• Published 10th May 2013
  • 8,718 Views, 169 Comments

A week with Trixie - Flutterfan457

Twilight needs to go to Canterlot on her own for a week, but she needs help from an unusual source to watch Spike

  • ...

Chapter 5

Note: Please read the author's note after this chapter.

Trixie had returned to Sugarcube Corner and described her plans to Pinkie, which led to her bouncing with excitement at the idea.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I've never thrown a party like this before! This is gonna be so much fun!"

Trixie simply waited as Pinkie continued to bounce and ramble. It was odd, but after some time, Pinkie's hyperactive and bubbly personality was actually very charming. Pinkie finally ceased her rambling and allowed Trixie to continue.

“I’m glad you are so eager Miss Pinkie, but we’ll need sufficient space for the performance. Can you see to that?”


"Very good, now if you'll excuse me, I need to speak to Miss Rarity."

Pinkie hopped off to take care of the arrangements. Trixie walked to Rarity who was speaking pleasantly to the others, Spike included. Trixie spoke to him.

"Could you excuse us for just a moment, young Spike?"


Spike left the group so they could talk. Rainbow smirked at Trixie.

"So, Spike says you've got a surprise in the works?"

Trixie smiled proudly as she answered.

"Trixie has discovered a very unique spell. I believe it will be quite an experience."

"Is this like what ya did when you first came to Ponyville?"

Trixie felt a bit uncomfortable being reminded how she acted when she first arrived. "No, this will be much better. Partly due to a new spell I have learned."

Rarity looked intrigued by this. "What sort of magic could serve your performance?"

"Trixie discovered this book in Twilight's library." Trixie levitated the spell book to Rarity, allowing her and the others to read it.

Fluttershy seemed a bit concerned. "Are you certain this is safe? If you just learned this, what if something goes wrong?"

Trixie was about to answer, but Rainbow eyed her suspiciously.

"Yeah, how do we know somepony won't get hurt?"

Trixie pulled back as Rainbow looked at her accusingly.

"Trixie knows how-"

"You said you just learned this magic. How can you be certain you understand it?"

Trixie was about to answer, but Applejack pulled Rainbow back by her tail. Applejack gave her a glare, making Rainbow cross her forelegs in frustration. Rarity spoke up.

"I understand you are talented with magic, but there is still the question of your understanding of this spell.”

Trixie thought for a moment and decided to demonstrate her prowess with it. Her horn ignited and a stream of clear magic started to flow from it.The magic slowly turned solid and took the shape of a phoenix. The others looked impressed as the phoenix flew onto Trixie's back. Her horn ignited again and the phoenix turned into a gorgeous silver cape that drapped over her back. Trixie smiled smugly as she ceased her magic and the cape disappeared.

"Alright, alright, you made your point."

Trixie laughed in arrogance. Rarity continued.

"How exactly does this involve me, Trixie?"

"Well, you are aware Spike is very found of you, correct?"

The others ponies laughed lightly at this.

"This is news to ya Trixie?"

Trixie cleared her throat.

"Well, Miss Rarity, I believe that you would be able to play a very important part of this performance.

"You don't say?"

"Indeed. Though I must ask. Do you have much experience in performance?"

Rarity smiled confidently and began a short demonstration.

"Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Ro-"

Rarity was silenced by Applejack placing her hoof on Rarity's lips.

"A simple yes woulda been enough."

Rarity gave her a half-hearted glare.

"Please pardon Applejack, Trixie. Some ponies are not as cultured as others."

Trixie smirked in amusement at their banter.

"Indeed. But Trixie digresses. Simply read through this."

Trixie's magic levitated a small script to Rarity. Rarity read through it, slowly becoming more and more excited.

"Trixie assumes you will be able to perform?"

"Very much so. Just one thing."

Trixie arched her brow in curiousity.

"I would like to design my costume. The medieval look is so dreadfully dull."

"Very well. Just please be certain you are in order for the performance."

"Don't worry. I'll be ready."

Pinkie suddenly popped up and started to eagerly speak.

"Can we help? There's lots that we can do! Applejack can cook lots of Apple goodies! Rainbow-"

Pinkie continued on how each of them could assist Trixie until Applejack gently hushed her. Pinkie did mean well, but she had a bad habit of rambling. She patted Pinkie's shoulder before speaking.

"Eh, like Pinkie said, we'd like to lend a hoof."

Trixie thought for a moment. She didn't think the others would be able to take part in the actual performance, but perhaps in setting up.

