• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,633 Views, 87 Comments

Love Your Difference - BronyDad

Fluttershy is no longer herself and needs convincing from her friends to return to normal. However, the more they try, the more distant she becomes, and Twilight worries that they may lose their friend forever.

  • ...

Trading Places

Chapter 2

Trading Places

Wiping sweat from her brow as she strained to maintain focus on her spell, Twilight Sparkle maneuvered the eight mops to the large pool of water that was sitting in the center of the classroom. As each mop became saturated, it would hover toward the nearest of sixteen buckets that had been placed throughout the room, and wring itself dry before returning to its task.

Although the spell itself was rather simple, she knew that she would be unable to direct her focus to just one of the objects, as doing so would cause the other seven to fall. Instead, she reached out with her magic and felt for the presence of all eight mops, and instructed them all at the same time. However, she soon found that controlling eight objects with such precise movements was exhausting, but quickly realized that she could control them all with ease by having each mop mirror the one before it.

With her eyes tightly shut, Twilight silently labored as the pool slowly disappeared before her. Even though she could not see the mops, the buckets, or the pool of water, she could feel them, and successfully cleaned up the entire mess without opening her eyes a single time.

Her task completed, Twilight's brow furrowed with concentration as her horn began glowing with a magenta light. Suddenly, she released a surge of energy that caused the mops to sprout arms, and marching in single file, they carried the buckets of water out of the school. Glancing around the classroom one last time to be sure she hadn't missed anything, Twilight followed the mops outside and made her way to the playground where Cheerilee was scolding three young foals.

As she approached, she heard Cheerilee saying, "And I had to dismiss class early and go get Twilight so that she could help clean this mess."

Wanting to put a pleasant spin on the accident, Twilight spoke in a bright voice. "Okay, Cheerilee, all the water is gone. And it doesn't look like any permanent damage was done."

Hearing footsteps, Twilight turned her head to find Spike bounding toward them, sunlight glinting off of his purple scales. Although he was still only a baby dragon, he spoke perfectly and was very capable of handling just about any job Twilight gave him.

"I put the pipes back together," he said as he set the wrench he was holding down on a nearby swing. "But you're going to want somepony to look at it before you turn the water back on. I'm not sure that I knew what I was doing."

Cheerilee shrugged. "Oh well, at least the mess is cleaned up." Then she smiled. "Thank you so much, both of you, for coming over here on such short notice to help."

"Always glad to help," Twilight assured her. Glancing back at the school, she observed regretfully, "But I guess school is going to be canceled today."

"Yes, I figured as much," Cheerilee replied. Turning to the three fillies behind her, she added, "I've already sent all the foals home for the day, except for these three."

Twilight stared at the girls with disapproval. "What were you three thinking?"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo lowered their heads, looking thoroughly ashamed. "We're sorry," the three of them mumbled together.

Sweetie Belle gazed up at Twilight with tear brimmed eyes. "We were just trying to be Cutie Mark Crusader Plumbers."

"Yeah, but we didn't think it through very well," Scootaloo added. Shifting her hooves uncomfortably, she caused the saddlebag of tools that was strapped to her back to clank as it swayed.

"I'd say not," Twilight admonished. "First of all, there wasn't anything wrong with the Schoolhouse's plumbing. Second, you need to turn the water off before you take apart the pipes, and lastly," Twilight's tone turned exasperated as she continued, "you need to use the correct tool to take the pipes apart. Not beat them with wrenches until they break!"

Defensively, Apple Bloom stated, "We said we didn't think it through very well."

Shaking her head and trying not to smile, Twilight lectured, "How many times have I told you girls that you can't rush your cutie marks? They will come when the time is right, and when they do, you will know what your special talent is."

"But how can we find our special talents if we don't try anything new?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle agreed. "We have to try new things to find out what we're good at."

"Or bad at," Scootaloo mumbled.

Cheerilee sighed. "It's good that you girls want to get out there and try new things, but you need to be more careful. You need to plan what you want to do ahead of time, so that you have plenty of time to think of problems that may arise. And," Cheerilee's tone turned stern, "you are not to do any of them at this Schoolhouse. Is that clear?"

