• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 2,969 Views, 38 Comments

Erika Gefallen: Atlantean Unicorn - Legionary

A Sci-Fi Fantasy following a unicorn named Erika Gefallen as she deals with her past life and world.

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Chapter 4 : Safety RW

“Is everyone buckled up back there?” Erika asked in English, taking in the scene before her.

“Yes we are!” The unicorn heard come from the hold.

“Good, just try not to panic too much if this gets a bit rough.” Erika stated and closed the door with her magic so the ponies couldn’t glance out cockpit and see the warzone they were about to fly through.

The Sadistic Melody was like a circular fortress with high slopped walls, along the ‘walls’ were gaps were sections of armor plating had moved away and revealed gun batteries, and there were many gun batteries. The open mouths of its hanger bays were along the bottom of the great ship and near it’s center, a bristling deadly array of point defense guns protected these obvious weapoints and ensuring no fighter or bomber could get near. The Melody was practically solid armor and guns as the same could be said for her escorts. The ship was a carrier though and did more damage from its hold full of golem fighters and Air Mage contingent then it ever did with its guns… well most of the guns. Said golems and Air Mage happened to be out doing their jobs and unintentionally made a chaotic show of it.

Golems and Air Mages streaked and darted about in the silent void of space, dogfighting with enemy fighters attempting to claim the route between the Melody and her deployed ground forces. Energy weapons, shots from rail guns and magic filled the void their brilliant lights adding to the silent lethal dance of death.

The Melody itself and its escorts would have been providing more cover for its drop ships had they not been so busy trying to keep the enemy fleet out of distance of them.

Erika had no doubts that if the ponies saw what was going on outside they would be a bit more then nervous about it.

Suddenly everything started spinning as the pilot whipped his hands across the controls. Steaks of light flashed by and a few splashed against the transport’s shields. Enemy fighters blurred by, quickly followed by black blurs only made visible by their colorful magic trails left in their wake. At this the pilot started to mutter curses under his breath before swiping his hands across the controls violently. The ship responded to the controls instantly and spun to face the retreating forms of the fighters that strafed them. The pilot quickly tapped a few holographic buttons and with a dull thump felt and heard through the hull spheres of magic shot out from under the transport. They traveled far and fast, rapidly gaining on the space fighters who had not expected the transport they attacked to fire back on them.

“That’s what you get for touching my ship.” The pilot growled out as explosions marked the doom of his attackers.

“Let’s get back to the Melody before anyone else decides to take a shot at us, shall we?” Erika stated and got a nod from the pilot.

The ship continued on its way though not without further harassment, thankfully nothing pierced the shield and the ponies remained unaware of the assault the ship had to endure thanks to the ship’s inertia dampener. Eventually the fighters stopped harassing the transport when it neared the Melody to avoid certain death via the ships overwhelming anti-fighter defences.

The transport flew though the unseen barrier that kept the atmosphere in the hanger. There was well over a dozen docking areas in the cavernous hanger, each dock had racks upon racks of Golem fighters hanging from the bottom of them, the sound of dull clanking was constant as golems returned to their berth for repairs and rearmament or were detached and launched themselves into the fray. The floor of each dock were reserved for the Naval Mages, Warmages who specialised in the operation of star ships, and had their personal ships covering the floor of all of them. Sections of the dock were reserved for quick drop-offs and the transport soared for one such spot where a man in a white uniform seemed to be awaiting them.

The transport came to a stop over the docking area and lowered itself until it was a foot above the ground before dropping its ramp onto the floor. With that Erika got out of her sit in the co-pilot’s chair and moved into the hold where everyone was unbuckling themselves out of their seats.

“Alright we’re here; you don’t have worry about anymore danger of attack here.” Erika assured the ponies. “Come on there is someone waiting for us outside.”

Walking down the ramp Erika looked to see who was waiting for them.

The Naval Mage was an officer from the look of his peaked cap on his head and a stern hawk like face, his uniform was prim and tidy and seemed to lack a single wrinkle with black shoes polished to a shine. On his chest was a nametag, Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Smith was his name and rank.

