• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,464 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 9 - Enter Blueblood the Non-Menace

DISCLAIMER - No matter what you may read in the following text, there will be zero chance of shipping Twilight with Blueblood. That is all, you may now continue.

Cadance cheerfully strode into a room, opening the door wide without a care for the occupant inside. On the bed, a small colt lay on his belly, jumping at the loud entrance that was made. "Good morning, Bluey! I was told you're nice and well again, so guess what?"

Blueblood merely groaned, already annoyed at his sister's antics. "Cadance," he whined, drawing out her name, "why are you coming in here so early? Lemme get more sleep!"

Laughing, Cadance merely walked to the side of his bed, poking him with a hoof. "No can do, brother. You've been laid up in bed for the last week, and I've really got someone for you to meet." she removed his covers with magic, causing him to groan and get up to his hooves. "Now, up and at em!"

Groaning, Blueblood complied with his sister, hopping off the bed and making his way to the mirror in the room. Looking himself over, he found his appearance satisfactory, even though he was only six his philosophy was that there was no such thing as 'looking too good.' It simply did not exist to his young mind. "So, who is it that you want me to meet?"

Cadance smiled, her grin nearly stretching across her entire face. "Why, none other than a young filly that I've told you about already. Twilight Sparkle." she slowed her pace so that he could keep up. "I think it'll do good for both of you to become friends, Blue." Cadance spoke much more quietly this time, as if a heavy thought weighed on her mind. This did not go unnoticed by him; Blueblood was considered rather observant for a colt his age.

"Is this because both of our parents are dead, Cady?" she nodded in reply, which caused him to think. "So... you think it'd be good for both of us since neither of us have our parents anymore? Or," he fixed a glare at her, "are you trying some of your icky magic on me?"

Cadance look confused for a moment, before nearly breaking down in laughter right there in the hall. Blueblood stopped in his tracks, looking at her as if she were crazy. "Oh, Blue," she coughed out between laughs, "first off, you're too young for me to even try my icky magic on you. Secondly, you're too young." Cadance finally gathered herself, setting off at a slow pace once more. "Really, I just know that she needs a friend her own age. It's been really hard for her... Celestia had the funeral almost a week ago, and she's still very down over that. I can't do too much to help her though, I'm just 'too old' as one might say."

Blueblood followed Cadance into a small dining room for breakfast. "I see... I'll go ahead and do so, besides it sounds like she's nice from what you've said, Sister." he received a smile from Cadance in return as they took their seats at the breakfast table.

No more than a minute later, Celestia joined them at the table, wishing them both a good morning with a small smile gracing her face. The customary greetings were exchanged, and Celestia perked her head up at the end. "Ah, here we are... Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, good morning." she pointed a hoof towards Blueblood, who was in the middle of lathering a bagel with cream cheese, "this is my nephew, Blueblood." Celestia then turned to address the young colt, "Blueblood, these are Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle. They will be staying at the castle with us from now on."

Shining and Twilight hesitantly walked over to the table, taking seats to either side of Cadance. He took his seat first, forcing Twilight to sit next to the strange colt. He merely smiled as she took a seat, offering a bagel to her.

"Hi, I'm Blueblood. Cadance has told me a bit about you." he politely spoke as she accepted the bagel. "So, having a good morning?" He ignored the fact that it looked like somepony had hastily scrubbed at her cheeks in an attempt to remove the tear stains, for some reason he didn't like seeing such a thing. Add to that the cast on her horn, and Twilight looked amazingly haggard.

"Uh..." Twilight hesitantly began, awkwardly nibbling on her bagel as she thought about what to say. "I suppose so?" she asked, not used to being put into a situation of talking to a pony her age. Twilight turned her attention to the food in front of her, using it to buy yet more time.

Blueblood took it all in stride, for he understood her position to a degree. He too had limited contact with others his age, and instead turned his time towards voraciously reading and trying to bribe the guards to teach him how to use a rapier even though he was still much too small to do so.

As they all ate breakfast together, Celestia mulled over her thoughts. She had begun her efforts to reconnect on a personal level with ponies once more, just as she had promised her deceased lover after the funeral last week. She noticed another awkward exchange between Blueblood and Twilight, and then looked on at Cadance and Shining. Maybe Twilight will... nah, that's just silly. Still, Blueblood will hopefully find a good friend in her, and both of them will be better off for it. I know that she tries hiding it, but I can see just how much she's still hurting. Celestia inwardly thought of Stable once more, thankful for the help the doctor had provided.