Studying the ground, the three of them mumbled, together, "Yes, Miss Cheerilee."

"Also," Cheerilee continued, "since you now have the rest of the day off, I will expect you three to each turn in a five page essay tomorrow explaining what you have done wrong here today and how you will prevent such a thing from happening again in the future." She gave them a moment to groan their disappointment, then smiled. "Now run along, and have a pleasant day."

As the three started away, Spike rushed forward. "Don't forget your wrench," he reminded Scootaloo as he slipped it into her saddlebag.

"Thanks," Scootaloo said with a small smile, and then the Cutie Mark Crusaders trotted off to begin their essays.

As soon as the three were out of sight, Twilight and Cheerilee began to laugh, followed closely by Spike.

"Oh, those three are such a hoofful!" Cheerilee exclaimed.

Amused, Twilight replied, "Yes, but their hearts are in the right place."

"And they're creative," Spike interjected, pointing a clawed finger in the air.

"They most certainly are!" Cheerilee laughed.

"Twilight!" somepony called from behind.

Turning around, Twilight found Applejack racing towards them, her blonde mane and tail, both of which were tied back, flowing behind her. An Earth pony with a light orange coat, Applejack was a full-blown country girl, and one of Twilight's closest friends. Her cutie mark, three small, red apples, shined brightly in the sunlight as she galloped along. "I been lookin' all round for ya!" she stated as she came to a skidding halt in front of them, her eyes darting around as she nervously fidgeted with her light brown western hat.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"There's somethin' not right with Rainbow Dash. I don't know what, but she was bein' all strange like," Applejack told her. "She was up at the farm a little bit ago all a hoppin' round like she was Pinkie Pie, and she talked real fast like Pinkie Pie, and she even sang a little ditty just like Pinkie Pie."

Twilight frowned. "That certainly does sound like Pinkie."

"But it was Dash, Twi!" Applejack replied as she anxiously adjusted her hat. "She hopped round the farm, knocked over some apple barrels, and then ran off toward town. I tells ya, it made about as much sense as givin' a pig soap for his mud bath."

"Do you know where she is now?" Twilight asked.

Unhappily, Applejack shook her head. "I stopped by Fluttershy's on the way to town but she wasn't there. And Pinkie is missin' too. Nopony in town has seen a hair of them three all day. When I couldn't find you I got a mite worried, but then Rose told me she saw the three of y'all headed to the school, so I reckoned I'd come out here and tell ya bout what's happenin'."

Twilight tapped her chin with her hoof. "Well, we need to search the entire town, they've got to be here somewhere. Have you seen Rarity?"

"No," Applejack answered, "but I didn't check the Carousel Boutique. I was feelin' rather anxious to find ya and ask for your help."

"Okay, let's go get Rarity, and then the three of us can split up and search the town," Twilight suggested, trying to sound calm. Noticing that Applejack still looked upset, Twilight assured her, "We'll find them, Applejack, and then we'll figure out what's wrong with Rainbow Dash and help her. By nightfall, everything will be back to normal."

With a relieved smile, Applejack said, "I know it will. Thanks Twilight."

As they started off, Cheerilee offered, "Would you like me to go to Fluttershy's cottage?" Twilight paused in mid-step, embarrassed that she had so quickly forgotten about the teacher. "I could stay there in case Fluttershy returns home, or if one of the other two go there looking for her."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked.

Cheerilee indicated the Schoolhouse. "It's not like I have anything else to do today."

Twilight smiled gratefully. "That would be great, Cheerilee. Thank you."

"It's the least I can do to repay you for your help." Cheerilee started down the road, calling over her shoulder, "Good luck finding your friends."

Cheerilee's offer had just given her another idea. "Spike, go back to the library and wait there," Twilight instructed. "If something is wrong, they may turn up there looking for me."

"You got it," Spike said as he dashed away.

"Come on, let's get Rarity and go find our friends," Twilight announced as she led the way at a hurried trot, making a brave attempt at hiding her anxiety from her worried friend.