"Well, Trixie would certainly appreciate aid in preparing-"

"Ooh, I know! I can send invites to everypony in Ponyville!"

Rainbow placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder and smiled in confidence.

"Let me handle that Pinkie. I get around a bit better than you. I'll make sure the weather's clear for the show too."

Pinkie thought for a moment until Applejack spoke up.

"I can get the family to bake some goods to sell to the crowd. I can make some cider too."

Pinkie chimed in happily.

"I can help with that! So can the Cakes!"

"We'll probably have to work together Pinkie, if we plan to feed the whole town."

Trixie smiled warmly seeing their eagerness. Fluttershy looked like she wanted to speak up, but she remained silent seeing the others so excited, not wanting to interrupt. Rarity noticed and cleared her throat to halt the others.

"Fluttershy, dear, did you have something to share?"

Fluttershy smiled gratefully to Rarity for allowing her to speak.

"If you would like, I could have my songbirds play music for you."

Trixie looked slightly surprised.

"You have trained singing birds?"

Fluttershy smiled shyly while Rainbow patted her back.

"Ha, you kidding? She did the music for the Canterlot wedding!"

Fluttershy blushed firecely. Trixie looked very hopeful now, thinking about all these ponies helping to improve the show.

"Well, Trixie must say, with all of our efforts, this may be the best show she has ever curated."

Fluttershy suddenly looked concerned.

"Um, maybe we should wait for a little, so Twilight can see the show too."

Trixie thought on this for a second, but Pinkie spoke up first.

"We could call it a 'Welcome back and Congratulations Twilight and Thank you Spike from Trixie' Party!"

The others looked surprised by her. Trixie chuckled lightly before speaking.

"Trixie believes it would be better to call it a 'Theater Party'. It's a bit easier to put on an invite."

They all nodded in agreement. Applejack stood up.

"Well everypony, we got a lotta work ahead of us, so we best get to it if want to get it done in time for Twilight getting back."

"An excellent point. Spike!"

Spike ran back to Trixie. She lowered herself, allowing Spike to hop on her back.

"We must be off. Let us meet here later today, to make sure everything is going accordingly."

They all agreed and wished each other farewell. The ponies all went their separate ways.


The following day, Trixie was busy pulling her wagon, with help from Applejack and Big Mac, to the center of town to set up her stage.

Thankfully, the ponies efforts had been succesful. Nearly the entire town had received an invite. Rainbow had made short work of it and was now delivering the few she was unable to reach the day before. Pinkie had ensured Trixie had the necessary permits to use the space. Food and song were practically fully taken care of. Even Rarity had been able to finish her costume and master her part in the show.

Though Trixie had already made certain Spike could handle the magic and knew she needed him to perform, she wanted to make sure he was fully prepared. They arrived in front of town hall and unhitched their harnesses. The mayor approached Trixie looking hopeful.

"Everything is coming along smoothly?"

"Yes, ma'am. We should be prepared for performing within a few days."

"Excellent! This will certainly help Ponyville gain more positive appeal for travelers."

The mayor trotted off to take care of more work for the event. Triixie used her magic to make her wagon unfold into a stage. Applejack looked over it with a curious glance.

"Ya sure this stage is enough for what you got planned?"

"I assure you, Trixie will have everything prepared."

Trixie walked into the backstage to prepare the area for her performance. Her magic levitated several small mirrors to the corners of the stage. They were encrusted with small gems filled with the same magic Trixie demonstrated in Sugarcube Corner. The mirrors would enhance her spells and ensure she wouldn't be required to keep feeding magic into the illusions.

"Would you pardon Trixie for a moment?"

Applejack nodded and left with Big Mac to help clean the square around the stage. Trixie walked into a private room she used for changing. There was little space in it, but it was still very posh and furnished. The dresser had a large mirror with golden trim. There were two closets full of elegant dresses and horseshoes. Trixie sighed, feeling a little ashamed. She had spent so much money to spoil herself she didn't once think to save anything for an emergency. She didn't even think to sell any of these useless trinkets. She laughed to herself. If she had been willing to part with some of it, she wouldn't have ended up on the rock farm.

Trixie ceased her reminiscing and trotted to her closet. She needed the one thing she could never do without in a performance. Trixie opened the doors and smiled warmly. Still perfectly folded and tended to was her hat and cape. Trixie took the cape first and gently drapped it over her shoulders. She took a moment to enjoy the feeling of the silky material on her back. She then took her hat and looked it over for a moment. After a few seconds, she placed it on her head, enjoying the slight weight like it gave her some strength.

