• Published 17th Jul 2013
  • 11,570 Views, 263 Comments

Fallen From The Light - Spacecowboy

[Adv][Dark][Romance] - Now that the elements are no longer under the control of the Alicorn sisters, an enemy from the times of Discord begins his plans for revenge against them. Vampire Twilight. TwiLuna

  • ...

I - The Fall of Magic

Twilight unfurled the scroll in front of her, reading its contents once more as she carefully made her way through the thick confines of the Everfree Forest, the surroundings dim due to the amount of sunlight filtered by the thick canopy.


I received your compiled notes regarding your latest thesis, 'The Elements of Harmony, and Their Effects on Chaotic Regions.’ It is an interesting theory, and one that Luna and I are most intrigued by. If you are not aware, the Everfree Forest only became such a region because of the fight between Nightmare Moon and myself a millenium ago. I also saw your request to execute field work within the Everfree Forest, specifically the old castle. While I want you to stay safe, I'm also aware of how you are when something with as much potential as this has enters your mind. Your written request is merely a formality, I suppose.

Therefore, I, Princess Celestia, hereby authorize your field work. As with prior times, if you require extra expenditures, you know what procedures need to be followed. However, and I cannot emphasize this enough, stay alert and be aware at all times while in the forest. As you know, danger potentially lies around every corner.

Good luck Twilight, and we anxiously await the results of your research. This could be just the break Luna and I have been looking for to deal with the Everfree and fix yet another of our past mistakes.


P.S. - This is Luna, Twilight. I also implore you to remain safe while within the wild forest. If you wish, delay your expedition until I am able to take a day off, and I shall come down and personally escort you myself. This is a chance to right one of the many wrongs I performed a millennia ago, as well as keep a dear friend safe.

A laugh forced her attention from the scroll as she furled it back up and placed it in a saddle bag. "Twilight. You have read that scroll at least a dozen times now. Tell me, what is it that bothers you so?" Luna asked, the two of them carefully navigating the last stretch of their journey to the castle.

Twilight paused for a step, bringing her to Luna's side. "Nervous habit, really. I didn't bring any texts with me, just my instruments. When I'm nervous, I like to read." She shrugged as they continued to walk deeper into the forest. "By the way, thanks a lot, Luna. I think the forest somehow realizes when either you or your sister is here. I don't even hear anything."

Luna let out a booming laugh, her mood a stark contrast to their environment. "Why, is that the hypothesis of your next research project, Twilight?" She chuckled, changing her voice as she attempted to mimic Twilight's voice. "The Everfree Forest. Why it–" Her left ear twitched, her relaxed stroll was replaced by a ready guard, evenly distributing her weight across her hooves. "I do believe you have brought bad luck down on us."

Twilight stopped, ears sweeping in all directions as she attempted to pick up on whatever sound Luna had heard. Her horn lit with magic as she assumed a basic defensive stance, her back to Luna's left flank. "I don't hear any–"

A snap in the underbrush caused both mares’ ears to rotate towards the source in the darkness to their right. A pair of gleaming yellow eyes filled with malice caught the edge of Luna's vision, causing her to react by tossing a weak bolt of lightning in its general direction. They were greeted with a muffled impact of magic on something hard, and the sound of more underbrush cracking as the body of something rolled through the brush.

"Come, let us hurry to the castle, Twilight. Take the lead. I'll ensure our rear remains protected. It seems that the forest was quick to disprove that particular theory." Twilight began to scramble towards the castle, simply blasting aside any underbrush or brambles that appeared in her way. Luna carefully followed behind her, ears swiveling in all directions for further disturbances in the forest.

The sun hung high in the sky as they crossed the somewhat newly constructed bridge and entered into the clearing of where the remains of the once proud castle stood. They had remained unaccosted during the rest of their expedient travel to this place. They slowed their hasty pace to that of a leisure walk, ears still listening for any signs of trouble as they trotted their way to the courtyard.

“I do believe we are clear of any trouble now,” Luna stated, her eyes still darting around looking for movement, wary and alert. As she continued looking around, she noticed that Twilight was still on edge. "So, Twilight. Would you tell me your hypothesis once more?" Luna asked, hoping to quickly bring her down from the adrenaline rush.