Having been founded by Earth ponies, ponies that did not have wings or horns, Ponyville had been built without the help of magic or even the Pegasi. As a result, it was perhaps one of the smallest and most simple of settlements in Equestria. A comfortable and peaceful town, Ponyville's straightforward nature and down-to-earth residents had appealed to many ponies throughout the world, and was now home to numerous Pegasi and Unicorns as well.

Whenever she walked among the pleasant little houses and the wonderful ponyfolk, Twilight always felt a calmness within her. It was a bliss that she had simply not felt in her hometown of Canterlot, with all of its glamour and elegance.

The homes that lined the dirt road were constructed of timber wood, with overhanging second floors with balconies, and thatched roofs made of hay and various other materials, several of which also included a weather vane in the shape of a rearing horse. Spread throughout the town were numerous gardens, and many of the houses had flowers and other plants hanging from their windows, revealing the love the town's residents held for nature. To the southwest, the rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville's famous farm and Applejack's home, could be seen from the streets below.

At the southern edge of town was the Town Square, where the Town Hall was located. A large, circular, four story building, the Town Hall had a balcony on each floor as well as a large porch on the ground floor, and was Ponyville's primary gathering place for town meetings and ceremonies.

The Town Square was fairly large, with a variety of shops located around its perimeter, including a jewelry store and a joke shop. The entire east side of the square was used as a marketplace, with numerous stalls and tents selling everything from fruits and vegetables to saucepans and soaps. A river snaked its way past the marketplace and continued northeast through the town, forming a lake just behind the windmill.

The streets bristled with activity as the two friends made their way through the town.

On the other side of the road, Caramel waved down Sassaflash, who swooped down to land beside him. He then presented a bouquet of flowers that she promptly ate, and nuzzling each other lovingly, they trotted off together. Turning onto the street that would lead them straight to the Town Square, Twilight passed Golden Harvest standing at the corner talking to Shoeshine, who was busy munching a carrot. Further down the road, Lily Valley was busy tending to her garden, while Rose watered some potted Calla lilies. Just as they reached the square, Time Turner walked by and greeted them warmly.

Near the statue of the rearing Earth pony, located in the center of the square, were most of the town's foals. Enjoying their unexpected school-free day, the foals happily played their various games as their laughter filled the air.

A group of colts kicked a ball around the statue as a smaller, chubby colt tried unsuccessfully to catch it. Nearby, a smaller group of fillies were taking turns jumping over a long jump rope, and making sure that they remained a safe distance from the boys' more unruly play. Off on their own near the Town Hall were Snips and Snails, who had managed to tangle themselves up in the jump rope they had obviously attempted to play with.

As she crossed the square, Twilight smiled pleasantly as she watched the foals play, but then came to such a sudden stop that Applejack ran into her.

"Sorry, A.J., but I thought I saw something behind that tree," Twilight apologized as Applejack stumbled back. Staring intently at the tree, she spotted a bushy, bright pink tail as it once again flicked out from behind the trunk.

"That's Pinkie Pie, all right!" Applejack exclaimed. "I'd recognize that bushy tail anywhere."

"But what's she doing?" Twilight wondered. "It looks like she's...hiding."

"She's probably playin' a game," Applejack stated. "Ya know how she likes playin' with them foals."

Just then, Pinkie Pie's head slowly peeked out from behind the tree. She anxiously looked back and forth to see if anypony had noticed her, causing her curly mane to bounce wildly. After a moment, she slowly moved away from the tree and headed toward a nearby alleyway.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie," Silver Spoon called out as she separated from the largest of the groups of foals and pranced across the square. Pinkie Pie froze in mid-step and slowly turned to face the filly, her eyes wide and her legs wobbly.

"Aren't you going to sing me a song?" Silver Spoon asked expectantly, literally trotting in place with excitement.

"A song?" Pinkie Pie repeated, her voice soft and meek. "I-I don't know what you mean. What song?"

With a gasp, Silver Spoon demanded, "It's my birthday, Pinkie! You didn't forget...did you?"

"I...uh...um..." Pinkie Pie stuttered, shying away from the astonished filly.

"You did forget!" Silver Spoon exclaimed indignantly. "You never forget anypony's birthday, how could you forget mine? Of all ponies, why me?"