Trixie trotted to another closet and opened it to use a full mirror. Seeing herself in her performing outfit made her heart swell with pride. Her hat and cape were the first things she bought when she went on the road. She felt a bit silly, but she cherished them more than any other item she had. She didn't have much she considered precious, but these...it was almost like a coming of age moment for her. She reared up on her hind legs in a show of bravado.

"The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!!"

Trixie continued to pose in front of the mirror, enjoying her old look. Finally, she sighed happily and left her dressing room. Outside, Applejack and Big Mac were finishing their work. In the distance, Trixie spotted Pinkie and Fluttershy trotting to the stage, Spike on Pinkie's back and Fluttershy, with a flock of birds following her. Spike looked like he was exhausted and ready to pass out. She met them halfway.

"Hello, ladies. How is you're work coming?"

"Everything is nearly finished! The Cakes and Apples already have whole tables worth of-"

Pinkie stopped as Spike started to lightly cough and rubbed his throat. Trixie trotted to him and looked concerned.

“Are you alright, Spike?”

“Yeah, just…haven’t used my fire that much in a long time.”

Trixie cocked her brow, but Pinkie was the first to explain.

“Spike helped make practically everything! He's a great baker! I'll bet if he was a pony, that would be his cutie mark! Or maybe a quill cause he does so much work for Twilight. Or-”

Pinkie continued on and on, oblivious to the others' amusement. Spike smiled wearily. He looked over Trixie's outfit and looked impressed.

"That outfit looks good on you."

Trixie couldn't help but blush and smile shyly. Rainbow Dash suddenly landed by her.

"Hey, guys. I sent all the invites. How's everything else going?"

"Trixie has seen to the needed arrangements for the stage and show. Also, she believes the food is taken care of. It seems all is coming along nicely."

Applejack and Big Mac approached as well with bottles of apple juice for everyone. Applejack handed one to each of them. She raised her bottle and they toasted.

"Here's to Trixie's act going well! And to Spike, for helping us all make a new friend."

The ponies and Spike all raised their bottles and toasted.


In the late afternoon of Ponyville, a royal chariot was carrying Twilight Sparkle toward her library. She was completely exhausted after her week long course. Princess Celestia had trained and tested her for every potential disaster that could afflict Equestria; from drought and famine to another Changling invasion or even a horde of Dragons. Twilight took a long, deep sigh and smiled wearily as she saw her tree home in the distance. As much as she enjoyed learning and spending time with her teacher, she was sorely missing her friends, especially her number one assistant.

Twilight sincerely hoped he was alright in Trixie's care. She did trust Trixie to take care of Spike, but she knew Spike wasn't always very good at looking past a ponys' past. She shook her head, it was too late to worry about that. If anything wasn't right, she would just have to make sure to take care of it once she was settled.

Another thing on her mind was how much work Spike had to do while she was away. Princess Celestia had asked Twilight about him, wondering if he was well. She wasn't totally pleased about how much work Twilight placed on his shoulders. She explained that he was still only a baby dragon, even if he enjoyed his work, and Twilight shouldn't give him so much responsibility. She would have to talk to Spike and figure out what would work best.

The chariot landed and the two royal pegasi unhitched themselves and unloaded Twilight's bags. Twilight started to trot to her door, but stopped as she heard some sort of rustling behind the door. She smirked, wondering what Spike and Trixie had planned. Twilight slowly opened the door, seeing the library looked completely deserted. She reached for a lightswitch with her magic. As soon as she flipped it, she was assaulted by a loud cheer.


Before she could think, she was caught in a tight hug by something small and scaley. Twilight recognized it as Spike and happily returned the hug. They were joined a second later by all the others, except Trixie, who felt slightly out of place. Twilight smiled and gently pulled her into the hug with magic. They held the hug for a few seconds until Pinkie started bouncing excitedly.

"Was it fun in Canterlot?! Did you learn any new magic?! How is Princess Celestia?!"

As Pinkie continued, Twilight just enjoyed the pleasant enthusiasm of her friend.

"It's so good to be home. So, did anything happen while I was gone?"

"Well, Trixie is putting together a big show in a few days! The whole town is gonna be there!"

"Really? What sort of show?"

Trixie smirked proudly.

"Trixie has learned some potent new magics that will provide a very impressive display. "

Applejack patted Spike on the head.

"You can thank Spike for all this, Twilight. If not for him, I doubt we would have given Trixie half a chance."

Twilight smiled proudly and gave him a big hug. Spike fidgeted awkwardly.