As soon as the words reached Twilight, her posture began to change as the lecturer within her came to the front. "Well, when we faced down Nightmare Moon a few years ago, I noticed that there was a distinct lack of growth centered on the castle itself. The rest of the forest is currently kept from spreading by the inherent harmonious magic found in the lands surrounding it, but this land here should have fallen to the Everfree a long time ago." Twilight slowly trotted to the left of Luna as they walked into the courtyard of the ruined castle, the sun on their coats warming them both.

Luna couldn't help but smile as Twilight continued on with her hypothesis as they came to a stop inside the courtyard, ruined pillars lining the sides, vines creeping up them. "Because of this fact, I believe that the harmonious magics of the Elements of Harmony, even when dormant, permanently affected the land, centered on the castle. The instruments I have with me should be able to tell if the magics were indeed corrected, or if this clearing is simply a fluke in the grand scheme of things." Twilight paused as she began to pull out small measuring tools from her saddlebags, each piece floating in front of her for a moment as she calibrated every one of them.

"If not a fluke, it means that Tia and I may indeed repair the damage we caused to the land here over a millenium ago, something that my sister was unable to accomplish during my absence. You truly are a remarkable pony, Twilight. I foresee that you will herald in many changes during your life for Equestria, and all for the better good as well." Luna directed a warm smile towards Twilight, who began to blush underneath the praise.

Twilight began to set various instruments into motion as they began to study the ambient magics in their surroundings. "Luna, I'm just a bookish librarian who gets ideas from what I've read, that's all. If I hadn't stumbled across an old volume on the basics of Harmonious Magic, I doubt that this hypothesis would have even formed. You truly do give me too much credit, you know?"

Luna simply replied with a laugh that reverberated off the walls. "Twilight. It did not take me long to realize what it was that Celestia saw in you that so endeared you to her heart. You have one of the sharpest minds she has ever seen, yet you are always so humble about it." Luna noticed that Twilight was looking at an instrument readout and leaned in really close before she whispered. "And, you have nice... instruments."

With a startled yelp, Twilight jumped into the air and dropped her instrument. As she found solid footing once more, she raised a hoof to her barrel and glared at Luna, a faint tinge of rose coloring her cheeks. "Luna! Don't joke like that!" she huffed, getting her instrument off the ground and taking down the measurements.

A glint formed in Luna's eye, unnoticed by Twilight. "I am just kidding, Twilight. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. Might I ask what you thought I was going to imply?" Luna gleefully teased Twilight, enjoying one of their many exchanges.

Twilight's face turned red, her lack of words as good as an admission of where her thoughts lay. She coughed into a hoof, attempting to recover from the embarrassment caused by Luna. "Well..." she began, "I could always tell Celestia about the time you–"

Luna was the one to yelp this time, her hooves waving about in front of her. "Oh no, don't you dare tell her about that! You said it was a secret between just us two, remember? If she knew I was the one who put that in her shampoo, well..." Luna trailed off, holding her breath.

Laughter followed shortly after, leaving Luna to sputter for words. "Now I was the one joking," Twilight giggled, gathering her tools. "Shall we head inside so I can take more readings?"

Luna quickly gave one last scan of the surroundings with her ears before following Twilight inside. Passing through a wide arched opening where doors once stood, they entered the dark interior of the ruined castle. Using her horn for light, Luna alertly followed behind Twilight, lighting the way for the two of them. Periodically Twilight would pause long enough to look at an instrument, jotting the results down on a piece of parchment before signaling to Luna to continue forward. Sometime later, they arrived in the room where the Elements of Harmony had been stored.

Twilight started to take more readings, Luna remaining quiet as she contemplated the young mare before her. Twilight had most definitely been a close friend for some time now, and she was always impressed by how she carried herself. Hmm, no matter the project, she always approaches it with such energy and enthusiasm. Even our simple stargazing sessions, she's always so full of life, and it is always so contagious. Oh, how I would love to one day... Luna continued to think as she watched Twilight take down some notes, her head moving back and forth between instruments and the parchment.

"Now that's interesting..." Twilight muttered to herself aloud, a few pages of notes circling in front of her.

"Have you discovered something, Twilight?" Luna asked, moving closer to Twilight.