“Captain Erika ‘Sparkly’ Gefallen reporting sir.” Erika smartly saluted the officer.

“Lieutenant Commander Benjamin.” Benjamin introduced himself. “At ease Captain, I am here to escort your charges to their assigned quarters. You and your squad may have some R and R but you need to debrief Captain Alexander before you do so.”

“Right sir, thank you sir.” Erika said before facing the ponies who were looking at her with uncertainty. “Just follow him, everything will be alright. You’ll likely be getting the best rooms on the ship and be able to clean yourselves up.”

“Oh thank goodness!” Rarity exclaimed. “I am an utter wreck! Why just look at all this dust in my mane and coat! It’s going to take hours to get everything in order! I don’t suppose this obvious military ship will have the shampoos and conditioners I’ll though?”

“Not initially but the ship can make you some with a minute’s preparation.” Erika replied and couldn’t help but smile slightly at the mare’s behaviour, so much different than it was back on the planet in the warzone. She reminded her of a few Warmages when they were on their off hours really.

“Jacobs you and your men can go relax, I’ll be giving everyone the same command when they get back from on world.” Erika stated to one of the Warmages.

“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am.” Jacobs said, completely unidentifiable to anyone not wearing a helm with a HUD. “Come on; let’s go finally finish watching season Five.”

With that the group split into three going off their own separate ways. One off to relax, another to inform her superiors of all that happened and the final group barely able to keep up with all that was happening around them.


“My goodness that shower is terribly small!” Rarity complained as she came out of the bathroom with a cloud of steam following her, her mane wrapped up in a towel. “It was barely big enough to stand in, any smaller and I would have had to stand on my hind legs!”

The mares were now in a spacious room, there were several large couches and armchairs around the room, a large coffee table sat in the middle of the room and along one side of the room were a set of drawers with a large mirror above it. The odd thing about the room was the sense of newness about it, as if the room hadn’t either been here or been like this before they arrived on the Sadistic Melody.

“W-well e-everypony on this ship seems to be bipedal…” Fluttershy started, her own mane still slightly moist from her shower. “It seems like the showers would be made specifically for them.”

“Just be glad the shower is big enough to actually fit ya sugercube.” Applejack said and nodded at Princess Celestia. “I think her highness may have a bit more trouble then you getting cleaned up.”

“Oh my goodness pardon me your highness.” Rarity said raising her hoof to her mouth. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s of no concern my dear pony.” Celestia said kindly and moved into the bathroom. “I shall manage somehow despite difficulties. However I do wish to advise you that you should be thankful we are not in a warzone anymore, the fact we were able to reach a place with anything approaching a refreshing shower is a miracle in itself from what I have seen of such places.”

“My apologies Princess I do not mean to sound ungrateful.” Rarity said with a frown. “I realise we have been through quite a precarious situation but now that we aren’t I would rather relax and tend to the trivialities that would be ignored in serious circumstances.”

“Very well as long as you understand how serious how situation was…” Celestia said with a troubled frown though it didn’t seem to be directed at Rarity. Then the Princess of the Sun walked into the bathroom to clean herself as well.

“Well darlings how are all of you?” Rarity asked as she walked over to the drawers and started rifling through them. “I know what we have been through was very stressful and disturbing and would like to know how all of you are ‘holding up’ as it were.”

“I-I-I…” Fluttershy gulped and sniffed back a few tears. “I’m fine…”

Immediately dropping the thing she had taken to be some sort of hair dryer Rarity darted over to the distraught pegasus.

“Shh, it’s okay Fluttershy.” Rarity said, getting close to the other mare and giving her a comforting hug. “Just let it all out dear.”

“I-it was so h-horrible!” Fluttershy cried. “W-why would anypony k-k-kill each other!? What about the c-children? Some of them m-must have been p-parents! Doesn’t anypony c-care about that!?”