Cowering, Pinkie Pie whimpered, "Oh, I'm so...so sorry."

Diamond Tiara ran forward and stopped next to Silver Spoon. "My birthday is in a couple months," she stated, worriedly. "You aren't going to forget mine, are you?"

"Mine's tomorrow," yelled one of the colts.

Suddenly, several upset foals were surrounding Pinkie Pie, all worried that she would forget about them as well. For a moment she just stood there looking terrified, but then, with a loud wail, she sprinted away toward the river.

Unsure what was wrong with Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Applejack raced after her, but she was simply too fast. By the time they had reached the bridge, Pinkie Pie had disappeared from sight.

"Where in tarnation did she go?" Applejack asked as they searched for any hint of pink among the foliage. When Twilight only frowned and shook her head, she went on. "Rainbow Dash and now Pinkie Pie, neither one of them are actin' right. What do you reckon is wrong with them?"

"I have no idea," Twilight answered, concerned. "Let's stick with the plan. We'll go get Rarity, and then we'll search the town."

The Carousel Boutique was visible from the bridge. It resembled a two story tower, the bottom floor rounded, then growing narrower as it rose until it ended in a point with a red flag flapping in the wind at the top. On either side of the second floor window were pony figures that resembled the mannequins Rarity often used inside, both with poles passing through them much like the plastic ponies on a carousel would. The two oval windows on the first floor were draped with yellow curtains and the front door was decorated with two blue diamonds that were expertly painted onto the wood. The second diamond, on the lower half of the door, acted as a pet flap for Opalescence, Rarity's fluffy white cat. Above the door stood a large sign depicting a yellow carousel horse on a light pink pole wearing a light pink saddle.

Stepping through the shop's front door, the two ponies entered a large, circular room with several racks of clothing, as well as a couple of mannequins wearing featured outfits sitting against the far wall. To their immediate left was a pedestal that was surrounded by three full length mirrors, while to their right were a couple of fitting rooms. Toward the back of the room were several tables equip with mirrors where ponies could try out mascaras and perfumes, and beyond them, a staircase that led to the second floor and Rarity's bedroom.

"Hello, Rarity, are you home?" Twilight called.

Crossing the room, Twilight suppressed a giggle as she noticed the look Applejack gave the fitting rooms. Applejack had always found the fitting rooms silly, since, as she had told Rarity several times before, ponies don't normally wear clothes.

Just as Twilight placed her hoof on the first step of the staircase, Applejack nudged her and indicated the open door that led to Rarity's "inspiration room."

The "inspiration room" was a disaster area, every inch of the floor was covered by scraps of fabric, balls of yarn, and various fashion books. The desk was stacked with even more books and folded fabric, its drawers were hanging open with spools of thread and sheets sticking out, and the bed on the far side of the room had several rolls of fabric spread out over it.

Despite the room's terrible shape, Rarity refused to clean it. She instead referred to it as "organized chaos" and insisted that it helped her come up with new ideas.

Lying on the floor amongst the clutter was Rarity, holding up the bed sheets and gazing under the bed as her purple, tightly curled tail slowly swished in the air. With her gleaming white coat, sapphire blue eyes, and her cutie mark, three light blue diamonds that perfectly complimented her coat and tail, this Unicorn was possibly the most beautiful pony in Ponyville, and definitely the most sophisticated and glamorous.

Wondering if something had frightened Opalescence and driven her under the bed, Twilight knocked on the door frame. "Hi, Rarity, are you busy?"

With a startled cry, Rarity spun around. Placing a hoof to her chest, she exclaimed, "Oh my stars, you nearly startled the life out of me!" Giving them a pouting face, she lifted a hoof and flipped her beautifully styled mane indignantly.

"Sorry," Twilight said, smiling sheepishly. "We called when we came in, but I guess you didn't hear."

"You haven't seen Pinkie today, have ya?" Applejack inquired as she entered the room, carefully stepping over an open book laying on the floor.

"Um, well...actually."

Moving aside, Rarity pulled back the bed sheets to reveal Pinkie Pie. Somehow, she had managed to cram herself into the small space under the bed, and was shaking uncontrollably.