Twilight gave a quick nod of her head. "I believe so." She pointed to a few numbers and figures on a parchment piece. "It appears that the Elements did have an effect on the environmental magics. At the fringes of the clearing, the chaotic magic levels are rather high, but there is a mingling of harmonious magic contained in it. The closer to the element room, the higher the levels of harmonious magic. The chaotic levels are consistent throughout the entire area here. The variable is the saturation of harmonious magic. I'm not entirely certain as to what this means, as one won't find chaotic magic in any of the cities, just harmonious, but it's a step in the right direction."

Luna looked over the figures as Twilight spoke, nodding alongside her as she took in the readings herself. "This does indeed look promising. Do you need more readings, or can we return to Ponyville to process the results?"

Twilight stifled a giggle at Luna's speech pattern. "Yeah, that'd be a good idea. I think this is enough data to get started on. If it turns out to not be sufficient, I can always return later." Twilight packed her saddlebags full with her instruments and parchment once more, then put them back on. "Ready, Luna?"

Twilight and Luna began walking for the exit of the ruined structure, the dim interior lit by their horns giving way to bright, blinding sunlight. Unknown to either mare, one of Twilight's instruments was still on and taking readings. A beeping sound pulled Twilight's attention to it, while Luna simply looked forward.

"Wait, what is this... Luna, this is picking up a massive source of chaotic magic! It's showing between double and triple the normal values! What's going on?" A snap brought her ears to focus on the distance, her eyes following shortly after.

"Twilight... prepare yourself." Luna spoke softly, yet her voice was filled with seriousness. "Remember the magics I have taught you in our lessons, you will most likely need them. Try to pacify them only, but if things get too hectic, please focus on keeping yourself well and disregard their safety."

Twilight's eyes widened at Luna's words as she scanned towards the trees across the ravine, taking note at what lay in them. "I understand, Luna..." She hesitantly spoke, working up her nerves for the potential upcoming conflict.

All along the tree line, countless pairs of malice-filled eyes stared at the pair of them. Yellow and red were the prominent eye colors, and a deep throated growl was heard from the gathered creatures. Twilight slowly removed her saddlebags, hanging them on a piece of stone high and out of the way.

Twilight eased into a battle stance, Luna following suit as they stared down the predators in the tree line. "Timberwolves, I think. At least," Twilight did a quick scan with her eyes, "fourteen of them, maybe more. This isn't normal predator behavior..."

Luna quickly powered her magic, searching the currents for one mind in particular. Upon finding it, she carefully connected her magic to it while remaining alert. Tia. Castle, Timberwolves. Twilight estimates at least fourteen. Really wish I had taken you up on your guard offer right about now... She knew her message was received when a feeling of complete shock entered her mind, and she withdrew her magic just as the first timberwolf made itself visible.

Twilight was the first to act, a bolt of pure magic leaving her horn and striking the massive wolf in the side. Its stature shrank slightly, and a chunk of wood clattered to the ground, but the creature appeared to be otherwise unharmed, continuing its rush across the bridge.

As more wolves joined the first, Twilight shuddered. "Luna, something's not right. They're at least fifty percent larger than they should be, and that blast I hit it with should have at least knocked it out for half a day. Should we go back inside?"

Luna slung a magic bolt of her own, attempting to scatter the slowly circling predators. "Nay, Twilight. I sent Tia a message to get here, and quickly. If we can manage it, it's best to stay in the open so she may immediately see us when she arrives." Another bolt of magic from Luna struck the same wolf, finally dropping it. "Besides, there is little to use as a barricade within the castle. Celestia stripped most of the contents when she made the move to Canterlot."

The wolf that had taken three blasts appeared to be stirring slightly as the remaining ones all tensed, spread out in a half moon shape centered on the ponies. Luna and Twilight stood next to each other, horns bright with magic, waiting for the next move to be made.

A howl rose from the pack as two wolves charged from opposite sides towards the ponies. Twilight instantly reacted, raising a shield wall between the rapidly approaching wolf and herself, while Luna let loose with another powerful bolt of magic. Two collisions sounded, both wolves out cold. Another four were already on their way, however, and Luna called to Twilight as she judged their angle of approach.