“The Princess wasn’t kidding when she said this place was dangerous.” Dash muttered loudly. “As soon as we arrive we’re caught between those things murdering each other.”

“Ah figured when the Princess said dangerous she meant dangerous like Everfree.” Applejack stated. “Like we’d have ta’ watch out for critters having a go at us. Didn’t think we’d actually have ta’ worry about people or whatever they are attacking us.”

“Twilight was just like them too.” Pinkie said quietly. “Fighting… and she didn’t even recognise us…”

“Whatever could have happened to her?” Rarity thought as she held a softly crying Fluttershy close. “She didn’t recognise us, she didn’t recognise Celestia and she said she grew up here. What does that mean? Did she somehow regress to a filly and was raised by one of these creatures?”

“Maybe she was brainwashed into thinking that way!” Dash said with some alarm.

“A sound idea though it comes with issues.” Rarity said. “Namely how she could have learned to fight like that little over a month. Both you and I have taken self defense classes Rainbow Dash, you know how long it can take to learn to throw a punch or buck offensively properly.”

“Yeah, yeah that’s true…” Dash said and rubbed her head in thought. “It’s a weird problem to figure out huh?”

“I’m afraid we have far more serious problems to think about.” Celestia said as she left the bathroom, a few towels magically held up to dry off her mane.

“What!? But Twilight is the whole reason we came here!” Pinkie exclaimed. “What’s more important than that?!”

“I believe you’ll recall I needed the Elements of Harmony in order to power the spell to get us here.” Celestia stated and after a moment everyone’s eyes widened with realization. “Yes, the Elements are no longer with us. We are stranded in this strange and dangerous world with no clear way to return.”

“Oh my… but isn’t possible to store magical power in crystals?” Rarity asked hopefully. “Surely if we find enough and charge them we can go home.”

“It’s a possibility however there is no telling if such things even exist in this universe.” Celestia stated grimly. “I’m afraid we may need to make ourselves comfortable for we may be in this world a fairly long time.”

“Oh no…” Fluttershy began to despair before her eyes suddenly filled with hope. “Maybe… maybe Twilight will help us? All these strange beings use magic too, maybe we could ask them to help us get home.”

“It…” Celestia wasn’t too sure of that chance as Twilight seemed to think of them as strangers and to what she assumed were humans they were just foreigners as well, however she didn’t have it in her to potentially crush the hope the most sensitive of their number had. “It’s a possibility.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Celestia looked at it a moment before opening it with her magic. Standing in the door was a figure the mares could not help but be intimidated by, he bipedal like all the others they have seen and wore a long pitch black coat with black boots and gloves, covering his head was a mask with two crimson lenses over the eyes and a few slits on the bottom for him to breathe through, atop the mask was a peaked cap with a symbol on the front depicting a neon pink lambda, over his shoulders he wore a long dark red hooded cloak with the hood down.

“Greetings.” The being said politely. “I am Operative Daniels, I am here representing the Atlantean Empire and wish to speak with you. May I come in?”

“Yes you may.” Celestia replied though the others looked like they wished she said no. “Please have a seat.”

“Thank you.” Daniels said and closed the door behind him.


“… After finishing the off the attacking Mercs the transport arrived.” Erika said to her CO. “We piled in and began the flight back here, there was some action along the way from harassment by enemy fighters but it was fairly minor thanks to our own Air Mage support and arrived on the Melody soon after.”

Erika was in what was basically a coffee room, Alexandria having decided she needed a bit of an energy boost arranged to have the debriefing there. Said Captain was also multi-tasking, listening to Erika’ report, drinking a coffee so potent it would have been considered a near lethal drug on twenty first century earth and watching several holo screens depicting battles and data.

“All ground forces successfully recovered Captain.” An AI announced. “Initiating self-destruct on all lost Atlantean gear… self-destruct successful; we have greens across the board ma’am.”

“Thank you Turbo.” Alexandria said while taking a sip of her coffee, her gaze riveted to the screens before her. “Begin our withdrawal to the waypoints; we’ll let them win today.”

