• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,931 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Chapter 7 - A New Perspective

The first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, striking Jason in the face. The moment that the first of the rays struck him, he was immediately awake and alert. It was another new part of this foreign body, from sunrise to sunset he felt alert, never getting tired. However, the moment that the sun went down below the horizon, the day's exhaustion would set in and hit him all at once. While he had been wandering, he had felt somewhat vitalized by the sunlight, but never to this degree.

He carefully got to his feet on the bed, as that was another thing he refused to give up. The large form of Philomena was next to him, curled up on her side and facing him. He inwardly smiled as he looked at his best friend, closely looking at her.

Philomena's long, luxurious hair that was a violent mixture of reds, oranges and yellows as if it were fire haphazardly fell down her back, most of it caught on one of her folded wings, which looked very similar to how Jason's had been. The only difference was that they were slightly smaller, more lithe, all a part of her being female, Jason presumed. As he looked at her, a pair of bright emerald eyes slowly opened, meeting his beady amber ones.

"Ah, Jay..." she mumbled, tiredness slowly leaving her, "good morning." Philomena brought a hand to his head, gently scratching at the top of it. He could not help but to lean into her gentle caress, something inside of him enjoying the contact. "Were you staring at me again?"

Jason squawked out a word of protest, comically waving his wings as if they were hands. She laughed and pulled her hand back. "Admit it, you lech. You were examining this new body, weren't you?" she winked at him, one of the first habits she had picked up on, even before she was fully steady on her feet.

Philomena let out another peal of laughter as he continued attempting to protest, her voice like music. Her singing as a phoenix had been nearly heavenly, but now it was the sound of angels, if Jason still believed in such things. "Oh, I see. Now that I have a body like a female of your kind, you find me attractive, do you not?" she teased him, knowing full well that for at least the next month he was unable to do anything about it.

He continued attempting to deny her accusations, although inside he had to admit that she was extremely appealing to his eyes, even while stuck within this avian form. Her hair was the perfect contrast to her pale skin, which was amazingly smooth. Her eyes captivated his, and Jason was sure that he could spend hours staring into them, if given the chance. Physically, she was gorgeous in his eyes, and he had long since come to love her personality and character from the time they had spent together. Being one of two or three individuals able to understand the phoenix's natural language had greatly aided that.

She stood up and walked to the new dresser that had been brought into Jason's room. Rarity had been more than happy to ply her trade for Philomena, and after a rather lengthy and thoroughly embarrassing discussion with her about the concept of why she should wear clothes, Philomena took Rarity up on her offer. Right now she was wearing a nightgown that was a blend of reds and oranges, it was very fitting sleep attire for her.

Jason averted his eyes as he heard it hit the ground, the sounds of Philomena rustling through her drawers reached his ears. He could not wait until he was human once more, and luckily Celestia claimed to have crucial information for them both this morning.

"Jay, are you ready to go see Tia?" Philomena asked, holding out her hands with a large smile. Hesitating for just a moment, Jason carefully extended his wings and took to the air, looking more like a bird drunk on Celestia's hidden preserves more than anything else. She carefully caught him as she moved a leg backwards to brace herself. He was just large enough that he couldn't perch on her shoulder, and even if he had been the right size, the constant moving motion would more than likely have him falling to the ground within moments.

Philomena left their room, closing the door behind her as she headed to a small dining room. It was just going to be Celestia at breakfast with them, as the news she claimed to have was rather personal. Just four days ago they had returned from the mansion, and the day after that Celestia had performed a large battery of tests to see what had caused their mix up.

Opening the door, Celestia was already present and waiting on them. Platters adorned a small table meant for a half dozen occupants, and with a wave of a hoof she pointed out their chairs. "Please, take a seat, my friends. I hope that the morning finds you well?"