"She just barged in here a few moments ago and dove under the bed without a single word. I've been trying to get her to come out, but she seems awfully upset about something. Whatever could have happened?"

"We're not sure," Twilight replied as she kneeled in front of the bed. Peering at her upset friend, she spoke softly. "Hey, Pinkie, we're here to help you. Can you come out and talk?"

Shaking her head, Pinkie Pie whimpered, "Everypony wants to talk to me, everywhere I go." Covering her face with her hooves, she added, "I just want to be left alone."

Speechless, Twilight could only stare at the miserable pony crammed under the bed.

There was nothing Pinkie Pie enjoyed more than walking the streets and greeting everypony, and doing her best to make them all smile. She always said that a smile was the best gift anypony could ever give her. Even her cutie mark, three balloons, the top one yellow and the bottom two blue, symbolized her love of creating fun and laughter. Never, in all the time she had known her, had Pinkie Pie ever expressed a desire to be left alone.

Lying on her stomach, Applejack peered under the bed. "Hey there, girl, we been out lookin' for ya. All we want to know is what's got your tail in such a twist." Sticking her hoof under the bed, she continued, "You're safe with us, sugar cube, and ya know that's the honest truth. So take my hoof and let me help ya out from under this here bed."

After a brief hesitation, Pinkie Pie gripped Applejack's hoof and allowed herself to be pulled out from under the bed. Sitting up, Pinkie Pie hung her head and stared at the floor.

"So...could you tell us why you're so upset?" Twilight asked.

Poking at some fabric scraps on the floor with her hoof, Pinkie Pie timidly said, "I don't know...I can't remember anything about this morning. I don't remember waking up, or going outside. I only remember walking down the street and everypony was calling out to me and waving, and all the attention was too much. So I tried to hide, but ponies just laughed when I hid and said I was silly. Then a bunch of foals got upset because I forgot a birthday, and I panicked and came here."

"Pinkie Pie...doesn't want attention?" Rarity said in disbelief.

Applejack sat down heavily. "Now I'm really gettin' worried."

Frowning, Twilight tried to make sense of what Pinkie Pie had just said. It was as if everything that she enjoyed had been taken from her, leaving her this cowering mess that was sitting before them. What could have done this to her, and how?

"You don't remember anything about this morning?" Twilight finally asked.

Pinkie Pie shook her head. "No, nothing."

"What's the last thing you do remember?"

After taking a moment to think, she replied, "I remember going to sleep last night, and when I woke up, I was on Stirrup Street."

"Hmm..." Twilight tapped her chin with her hoof as she analyzed what she had learned so far. "Whatever happened that changed you had to have affected you between when you got out of bed and when you awoke on Stirrup Street. I think it would be a good idea to investigate the streets, ask what ponies saw earlier this morning, starting with Mr. and Mrs. Cake."

"That is a splendid idea. Somepony is bound to have seen something," Rarity agreed.

"But first," Twilight continued, "I want to find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Once we have found them, we can let Spike watch over the three of them at the library while we figure out what happened this morning."

"That sounds like a mighty fine plan to me," Applejack stated. "And who knows, maybe Fluttershy or R.D. will have all the answers we need."

"Let's go back to the Town Square and split up," Twilight instructed. "If we gain any information or find one of our friends, we can meet back at the library." Turning to Pinkie Pie, she gently asked, "Would you like to stay here for now? I can send Spike for you once we find the other two."

Pinkie Pie nodded. "That would be nice."

Glancing over at the cluttered bed, Rarity offered, "Feel free to use my other bed upstairs if you feel you need a nap, and anything in the kitchen is yours as well."

"Thank you, Rarity," Pinkie Pie said, smiling shyly.

Once they were outside and Applejack had quietly shut the door behind them, Rarity fretted, "Oh, what has happened to our sweet Pinkie? I'll bet it was something just simply dreadful!" Dismayed, she held a hoof to her brow and looked up at the sky. "The poor dear, we must help her! Oh, we must!"

"And we will," Applejack stated, determinedly. "Now let's get a searchin'."