Shining sat at the table, slowly eating breakfast while exchanging soft words with Cadance. He was trying his best to look out for Twilight while keeping time for Cadance and him to do things couples did. With school just a little over a month away, he really wanted to make it count. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked at Twilight, the pain within his little sister was still all too evident to him, even with her attempt to show him that she was fine. His gaze looked over to Blueblood, who exchanged words with her every so often. It'll be good for her to have a friend her age, and hopefully she can make more in school... Celestia help Cadance's brother though if he gets any ideas about her!

Cadance leaned against Shining Armor during breakfast, doing her utmost to milk the last month of living in close proximity. She had no doubts that he would do wonderfully in the guard training, but once he left it would be a long time before he was done. Still, Cadance was more than capable to understand why he was doing it, and she wholeheartedly agreed with the reasoning. She glanced at Celestia, still puzzled over the recent changes in her aunt. Ever since Twilight, really, she's been acting a little... odd. Trying to strike up conversation, no matter how odd it might be, attempting to reach out... It's almost as if she's attempting to make up for something. Gotta say, though, I do like her attempts, she seems... happier?

Blueblood mulled over his cup of tea, slowly sipping at it as he looked at the eggs on his plate. From time to time he looked over to Twilight, and couldn't help but cringe every time the cast entered his sight. That, plus the cuts he could see underneath her coat made him wonder what exactly she had been through, and made him wonder even more why Aunt Celestia had decided to make them Wards of the Crown. From what he recalled reading, it was not adoption, like Cadance and he were, but it was only a half-step below it. I suppose she could be a good friend. Cadance mentioned that she reads a lot, especially when it comes to magic. It would be nice to have a study-buddy, too. But, if Sister tries her magic on me... uugh, no thanks!

Twilight sat in silence, speaking only when that new colt Blueblood tried talking to her. Cadance had mentioned that he was her brother, and a bit spoiled but meant well. It meant a lot to her that Twilight get along with him, but she had no idea what exactly that meant. As she glanced towards her brother, she saw him chatting with Cadance, like always. I still miss them so much... I really don't want to spend time with anypony, my books are more than enough company... plus there's no way that they'll leave me, no matter what. Oh, what do I say to him? Blueblood keeps trying to talk to me...

Breakfast ended with Celestia rising, a smile on her face. "Everypony, please have a good day. Sadly, I need to get ready for Day Court now. Take care." With a wave of a hoof, she turned and left the room, leaving the four to their own devices.

"So," Cadance began, her eyes darting between Twilight and Blueblood, "I'd really like for the four of us to go on a walk in the gardens, what do you think?" Shining walked up to her side, a smile on his face.

"That sounds like a good idea." he said, turning to Blueblood. "I'm Shining Armor, anything in particular you like to go by?"

"Well, Cadance likes to call me Blue, but Blueblood is just fine." he scrunched his nose as he brought up Cadance's words and turned to her. "Sister, really? A walk? It's so boring!" Blueblood whined, eliciting a laugh from her and, surprisingly, Twilight. "Oh?" he asked politely, rounding on Twilight, "What do you think of a walk, Twilight?"

"It's... nice. Mommy and Daddy used to take us on them all the time..." she trailed off, tears beginning to well in her eyes as thoughts of them entered her mind. She felt shocked when he hugged her, both of his hooves around her neck.

"It's okay... at least you got to spend time with them, that's important. Even if they're gone now, you can still remember those times together." he softly spoke, surprising Cadance and Shining. "I think a walk sounds like a good idea right now."

The four left the dining room, slowly making their way to the private gardens for a morning stroll. Shining quietly spoke in Cadance's ear before moving alongside Blueblood, insisting Twilight take his place.

"Hey, Blue," he began, leaning down slightly and keeping his words soft. "Really good job, I appreciate you making Twilight feel better. Cadance has told me a lot about you, and I'm really glad that it looks like you and Twily can be good friends. She's been so down ever since our parents passed, and sadly I can't be there all the time." he looked up to see Twilight excitedly talking with Cadance, completely ignorant of the talk going on just a few paces behind them.

"Cadance has been talking about her all week while I was sick. To be honest, she wouldn't shut up about it and was quite annoying." Blueblood whined to Shining, causing the older stallion to lightly laugh. "She did say that Twilight was into a few of the same things I was though, and she seems nice enough, if quiet."

"Good, just..." Shining trailed off, a look entering into his eyes, "don't get any funny ideas about my sister, okay?"

Blueblood looked at him in confusion for a few moments before screwing up his eyes and wrinkling his nose. "Eww, first Cadance then you? No way, I don't know why you think just because you're... dating my sister I might be interested in yours, that's just icky..." Shining couldn't help but laugh at his words, relief entering him. "I'll try and be friends with her though, I'm really looking forward to someone as interested in magic as I am."