Jason squawked a few times, sounding rather irritated in the process. Philomena held out her arms and he attempted to fly, managing to glide to the wooden surface meant for his use. She giggled as he continued making sounds, a slight blush coming to her cheeks shortly after he finished. "Oh, my... Jay, that language! I thought I'd asked you not to use it anymore, remember?" she asked, barely chiding him as she took her seat beside him.

He bickered with her, looking rather comical as he waved his wings around as if they were arms. After nearly a minute of watching him and Philomena exchange words, Celestia broke out into laughter. They both looked at her, and after composing herself she began talking. "Oh my, excuse me. It's just that you two reminded me very much of a similar pair I know... a certain married couple I should say..." she trailed off, thoroughly enjoying this moment.

Philomena and Jason both looked at each other wide-eyed, then at Celestia, then once more at each other before they both broke out into sounds vehemently denying it. Once more, laughter rang from Celestia who simply shook her head. "I'll have to bring Cadance over at some point, but for now I believe we have a different matter to listen to..."

Celestia waited for both of them to go quiet, filling her plate with food in the meantime. "So," she began once she was certain she had their attention, "it would seem that I've learned a few things from this. First, I need to perform another spell on you, Jason... with your permission?"

It only took a moment before Jason nodded, muscles tensing in preparation for the spell he knew was coming. Celestia's horn lit with a golden aura as she cast her spell, goosebumps running across his skin. The sensation lasted for only a few seconds, ending as she brought her head back up.

"Thank you, Jason. Now, in your case, I have a theory as to why you're now a phoenix. As you recall, I mentioned that someone had shoved phoenix magic into your inner core, and that Philomena then helped this core to develop. It would seem that, while closely resembling a phoenix's magical essence, yours is fundamentally different due to your human heritage.

"Now," she continued as she took a quick moment to nip at a muffin, "what this means is that, when you gave Philomena your magic in a bid to save her life, two things happened. First, you expelled much of your magic, including most of what was unique as a result of your human heritage. Secondly, this magic infused Philomena, essentially bringing her back to life."

She waited a few moments, letting them both comprehend exactly what she was saying before continuing. "Now, in regards to you, Jason, here's the good news. That magic is simply drained, which is why you reincarnated as a phoenix, albeit slightly larger than normal. Your size was influenced by that human element, making you larger than an average phoenix. Thanks to that spell, I'd say you could reincarnate into your former form within a month or two at the longest."

Jason let out a few noises, discontent heavy in them. "Well, at least it's only a matter of time, Jay. Look at it this way... you get to spend some time solely dedicated to learning about the phoenix side of yourself. It's been neglected all your life, so now is a really good time to focus just on it." Philomena chided him, a gentle smile on her face. She turned to Celestia with a question of her own. "And me, Tia? Is this my new form, or will I, too, eventually end up my former self?"

A look of uncertainty crossed Celestia's face. "Philomena, my dear friend... I'm uncertain if this is good or bad news to you, but," she paused, hesitant to deliver the news. "That is indeed your new body. When Jason infused you with magic to save your life, you were completely drained. I don't know if you recall, but your body had gone cold..." Celestia shivered as she remembered that moment where she thought Philomena had truly died,

"Jason's magic, all aspects of it, was transferred to you. Including the unique elements that came from his human part. The only way I imagine you'd be able to become a true phoenix again would be to somehow drain that one facet, and then reincarnate. Even then, given time it would simply regenerate itself and your next reincarnation would be right back to the body you are in currently." she finished, the look of uncertainty still plastered on her face.

Philomena put her fears to rest as she launched up from the chair and wrapped Celestia's neck in a massive hug. "Thank you for confirming it, Tia, my friend." she said, then quietly whispered something into her ear that Jason was unable to hear. After a few more moments, Philomena broke the hug and returned to her seat sporting a large smile.

Celestia likewise shared her smile, although a small glint was contained within her eyes. "So, Jason... I have a question for you." she began, rubbing her front hooves together. "Jay, is it?"