"Well, the thing is....um..."

Trixie placed a hoof on his shoulder and spoke for him.

"The mayor said there was no need for Spike to be concerned with his tasks due to your absence."

Twilight sighed and looked a little ashamed of herself.

"Some things are gonna change, Spike. I promise."

Spike looked curious but was thankful Twilight wasn't upset.


A few days later, Twilight headed to the town square with Spike on her back. Trixie had asked Spike and Rarity to arrive early to prepare the show. Twilight spotted the stage, already with many ponies waiting for the performance, some of them buying snacks and drinks from the Cakes and Apple families. Fluttershy's birds were singing a lovely meody to keep the crowd entertained while they waited.

Twilight trotted to the back of the stage. She spotted Trixie busy checking all her work and props one last time before the show.


Trixie turned and smiled at the two.

"Excellent! You have arrived. Right this way Spike. Trixie must get you ready."

Spike hopped off Twilight's back, but looked very nervous. He didn't realize how many ponies would be here when he agreed to do this. Twilight gently nudged him to comfort him.

"Just do your very best, Spike. I know you can."

Spike gave her a thankful hug which she returned. Trixie couldn't help but find the sight adorable. Finally, Twilight broke the hug and kissed Spike's forehead.

"Good luck."

Spike nodded and followed Trixie backstage. Twilight trotted to the crowd, looking for her friends.


Twilight turned to the source of the sound to see Rainbow waving at her from slightly above the crowd. Twilight spread her wings and flew over the other ponies, not wanting to bump into anypony. She set down beside Rainbow and got comfortable.

"How's Spike?"

"He's pretty nervous. But I'm sure he's gonna do a great job."

Pinkie looked very excited.

"This is gonna be so much fun! Spike is gonna be amazing and Rarity too! I'll bet Trixie's magic is gonna be really neat!"

Twilight smiled wide, agreeing with Pinkie. She tried not to get jittery, but Pinkie's eagerness was very contagious at that moment.


Backstage, Trixie brought Spike to a small room by the curtains. Spike stood nervously.

"I...I really hope this works."

"Spike, you will do fine. We've been rehearsing extensively and you've done very well."

Spike continued to fidget nervously, uncertain of his ability to perform. Trixie gently rubbed his shoulder and smiled warmly at him.

"Do not worry, Spike. Just let Trixie get you ready."

Trixie's horn ignited and produced a silver mist of magic. Spike braced himself and closed his eyes, not sure what to expect. Trixie's magic wrapped around him, transforming him and making him grow. After ten seconds, Trixie dissipated her magic and saw her spell was successful, much to her delight. Spike finally opened his eyes and saw Trixie wide-eyed and swooning. What was odd was that she was much shorter than him.


Spike covered his mouth, noticing his voice was much more masculine and older. Trixie motioined to a nearby mirror. Spike looked at himself. He reacted in delighted surprise to see what Trixie's magic had done. He took a long look at his reflection and smiled wide.

"No way!"


The crowd was beginning to grow restless as showtime came closer and closer. Finally, Trixie signaled to Fluttershy and she summoned her birds to cease their song. Trixie signaled behind her and nodded to Rarity who, in her costume, trotted to her place. Trixie then used her magic to part the far end of the curtains slightly and began the show.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts! I bid you good evening and welcome to Trixie's Legends of Equestria. Tonight, I bring you a very special story that nopony has ever told or heard!"

The crowd quietly murmured in fascination.

"We are all aware of the defeat of Discord, the rise and fall of Nightmare Moon, and even the most recent tale of the Changling invasion of Canterlot. But one tale has gone untold for too long. A tale of a young warrior who fought in the name of love. This, my friends, this is the legend of Spike, the dragon knight of Equestria!"

The crowd looked a little skeptical, especially Twilight and company, considering Spike was well known as a helpful but goofy little guy. Trixie smirked and used her magic to part the curtain to the stage, which was under the illusion of a forest.

"The mighty warrior, Sir Spike, was known as one of the most elegant and gorgeous men in the land."

Out of the far left walked out Spike. The sight of him caused the crowd to ohh and ahh, and even earned a few catcalls. Spike was in the form of his dreams, with massive toned muscles, his long flowing cape and body armor, and his trusty lance on his back. Twilight simply stood slackjawed at the sight of her little asisstant looking like someone a mare would fantasize about. The others had a more infatuated response. Fluttershy hid on the ground with her face bright red and her wings fully extended. Pinkie cooed in delight and stared wide-eyed at him. Applejack smiled wide and fanned herself with her hat. Rainbow reacted the most passionately, a big smile on her face with her tongue hanging out, her wings fully extended and gazing at Spike completely delighted. She was the first to speak.