Glancing at the clock tower, which stood high atop its hill to the west, Twilight saw that it was half past noon. A little surprised to find that the day was already halfway over, she began to fear that they would not find their friends before nightfall. But as Applejack started off back toward the bridge, she set her worries aside, and decided to try focusing on the solution to this bizarre problem.

So far, all she knew was that Pinkie Pie had lost part of her memory. She couldn't remember waking up or going outside, and had no idea how she had gotten to Stirrup Street. She had also forgotten a birthday. Pinkie Pie had memorized everypony's birthday in Ponyville, and never forgot to wish anypony a happy birthday on their special day. If Pinkie Pie forgot a birthday, then she was definitely not herself.

Twilight considered using a memory spell to restore Pinkie Pie's memory, but that wasn't the only problem. She was no longer the happy, carefree pony that they all knew and loved. She was now asking to be left alone when before her favorite hobby was to hop around town and greet everypony. Pinkie Pie had changed, and Twilight wasn't so sure that a memory spell would fix everything.

Halfway across the bridge, Applejack slowly came to a halt and turned to face the other two with wide eyes.

Puzzled, Twilight asked, "What is it?"

Without a word, Applejack lifted a hoof and putting it under Twilight's chin, tilted her head to the sky. Twilight's jaw dropped in astonishment, and behind her, she heard Rarity gasp.

Several hundred feet above them was Fluttershy, zooming through the air at exceptionally high speeds and performing advanced aerial maneuvers. As they watched in stunned silence, Fluttershy began tracing figure eights in the air, while simultaneously maintaining a continuous corkscrew. She did this for about thirty seconds, and then shot toward them at breakneck speed before coming to a halt just in front of them. The draft from her sudden stop blew their manes away from their faces, and Applejack was forced to rear up on her hind legs to catch her hat before it was blown away.

"Did you see those moves?! Weren't they just totally awesome?" Fluttershy asked enthusiastically. When none of them responded, she frowned. "You're right, it was missing something wasn't it? Oh, I know! Check this out, this will make it about twenty percent cooler!" Before they could recover from their shock, Fluttershy was back in the sky once more.

"Oh, Fluttershy, this is so terrible!" Rarity wailed. "Now who's going to go to the Spa with me tomorrow?" Realizing that she was receiving dirty looks from both Twilight and Applejack, Rarity cleared her throat and stated with an indignant air, "Well, if I don't go at least once a week I lose my discount."

Rolling their eyes, the two turned away from her and peered back up at Fluttershy. "So, if what you've told me about Rainbow Dash is correct, then all three of them are no longer themselves," Twilight summarized.

"Twi..." Applejack spoke hesitantly. "Would ya say that Fluttershy here is actin' an awful lot like Dash? And wouldn't ya say Pinkie was actin' just a mite bit like Fluttershy would, with all the attention and all."

Of course! Pinkie Pie would never shrink away from attention or wish to be left alone, but Fluttershy was very easily intimidated every time she came into Ponyville. With the exception of her five very close friends, Fluttershy preferred to be left alone in her little cottage outside of town. Also, Fluttershy was afraid of flying because she was terrified of heights, but here she was soaring high above the ground, like Rainbow Dash typically did.

"Yes," Twilight said after a moment, "yes I would say that. And you said that Rainbow was hopping around and singing like Pinkie Pie normally would. You think that's what's happening here?"

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. "So...if you two are correct, then Pinkie Pie believes she is Fluttershy?"

Applejack shifted her hat. "I think so."

"Well, that explains it then."

"Explains what?" Applejack scratched her head in confusion.

"Why she came to the Carousel Bouquet," Rarity explained. "Fluttershy often comes to my shop when she is feeling overwhelmed. She always said that watching me work relaxes her, especially when I sew. And then one day she was so distressed that watching me at work hadn't been enough, so I had treated her to the Spa." With a smile and a wink, Rarity added, "That's how our weekly spa dates began."

"That confirms it then," Twilight said, matter-of-factly. "Each of our friends believe that they are somepony else."

"Yes, but how?" inquired Rarity.

"Magic, that's how," Twilight replied. "I really want to get back to the library now, I've got some research I want to do."