• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,207 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

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Chapter III: Quite the Surprise

"Thank you again so much for the help Fluttershy, you were an excellent helper with my last design, still trying to figure out how you ever obtained that strange knowledge of sewing, but nonetheless, I think you and me deserve one of our weekly spa visits, don't you think?" Rarity said, walking along the sidewalk with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy came over at the request of Rarity, reasons why was that she was having a little trouble with figuring out what stitch should've gone with her star light dress. Fluttershy was happy to oblige and came over in the morning, she blushed at Rarity's compliment.

"Oh it was nothing, I'm happy to help a friend in need." She said, smiling as they continued along their path.

As they got closer to the spa, Rarity looked over to her side and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna exiting the library, waving goodbye to Twilight and teleporting back to Canterlot. "Wait, did you see that Fluttershy?" Pointing to where the princesses stood a couple of seconds ago. "Why on earth are Luna and Celestia visiting Twilight at this time of the day?" But to a point it was even weirder than usual, they didn't just pop right in unless it was important.

Rarity and Fluttershy then walked towards the library, with Fluttershy thinking this wasn't such a good idea. "Um, Rarity, don't you think that we shouldn't just barge in, its kinda rude." She said, clearly against disturbing Twilight.

"Well of course I know dear, its just that whatever the Princesses came here for, it just seems a bit odd." She said, nearing the door with every step.

Rarity knocked on the door, not getting a response, she yelled. "Twilight are you in there dear?, it's me, Rarity and Fluttershy, we saw the Princesses teleport from a couple houses back, is everything alright in there?" She asked. There was still no response from inside.

"Um, do you think this is a good idea Rarity?" Fluttershy asked nervously, obviously not sure whether they should be doing this or not.

"Oh nonsense Fluttershy, this is Twilight were talking about here, if she's in any trouble, we should be there to help her."

The door opened, revealing Twilight, looking normal as usual. "Hey girls, what are you doing here?" She said nervously, looking back up the stairs.

"We just saw the princesses come out of the Library, we just wanted to know what's going on, right Fluttershy?"

"Oh, um yeah."

They walked in before Twilight could shut the door, and looked around, seeing whether or not there was nothing to worry about. So far everything was fine, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"So, if you're done looking around, you can go ahead and leave now." Twilight said, quickly trying to lead them to the door.

"Now, what is going on Twilight? you're really worked up about something and we're not leaving till we find out." Rarity said.

"There's nothing wrong here. It's just me, Nyx and Spike that's all, so if you could just-"

"Wait, I thought we were gonna tell them about the human that lives here?" Nyx said, not aware of what was going on.

Twilight quickly rushed towards her, covering her mouth with her hoof before she gave anything else away. "Ah don't listen to her, she's just having one of those moments like every little filly does." She said unconvincingly.

"Now of course we would leave you alone if this were any other case Twilight, but we know something's up. What did she say about a umm, what did Nyx call it, a 'human'?" She said,rather very curious about what this thing was.

Now Twilight was distressed, her eyes moving back and forth between Fluttershy and Rarity,"Oh a human, well it's just uh...uh, a GAME, of course, its all the rage right now for little fillies and colts." She said nervously. "Me and Nyx were just playing it, and she was just saying what a blast it was."

Both ponies stared at each other and then back to Twilight, not knowing whether Twilight was joking or hiding something. "Well yes Twilight, we would be inclined to believe you dear but I'm sure whatever it is your talking about is much more important than a silly game called 'human', now tell us, what exactly did Luna and Celestia show up for?" She said.

Twilight was losing ground and fast, she couldn't think anymore, all rational thought was out the window, she knew that she had to fess up. She sighed then. "Oh, I give up, yes there was a reason why Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were here, you see, I had to show them...well how to I say this, umm." Twilight, unable to even speak a single word, then uttered,"Well, allow me to go get him and show you."

Both Fluttershy and Rarity gasped. "Oh Twilight dear, you must tell me all the juicy gossip, is this secret pony you have hiding away your special somepony, ohh I can't wait to see him, this is completely wonderful news darling." Rarity said, in awe and excitement for her alicorn friend.

"Oh, Twilight this is wonderful news, if it's alright with you that we know who he is." Fluttershy asked, also in bewilderment that Twilight got a special somepony.

"Yeah, its just wonderful, if you two could stay down here and wait for me to bring him out, just promise me you two won't freak out." Twilight asked pleadingly.

"Of course darling, we shall await you to bring your special somepony down here." She said in her usual elegant voice.

"Oh, he sure is special alright." She murmured to herself. All she could think about how this would go, that everything would soon be a complete disaster.


