• Published 8th Apr 2014
  • 3,189 Views, 93 Comments

Special Delivery - ILurvTrixie

Derpy and Celestia are both very prominant figures in Equestria, but somehow manage to fade into the background. Surely that's where the similarities end. (Random Romance Mar2014)

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Mayhem + Romance

It was an elegant dinner, from one of the finest Canterlot dinner destinations. Celestia and Derpy both munched quietly on their meals, small talk seasoning the dish well. "Dinky is adorable. And she seems to have her mother's eye for detail."

"Thank you Pr—. Thank you." Derpy smiled a bit. "I've always tried to let her find her happiness. I know it's not always easy for her with me working so much."

"Why do you work so much? I'd think with your many jobs you'd be able to handle all expenses, including the reimbursements."

Derpy chewed on her meal thoughtfully, before nodding. "I'm trying to save up for Hearth's Warming. I know it's still months away.. but last year, I couldn't get much for Dinky after a few ill timed mistakes wiped out the money I'd saved. This year, I'm going to make sure everything is perfect. Or at least as close as we can hope for."

Celestia nodded, smiling gently. "She's got quite an imagination. Did you make Mr. Bear?"

"Oh yes, button eyes, button nose, stuff, fluff, and plush." Derpy smiled at the wave of nostalgia. "She was always afraid of the dark, which didn't help when I couldn't be around much. So I made Mr. Bear to keep her safe. Oddly that bear always seems to get into the oddest antics."

Luna wiped away a cold drop of sweat. She was losing. It was a game to three kills, and she was losing. To a teddy bear. Dinky had simply placed the bear in front of the mouse and keyboard, mimicking Luna's hoof placement, and walked away. She only stood the bear back up each time he fell on his face. And somehow the bear had drifted, stumbled, and wandered into perfect positions before finishing the princess with a headshot each time.

It was completely impossible. But his reign of terror was at an end. Luna had finally completed a long circuit around the map, not leaving herself exposed a single time, ready to remove the bear from his sniper perch with a single well placed attack. She trotted up the stairs, scanning carefully from side to side.

And never even noticed the pony in the corner, rotating seemingly at random, as he got the final headshot.


"Do you think maybe you 'broke' something about him?"

Derpy put a hoof to her chin. "It would explain a lot. Princess, is— Celestia, is Luna doing alright?"

"I believe so, why do you ask?"

"She's trying so hard to get better at those games, because she's hoping ponies will judge her for her skills, rather than for her status as princess. She doesn't seem to intentionally shirk her duties, but they occupy a place so low in her priorities." Derpy poked at her meal with a fork.

Celestia sighed. "I shouldn't be surprised you noticed too, Derpy. She's still having problems getting used to modern Equestria. She needs friends nearby, and she still has a reputation to work through. Her intent with these online games is that she's clean of her reputation. But at the same time, she's starting from nothing. And not everypony has a computer, so who's playing is inherently limited. It's a decent idea, but it's incomplete, and I'm unsure of how to make it better."

"Invite her along for silly things."


"Go to the movies. Go out for a meal. Order in and play with her. I've already said you need to get out more. That advice can only be, well, doubled." Derpy smiled lopsidedly.

Celestia let out a peal of laughter, smiling at the pegasus across from her. "Again with the wisdom. Aren't I supposed to be the wise one?"

"You're too close to the problem to look at it like that. You wanted her to find her own way through it, since you're worried about how you might've contributed to her becoming Nightmare Moon."

Celestia blinked a few times at the rolling eyes of the grey pegasus, and wagged a hoof warningly in her direction. "That's going from 'insightful' to 'downright omniscient'." Derpy offered a sheepish smile in return. "So what shall we do after dinner?"

"You're asking me?"

Celestia chuckled at the mare's surprised expression. "I set the date for tonight, and picked dinner. You get to choose activities after that."

Derpy considered carefully. "Movie, and then we go back to the palace and make muffins. That way even if nothing else happens, we've still got a muffin out of it."

"Again with the wisdom." Celestia smiled warmly.

The movie was pleasant, the mares were both chattering cheerfully, and the fellow movie goers couldn't help but stop and stare as Celestia made her way out of the movie theater with her date. "It's almost strange. I feel like I got to know you rather well after the day with Dinky."

