• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 5,775 Views, 159 Comments

Chaos Next Door - Sketchy Changeling

You'd expect that having Discord as your neighbor would be a pain, and you're right.

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Chapter 5: Unusual Behavior

“Well,” Discord said to himself, “with Eric having a boost of confidence and Celestia off my back, I’d say that my work is done.” With a satisfied grin, he walked into his house and jumped onto his couch.

“I think I should take a nap before my date with Tia,” he said to himself again as he let out a yawn. “It wouldn’t be a good idea to show up to my date dead tired.” Discord made himself comfortable on the couch and closed his eyes. “I hope Eric has good luck with Azure,” he thought. “What am I thinking? Of course he will!”

Later that evening, Eric prepared for his visit to Azure Gem’s house. He decided to show up at around eight thirty, and he was going to dress for the occasion. He found a nice dress shirt and some slacks, and he put on some cologne as well, not too much, but more than his first date with Azure.

“That mare is in for the night of her life,” he said as he admired himself in the mirror before checking his watch. “Eight fifteen. I should get going.”

Eric made his way to Azure’s house, arriving right at the time he planned to arrive. He even took the time to get some flowers for her. “To help set the mood,” he thought to himself as he knocked on the door.

“Coming!” he heard from inside, followed by hoofsteps. The door finally opened, with a smiling Azure on the other side. “Oh! Hi, Eric!” she said happily. “Are those flowers for me?”

“Of course!” he said as he handed them to her. “Decaf told me you were sick, so I got you a little get-well present.”

“Well, I’m not actually sick,” she admitted. “I was feeling particularly lazy today, so I just used one of my sick days.”

“You sneaky, sneaky, filly,” Eric said with a grin. “Since I don’t have to worry about catching anything, mind if I come in?”

“Of course not,” Azure said.

Once Eric entered Azure’s house and into the light, she noticed something… strange about him. At first she thought it was from the lack of light outside, but now she was able to see that Eric’s skin looked faded.

“You sure you’re not sick, Eric?” Azure asked with concern. “Your skin isn’t looking too good.”

“What are you talking about, Az?” he asked. “I’ve never felt better.”

“Well, if you say so…” she said, still worried for her boyfriend’s health. “I’ll go put these flowers in a vase.”

“You do that,” Eric said as the mare turned around and looked for a vase. He took the opportunity to stare at Azure’s flank. As usual, she could tell that he was looking, but she felt… different about it. Usually, she thought it was cute, and it made her feel flattered, but this time, for some reason, it was making her feel uncomfortable.

“Um… Would you mind not doing that, Eric?” she asked politely.

“Aww…” he said, trying to sound cute. “I thought you liked it when I looked at your flank.”

“Well, not right now…” she said, trying and failing to explain how she felt. “I feel kind of different about it now.” Azure sighed as she walked to her couch and took a seat.

“Well, I’m sorry, Azzy,” Eric said apologetically as he followed the mare to her couch. It was hard for Azure to tell if he was being sincere. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” he said. “It’s just that I find that flank of yours is so hard to resist!”

“Umm… thanks?” she said, feeling even more uneasy. “What is up with him?” she thought. “He’s never been this forward with me before. I might just be overthinking things, but there’s something about him that’s making me feel… not right.”

Eric threw an arm around Azure and pulled her closer to him. She shivered at his touch, and he noticed it immediately, smiling at her reaction. He thought that it was one of arousal, but in actuality, it was one of fear.

Being the nice mare that she was, Azure tried to let Eric down easy rather than flat-out reject him. “Um… I think I actually am feeling a little under the weather, Eric,” she said as she gently removed his arm from her shoulder. “I should probably turn in early tonight. I could use some bed rest.”

Eric chuckled. “I know of a better remedy than bed rest,” he said as he dove in to kiss Azure’s neck, only for her to instinctively move away.

“Seriously, Eric. Stop,” she said more sternly.

“C’mon, Azzy,” he insisted. “You know you want to.”

“I’m pretty sure I don’t,” she said, getting even more annoyed with him.

“Your lips say ‘no’,” Eric said slowly, and then he quickly snatched Azure’s glasses from her face and said, “but your eyes say ‘yes’.”

“Come on, Eric! This isn’t funny anymore!” said the unicorn. “You know I can’t see well without my glasses! Give them back!”

The human merely held the glasses away from Azure as she blindly moved her arms in front of her. She ended up reaching too far forward, falling on top of Eric.

“Well, well, well,” he said as he returned Azure’s glasses to their rightful place. “Looks like you do want me, Azzy. Now why don’t we stop fooling around and head upstairs where it’s more comfortable.”

The mare’s eyes shrunk and her nose flared in anger. If there was one thing that she hated, it was being treated like a mere toy. She raised her hand high and swiftly brought it down to strike Eric’s cheek, the sheer impact causing a sickening smack to echo throughout the house. It even left a mark on the human’s face.

The impact of the slap caused Discord’s spell to lose its grip on Eric’s mind, and his colors returned to normal, but Azure was too caught up in her anger, no, too caught up in her fury to notice.

“Oh… what happened…?” he said weakly.