Xaniel was rushed upstairs to Twilight's Room, everything was nice and orderly looking. He thought she must be some sort of very well organized pony, well a little too organized. He saw the window and was curious for he never saw what Ponyville truly looked like.

He walked towards the window, when he got there, he saw quite a beautiful town, looking well constructed. Ponies were walking around, just doing their daily life to life routines. All of this was amazing, but not just that, he saw a huge castle looking thing that was hanging to the side of a mountain, that and the scenery was quite colorful and had a peaceful feel to it.

He was so busy looking out the window that he didn't hear Twilight walking up behind him."There you are Xaniel. Listen about those two downstairs, they have a pretty good idea that I'm hiding something so I guess that me hiding you around the Library is not gonna work." She said, very worried by these developments that were taking place.

"So I guess I have to show myself again huh?" He said.

She looked back at him. "Yeah, basically, I don't mean to go show you around like some sort of trophy that I won, but please, I know I'm just gonna have to tell the others but, I just want to know if your okay with it?" She said nervously.

True, Xaniel wasn't very fond of meeting new people, he wasn't much of a show off, or group type person. He could handle one or maybe even three people, but now it seemed like there would be more than that. "Well, yeah it's alright, I mean, it wouldn't be very nice of me if I didn't help out someone in need." He said, smiling at her.

She perked up and smiled back, in her mind, she understood the need for a bit of quiet and felt that Xaniel was someone who loved to be alone, but seeing his willingness to help her made her feel that much better. "Alright, lets go do this, but just be careful with these two, they aren't the most brave when it comes to new things, especially the pegasus ." Knowing Fluttershy, she might have a heart attack or just instant happiness seeing a new creature such as a human. So Xaniel and Twilight walk towards the stairs preparing themselves for the worst.


Rarity and Fluttershy waited patiently for Twilight to bring back what they thought was her special somepony, not knowing the shock they were about to receive. "Ahh, Twilight, you're back, so I guess that he's right behind you then?"

Twilight walked down the steps, pointed at something to wait there and walked to her friends. Nervously she said "Okay you two, listen up, please don't freak out." Both Fluttershy and Rarity stared at each other in confusion,so Twilight then proceeded to call down the special guest. "Hey Xaniel, come down here, just slowly."

What Rarity and Fluttershy were expecting was a handsome young stallion to come walking down those stairs, instead they were greeted with a stunned silence. They saw this new creature, standing on its hind legs, with it arms at its sides, its clothing was completely alien to them and no hair seem to show on any of its appendages except for the top of its head, and that hair went all the way down to the middle of its back.

"Oh... my." Fluttershy said,in a very quiet whisper. Both her and Rarity were completely shocked in awe at this new very different creature.

Even Xaniel was completely quiet, not knowing how to introduce himself. He then went for the simple way of doing it, by saying "Umm, hi there." Everything was just utter silence, not even the faint noise of everyone's breathing could be heard.

"Twilight, I am having a very hard time trying to not flee in terror here, but uhh, what is this thing?" Rarity said, very shaken by what she was looking at.

"Well, Rarity, what you are looking at before you is a human, his race is bipedal and, lets just say very different from us." She said, hoping she sounded reassuring. "Don't worry though, so far today, he has done nothing bad at all, so I think he's fine." She said grinning nervously.

So far no one made any sort of movement of any kind, then Fluttershy walked up to Xaniel, seeming afraid, but then touched his hand with her hoof. He flinched a little, but reassured himself that nothing bad would happen and let her hoof meet his hand.

Tensions in the room died down, as Twilight had a gleeful look on her face that was filled with such excitement. "This is just the greatest day ever, first contact with a new alien race and now we have physical contact, this is just so amazing I could-" With that she jumped around happily, being considerably noisy but not enough for anyone outside to pay much attention. Even Rarity calmed down from her first moments of feeling terror.

Twilight saw for the first time and noticed how tall he was, his height was exactly the same as Celestia, save for the fact that he didn't look quite strong as she had thought to believe. Xaniel then kneeled down on one knee, hoping to make everyone feel more comfortable, which sure gave Fluttershy the incentive to rest her head against his chest.

Xaniel was even more taken back by this ponies willingness to be this close to him, but then he felt this feeling radiating off of her. It was a kindness he never felt before, coming off in so many waves that it was almost overwhelming, yet it made him feel so much better.

Twilight was really jumping around now, everything was going so smoothly. "Fluttershy, I know you have amazing abilities with animals, but I didn't even know you could do something like this!"