“Twilight, quickly teleport us six hoof-lengths back in three, two, one, NOW!” she yelled out as Twilight timed their teleport. They left a white afterimage in their wake, reappearing exactly where Luna had requested. Twilight witnessed Luna using her magic to call on the power of the earth itself, a giant spire rising from the ground and striking two of the wolves as they sailed through the air.

“Luna!” Twilight yelled, striking another charging wolf, deflecting it from Luna’s flank at the last second. It quickly recovered and retreated. As Twilight quickly scanned around them, only three of the wolves seemed to be out of action as the rest of the pack had pulled back to regroup.

“This is odd to say the least, Twilight. I only hope that sister is close by.” Luna reached out with her magic once more, seeking Celestia. A faint thought reached her as she touched Celestia’s mind once more. Five more minutes sister, at the most. I also have a flight of pegasi that will be here a few minutes after me. Once more, Luna severed the connection.

“Watch out, Luna, they’re coming again!” Twilight threw up another shield, combining a lattice matrix and then reinforcing it with a teardrop design Shining Armor had taught her. Luna glanced at two of the unconscious wolves and picked them up, tossing them at the rapidly approaching mass of predators. They were both flung forward, but the incoming predators simply moved out of the way, causing Luna to curse.

The next few minutes passed by in a blur that seemed to stretch for an eternity. The adrenaline pumping through Twilight’s veins heightened her senses as she began to act on instinct alone. She lost awareness of Luna, only faintly noticing a blur of wings and limbs on occasion in the fringes of her vision, as she was focused primarily on the threats to herself. A shield raised her to protect her flank from a strike, a bolt of magic tossed in retaliation. Following Luna's prior actions, Twilight hoisted and tossed an unconscious wolf into another that attempted to sneak up on her. In a few instances, she found herself to Luna's back, the number of wolves facing them slowly dwindling.

Sweat from exertion mingled with the blood dripping from claw marks on her flanks, causing a distinct stinging sensation with every movement she made. She turned in time, barely avoiding being struck again to glimpse Luna slamming both hooves down, crushing a timberwolf's skull beneath them.

Silently they fought on, till the last wolf remained. With a mighty crash, it flew at near rainboom speed into a wall, a sickening crack sounding out its defeat. Heavily panting, all of Twilight's senses came back to her, the first one being pain. Her hooves began to shake, causing her to collapse to the ground as she threw up.

Flying in from the sky, Celestia saw Luna toss the last of the wolves into a wall and Twilight collapse to the ground heaving. She left out an internal sigh of relief, glad that although she was too late to aid in the fight, nothing too averse seemed to have occurred, at least nothing that a small visit in the hospital wouldn't mend, judging by the blood on Twilight's side. She noticed a bubbling pool of red coming from the ground, moving towards Twilight and her sister. No, that can't be!

"TWILIGHT! BEHIND YOU!" Celestia called out, ignoring her sister's greeting, willing herself to go faster. A mass of blood-like liquid was now gathered behind Twilight, bubbling and roiling as it reached for her. Twilight, too exhausted from the combat and extensive magic use, combined with the adrenaline crash remained oblivious to Celestia's warning.

As Luna turned to see what Celestia was concerned about, pure, unadulterated rage crossed her face. She went to fire up a spell, but had little strength left, causing it to fail. Celestia landed just as the liquid enveloped Twilight, a faint, magical static hum signifying a teleport.

As the blood disappeared, it left a perfect circle of dead vegetation in its wake. Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

Celestia landed next to Luna, despair crossing her features. "It must be him, Luna. Even though I’d thought him dead... Oh no, Twilight..." She shivered, the sun dimming with her mood. Luna raised a hoof and rubbed her sister's back gently. “We’ve got to find Twilight, Luna.”

"We will find him. We will save her. It will not happen again, Celestia, I swear to you." Luna stated, her eyes steeled on the dark confines of the forest as she spoke with resolve. Out of the corner of her eyes, Twilight's saddlebags rested. "I swear it."

"Ah dun told you, Spike, you can't lose hope!" Applejack exclaimed. "If the princess put that spell on ya for when Twi shows up, it’s gotta mean she’s gonna show up! You can't lose hope!"

Spike looked at the ground in shame, despair having long since set in at the absence of Twilight. "I know, AJ, but it's already been a week since she went missing... And it was in the Everfree too..."