"Hubba, hubba!"

Spike smiled proudly and flexed his arms, showing off his well toned upper body. The crowd sent more cat calls and some started hooting. Trixie continued, having zoned out at the sight before her.

"This valiant young knight had traveled many days, facing many hardships in search of a single thing."

Suddenly, Rarity cried out, sounding like she was coming from deep within the forest of the stage.


Spike turned and looked concerned at the shout.


"Save me!"

"Rarity, hold on! I'm on my way!"

Spike started to run, but was stopped by three Timberwolves. The crowd gasped, thinking the animals were real. The girls looked very worried and were ready to run to the stage.

"What is she thinking?"

Spike however did not look concerned. He simply readied his weapon and prepared for battle, his face full of righteous fury and determination. Trixie continued with a bit more bravado.

"Many vicious beasts stood between our hero and his fair lady, but he would not be perturbed!"

The timberwolves snarled at Spike, but he didn't even flinch.

"Get out of my way!"

The wolves charged, determined to strike him down, but Spike swung once with his lance, smashing the first into pieces. Another tried to bite his arm, but Spike quickly hit it with his left hand, sending it into a tree. The third charged right for Spike, but he slammed his lance into it, flattening it into the ground. Spike returned his lance to his back and ran as fast as he could, the illusion of a forest continuing to expand within the stage. The crowd was enthralled by this point, especially the girls who never expected Spike to be so tough. Trixie continued.

"Through the wretched and forboding forest, Spike ran and fought with all his strength, his resolve never faltering, ever determined to rescue his love."

Spike spotted a large gap in his path. He pulled his lance out and prepared it like a vault staff. He plunged his lance into the ground just before the opening and sent himself flying over the expanse. The crowd saw him sailing through the air and cheered in amazement. The loudest was Twilight, who hollored in delight.

"Go, Spike, go!"

Spike hit the ground running, never stopping for a moment. As he ran, he heard what sounded like a large animal charging. Trixie narrated accordingly.

"Deeper and deeper he ran into the forest. The further he traveled, the more vicious his adversaries became!"

Suddenly, a manticore leapt in front of Spike, roaring and barring its teeth and claws. Spike readied his weapon. The crowd looked frightened for him, being completely immersed in the performance. The manticore pounced and tried to slash Spike with its' claws, but Spike blocked it with his weapon. He countered by grabbing the manticore by its mane and lifted it over his head. Virtually every jaw dropped in the crowd. Rainbow was one of a few who was not blown away, but jumped and cheered.


Sike tossed the manticore away into the forest. Once he saw it run off, he continued forward. He finally spotted what looked like an overgrown tower in the distance. Trixie provided narration.

"Finally, after a long, relentless trek through the forest, his goal was near. But one last foe stood between him and his lady. His greatest challenge was about to face him."

A loud roar shook the stage. The crowd looked terrified, thinking a dragon was approaching. Spike looked unsettled, but he readied his weapon and shouted in defiance.


A massive monster crawled from behind the tower. It appeared to be a dragon, but it was much more angular and almost like a skeleton. In place of scales and flesh, it was composed of gold, silver and gems. Spike was clearly frightened, but he stood firm, refusing to give up when he was so close. The dragon stood before him, smoke and fire rising from his mouth and nostrils. Trixie added a more sinister voiceover.

"The wretched beast eyed our champion, thinking him but a quick kill. But our hero was prepared to fight to his last breath. He readied himself for his most brutal fight as the monster lunged at him!"

The dragon dove at Spike, readied to clamp its jaw on him. Spike side stepped,just barely missing the attack. Spike plunged his lance into the dragons' neck, sending chunks of treasure flying. The dragon roared furiously and sliced at Spike with his claws. Spike quickly pulled back and plunged his weapon into the dragons' palm. The dragon reared back and unleashed a massive stream of fire on Spike.

Spike simply shielded his eyes as the fire raged around him, his dragon scales immune to the intense heat. The dragon slammed into the ground, shaking the earth and causing Spike to lose his balance. The dragon took the advantage and smacked Spike with his backhand, sending Spike's lance flying. The crowd was very enthralled and was on the edge of its' seat, wondering how this woud turn out. Trixie chimed in.

"The tables had turned on our hero, the beast had gained an advantage. But Spike remained resolute, refusing to let this wretched creature stop him."