“Aye ma’am.”

“You have done very well today Erika.” Alexandria stated, finally closing the screens and giving the unicorn her full attention. “Once again you’ve proven your cool under fire, your skill in a fight and the ability to trust your soldiers to get their jobs done without hand holding, all admirable and valuable traits in an Atlantean Officer.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Erika replied.

“However I wish to ask you on our passengers.” Alexandria stated. “The… ponies your people, what are your thoughts and feelings on them?”

“I am… rather conflicted on them ma’am.” Erika said with a frown. “On one hand I do not like the fact they seem to have expected me to just up and go with them the moment they saw me after abandoning me all those years ago, on the other they did come all this way and even brought a G-Class with them to ensure success that has to mean something right? I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt really plus I would finally get to find out why I was abandoned and what my people are like.”

“Hmm… I do believe you will get your chance Erika.” Alexandria said with a nod before frowning in annoyance. “Well, after Operative Daniels is done with them.”

“The Operative, he… he isn’t going to hurt them is he?” Erika asked with a frown. “They haven’t done anything wrong… right?”

“None of the sort.” Alexandria answered, waving off Erika’s worry. “He is merely being diplomatic… at least as diplomatic as he can be wearing that damn mask of his.”


The creature, that is to say the human that identified himself as ‘Operative Daniels’ was a rather polite and sociable fellow as it turned out despite his odd clothing and chose of headwear. At least that was what Celestia could gleam out of their brief time together speaking in the room that was given to them. Though the others mares still found a bit too intimidating to speak with casually and remained mostly silent during the conversation.

Celestia had learned quite a bit from talking with Daniels, she learned that Twilight Sparkle identified as Erika Gefallen now and had even been adopted by the local royal family into their number, though the Operative had been rather quick to tell her not to call them royal or a noble like title of any sort which she found rather curious. Another rather fantastic discovery was the fact they were in space, she and the mares hadn’t really known they were being flown into orbit and had assumed they had gone to a ship off a nearby coast. Adding to this was the knowledge that the Atlantean Empire was one that stretched hundreds of star systems. Celestia had preferred the more down to earth novels but did indulge in the occasional science fiction story; never did she expect to suddenly find herself in a universe that would fit such a story, though in hindsight the fantastical weaponry and surroundings should have clued her in on the nature of the world around her.

“Erika spent quite a few years training to be a Warmage, completing the training in record time when she did finish.” Daniels recounted from his place in an armchair. “She was then placed into the field right away for some practical experience before starting to work her way up the ranks to where she is now.”

“While I find the idea of one placing their life on the line for something greater admirable was it really necessary that she be exposed to such violence?” Celestia asked with a frown.

“I understand what you are getting at, as a member of the most respected family in the Empire why isn’t she being given a much quieter position?” Daniels stated. “It’s because of Ezekiel’s, our Emperor, wishes for equality. Erika’s familial relations are supposed to only mean she has had far more preparation for Warmage training than most.”

“I myself have had experience with such things and can plainly guess that despite your Emperor’s efforts it didn’t completely work.” Celestia stated.

“Exactly.” Daniels replied with a nod. “People respect the Gefallens greatly, none more than us, the Warmages no matter our branch. Thus if Erika wished she could easily ask a few favours here and there and end up with a fairly light combat but prestigious position. However she is just like many of her fellow Gefallen, raised to fight and work for their strength, intelligence and skill, never to just plainly ask for it. And Erika herself would never know she even had this influence herself had she not been made aware of it.”

“It sounds like she was raised upright and true.” Celestia commented with a grateful smile.

“It would be hard not to be, considering who did the raising.” Daniels replied with some amusement. “Now is there anything you would like to know.”

“I would like to proffer a question my good sir.” Rarity said, having managed to somewhat get over Daniels’ appearance. “Whatever is going to happen to us?”