Applejack let out a slight small, wiping the sweat off her brow before moving in front of Spike. "C'mon partner, I know you got some faith in you somewhere in there." She rested a hoof on his shoulder. "Sides, if the princesses say they can help her once she turns up, who am Ah to question that? They're the princesses! So, cheer up, Spike."

Spike perked up slightly at Applejack's words as the last of the sunlight bled from the sky, the trees of the orchard casting long shadows on the ground, signaling the end of the seventh day since Twilight had gone missing. Spike thought back to the words Celestia had spoken to him at the library that evening.

"Spike, I'm afraid I have some dire news. Please, sit down." Celestia hadn't even waited until the door closed behind her, catching him off guard as he jumped at the sound of her voice. Moving to one of the chairs kept on the first floor, he apprehensively looked at Celestia, fear in his eyes at the distinct absence of Twilight.

"What is it, Princess? Is she hurt? If so, is she okay?" He blurted out nervously, noticing the guard pegasus that stood watch over the door.

A sad look from Celestia further scared Spike, before her words confirmed it. "She was only mildly hurt, but... I won't mince words, Spike. Twilight was taken after she and Luna bested a dozen Timberwolves while on their research trip. We aren't entirely certain by whom, but my sister and I have a very good idea of the culprit."

Spike felt himself sinking into the cushion, his heart falling to rest in his stomach. "Hurt? Taken?" He whispered, not wanting to believe what he was being told.

Celestia took immediate note of his discomfort and moved to wrap the edge of her wing around him. "I'm sorry, but yes... It was something that nopony could've seen coming. I promise you though, Luna and I have ponies out looking for her. And, when she turns up, we'll make sure all is right." She felt Spike's clawed hands wrap around her leg. "Don't worry, Spike... She will turn up, of that, we are certain..."

She consoled Spike for a short time, allowing herself time to grieve for Twilight too. Spike eventually pulled his face out of the soft fur of Celestia's leg, looking up at her with pain filled eyes. "Is there... anything I can do, Princess?"

Celestia thought for a moment, a thought coming to mind. "Yes, Spike, there is. I'm going to make arrangements for you to stay with Applejack during Twilight's absence. The moment you know Twilight is back, I want you to use this..." Celestia trailed off, her horn shining with radiance as she began a spell...

"Spike? You there, partner?" Applejack's voice broke him from his reverie, depression setting in once more.

"Yeah, I'm here, AJ. It about time to head back in?" Spike asked, the sun gently resting on the horizon, simply awaiting Luna's moon. Applejack took one last look around the orchard, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Yeah, sugarcube. I'd say it's bout that time to call it a day. Ah'm sure Applebloom and Mac have a good fine dinner ready, too." She began walking back to the homestead, looking forward to a good meal. After a few steps, she noticed Spike hadn't followed. "Spike?"

"Bwa, huh, i-it-it's..." He stammered out, pointed a clawed finger towards the now rising moon, Applejack turning to face at what consumed his attention.

Casually walking towards them, illuminated by the moonlight at her back, a mare walked towards the two of them, a smirk on her face. Applejack's hat tipped off her head as she tilted her head in confusion. Is that... Twilight? Why is she struttin’ like that?

"TWILIGHT!?" Spike yelled, violently hiccupping and causing a multihued flame to pour forth from his mouth, engulfing the lower boughs of an apple tree. The ashes magically drifted off on the wind towards Canterlot as Spike collapsed backwards, eyes rolling into the back of his head.

The mare in question chuckled, a deep sound that penetrated through Applejack, causing her to shiver. In the dim moonlight, it appeared as if her coat were a few shades darker than it should have been, and as Twilight got closer, a few jagged scars on her flank became visible. What caused Applejack the most distress, however, were the new additions Twilight had that gleamed in the moonlight.

Her deep red eyes stared at Applejack, her tongue licking over two stark white fangs that slightly protruded from her mouth and gleamed in the dim light. "Oh, Applejack," she purred, her voice that of a seductress, "it's so nice to be home."

Author's Note:

Ladies and Gentlemen. I present to you Chapter One of my newest venture, Fallen From The Light. I do hope that I have your attention with this first chapter.

I hope for this to be a great ride. First time exploring Dark and Adventure, should be a fun and bumpy [For Twilight & Co] ride, so buckle on in!