
Viewing 1 - 20 of 376 results

Birthday Pony · 9:24pm Oct 26th, 2019

Welp, I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend.

Won't say how old I am, but I'm sure some of my more astute followers could probably make an accurate educated guess. Suffice to say, I've been around the block a time or two.

Not much hubbub in birthdays as an adult. Sure, there are still some milestones, but they become few and far between. I just enjoy a time where I can relax and have a nice dinner at the family's expense--and, maybe, splurge a bit on myself for a change.

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I've Always Been Old, Even When I Was Young · 9:10pm February 6th

Today at school (i.e. work), a first-grader stopped me in the halls to ask if I knew about "When there were two buildings in New York and they flew planes into them and they fell down and half the people died."

Rather than get into the details with him, I simply responded, "Yes, I was in high school when it happened, it was very sad."

To that, he replied, "No, this was a long time ago."

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Super Writes Short Stories Sitting In the Bathtub: Give Me Prompts! · 8:19pm Sep 1st, 2014

Hello tramper's! I am currently enjoying my Labor Day sitting in a bathtub using my phone's Talk-to-text system. Hopefully I don't drop it.

Anyway, I want to write some really small stories. So throw up a prompt in the comments, and I'll respond with a 50 to 200 word story. It's that simple! Let's get started!


Just Remembering · 5:40pm Aug 17th, 2020

Hard to imagine that next month, this will mark the 6th year I have been on this site. I have had the same AVATAR for 5 of those even. Joined when I entered the fandom during season 4. Wild looking back.

Report Mokais · 144 views · #nostalgia #old

I am old · 9:16pm Feb 6th, 2020

I'm celebrating my computer's 10th birthday by getting a new one, including a new case so that I could keep my old system as a backup computer. I looked long and hard for a "silent" case with two 5.25" drive bays. There is one--the Fractal Design R5. But it's expensive, and I settled for a case with only one 5.25" bay (the Antec P101).

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Report Bad Horse · 594 views · #old #hardware

The Sabre Saga. My first fan-fic. · 6:02am Jul 26th, 2019

My original fan fiction from 2014 is back up. I'm re-editing it and making some minor fixes and changes, but for the most part it is as it was. I'm releasing it in parts due to its length and uploading them as I finish editing each section. It's a blast from the past as the story is set in the cannon as it was during season 4. Check it out to see my fan-fic beginnings.

EThe Sabre Saga
Twilight and her friends are summoned to the Crystal Empire to investigate strange occurrences in Blackhoof Valley, the forgotten homeland of King Sombra.
Marezinger Z · 31k words  ·  15  2 · 688 views
Report Marezinger Z · 161 views · #Old but new

New IPad Coming Soon · 3:54pm Jan 4th, 2022

With my old iPad not working right, my mom ordered a new one that’s coming Saturday this week. As they always say……

When I get my new iPad, I’ll sign back into Fimfiction as ZenryokuZenkaiger. All of my followers, Be sure to follow ZenryokuZenkaiger on Jan 4 when my new iPad comes.

Report Lawton · 118 views · #New #Old

My Birthday. · 8:21am Mar 30th, 2016

Well yep it's my birthday today and I turn 18, damn it feels werid as hell to be that age. I guess everything changes from now and I'm now legal to do anything in the UK.


Hello Everyone! · 5:53am Jul 21st, 2019

So, em... it's been a while!

I don't expect people to read this, but just for my own nostalgia I decided to come back.
So much has happened since I joined the MLP community in 2015, and it scares me. A lot, is this what feeling old is like?
In these last four years, I've matured and even left the MLP fandom around two years ago. But I really do miss the feeling

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Report ItzyDitzy · 159 views · #return #old

So I'm dead now... (birthday announcement) · 4:11am Apr 5th, 2022

I turned 50 years old today.

I spent my birthday at the zoo. There was a farm exhibit with pony rides, but none of the ponies was Rarity. I failed to convince Management to give me a refund.

Afterwards, I went to this hipster restaurant that specialized in bowls of macaroni and cheese for $25 each. It didn't taste like how they made it in the Old Days, so I shook my fist at the establishment after I left. (Yes of course I ate the entire bowl first. It was $25!)

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Report McPoodle · 332 views · #I'm old

It's my birthday · 2:17pm Aug 3rd, 2018

The Symphony of Canterlot Chapter VII: Progress is 97%, I wasn't able to finish by today, and by all standards I am going nuts, it is my priority. I will finish this story before anything else.

I am 26 today, but I feel like I am 40 as I actually dread my birthday now, I am older and I still not reaching the things that I tried to do by this age.

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Report Disavowed ASH · 309 views · #I am old

Been looking through my old phone files... · 6:06am Sep 20th, 2017

While I was looking through some old HTML files, I came across a few stories that were deteled from the site due to the account of the author being deleted along with it. I saved them to my old phone back in high school and I am glad I did because there are a quite a few of these I enjoyed myself.

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*Facepalm* · 10:34am Nov 13th, 2020

So... I'm an idiot, I mentioned I'd continue writing From Grass to Bedrock & The Father of Sin (new title will come later), but I realized I've written some new chapters back in February to March, meaning I had - at total - four chapters ready all the way back in the beginning of the year... welp this is awkward.

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Too long · 5:58pm Sep 20th, 2015

I'm so excited! :yay: I get to see one if ny best friends today. We have been friends for 9 years, but we haven't been able to see each other in almost 3 years. (Personal, don't ask). It has been too long. :pinkiesad2: and we have a lot of time to make up because I don't know the next time we can get together. :twilightsmile:


Classic Movies · 1:27am Nov 1st, 2020

What old, classic movies do you consider great?


The Cringe of the Past · 5:06pm Mar 8th, 2017

So, I started on a new story... which I wrote over an old one, which had a lot of religion-based stuff in it. Not that that's a bad thing, but the execution was just too poor to even be repaired. That's why I started from scratch with a fresh idea instead of forcing a dumb one to be conjured up on paper. Like my old YouTube Vlogs story. Poor execution, lots of chapters over the course of a few days. Ideas were forced onto paper instead of being thoroughly developed. I'm still not a pro by

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Fate of the original book. · 10:39pm May 8th, 2016

Boy am I slow.

The first book I wrote about Techorse has been sitting as "incomplete" for years on this website. Originally I intended to update it with some "backstory" content, but I never went anywheres with that, and now, my newer writing style would make such chapters disconnected and strange.

So I've removed that first backstory chapter, and I'm marking the book as complete. It's been quite a while!

Report Spirals95 · 278 views · #old #first #book #complete

I'm Back Guys! · 2:21pm Sep 26th, 2017

That's a lie. I've been back. All of you who have seen my stories know i'm back. Regardless, I'm going on a little writing journey, so i'm going to be bringing back some of my old stories. I plan to finish them and go back to doing new stuff when I'm done. I've said this before, but this time, I mean it. I'm going to come back a better writer, and i hope you guys will join me on this journey of mine.

I love you all, and as always, Prince out.


Looking through old pics on Instagram and Facebook · 9:38pm Nov 5th, 2017

......I can take only 2 kinds of photos. Absolutely fabulous or Retardedly stupid.
Exhibit A: Absolutely F**kn FABULOUS!!!

Exhibit B:....Absolutely just...Why?!?


Oi, guys? · 10:45pm Jun 19th, 2017

Who here remembers the shipping FluffyMuffin? :ajsmug::trixieshiftright:

Sorry, not sorry, Sammy!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Viewing 1 - 20 of 376 results