“Don’t play amnesiac with me, you bastard!!!” Azure yelled as she got off of him. “I can’t believe you! What part of ‘no’ didn’t you understand!? You know I hate it when guys act aggressive like that!”

Eric stared up at Azure in confusion. “Aggressive?” he thought. “What is she talking about? I’m anything but aggres- wait… Discord! The spell he cast on me!”

Eric got on his feet and prayed that she would believe him. “Az, you have to believe me. That wasn’t me just then,” he tried to explain. “Discord casted a personality altering spell on me to make me more aggressive.”

“You expect me to believe that!?” she asked in disbelief. “I’m sick of hearing you blame Discord for all your problems! Why don’t you take responsibility for once!?”

“Azzy, I-”

“Don’t call me that!” she interrupted, “Just get out!”



Eric was taken aback by the severity of Azure’s last yell. Realizing that nothing he could say could sway her, he decided to comply with the mare’s wishes and left her house. The second he went through the doorway, Azure violently slammed the door behind him. The next sound he heard was that of Azure’s muffled sobbing, which was enough to make him shed tears as well. His sadness quickly subsided, however, as it was replaced by anger and hatred.

“Discord,” he thought vehemently. “You’re gonna pay for this!!”

Discord woke up with a yawn. “Aaaaaaaaaagh~ A nap was just what I needed,” he said to himself. “Now, what time is it?” He looked at the clock hanging on the far wall, but he couldn’t see it very well because of the sleep still escaping his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, only for them to shrink in horror and fear when he sees the time.

“Oh, fuck!” he exclaimed. “Nine-o-clock!? I was supposed to meet Celestia an hour ago!” All of a sudden, Discord heard a knock on his door. He usually wasn’t one to get scared, but hearing that knocking made his blood freeze. With a nervous gulp, he slowly approached the door. “Coming…” he called out nervously. Discord slowly turned the knob on the door, nut then he decided that instead of prolonging the inevitable, he would instead treat the situation like a band-aid:

Take it off quickly and deal with the pain that followed.

Discord expected to see a furious princess with fire in her eyes, ready to bite his head off, but what he did see was nothing of the sort.

It indeed was Celestia, but she didn’t look the way Discord thought she would. For starters, she wasn’t wearing casual “going out” clothes. Instead she was wearing a short evening dress, one that Discord knew she only wore on special occasions. The princess’s head was down, her mane obscuring her face. She stood there silently for a moment before lifting her head.

Celestia looked at Discord with a blank stare. Her face alone had no expression in it, but Discord could see the dried tears that matted the fur on her face. The emotional contradiction created by the tear marks and the mare’s expression painted a frightening picture, making Discord unsure of what Celestia was feeling.

“I waited for you,” she said bluntly, with no feeling in it whatsoever. Discord couldn’t sense any trace of anger or resentment in her voice at all. “I waited an entire hour for you.”

“I’m really sorry, Celestia,” Discord said. “I took a nap, and I overslept, and-”

“No, no,” she interrupted with a raised hand. “This was my fault. I shouldn’t have expected you to show up.”

“Tia, it’s not like that. If you’ll just listen to me, I can explain-”

“No, you listen to me,” she said cutting him off. Her anger finally started to seep through, but it disappeared as quickly as it had emerged. “I was the idiot for thinking you were serious about this date. Congratulations, Discord. You’ve made a fool out of me again, but that’ll be the last time that happens. I’m done. For good, this time.”

“Tia, I’m serious, I really planned to show up. I just overslept, is all,” Discord tried to explain, only for Celestia to simply ignore him and turn around.

“Goodbye, Discord,” were the last words she said before she left.

The draconequus said nothing as he watched his now ex-marefriend leave him. Inside, he was repeatedly kicking himself for blowing such an important night. He had gotten Celestia’s hopes up, and his own carelessness washed them away. He then heard hoofsteps, no, footsteps coming his way. He looked up and saw Eric walking towards him, and he smiled; even if Discord had a bad night, at least he helped Eric have a good one.

Or so he thought.

Discord smiled and waved at the human, unaware of his seething anger. “Hey, Eric! Good to see you. I hope you had a better night than I’ve had.”


Discord yelled in pain as he fell back into his house and instinctively put his hand on his jaw, where Eric’s fist made contact.

“Agh! What was that for!?” he asked.

“That was for ruining my night, asshole!” Eric yelled at him. “I told you to stay out of my business, but you just couldn’t help yourself, could you!?”

“What do you mean?” asked Discord. “What happened?”

“I tried to tell you that Azure hated aggressive guys, but thanks to your stupid spell, I made Azure so uncomfortable that she slapped me and kicked me out!” the human explained. “Because of you, she’ll never want to speak to me again!”

Discord paused for a moment, realizing the damage he’d done. “I didn’t know, Eric,” he said apologetically. “I just wanted to help, I swear.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit!! If you really want to help, then stay away from me!” Eric yelled as he stormed out and slammed the door behind him, heading back to his own house.

Discord stood in his empty living room, the events of the past several minutes still processing in his head. After a few moments, the gravity of how badly he screwed up truly hit him. He just lost his marefriend, and a potential best friend. He was all by himself now, and that hurt him more than anything else.