Breakfast had long since passed, and currently Jason and Philomena were in an open courtyard garden, lying on the ground. They had originally come out here to work on Jason's flying skills, but the warmth of the day had lured them into taking a small nap in the late morning sun.

Jason currently laid on Philomena's stomach, resting on her sundress that Rarity had expertly crafted. She was lying in the grass, her wings providing all the cushion she needed as he rested on top of her. "I must say, Jay... this is an experience I think that I rather enjoy."

He quietly chirped a few words, voicing his content. Philomena laughed, gently running a hand through one of his wings. "Yes, I suppose that using me as a pillow is something that you would enjoy, being a male, yes?" he abruptly sounded out a mixture of chirps and squawks, causing her to laugh even harder. "Jay, you are too easy to tease." she paused a moment as her expression turned thoughtful.

"This... human body, it is something that I had begun to wonder what it would be like, Jay. Since only Celestia, Luna and yourself could understand what I was saying when I was an avian, my curiosity continued to grow the longer I spent with you." he warbled out a question, "Well, I grew up around ponies and saw how they lived and interacted, and although I wished that all of them could understand me, I was thought what it might be like to put myself in their... hooves?

"However, you were something new. Going back as far as I know of, humans never existed here. You could even say I had a fascination with it when I first met you and found out that you could understand me. While a part of me deep down understood that it was only because of the phoenix magic within you, I let myself rule out that possibility and think that you truly could understand me because of what you were. It was quite the thrill, I must say. And, I got a wonderful friend from it."

Jason felt her shift around as she attempted to get into a sitting position without disturbing him. Her arms wrapped around him in a hug, keeping him close to her body as she sat up. "I know that you're probably looking forward to becoming human... ish again, but for now, let's work on getting you more acquainted with flight, hmm?" she asked, and he cawed his agreement.

She set him down on the ground, and he extended both of his wings, carefully looking at the individual feathers. Jason knew that, more than likely, Philomena would end up pointing out a few that he missed, but each time he preened fewer and fewer feathers were missed. It felt odd having to use his mouth for this, or more accurately his beak, but the concept would still end up carrying over to his wings once he was human once more, so he needed to work on it.

Philomena carefully watched him as he preened, judging him all the while. As he finished, she slowly clapped, another thing that had quickly amused her. "Very well done, Jay. You caught every out of place feather, although you did end up messing with about a dozen you didn't need to. Still, better to do too much than not enough." she extended her wings, closing her eyes briefly as she felt the gentle breeze rustle her feathers.

Looking back down at him, she asked him a question. "Now, ready to continue from where we left off? You can fly, but it's barely passable right now, and you're liable to truly hurt yourself if you did it unsupervised."

He warbled and squawked, attempting to protest her words, which only caused her to laugh. "For three days, it's not bad, but it is the truth, Jay. Now, go on ahead, try to fly up. I'll be right behind you."

Jason extended his wings, feelings the air currents around him before leaping into the air with a flurry of flaps. Awkwardly, he slowly took to the sky, drifting heavily side to side as he slowly ascended. He could hear Philomena below him, who upon unfurling her wings for the first time in her new body had taken almost no time at all to adjust. She truly was a natural in the air, and Jason aspired to be able to fly like her, given time.

As his mind drifted, his body's natural instincts came to the forefront, smoothing out his unsteady flight as he began to ascend without the drift. He was shaken from his thoughts as Philomena tickled his belly, causing him to resume his awkward flying.

Philomena laughed, remaining just underneath him the entire time they flew. He felt the air flowing through and over his feathers, and it was a feeling like none other. Jason now understood the attraction that those who could fly had for the sky, even though he was barely sustaining his flight, it was a massive thrill.

They stayed low, flying in the vicinity of the courtyard for the next half hour. Philomena landed, almost toppling over as her legs slightly buckled. Jason fared no better, hitting the ground and rolling. After they recovered, Jason and Philomena met each others eyes, both breaking into laughter moments later.