Fluttershy just looked at Xaniel, her eyes really melting his heart. "Um, my name is Fluttershy, and you are?" She said with such a gentle voice.

"My name is Xaniel, it is a pleasure to meet you Fluttershy."

She steps away, walking back towards Twilight and Rarity.

"You know, I've known you as a pony who's really good with animals, but this really takes the cake. How did you just walk up to him like that?" Twilight said, staring questioningly and happy at her friend.

"Oh, well it wasn't that big of a deal, I just thought of him as someone that looked kind enough, which seems I was right about my guess." She said. All of this was completely exciting, even Rarity began to take a more calmer mood towards Xaniel, when she went to inspect his clothes.

"Oh, my these clothes absolutely look fabulous, the color matches well with everything, even that white silky cloth you have under there really makes you stand out. I wish we had these sort of designs, they look simply divine dear." She said, walking around him as she inspected the gorgeous piece of clothing he had on him.


Some time passed by and he got to know Fluttershy and Rarity more from theirs and Twilight's descriptions, but there was still one tiny question that he had. "Hey, umm, Twilight, I forgot to ask, but what is with those images on your flanks, if you don't mind me asking." He said, hoping that this question didn't offended them.

"Oh, our Cutie Marks. Well these are what our special talents our, mine is magic." She said pointing to the star shaped image on her flank. "Fluttershy's is being able to communicate with animals." Another depiction, showing three butterflies. "And Rarity's is dress making, they don't usually show until we reach our special talent." Rarity's had three images of diamonds showing on her flank.

So, they were indicators of what each pony could do, so then that must've meant that seeing Nyx's was protection, Celestia's was the sun, and Luna's was the Moon. That was pretty unique, being able to know what your good at, Xaniel knew that he didn't have any sort of indicator that showed him what he was gifted at.

"So now that we have introduced you to two of my best friends, how should we introduce him to the rest?" She said, hoping to have Rarity or Fluttershy give some sort of advice.

"Well, Pinkie Pie will be easy to deal with, given that she accepts about everypony or creature she meets, although Rainbow Dash and Applejack will be quite more difficult to handle." Rarity said.

Everypony pondered on in their thoughts, thinking of ways to introduce Xaniel to the other three. Then Twilight said "How about we ask them out to dinner and introduce him there? Hopefully a nice calm dinner will relax them before they meet him." She said.

"That sounds like a good idea." Fluttershy said, smiling.

"I also will partake in this suggestion, after all, it might be the only way to let them see him without being too frightened." Rarity said.

"Well, its settled then, we shall all go to dinner tonight, we'll hide Xaniel outside and bring him into our private room, hopefully not freaking out Rainbow and AJ and letting our group get to know him better." She said, her plan was set into motion.

Soon Twilight went out to ask Pinkie if they could have Sugarcube Corner to themselves for the night, Pinkie agreed, but not asking why was Twilight doing this. She then had Fluttershy go ask Rainbow Dash to come over. Her and Rarity went to the barn to ask the same of Applejack, both agreed, but still not questioning them why.


So the night came and all the girls are at the table, enjoying themselves, talking about their daily lives. "So Twi, again why did yah call us over to this little get together here?" Applejack asked, staring around the place.

"Alright girls, so I've told Rarity and Fluttershy already, but I still have to tell you two, please just be rational about this." She said pleadingly. Twilight then nodded to Fluttershy to bring Xaniel in and she walked back out to get him. They waited for a moment before Fluttershy came back, telling somepony to wait there for a moment.

"So let me guess, you did this to show us your special somepony, right." Rainbow Said, with a sly grin on her face.

"No, Rainbow Dash, this is not my special somepony, but this is someone who is pretty special, everyone I would like you to meet Xaniel." She said as she pointed to where he stood at the entrance.

He walked in, everything was quiet, but the shock on both Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's face were seen very easily, Pinkie Pie however wasn't fazed at all. "Ooooh, look at this, why didn't you guys tell me you had someone new around here silly fillies, oh I know your a minotaur, no a pony in disguise, oh I know you're a-" She tried to continue before Twilight put a hoof to her mouth, interrupting Pinkie's progress on her little guessing game.

"Twilight, what in tarnation is this critter?" She said, all Applejack could think about was where did this creature come from, and why.

Rainbow Dash broke her silence by saying "This thing is so weird looking." She didn't even know what to comprehend of this mysterious being. "Twilight, are you sure this things safe for us to around?" She said.

"I assure you everypony, that Xaniel here is safe, I found him after all of you left the night during the meteor shower, I saw him... I don't know how to say but falling from the sky." Everyone gasped, what a wonder it was to hear, that a creature like this just suddenly dropped from the sky and into their hooves.

