  ·  137  12 · 3.6k views

This particular romance romp is still one of my personal favorite stories. I'm usually not able to enter contests, but this one was an absolute delight for me because it was a chance to write about one of my favorite things: weird and uncommon ships. Being me, I dived in at the chance to write the story as seriously as possible. Sombra and Cadance? How could such a romance work?

(Obviously, you have to read and find out!)

Sombra and Cadance have always had too many possibilities for me, and are some of my favorite characters. The idea of them as a crackship or having any kind of positive interaction tickled my fancy too much, and in my longer, main works I had written them as gradually becoming a fast pair of oddball friends. The real secret behind this little piece is really just wanting to write some loving horse drama that was a step up and different look at a relationship I had given a different spin in other stories, but by still keeping the relationship a positive one.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

Welcome to group it’s pretty interesting what I’m reading can’t wait to learn more.

Reliable sources have claimed you are a tyrant returned from 1000 years of imprisonment to enslave all, and that you have an insatiable love for crystals. Care to comment?

Thanks! I’ll be sure to update this thread more when I can manage more story updates.
Sparkly and nice makes one happy Ice! And I’d like to see some hard evidence before you get all guilty before innocent.

TThe L Word
Cadance has a problem — a Princess of Love problem, to be specific... but she can't solve it! Maybe Luna knows something that might help her?
Ice Star · 3.2k words  ·  74  8 · 2k views

Being the princess of love, there's no way Cadance doesn't get "Dear Abby" kinds of letters with ponies asking for relationship advice. It's my headcanon and you can't have it, okay? However, her charity clearly wouldn't go unpunished. What happens when she gets a letter from a total pervert? There's no way she'd be cool with that.

This story was inspired by more popular authors relating their experiences of getting unsolicited messages asking them to write very specific, very unsavory things from entitled twats and how those are never any fun. I wanted to take that kind of a situation and parody it in a more lighthearted way while still pointing out that people/ponies who do that are friggin' stupid. It was a little hard at first, since if I showed the letter it'd have been a mature story, and I wanted this to be something most people would read and be able to feel a little better about afterwards, not like they needed to bleach their eyes. I decided to leave the contents up to the imagination and focus primarily on Cady's reactions, so I was able to write a story about sex without even needing a sex tag.

ETuning It Out
Sunset Shimmer learns to play guitar.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  97  2 · 3.1k views

Rainbow Rocks never tells us how Sunset Shimmer, a former horse, learned to play the guitar. Nor do I think most fans thought about how difficult this would be for a unicorn pony to have to cope without magic in everyday life, or how much they might miss it. Hands aren't magic, they're awkward and weird. Playing the guitar requires more than just talent and other skills from music practice, they're a) good outlets for people with emotional problems they might want to vent through music and b) often used for people to help them build up motor skills, something Sunset Shimmer would have to learn a lot of. She also notably doesn't ball her hands in scenes quite to the degree Twilight does, really suggesting she has learned lots of human things.

Equestria Girls also tells us little about how old Sunset Shimmer was when she went through the mirror. The only thing we get is an assorted amount of hints: she has gone through three Fall Formals by the first movie's start, Twilight has no idea who she is but has been Tia's student for years, Sunset still looks young enough to pass as a high school student, Sunset absolutely predates Twi as a student. I worked to build a simple somber mood piece with a resentful (if hopeful) pre-teen Sunset Shimmer coming to terms with her life in the human world without a huge focus on world-building.

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