Derpy chuckled. "You have me at a disadvantage there. Luna didn't spend very much time with me."

"And yet I'm sure you've managed to build something of a profile on me anyway."

"Over the years and deliveries, perhaps." Derpy laughed happily, then stopped, turning to her left, looking at the very not suspicious dark alicorn and grey unicorn filly sporting handlebar mustaches and top hats. Celestia peeked over after a moment and boggled wordlessly as well. Luna facehooved.

"Hello strangers! Are you enjoying this lovely evening?" Dinky played her perfect disguise to a hilt, aside from not disguising her voice in the slightest. Celestia and Derpy exchanged a small grin, turning to the 'mysterious strangers.'

"Hello strangers. We were just about to go to Canterlot Castle and make muffins. It's too bad you can't join us. They were going to be delicious."

Dinky completely threw discretion to the wind at that revelation. "Aww momma, it's really me! Dinky! I wanna muffin!"

Derpy casually put a hoof to her chin. "No, no, my little Dinky doesn't have that kind of mustache." Shedding her disguise in seconds, the little unicorn filly grinned proudly up at her mother. "Why Dinky! When did you get here my little muffin?"

Dinky giggled proudly at her masterful use of the perfect disguise. Celestia slid up next to Luna as she removed her own top hat and mustache. "So why are you here?"

Luna sighed. "Dinky wanted to come out to spy on your date. I told her no. She wagered going to bed early versus coming out. I took Mr. Bear on in a first to three kills game, to make it end quicker."

Celestia blinked. "You lost to a plush toy."

Luna blushed. "He cheated! He must have!"

"Oh, oh, momma. Luna said something and I don't know what it means. What does fffff—"

"Dinky!" The lunar princess wished she could sink into the earth.

The Canterlot Castle kitchens were a place of refinement. A place where the most expertly crafted dishes in all of Equestria would be finalized in taste and appearance, prepared and waiting for the judgement of royalty. Diplomatic envoys would note that most of the employees truly enjoyed their jobs. The challenges of the ingredients, maintaining qualities of taste and texture, each aspect of a dish striving to produce a final work. What they would not note, however, was laughter.

The happy laughter spilling forth from two alicorns, a unicorn filly, and a pegasus all covered in dabs of honey, flour, ground oatmeal, and some vanilla extract was quite unusual. Especially since it was hours after the chefs had retired for the evening. Warmed by the sense of family and togetherness the two royal sisters and the two non-royal ponies engaged in a group hug. One that ended with a small kiss being planted on Derpy's nose by Celestia. As her mother blushed and stammered, Dinky let out an excited squee. It wasn't all according to plan, but it was still progress.


Dinky, Derpy, and Celestia walked the streets of Ponyville cheerfully. Dinky was being left with a sitter for the afternoon, but she was simply too excited to worry. "This is gonna be so great. So when am I gonna have a little sister? Or a little brother? I wanna teach them magic!"

Derpy and Celestia both blushed, laughing nervously at Dinky's enthusiasm. "I think we'd have to get married before we think about that, Dinky." Her mother turned to Celestia, who nodded.

"We are only on our second date."

"Oh, psh. You two are just takin' it slow because you're both happy and not sure what might happen." Derpy and Celestia exchanged a glance and laughed.

"Again with the insight."

"Quite." Celestia cleared her throat. "Of course, there was a reason I asked this specific sitter to help today, Dinky."

"Oh?" The little filly perked up happily.

"You see, while I really appreciated the letter and the muffins you sent, there were quite a few spelling errors."

Dinky just now realized they had stopped in front of the Golden Oaks Library. Her eyes widened in horror as the door opened, revealing the purple bane. The bringer of studying. The princess of homework!

"Hello Princess Celestia! Hello Derpy! Hello Dinky!"

"Hello Princess Sparkle!" Came the chorus from the two adults, earning a sheepish blush from the former student at her former mentor's casual reply. Dinky sought an avenue of escape.

"Well, she's all yours for the afternoon Twilight. Do try to teach her well."

"Be good my little muffin!"

Dinky's attempted escape was halted as she found herself wrapped up in Twilight's magenta aura of magic. As the little filly's struggles were blocked out by the closing library door, she let out a final cry of woe. "I regret everything!"

