
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Opinion: So today August 21st: Protest, A Shaky Parliament and an Earthquake · 5:01am Aug 22nd, 2018

Now, for those who need to know, last Friday, Maduro announced a series of economic decisions (like anchoring our economy to an illegal coin and raising taxes) and the opposition decided to capitalize on this (knowing that the population would dislike it) by calling for the 21st of August to be a General Strike as a form of protest (nobody leaves their homes) and I was wondering if the population would accept, after all, the regime said that any business that complied with the call would be

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Report Time Reaper · 226 views · #Venezuela

A new Chapter of Living Insane is finally out · 5:22am Jun 5th, 2017

I've finally wrote another chapter for this story in less than three months. I think I'm speeding up the writing process, for now.

I hope you enjoy it, for this is another step to settle this new world Twilight is living in before dropping bombs at her.

Report Time Reaper · 232 views · #Twilight #Venezuela

Meanwhile in Venezuella · 5:36am Jun 16th, 2017

Venezuelan national guard using armored personnel carriers to run over protestors.

Myself and my friends who are into studying history are currently making bets to try and predict the exact month that Venezuela descends into complete civil war.

My bet is on August.


If you worry that I may run out of legends to write for every Halloween · 4:47pm Nov 3rd, 2018

Don't worry, I use Venezuelan ghost and I have plenty to write about, just a sample

And this isn't even counting the fact that I have a dictionary for Venezuelan ghost (with two ghost in that dictionary being planned to be written on the future) so the "Legends of" series will be alive for quite a while.


Recommended Reading: Stuff About Venezuela · 7:55pm Jun 1st, 2016

Okay, so I have, from time to time, recommended stories here — stories I felt were really good and deserved a few more views.

But now I'm going to recommend a blog post:
One of the most important things I will ever say to you by New Spark

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Third Story approved · 10:23pm Jul 8th, 2016

YES! My third story has been approved :D

I hope you all enjoy it and now it's time to go to my other stories.


Venezuela's currency value depends largely on one guy at an Alabama Home Depot · 5:46am Dec 3rd, 2016

The socialist government led by President Nicolás Maduro has had to contend with the collapse of oil prices, corruption and high inflation. For ordinary Venezuelans, that means their currency, the bolivar, has become mostly worthless — mostly, but not entirely. And right now, any value the bolivar does have depends largely on one guy who works at a Home Depot in Hoover, Alabama.

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The Signing of the Independence Act of July 5th of 1811 · 6:41pm Jul 5th, 2017

What day is the Venezuelan Independence Day can be a bit confusing if you don't know our history, without proper knowledge, you may get confused regarding the events of April 19th of 1810 and July 5th of 1811.

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My second Pony on Earth Story: Twilight is now a foal in the 1900's · 1:13am Jan 15th, 2019

Inspired by GLULIO's "Il Duce e la Principessa" here is my take on that story but using Twilight under a Venezuelan dictatorship that isn't very much researched overall. I'll try to give it a different spin to the original version but I don't plan to spoil how, which is why I also hope you like this sort of "pilot" chapter to see if you like how it's being made. Enjoy:

TThe Andean Unicorn
1900: After the earthquake that destroyed Caracas, in the search of victims among the scavenges, something that was beyond human knowledge was discovered and now the Venezuelan government must think what to do with it.
Time Reaper · 2.9k words  ·  19  3 · 839 views

In Venezuela, the Christmas Season means one thing: · 9:14pm Dec 5th, 2016


This is Venezuelan music that you only hear on this month (exclusive music, unless you live on Zulia, then you hear it all the time).


Horror Story · 4:04am Oct 31st, 2017

Greetings everyone, I'm what you cannot understand and I exist to haunt you in the waking world. I'm an entity that exist somewhere in Equestria and has decided to show you one of my most recent victims.


El Silbón

EThe Legend of El Silbón
In the far reaches of Equestria, in the lands where the crown reaches the less, there are stories of beings beyond our comprehension and how they haunt the towns on this region. This is the story of how a pony encountered one of this beings.
Time Reaper · 8.2k words  ·  18  2 · 912 views

National Anthem · 12:18pm May 25th, 2016

Today, May 25th of 1881, the Dictator Antonio Guzmán Blanco decreed that the song "Glory to te Brave People" would be the National Anthem of Venezuela. Normally, I wouldn't even bother to post it here, but I found a video with the lyrics translated to the English for those curious enough:

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I'm in shock · 1:11am Jul 15th, 2016

Something happened this week, two events (one this monday and another one today) that, when come together, creates something that I never thought would happen, at least not this way. Those who lives or are keeping a watch of the events happening in Venezuela will have a very good idea of what I'm talking about and to those who know I'll tell you that this event will be featured in Living Insane because it just fits so well with the theme of the story.

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An Update on the Venezuelan Economy - Gold from World of Warcraft is now much worth more than their money · 12:25am May 11th, 2018

Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results