Spike gritted his teeth and dug into the ground, prepared for whatever was coming next. The dragon swung its' tail into Spike, intending to strike him down, but Spike grabbed his tail and held it in place. Everyone, Trixie included, stood dumbstruck as Spike roared and pulled with all his strength on the dragon's tail. The dragon was thrown into the air for a moment until Spike pulled it back down and smashed it into the ground with an enormous crash. The entire crowd roared with applause at the amazing act Spike had performed. The dragon finally gave up and snarled as it spread its wings and flew off into the mist. Spike stood for a moment, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. He turned to the tower and shouted.

"Rarity! Where are you?!"


Spike heard the cry come from the highest room of the tower. He charged forward and smashed the door. He immediately ran up the stairs, not slowing for a moment. Trixie continued.

"Spike set forward, victorious, undaunted, and relieved to have reached his quest's end. Behind the door of the highest dwelling was his goal."

Spike reached the highest room and opened the door. He smiled happily and slumped in relief. Before him was Rarity dressed in an exquisite and elegant blue and silver gown, covered in sapphire stones. On her head was a beautiful crown that fit perfectly with her outfit. Rarity smiled in delight at Spike.

"Spike! You came for me!"

Spike knelt on one knee before her as he looked both worn from his efforts and elated to see his love.

"I had to. I am at your service....milady."

"Oh Spike. My hero."

Spike opened his arms for a hug. Rarity stepped toward him, but only gave him a tender kiss on the cheek and hugged him warmly. Spike looked disappointed for a moment, but quickly wrapped his large muscular arms around Rarity in a loving hug. The entire crowd practically radiated disappointment. The most vocal was Sweetie Belle, who shouted as loud as she could.


Trixie simply shook her head, feeling like the best part of the show had been lost. But, looking at Spike, she didn't mind much. Spike looked very content, and that was fine by her.

"And so, our valiant and selfless warrior, Spike, fought through beast and obstacle, never allowing them to stop him in the name of saving his true love. The End."

Everypony applauded and cheered with absolute elation. The other girls ran to the stage and gave Spike and Rarity a group hug, showering them in congratulations. Trixie smiled warmly as she approached them. She suddely felt a large hand grip her and she found herslef pulled into a tight hug in Spike's arm. She felt him press his lips to her ear as he whispered to her.

"Thank you so much."

Trixie felt tears of joy form in her eyes as she returned the hug. She motioned for Spike to step forward. He did so, making the crowd cheer even louder. He bowed to them as the applause rose and flowers began raining onto the stage. Trixie smiled happily as Spike basked in the accolades he received.


It was very late as the crowd finally dispersed and Twilight and company aided Trixie in gathering the magical arrangements and cleaning the town square. Trixie's spell was strong enough for Spike to remain in his heroic form, allowing him to lend more aid to the clean up. Trixie tried to avoid Spike because she was still enamored by his powerful and handsome build. She was till concerned how Twilight would react. As Spike finished loading crates into a wagon for the Apple family, Applejack offered him some leftover cider.

"That was one heck of a show you put on Spike."

Spike took the mug and downed it quickly. He wiped his brow, worn out from the intense part he played. He looked over himself and sighed.

"Wish this could last longer than just tonight."

Applejack smirked, partly agreeing with him. Twilight approached him as she picked up trash with her magic. She slid under his arm and nuzzled his side.

"Spike, I doubt you could fit in the library like this. Besides, I think you're handsome enough normally."

Spike simply rolled his eyes. Applejack and Big Mac hitched the wagons on their backs and headed home, wishing goodbye to them. Spike helped Twilight collect the trash. Rainbow and Pinkie both greeted Spike excitedly.

"Spike, you did an awesome job! This was the best party ever!"

Spike smirked confidently. Rainbow put her forelegs around his shoulders from behind.

"Hopefully Trixie does this again soon."

Rainbow wiggled her eyebrows at Spike. Spike blushed slightly until Pinkie lept into his arms and snuggled him.

"Trixie has the most fun magic ever! She turned Spike into a super hunky studmuffin!"

Spike's blush intensified as Pinkie and Rainbow smiled flirtatiously at him. The were caught in a grip of magic as Twilight pulled them off Spike. They both smiled sheepishly as Twilight sent an annoyed glare at them.

"Eh....yeah. I gotta get going. See you later guys."

Rainbow flew off towards Cloudsdale. Pinkie continued to cuddle against Spike's stomach. Twilight berated her.


Pinkie gave Twilight a pouty face.

"But he's so handsome and cuddly."