"Xaniel why don't you introduce yourself to the others here?" She said pointing the other three sitting on the other side of the table.

"Hi, my name is Xaniel and you three would be?" He asked, nervously reaching his hand out for a handshake.

"Name's Applejack."

"I'm Pinkie Pie and it's so good to see a new face!"

"My name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Ponyville."

The moment he heard her say that, a thought jumped into his head. ('Well this one certainly has a big ego on her'). Giggling at the thought, he said "It's a pleasure to meet you all."


As the conversation was going on inside, a figure was standing out at a distance from the building. It sensed the small power from this new being and wanted to see what he looked like. Knowing now what being this was, it was satisfied of getting to see this new Nobody. A dark portal opened up behind it, the being walked through it, then disappeared along with the portal.


"So care to tell us why you're here Xaniel?" Rainbow Dash said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Well, truth be told, I don't know why I'm even here, I just woke up here and that's about as much as I know." He was just as confused as her.

"Oh tell them what you are Xaniel, make things a little clearer." Twilight said, encouraging him to reveal everything about him.

"Well, I'm a human as I've said to her, my ability to walk upright and grasp objects are a natural cause, and I'm also a omnivore." He said hoping that was all he should reveal.

"So you're an omnivore eh, wait what is an omnivore?" She asked, never hearing that word before.

Fluttershy jumped in the conversation to help explain what that term meant. "Oh, an omnivore is a creature with a certain diet, where they can eat both plant life and animals."

"So you eat animals huh, was this your plan all along, to get us to trust you and then you eat us!" Rainbow Dash said, flying right up to him. All Xaniel could do was just slink back into his chair.

"Whoa there Nelly, just be calm Rainbow, he ain't doing no harm." She said pulling her back down into her seat. "But ah do agree with Rainbow. Ah'm just as nervous as her but that don't mean ah have to be afraid either."

"So what your just going to trust this thing now AJ." Rainbow Dash said, glaring at Applejack.

"Hold on their Sally, just because ah'm not afraid of this critter, don't mean I have to trust it just like that."

Tensions were building, so Twilight tried to calm everyone down, saying. "Alright everypony, just calm down. Xaniel here is no threat, so far from what I experienced with him." She said hoping to drown the fears of Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "He's very nice, if not a little shy, but I don't see him being anything evil."

Both Applejack and Rainbow nodded, agreeing for now. Everyone continued the dinner in peace, all tensions gradually fading away.

After the dinner, Applejack began to ask a few more questions, like how strong he was and if there were any reason for those arrow looking objects on his clothes. "Well, as if for my strength, I'm unsure of that and for these." He gestured toward the odd objects."I have no clue to what it is, or even my heart shaped necklace."

Everyone felt something when they looked at it, as if it had a very warm energy emanate from it. "Ah, do appreciate all of this Twilight, but its time we all got to our homes now, g'night y'all." Soon the others followed suite and left Sugarcube corner.

Twilight, exhausted from the day, said goodnight to Xaniel and headed upstairs to her bedroom. He did the same and headed downstairs. Getting into his bed, he found sleep came to him easily and drifted off to the dream world. But a memory started to take form. It was the same boy he had tried to remember earlier that day, pictures came more clearly now.

Xaniel saw the history of this strange boy, from darkness to regaining the light. His journey was hard but in the end, he had gained mastery over the weapon he kept seeing him and two others carry. A name popped up and his voice found the strength to say what appeared before him. "Riku." He had a feeling he did know who he was, the familiarity, started to feel like a friendship that he had with him. "Was I ever friends with him?"


The figure entered the new world, one that was felt with such darkness, it felt unbearable. But to this mysterious person, it felt like home. He had a report to give and would be glad to do so. In his thoughts, nothing but planning was going into this.('This new nobody, how is it possible that one like us has arrived so long after the Original Thirteen?') No matter how this new being formed, it was still like the rest, save for the fact that something warm came off his chest.

That's what intrigued this person the most, that feeling was that a... no, it couldn't have been. The figure shrugged off the idea and continued walking to the floating castle, that ruled the sky of this dark world.

Author's Note:

Hey there everypony, this is your favorite Pony Pinkie Pie here with a super fantastic job right now. But why am I here now, speaking to you all, well lets just say that I accidentally turned off something in Epsilon's brain here. Anyway, good to see that your liking his story, I know if I ever created a story, it would be so specatularly awesome that your minds would be blown away right now. Anyway, its nice to see you all and have a very good day.

Edited by the Awesome Mekapix.