Comments ( 63 )

I don't think I stopped laughing since chapter 2. This was awesome, good combination of light romance, some adorable Dinkyness and good humor.

Oh no! The Princess of homework, noooooo!

A nice and fluffy story overall, though I personally would like just a bit more romance.

In other news: Derpy has the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. We are all doomed. :derpytongue2:

4202635 I am glad your approval panned out. It was a silly fun fluff piece, and I was happy to write it.

4203057 :twilightoops: What? What do you mean fillies and colts don't want to do extra homework? Extra homework is a reward!

4203810 Indeed. I think I pretty much threw romance behind the sofa just for the sake of some adorable silliness. I'm sure that's where I earned my thumbs down from. But I hope it was still enjoyable.

Pretty good, quite enjoyable.

4206647 Hey, if it made you smile, I'm doing my job. :ajsmug:

4206778 Why does nobody like Prince Blueblood? He's a Prince! His life is nothing but hardship and pain! Why, how would you survive without a servant? :trollestia:

That was a fun read! Good humor, good plot, and you broke Blueblood. And Dinky's last line was more than perfect. Laughed a lot at this one. Keep the good stuff coming!:twilightsmile:

4209287 My competition! I still need to read your story, but glad it amused. :derpytongue2: Now Punzil just needs to finish her entry and we got some real warfare going on!

4212889 She is the mailmare Equestria needs and deserves.

This is everything I wish my story had been. Somehow this story needs to find its way to the feature box.

Permission to promote by adding the story to a couple of shipping groups?

4219334 I... sure Punzil. But I still wanted to see your entry! Come on! :pinkiehappy: Come ooooon. :raritystarry: COME AWN! :flutterrage:

I posted a link to it in the March Contest thread... it's readable, just unpublished.

4220455 I liked it. It did feel a little unpolished, but go figure, so do most of our fanfictions. Next time we just need to start writing earlier so we post the stories on time.

(Tha password's always swordfish!)

This was one of the cutest Dinky-fics I've ever read.:yay::moustache: The unusual romance was actually refreshing and you wrote it well, even if the ending was a little rushed. :derpytongue2: :heart:

You've got yourself a fan. I look forward do reading more from you in the future... maybe a Blueblood in a mental ward?

Your potential as a writer is enormous; and writing only improves with time.

4246584 I might have a few silly extended scenes(Bonus epilogues, really), and not be averse to trying to extend the story later.

Poor Blueblood, why does everyone want to see him in such pain? :pinkiecrazy: For no reason whatsoever!

I really appreciate the kind words. :pinkiehappy: I hope to not disappoint. Or at least if I do disappoint it's not quite a spectacle visible from orbit.

...Although I should probably start writing a bit more besides the Random Romance monthly prompts.

But I get all lazy and distracted reading all the other cool things people write! :twilightblush:

4246720 this is too good. It makes me feel all inadequate.

4246791 Don't be ridiculous. I write half-way decently because I like books. So I'm simply more adept at stealing ideas.

Everyone can learn to do anything these days! It just takes time and effort. Become great! Write! Be free! GO!

But I am glad you liked it. :ajsmug:

4246827 I thought I liked to read... *runs away crying*

4246943 :fluttercry: Well. Um. Feel... better? :unsuresweetie:

Site Blogger

This was fekkin adorable. I'm sure you recall how critical I was in your other stories about using goofy methods to achieve serious ends? This is a much more appropriate use of your trademark style. I approved of every moment.

I admit I haven't read your rival's story for the contest yet, but after reading this (s)he's gonna have to really wow me to win my vote.

Site Blogger

And congrats; you've written two of my six favorites.

4259255 Squee. :pinkiehappy: I will continue to strive to make the sunshine and lollipops palatable and quality in nature.



My face hurts from smiling way to much! I think its gonna get stuck this way forever now! :pinkiehappy: Not entirely a bad thing but it hurts so dang much! lol!

This was simpley adorable and I loved every second of it! I laughed to the point that I almost fell over when I stood up to turn my room light on. (I'm not even joking about that, I had to catch myself on the bed to keep from hitting the floor.)

Anyway I will be checking out some of your other writings I hope they are all just as good if not better then this one.


4281026 Heh! I'm glad you liked it PPF (Can I call you PPF?). I don't have much to brag about, but I'm working on various bits and ideas. Although all of them are probably way waaaaay in the future at this point. :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, you keep reading, I will too. And writing. Writing is also a good thing to do.