Spike smiled warmly and leaned down to give her a hug. She practically melted in his arms. After a short time, they broke the hug and Pinkie happily trotted off. Spike sighed, looking saddened.

"I wish Rarity thought that..."

Twilight frowned and gently touched his claw with her hoof. The two finished cleaning the square as Rarity and Fluttershy started to leave together. Rarity excitedly trotted to Spike.

"Spike, you were simply amazing tonight! No broadway actor could ever perform as well as you did!"

"Thank you, milady."

Spike leaned down and gelty took Rarity's hoof and kissed it. Rarity giggled and took Spike's face in her hooves and nuzzled his nose with hers.

"Oh, you are so sweet. No matter how big you get, you will always be my little Spikey-wikey."

Spike strained not to look annoyed. Fluttershy stood to the side, still enamored by Spike's powerful build. Spike extended an arm to her for a hug. Fluttershy nervously approached him and Spike held her in a gentle embrace. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at the adorable sight. Once they broke the hug, Fluttershy stood shyly, her face bright red. Rarity gently nudged her.

"Come now, Fluttershy. We must get going."

"O-okay. Um...S-s-see you later, Spike."

The two left the square. Once they were out of sight, Spike planted his face into the ground and hit the back of his head repeatedly in frustration. Twilight lifted him from the dirt.

"Spike, take it easy."

Spike got to his feet and walked to the wagon.

"No matter what...No. Matter. What! I can never catch a break."

Twilight looked on him with empathy at his frustration. They reached Trixie who had finished returning her wagon to normal. Trixie smiled lovingly at Spike.

"Trixie must say, you make an excellent knight Spike."

"Yes, he does. But could you change him back now, please?"

Trixie pouted and cuddled his arm.

"Do I have to?"

Twilight raised a brow at Trixie and gestured for her to do so. Trixie sighed and her horn ignited. Spike started to glow bright white as the magic started to dissipate. After a few moments, Spike returned to his normal small form. He slumped in dissapointment.

"It was nice while it lasted."

Trixie smiled warmly and gave him a gentle hug. Spike started to doze off as Trixie held him. Trixie's heart melted at the sight of him being so comfortable in her embrace. Trixie used her magic to set her hat and cape like a pillow and blanket for him on the wagon step. She gently set him under her cape and let him get comfortable. Twilight thought it was adorable as both she and Trixie hitched the wagon and pulled it back to its rightful place in Ponyville. Twilight quietly spoke to Trixie.

"You two get along very well."

Trixie smiled shyly.

"How long have you had a crush on him?"

Trixie recoiled and bushed fiercely. She stumbled over her words for a moment.

"Well-Trixie-She has never...he..."

Trixie lowered her head, hoping Twilight was not upset with her. Twilight gently patted her back with a wing.

"Have you two talked about this?

"No. Trixie is aware he has strong feelings for Miss Rarity. She does not wish to interfere with his feelings."

"Trixie, Rarity does not like him like that. If she did, why didn't she kiss him tonight during your show?"

Trixie still looked uncertain over whether or not what she was feeling was right. Twilight gently nudged her.

"I have no problem with Spike having a marefriend. What does bother me is him trying to win over a mare who shows no interest in him."

Trixie looked surprised at Twilight. Twilight continued.

"If you're really serious about this, I'll help you. Just promise me you'll be good to him."

Trixie smiled warmly and nuzzled Twilight.

"Thank you, my friend."

Twilight smiled back and returned the nuzzle. Trixie spared another look at Spike who continued to sleep peacefully. She didn't know if Spike would be willing to give her a chance, but Twilight did at least consider her trustworthy enough to try. Needless to say, it had been a good week.

To be continued

Author's Note:

I should mention a few things about this story. One; there will be a sequel. I had always intended this to be part 1 of 2. Anyone who feels disappointed by a lack of closure on Trixie having feelings for Spike, that will come to a conclusion in the next story. Two; there is a good chance this chapter will be edited in the future. I wanted to post it now because I made you wait so long. If enough people want it redone, I will try to make it better.

Comments ( 60 )

That line Twilight says.

"I have no problem with Spike having a marefriend. What does bother me is him trying to win over a mare who shows no interest him."

made me want to hug Twilight. At Trixie would return his feelings if he felt that way about Trixie. :pinkiehappy:

I greatly enjoyed the story, I felt that trixie was played well and you matched everyones personalities very well. I feel that the story section approch is a good one to take with your story. I can not wait to see how Trixie works to earn spikes favor, afterall she seems to have been smiten with him shortly after meeting him.
I feel that spike already has a spot for Trixie in his heart seeing how quickly he took to her as his friend and how strongly he defended her, now Trixie just needs to help that feeling grow

3169211 I'm just hoping the second story doesn't take me as long.

I have no problems with waiting, I rather have a story that is a wonderful read than something that was just hastily churned out ya know?

