• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Comments ( 95 )

Two comments in the first minute?


That was so unbelievably awesome. I am currently showing this to a non-brony bro :D

3625057 Yes, tell your friends :twilightsheepish:

one of the best story ever and as for the video game thing hey it gets like that
love and tolerate this shotie- plasma grenade combo bitch!!!:flutterrage:...overkill:pinkiehappy:

Well.. That was a thing... that happened. Thank you for making my morning happier with your randomness.

this is how I depict there relationship

I found this pretty damn entertaining haha.

Thanks for giving me a laugh xD

can't. stop. grinning.

It’s genuine Canadian.

downvoted for being unpatriotic

3625409 How do you know? Maybe anon is Canadian. That's discriminatory.

3625447 it can't be discriminatory
because Americans are the master race, and all the others just pretend

3625450 And now you're insulting ponies. :ajbemused:

3625458 silly
everyone knows that unicorns are the metaphorical americans
just the way faust intended it

Aaaaaaannd then you woke up:trollestia:


Why brain, why do you taunt me with what I can never have! :raritycry:

Has anyone ever noticed that Jason Statham always looks more badass in a leather jacket, or is it just me?

Oh, and nice story. Faved and upvoted.

the fuck did I just read :rainbowhuh:

Wow. This is bland. Like, MRE crackers bland. You figure what it might taste like, you looks what it might taste like. Its not bad, its not good, its just bland and predictable as all hell.

Ever try going outside your comfort zone of writing? Outside of just predictable?

It also helps her get to the bottom of a jar of Nutella, but that’s beside the point.

I am jealous of your ability to come up with lines like this.



Throughout the later half of the story, I was disturbed by the lack of mention of having showered after exercising at the gym. Other than that, cute little one shot.


It took me a second to realize that was a compliment to all the races due to the whole "melting pot" thing.

Also, this story has the exact same number of words as your last one shot, TNAB. Is that your secret formula for making them more popular than your longer stories?:trollestia:

3625759 Well, this is the first 2nd person/present tense story I've ever written. I can't change everything at once.

Celestia is dat nigga. :trollestia:

3626273 Not saying that, just... not all the way to the extremes, just something you've never written before. Like a slasher/gore horror story, or a deep romance. Something that takes you up and out of your comfort zone. Just from personal opinion, some to most of your stories either are just plain out bland, or start out good then get predictably bland. Vampire Cheerilee, for example. You start with a really good idea, the premise is great, the settings are great, then you basically lay out whats going to happen. I never feel like shes ever going to die, anything overly bad is going to happen, or that things go wrong. I never feel that the characters are in any real danger. Ever. So it just comes off as the bland center of an off brand poptart.

I'm, not trying to piss you off, I'm really not, but your stories... Hell, A Dream has gotten predictable as all hell now, as when it started out I had no idea what was going to happen next. I get that its just a for fun fic, but I believe that you could write better quality stuff. Sometimes your stories have absolutely zero conflict. Conflict is what makes good stories good, and you could definitely do that in your stories. It'll take longer to put those stories out, but its better than just outright bland.

That's my stance on your writing, take it or leave it.

3626404 I can see what you're saying. I guess I've gotten into a routine, or maybe even a rut.

3626414 Maybe. I thank you for actually taking my thoughts into consideration, instead of blocking me like most. I hope I helped any, if at all.

Not a big fan of nutella, and I've never been to Five Guys. Idea for a sequel: Twilight is Mah Nigga.

Mah Nigga, Twilight Sparkle

Wish I had a bro like Celestia. :fluttercry:

You go slender man

3626801 That's not Slender Man, that's Anon.

3626807 lol, he looks like slender but I havn't read this

Why did I hold off reading this until now?

It's so casually chill.

3626807 Forgive me for my ignorance but what exactly is anon. It started on 4chan I know that much. Is it basically just some random human or is he a specific person with a personality or is it random each time or what. I tend to stay away from 4chan so I really have no idea.

3626893 Short for "anonymous" of course. It's also apparently a feature in 2nd person stories. The "You" in the story could be anyone.

This fic made me really sad.

This story is chill as fuck.
You're right though, everyone needs a best bro, a best mate, a bud or broski or bromigo and so on and so forth.

The only thing to criticize about this fic is how short it is, and how it says it's complete. Fuck that noise. How can the adventures of Celestia and her bro be over so soon?

This story is just like me and my bro! Except for the clubs...and the awesome truck.

3628160 Your bro knows Sean Connery :pinkiegasp:

3628220 Haha! No but he is pretty cool. He does not cook me breakfast either. We spend time with each other like that.

Fuckin Five Guys mate. Dank ass burgers loaded with vegetables and condiments of your choice, made just for you. Your granny cookin ain't got nothin on this shack. Want some seasoned cajun fries on the side? Get that soda cup loaded up with'em! What? You starvin real bad for the all American freedom fries? Your homeboys at Five Guys got yo' back! Lets see that extra load of pommes frites get dumped in your bag. Damn son! Don't worry 'bout yo' green bucks, boy! Dem extra fries be FREE like the beautiful US and A . And you ever doin' that little happy jig, whenever you find dem three scrawny ass bonus fries in your Mc D bag? Shiiieeeettt, at five guys you'll get a whole motherfucking medium sized load of bonus fries! Even your pussy ass vegan pal will love this joint. Everything be cooked in delicious peanut oil and you'll be snackin on all the finest free peanuts you want! This place be makin Mr.Peanut go broke! So what you waitin for mah niggah? Go get yo'self some greasy goodness.


God you don't even know how much I want some Five Guys right now. I kinda hate you for mentioning them. Gotta go back to the US just for that....

I could almost feel the greater than symbols before each line. An... interesting experience. :eeyup:
Also, exactly 1,234 words again?! :pinkiegasp:

I can absolutely feel the swagfag oozing from this story.

I can't say anything that hasn't been said before, so I might as well say this.

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