Shining laughed again, finding the similarities between Twilight and Blueblood humorous. "Yes, that she is. When she gets into a book on magical theory, you can't peel her away from it. If it wasn't for her horn," Shining's expression dropped for a moment, "she'd probably be trying to cast spells. I'm just thankful that it should be healed in time for her to apply for Celestia's school. She's wants to go there so badly."

"Hey, you two, c'mon!" Twilight called out, facing them as she trotted backwards. Without realizing it, they were at the entrance to the gardens, and had fallen quite a ways behind.

"Hold your hooves, Twily, we're right behind you!" Shining laughed, quickly increasing his speed as he scooped Twilight up in his front hooves, setting her down on his back moments later. She immediately scrambled down, sticking her tongue out at Shining.

Their walk took them through a nearly endless amount of flowers; it seemed that every species alive and then some was planted within this garden. Everypony's spirits were exceptionally high, even Twilight's. Cadance and Shining leaned into each other with one of their forehooves wrapped together as they walked behind Blueblood and Twilight.

"This one here is the Night Lily." Blueblood was busy pointing flowers out to Twilight and telling her what little he knew about them. "Aunt Celestia says it's really special to her, although she never really did say why. Supposedly on a full moon, and in bloom, they glow a deep blue hue."

"That's cool!" Twilight exclaimed, moving forward to look at it closely. "Luminescence is an interesting phenomenon, I read something about it being caused by magic and, uh..." she scrunched her brows in thought, "magic." she lamely finished, looking ashamed.

Blueblood looked at her for a moment before laughing, not at her but with her. "Magic and magic! Who knows, that could be why. I haven't read about those yet, I just ask the gardener a lot of questions when I'm out here. Apparently my mom had planned the layout of it, so..." he looked pensive for a moment as Twilight looked at him with concern. "It's okay, Twilight. I never really knew her, she apparently died when I was born. Still, if this," he swept his hoof towards some of the flowers, "was her idea, she must've been pretty good, right?"

Twilight violently nodded her head in agreement, stopping as her vision began to blur. "Uh huh. I have a few things to remember my parents by," she hesitated, continuing after a reassuring smile from Blueblood. "Like, all my books are from them, and I read a lot, so... I always see them while reading, kinda. I still miss them alot, though." Twilight managed to keep from crying this time, proud of herself for doing so.

The two of them went quiet as Shining and Cadance continued to watch and listen in, glad that everypony seemed to be getting along so well. They continued through the garden at a slow pace, taking the time to stop and smell a random flower, as the majority of the garden was in bloom.

It seemed like all too soon their walk was finished, the last of the blooming flowers left behind them as they made their way inside. It was late morning now, lunch still a few hours away. Opening the door, they walked into a small study, its walls lined with books. Cadance and Shining made their way to a small sofa, laying on it next to each other, as Twilight immediately took off for the books.

“Oh, wow! There’s a lot of books here, and so many on magic!” she exclaimed, running her hooves over the spines of as many as she could. Blueblood walked over to a shelf and pulled out a book, bringing it over to the table. He motioned Twilight to come over, and she took a seat next to him.

“I think this one might be a good read, if you’re interested.” he pointed to the title, Bioluminescence in Plants and Animals. Nodding her head, they settled down and slowly began flipping through the pages.

Cadance looked to Shining, beaming widely at him. “It looks like they’ll get along just fine.”

Author's Note:

Written from 3:00am - 4:30am... I've looked it over for errors, but there might be some. I'm trying something extremely different here, making Blueblood highly intelligent and also big into books. And very respectful of mares, even if they might have cooties. *snicker* Also tried something new with the breakfast scene, a bit of 'let's look inside everyone's head.' Hopefully it works out well.

Next chapter will get the ball rolling at last on the relationship that's the focal point of the story at last. Also, I received a rather insightful piece of critique that's caused me to take a step back and look at things, my characters may be a bit flat still, especially with the situations I've thrown them into. Might try something different with a sort of look into their minds as a side/interlude to add depth, or dedicate a chapter to looking within their minds. Unsure as to how I'll go about trying it, but they made a good point, and I'm leaning towards agreeing with them.

That's all I've got for this one, although I do have a new story out, for those who might be interested in me shamelessly promoting it. It's [Human][Adventure][Romance], and is centered around the concept of being immortal via reincarnation like a phoenix. (Re)Birth Through Flames If you give it a try, you have my thanks.