Yeah, a redo is a good idea.:twilightsmile: This felt very rushed.:trixieshiftright:
I prefer you take your time and do your best, then rush just to update.:moustache:

3169655 I don't think the pic you put worked properly. I can't open it.

3169701There will be a sequel.

Just a question , is there a chance that we see again " Spike the Dragon-knight" in the sequel ?
and i have the song for "The legend of Spike"

Last thing , i wanted to say that you've done a good job with your story , i really had a good time reading it:twilightsmile:

3169781 I'll have to think about it.

SEQUEL?! :pinkiegasp:

3171003 That was always the intention from the start.

My only questionis; how long will it take for the sequel's first chapter to arrive?

3171138 I'm not certain.I'm gonna try and write it faster than these past few chapters, but I can't make any promises.

As soon as the sequel is up let me know.

At first I was like. "YES FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER!" :rainbowlaugh:

Then after reading through and finding out its not truly over. "A sequel? Really? Oh. It's. So. On." :raritystarry:

I look forward to more, though I agree this felt just a little tiny bit rush. it still felt good in quality. My favourite part was the reaction to the Mane Six minus Rarity to Spikes new form. I would not be surprised if Trixie had competition, because not only did his friends see him like that. All very possibly 'Single' Mares and the Filies. I can see Spike getting quite a few love letters in the post the next few days. Which amuses me in my mind at least. :twilightsmile:

3172583 A chapter that took me two months to finish feels rushed. :facehoof: FML.

3173759 Umm I didn't mean to insult you sorry. It's just that there seemed to many things going on at once in a short space of time. Such preparing the play, Twilight's return, the play itself and clean up. It all felt some what compacted, compared to your other chapters.

I didn't mean to be a nit picky critic, I just wanted to give positive encouraging feedback. I apologise for doing the opposite.

3174947 No, I'm sorry. You are right. I'm just annoyed with myself that it took me all summer to finish this. I have no idea what kept me from getting it done for so long.

3175094 Writers in all shapes and forms are not perfect, all suffer from various issues from personal details to simple writers block. :pinkiesad2:

I applaud that you've seen through with it though, you can hold your head up high for that. :twilightsmile:

I wish you all the luck for the sequel and whatever your creative muses speak into ear wishing for something to be created.

It is a good thing you mentioned there will be a sequel (I was about to get pissed.) I look forward to it.

3183035 I had intended to do this from the start, to try a two part story. I didn't realize it would take me so long to finish the first half.

Keep going this is awesome! :pinkiehappy:

I like this story really good. Oddly enough this has altered my opinion on trixie. Although this a fan fic, I find trixie interesting. Not more than my previous favorites, but puts her on radar. :)

Also please refer me the sequel when written. Thank you XD

Loved the story as it is even with the few spelling and grammatical errors. :pinkiehappy:

This last chapter was as hilarious, as it was action-packed and romantic. Totally looking 4ward to the sequel.

Most excellent. Makes me want to read a lot more of this pairing.

3396832 Thank you very much.


This was very sweet even if there were a few typos here and there. I really like your take on this unusual pairing and am very much looking forwards to the sequel.

3616096Have I created a macguffin?

3815347 I make that mistake alot. I have to ask my proofreader if he'd be willing to look through the first few chapters at some point.

Awesome story is awesome! Is the sequil out yet?!

3981583 So true... So very true!

this story was excellent, if it wasn't for the typos, I would rate this story as smashing
perfect pacing very descriptive, I would love to see more of this pairing
RATING: 4/5 panzers

3982547 It's more the fact she had spent her life alone for the most part. Now that she has turned over a new leaf, Trixie is finding more and more enjoyment in the company of others.

3982811 I should see if my proofreader would be able to look through the first few chapters at some point.

3985692 I don't mind the errors it the story was still a good one
if you don't mind me asking, is there a sequel on the way?

3985723 Yes there is. It may take some time, cause I've hit a bit of writers block with it.

i am also making a spike fic of a different caliber and should be ready in a few months time

This was a wonderful read.:twilightsmile:
I do hope that part two can really tie this ship up with as much grace as possible.:ajsmug:

So adorable! I can't wait:yay:

Go go go spike:moustache:

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