She straightened her hair, dusting dirt off of her crumpled dress. Jason squawked a few noises, causing her to laugh again. “Yes, Rarity would throw a fit if she saw me right now, wouldn’t she?” she paused a moment, thinking, “I think it would be nice, if, once Twilight is back, we go see her friends with her, yes? I’d like to talk with Fluttershy when she doesn’t think I’m sick…”

He looked at her questioningly, comically scratching at his head with a wing. Philomena looked at him, then let out a short peal of laughter. “Well, you see…” she recounted her time underneath Fluttershy’s care, occasional peals of laughter ringing out from them at various points in her story.

Philomena wrapped up recounting the events, laying on the ground much like before they had started flying. Jason laid next to her head, sprawled on his back and eyes closed. She turned to the side he was on, looking at him with mirth in her eyes. Slowly, she brought both of her hands to his sides, then brought all of her fingers to attack his sides.

He tried jumping up, but being on his back left him truly vulnerable to her seeking fingers. Although a phoenix, he still retained his ticklish spots, which Philomena relentlessly abused. She began laughing as he squirmed in place, a steady stream of sounds streaming from his mouth.

After a minute or two she finally relented, a wide smile on her face as she looked over him, patiently waiting for Jason to recover. “Jay,” she spoke once he seemed to have caught his breath, “it would seem to be lunch time… would you like to go get something?”

The day was nearing its end, and dinner was rapidly approaching. Philomena and Jason met up with Celestia, Luna and Shining Armor for dinner. When they walked in, Shining was complaining. “This one cultist is still eluding the guards. The information Blend provided details her as Night Shade, a pegasus alchemist. She has no social connections, doesn’t have a large financial base… there’s no reason she should be eluding us so easily. We’ve raided her house and store, and are looking for more locations she may use, but it’s turned up nothing…” he let out a massive sigh.

Luna turned to him, resting a hoof on his shoulder. “Nephew, while I understand your frustration and know that this matter is keeping you from Cadance, please, have patience.” she let a slightly manic grin come to her face. “And, if it takes too long to find her, once located, I would love to apprehend her for you.”

They shared laughter as Celestia greeted Philomena and Jason. “Good evening, you two. How are you doing?” Both gave their own greeting as they took their places.

“Jay and I are doing good, Tia. We went for a flight earlier in the day, and although a slow learner,” he voiced his discontent with her word usage, causing all but Shining to laugh, “it shouldn’t take too long for him to fly as if he were meant for it. Don’t expect him to be dive-bombing your cakes… yet.”

Philomena grinned as Celestia sputtered, her cheeks turning red. Shining looked over to Jason, a wry grin on his face. “I gotta ask… why does she call you Jay, Jay?”

“Captain Armor,” Philomena began, looking at him with an equally wry grin, “have you heard some of the tales of my pranks?” she calmly asked, waiting on his answer.

He slowly nodded, bringing a hoof underneath his chin. “Twilight,” a pained look reached his eyes for a moment, “told me how you took one of her books once, and how she chased you for an hour trying to get it back. Her and those Daring Do books… Plus, she’s told me… other things that you’ve done.”

She grinned even wider. “You should ask Tia all about what I did to her cakes on numerous occasions… but now that I’ve got these,” she stuck out both of her hands, wriggling all of her fingers, “the possibilities are nearly endless... do you understand what I’m getting at?”

Shining gulped as he slowly nodded. “Most excellent!” she wrapped an arm around Jason, catching him off guard. “Only I am allowed to call him Jay, and you don’t need to know why.” Philomena smiled as Jason continued to struggle slightly in her grasp, giving up after a moment and tossing a wing into the air.

Everypony laughed, and dinner came out at last. Jason let out a few sounds to Philomena, who turned to Celestia. “Jay would like to know, how is Twilight doing? The last we heard she was going to spend time with Cadance, yes?”