“We have been looking for your race for a long time, upon contact developing former relations was priority one and it still is.” Daniels answered. “I’d imagine we would be making a quick stop for repairs and rearmament before heading to the capital and meeting with Emperor Ezekiel. Considering your power I imagine you have some authority of your own?”

“Ah, you can tell from just looking?” Celestia asked.

“We all can.” Daniels answered. “Your great power is very clear to us and it’s equally rare for the person to possess to not have some formal power of their own. So am I correct in guessing you can at the least act as a representative of your people?”

“I can do more than that Mr. Daniels.” Celestia nodded. “I am Princess and co-ruler of the kingdom of Equestria and all her people.”

“Interesting…” Daniels commented with a hum. “Let’s keep that to ourselves for a short while shall we? At least until we reach the Gefallen family compound, there is a chance we may be under pursuit and we wouldn’t want your royal status widely known.”

“… No I can understand and appreciate the desire to ensure mine and my ponies’ safety.” Celestia said but inwardly had a sneaking suspicion that there was a secondary reason for the want for secrecy. “I thank you Operative Daniels. Are you going to be leaving now?”

“Unfortunately yes, I did enjoy our talking but alas I have other issues to attend and can’t put them off much longer.” Operative Daniels replied as he got up from his seat and walked to the door. “Now if you need anything just ask aloud for it, the ship’s AI Turbo will gladly help you, now rest and relax the journey to the capital may take the better part of a day.”

“Once again, our thanks Operative Daniels it was a pleasure!” Celestia called after the Atlantean as he closed the door.

‘Believe me the pleasure was all mine.’ Daniels thought as the door closed behind him and he made his way down the hall.

While Celestia had certainly learned a lot from Daniels the Operative had learned even more from the mares with her. Taking advantage of his crimson lenses shielding his eyes from sight Daniels had plunged the minds of each one of the mares and learned everything he needed to know. He knew what each one of the ponies were and their place in the scheme of things, the Elements of Harmony, the teleport spell, Erika when she had been Twilight Sparkle, their desire to bring their dear friend home and the almighty being that had sent Erika here in the first place. Yes Daniels had learned a lot and fully intended to share it with Ezekiel before Captain Alexandria had the ship set course for the capital.


Erika was making her way back to her quarters, having finished her report to Alexandria and the few things she needed to do with the forces she was commanding as her rank demanded, like making sure everyone was safe and sound and those that were wounded in the battle they were in were recovering comfortably.

Now that she had nothing important to concern her mind with it wandered over to a subject she had begun to lose hope ever accomplishing, meeting her people. Truthfully she was rather glad the mercenaries attacked when they did as Erika could feel a deep seated excitement bubbling up deep within her over finally finding members of her race, that excitement was efficiently and quickly pushed back down as her battle instincts took hold. Now that she was the battlefield however she could allow herself the luxury of imagining what her people were like and taking hints from the ponies she had seen.

‘They had sent all females to track me down.’ Erika thought. ‘The G-Class with them means they are actually important, so is my society matriarchal in nature? Or perhaps my race has a disproportionate gender population? No I would have been told if my unaltered genome made it more likely for me to give birth to females. And they have sub species too! Pegasus, unicorn pegasus, pony and of course, unicorn. Is there segregation of race I wonder? Despite being distasteful it does tend to happen in most societies, I shouldn’t try to whitewash my own in hopes of them being as great as I always hoped they’d be. Which one would it be though? The unicorns have magic obviously, the pega…si? The pegasi can fly and the ponies have neither so if anyone is to be treated lowly for their race it would be them. Course this is all just conjecture, oh and the big one, can’t forget about her. Hmm… she is a G-Class so in all likelihood her form isn’t an actual species but a resort of apotheosis of some sort. Again, all conjecture but I’ll get to sit down with them ask the interesting questions soon enough, let’s just get some shut eye first.’

It was to Erika’s surprise that Operative Daniels appeared from around the corner. The Warmage considered asking the Shadow Mage what he learned from the ponies but decided better of it, if the Operative would share such information with her he would. Still Erika couldn’t help but hope he would do just that as she walked past him, and that hoped faded when he did nothing but nod at her in greeting.

