• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
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A plate full of blins and a cat nearby.


Ponyville's newest psychotherapist realizes she'll have her work cut out for her when her first patient in town is a unicorn colt who claims to have been originally a "human". He's surprisingly cooperative, even with his delusion, but his lack of parents or guardians makes things a bit more complicated.

This story will be using a pair of odd stylistic conceits: being done entirely or almost entirely in an epistolary style, and, despite being an HiE story, being told almost entirely from the perspective of other ponies around said human.

Also, many thanks to Oh to be Old Again for giving the initial inspiration for this story.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 167 )

I saw this, and the first thing I thought of was " Oh to be Old Again". And then I read the description. Well, what do ya know? DERP

This is one of the most original takes on HiE that I've ever seen. Unfortunately, the execution falls flat on occasion; for example, while accurate, the first chapter was a bit of a dry read due to being... well, a report. This improves in the second chapter, however, and I do look forward to seeing where you go with this.

Lyra not obsessed with hands? Nice little subversion! Definitely something people need to work with more, subverting all this collective fanon. Nothing wrong with the fanon, but it's so frequent that seeing it not being canon in cases like this is very refreshing.

This is so far a very interesting take on a HiE fic. Keep going. I am interested.

I will give away a minor spoiler by way of an addition to your statement: "Lyra not obsessed with hands yet". Poor boy doesn't even realize what he's done to her. :pinkiecrazy:

I really like this take on it; acting like a mature, rational adult yet it's still interesting.

With immanent death avoided for the third time in a day

Should be "imminent"

2607948: ...that's even more brilliant. Self-fulfilling prophecy! Now that's clever. :pinkiehappy:

Also, I like the human's dry sense of humor. "So when do I get banished to the Moon" indeed. :rainbowlaugh:

...well. That came out of nowhere. I have no clue how this relates to the rest of the story, and that was rather jarring. :applejackconfused:

Two reasons, mainly: hinting at "wait, where the heck are the Mane Six during this 'human' business?", and setting up some foreshadowing for future plot elements.

I'm going to be playing with names a little to make something consistent out of the mishmash of single-word and full-length names that characters have.

Cheerilee stood out to me when widening the lens like that... after all, how many primary-school-age humans even realize that teachers have a first name?

Wow, he really likes his Neighponese food, huh? :rainbowlaugh:

2618226: Ah, so it only seems random rather than actually being random. Okay then.

All work and no curried udon makes Dr. Charm a crazy mare.

I have a love hate relation with stories like this. I love the story itself, and I hate the tiny updates.

Anyway I am getting a rather odd picture in my head from events discribed. It sounds like the Human was pulled to Equestria, died, and then became a foal... I am confused. Need more chapters.:flutterrage:

It's a little more complicated than that, but all the puzzle pieces will be laid on the table as the story goes on.

H'oh boy, now if only our nameless protagonist gets to feast his eyes on the corpse. :pinkiecrazy:

I may have said this before, but I will say it again. This is one of the most interesting HiE fics that I have ever read

This... hitchhiker :twilightsmile:... is so delightfully sane compared to the bulk of HiE I can only thank you for this story.

I can't help but notice a discrepancy: Canaxarasvim oka-Belthuriad in the chapter title, but Aruxarasvim oka-Belthuriad in the actual chapter. I trust that either this was deliberate or will be fixed shortly.

Also, personal headcanon at the moment is that Derpy is writing to Crackle. :rainbowlaugh:

This Octavia has a sense of humor only slightly more dry than the Sahara at noon.


Well, it's not that, it's the syntax. It took me a few times before I finally...think I got it.

I can't tell if a colon denotes the switch of a speaker, and before the colon is the subject of whatever they are saying, or some kind of sarcastic name to call the speaker by.

I actually didn't even realize this was them talking to each other, I was really confused the first couple times I read it because I thought it was Lyra writing on her correspodence with Octavia.

Ah, I understand. I'll take a look at it and see if I can rejigger the presentation to make it more clear.

I just did some minor but hopefully helpfully strategic edits. Let me know if that helps?


Oh. Oh! Okay, I get it now! Yeah these edits helped. Now I realize that these are all replies to different sections of Lyra's earlier letter. :twilightsmile:

I did some sneaky edits to previous section titles. The actual names are pretty much irrelevant to the story (at least at the moment), but I thought it would be doing the format a disservice if I didn't add at least a little bit of deeper meaning in the way they're patterned.

Her first name, mentioned in a previous part. She's pretty much just "Miss Cheerilee" to all the foals and nine-tenths of the adults in town, though.

Huh, wait what. You mean he came at the very least, before the end of Season 3. Or did we find that out before and I just forgot?

If anyone has a good head on their shoulders to figure out this weird nonsense, it'd be Celestia. Interesting...

Also, "Morningstar"...sounds very appropriate, actually. I could imagine that being a terrifying name to behold when Equestria ever went to war.

Yes, season 3 hasn't happened yet.

The timeline's a bit jiggered around to try and squeeze more consistency out of it, but neither has a certain important event in season 2, either...

What song was he singing? I can't think of any that goes "rebel, rebel".

This is quite an interesting story but it feels like its not going anywhere :rainbowwild:
I dont know maybe the lack of Human person thoughts from other HiE's is bothering me or something oh well :twilightsmile:

This seems random. But it will probably come up again soon. So I will wait for it to return.

And that Prench girl, whom we are to draw Rarity like... :raritywink: Her name translates to Whisper SOMETHING.

Changelings will become more important leading into the Big Royal Wedding, which is going to be the second main action-driving plot after the current one with the Prench operative carries through.

"Whisper Summer" (or something like "summer whisper" or "summer hush", if you read it as a single phrase and forgive the lack of the l' on the Été).

I'll sneak you a bit of information from the next part: Été is an elegant and charismatic lady, but she's not actually a pony at all.

2710628 To be honest, the proper wording should have been Chuchotement d'Été which translate into Summer Whisper :pinkiehappy:

On another topic, you mean that the weird dreams that the Doctor have is caused by a changeling? So either the colt is a changeling or... :derpytongue2:

2601126 Hear, hear. Some of the fanon takes itself too seriously and are fun to play with. I had a bit of fun with Lyra in my main Pony tale, as a former human herself; "It's not that I'm obsessed with hands, i just miss having them!"

Ooooh, checking the magic behind Harmony? And the Magic "Just Grounded"? Magic just doesnt ground without doing SOMETHING. Sneaky clue there... :twilightsmile:

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