Shining’s face fell as he spoke first. “I got word from her earlier, things with Twily are… going slow. She’s making headway, but Twilight’s been shaken badly by everything. Plus, Cadance has apparently found out that Twilight blames herself for your injury, Even though she knows that, although it was fatal, you would not truly die from it. It seems that her emotional side is thoroughly drowning out her logical side…” he just sighed and began picking at his food.

Celestia stepped in, a hopeful smile on her face. “I believe that Cadance will make good headway with her, though… Twilight’s logic will help her overcome this as if it were any other difficulty she has faced before. Cadance’s counseling plus her friend’s visits will go a long way. Is that sufficient for you, Jason?”

He nodded his head, turning his attention to his own dinner. The mood now spoiled, everyone ate in silence together, the only sound that of the utensils Philomena still slightly fumbled with. One by one, everyone excused themselves once done, Shining first and then Luna.

“You two… take care, and I’ll see you tomorrow. I’d enjoy spending some time after Day Court with you both.” Celestia said, a small smile on her face. Philomena nodded her agreement, then Celestia left the room.

Jason and Philomena were back in their room, the moon just starting its ascent into the sky. She sighed, leaning on the balcony as she looked at it. “Jay…” he turned his head, resting on the rails next to her. “I know that it frustrates you, but are you at least enjoying yourself?”

He let out a series of sounds, first sounding frustrated, angry even, before they mellowed out into resignation. She reach over and laid a hand on the rail next to him. “Well, yes… I can understand why it isn’t enjoyable not being able to talk to everyone and that you can’t do things that you did before, but at least it’s only for a month or two. I’ll admit, things have changed a lot for the both of us recently, hasn’t it?”

Philomena let out a large sigh, turning to face him. “I’ll admit, it has long been a dream of mine to experience life as other than an avian, able to openly communicate with others for once. Celestia had once looked into a spell to do so, but for whatever reason, it didn’t work.” he questioned her, and she raised an eyebrow.

“Well, that could explain it. Her magic always has felt… slick? Perhaps the spell does work, it just can’t take hold with us, the magic conflicts. Very good point.” Philomena turned back towards the night sky, humming a few notes.

Philomena opened her mouth, music spilling forth as she began to sing an aria, the sound so beautiful, so enchanting, that the very air seemed to come alive. Jason slowly flew into the air, hovering around her as she closed her eyes and sang from her soul.

Time lost its meaning as the notes continued pouring forth, the words inconsequential to the melodic sounds that filled the air. Jason’s worries and concerns melted away underneath the gentle caress of Philomena’s smooth, dulcet tones. She held out her hands and he landed in them as she began to walk inside.

Finishing her song, she simply smiled. Jason let out a series of awed sounds, bringing a slight blush to her cheeks. “Thank you, Jay. I have always prided myself on my singing, and I wanted to see how it fared in this new body. I would say that it is most agreeable.”

She set him down on the bed, moving to the dresser to change into her nightgown. Once more Jason turned away in respect, only moving as he felt her weight settle onto the bed. She pulled the covers up over herself, running her hand through Jason’s wings.

“Good night, Jay.”

Author's Note:

This is very... new territory for me. As far as I know, there is no precedence for Philomena outside of her prankster personality that most folks seem to show her with, and as far as I know, there's not a single story that has portrayed her with the ability to speak. Some points, to me, feel touch and go as I work on establishing her character.

And yes, confirming it now. Philomena IS the romantic interest. As of now, no word on whether or not polygamy might come up in the future, for those who still want to see Twilight or Celestia with Jason. If it comes up and can work, I'll consider it. All I'll say on the matter.

This month will pass by over the next two chapters or so. Hopefully you liked this chapter, and I'll see you all with the next chapter.

EDIT - The comment about polygamy is simply to head off anyone from asking. It doesn't mean anything else, one way OR the other.