‘Oh well…’ Erika thought with an inward sigh. ‘I would prefer to hear about my people from my people anyway.’

With that Erika continued on her way to her quarters and along the way decided to take a shortcut through a rec room.

It was a fairly large room with several holo TVs lining one wall with several well-worn but comfortable couches sitting before them. A small kitchen like space sat on one corner and had a table for eating next to it. There were many tables and chairs for anyone to use as they pleased and finally two well used pool tables sat currently unused.

Since the deployed Warmages had only recently arrived there was only one Warmage sitting at a table with a wide array of colorful cards before him, his expression fixed in one of deadly seriousness and wearing a dark gray jumpsuit along with a pitch black cuirass. Two others were currently using the small kitchen area, a man cooking up a meal while a woman who had hair made of moss and skin of wood watching on eagerly from the table. Only one of the TVs were in use by a group of three slurping some slush like drink as they watched what appeared to be a war drama, it seemed like the TV was on mute but in actuality the speakers were designed to send sound only to the area around the couch before it, allowing everyone to watch their own shows without noise pollution ruining it.

Erika walked through the room nearly unnoticed, only the wooden woman, the Dryad spotted her and gave her a respectful nod, everyone else was caught up in their own things. As she walked past the group watching the TV she couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.

“Wow they really do make the Warmages foul mouthed don’t they?” One of the Mages commented.

“You haven’t spent a lot of time around non-Warmages haven’t you?” Asked one of her friends.

“I’ve practically spent every single moment of my time since grad with you guys; you’re both like my family.” The first replied and got warm smiles from her friends.

“That’s sweet, well the civvies got this stereotypical picture of us as foul mouthed adrenalin junkies.” Answered her other friend. “They always are surprised to see us so calm and well-spoken even in the heat of battle.”

“They should see Emily when she dances and sings for everyone.” Commented one with a laugh. “She’s practically the exact opposite of a foul mouthed adrenalin junkie.”

“I heard she was forced into the Warmages.” The first half whispered.

There was a long awkward silence after that.


Erika picked up the pace little as she frowned and exited the rec room out of another door. Her room wasn’t too far away now, just down a few more halls.

Sure enough the Unicorn soon found herself standing before her door, which was nigh undisguisable from all the others in that very hall. She entered and flicked on the light switch. Her room wasn’t at all impressive, it was barely bigger than a walk in closet, had bare steel walls and floor, one thin bed and one bedside table upon which sat a gray brick. Most people would consider such a space not even good for a prison let alone for one of Atlantis’ finest but Erika was trained to rest in and had rested in far worse locales, frankly she found her sleeping quarters more than suitable.

With a whirring of motors and flipping of armor plating Erika found herself only wearing a silvery cuirass and her black uniform coat underneath. With a flash of violet magic the cuirass fell off her and floated over to the corner of the tiny bedroom. She then threw herself on her bed turned to face the gray brick on her bedside table.

With another flash of magic a holographic screen leapt up from the brick and showed a desktop with many little icons on it, the background was a picture of Erika with a massive pleased smile, practically brandishing a plaque congratulating her for completing her Warmage training and another plaque for graduating in record breaking time. Beside her was a blond and blue eyed fair skinned man wearing a dark gray jumpsuit and a silvery cuirass kneeling beside her. The man also had this massive grin on his face that likely had something to do with the multicolored mushroom cloud inexplicably in the far background of the picture.

A cursor appeared on the screen and Erika moved it over to one of the icons and clicked on it, bring up a window with a blank black screen and column of names with numbers beside them on the side. She clicked on one of the names and soft techno music starting filling the room, the black screen now filled with explosions of color.

With that Erika rolled onto her back and closed her eyes, slowly falling to sleep to the sound of her music.


Author's Note:

The more I rewrite the more I realise I have my work cut out for me to make the rest of the story follow the mood and critical changes I have made here :/