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If you guys know the iconic hard rock band called KISS, well, next year on their ‘end of the road’ tour will be their last as 2023 will be 50 years since they’ve first formed as 2024 will be 50 years since their debut in 1974. But bassist Gene Simmons a.k.a. The Demon did say, “ We’ve never retired before”. But what do you think? Will they retire or not?

My guess is that they will because they are old. We just have to accept the fact that bands come and go. But on the bright side, we can still enjoy and listen to the tunes they made from decades ago.

But leave a comment or two down below to see of what you think, if they will retire or not.

Wasn't KISS supposed to have their last tour this year? They have said multiple times that they are going to retire but then they never do. I think they will continue to tour until Gene Simmons either dies or gets in such bad health that he can't do it anymore.

We'll see what they say. If The Rolling Stones still go strong, why wouldn't they?

7775929 If they're calling it "End of the Road" it sure sounds like they want it to be their last concert tour. A lot of popular musicians and bands are starting to retire from performing, Cvoid merely delayed the inevitable.

Does this mean that KISS will be retiring after this tour or is the name just for making money?

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