4281327 I need to get back into writing my third chapter to my story, I've not even got it started yet... >.<

I love reading when I find a good story I'll read all of it, I just got done reading a 94 chapter HiE the other day, It took me two weeks to finish it. I enjoyed it, There was some minor flaws in the beginning but later on it turned out really good....

Anyway yes, yes you may call me PPF lol Its all good :twilightsmile:


Glad you enjoyed the story! Yeah, I just couldn't see any possibility where High General Smartypants hadn't negotiated 'vital and necessary' cookie supplies from the Equestrian government.

Calling Bookfort. This is High General Smartypants. :twilightsmile: This is Bookfort, go ahead High General.

I loved this. It was short, sweet, funny, fluffy, and downright ADORABLE!! It feels nice to take a breather with a fic like this compared to other stories like Rites of Ascension or The Road not Taken. These kinds of stories make me feel good and make me happy.


Glad your expectations panned out! Admittedly the ship is a bit unexpected, but hey, that's why I joined Random Romance! It's all about the not quite expected.


:twilightoops: :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: *Edit, edit, edit*

:coolphoto: You saw nozzing.


Well to me it's not that unexpected. Derpy is just so adorable that pretty much anyone who loves her will probably ship her with anypony she is nice to. . . which according to my headcannon is everypony.

I actually became a fan of DerpyxLuna because of strangely the Princess Molestia tumblr because they are just so damn adorable together!! But Celestia here works as well. I actually have an idea for a romance/comedy fic where Princess Luna and Celestia are both trying to court Derpy, and let all the love triangle and sister rivalry insanity ensue mwuahahahaha!!:pinkiecrazy: Buuuuut it has to get in line because I have about 30 fics that I wanna write, but I can only write one at a time so it may take a while. . .

4304735 :trixieshiftright: Sounds interesting. I'm hardly one to complain about update speed. Especially considering my own list of unfinished ideas.

I shall look forward to seeing what stories you write.


Hehe, might take a while since I'm still working on one story which has been ongoing for two years now actually:twilightblush: Hopefully I can get it done soon and move on to my other story ideas.

4304810 The constant lament of a writer. Good luck!

4336957 Sounds severe! You should probably read something Dark and Tragic to cure that.

4424199 Crown atop her head, one hoof on the golden staff, one hoof raised into the air, eyes rolling in separate directions, and still wearing that darn maid outfit. Seated on a throne at least two times too big for her. Cuts a regal figure, don't she?

So when's the wedding?

4499401 Let's see, trade agreement... meeting with the dragon representative... meeting with the griffon representative... peering through tome of magic Pony Was Not Meant To Know... playing silly games with Luna... making Luna foalsit Dinky again because she won't stop dominating her sister...

You know, I think this schedule might be filled in the near future. :derpytongue2: Although I am trying to get some of the cuter ideas out of my head into a sort of sequel.

4911230 Why does everyone always wish harm to poor Blueblood? He's doing his best to wear his finest pressed suit and brush his luxurious mane to a pristine shine for every one of you rabble. The least you can do is provide him with respect! (Is it worse to die... or to keep Derpy as his 'conscience' per Auntie's wishes? :pinkiecrazy:)

4949734 It's a family recipe! :pinkiecrazy:
4949799 Pors?
4949821 She just doesn't know what went wrong.

Glad you both enjoyed my silly little story.

Very cute. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

5110002 Your approval is noted, and approved! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

THIS WAS GREAT! I love this story and laughed so much! Poor Dinky at the end xD But still I loved it! :derpytongue2:

I don't know what to say, I have diabeetus, the warm fuzzies, I can't close my mouth for smiling too hard, and My sides have exploded:rainbowlaugh:.

I love you you magnificent bastard!!:heart::heart::heart:

5176422 Oh my, with this story getting attention again, I should really knuckle down on writing again.

Darn mandatory overtime at work. :unsuresweetie:

Glad I could earn your amusement!

5122661 Thanks for the enjoyment! Making people feel good makes me feel good too.

A cute end to a cute fic. This was a refreshingly sweet fic to read, after so many lazy ship fics with ponies suddenly falling in love with no provocation it was nice to read something with a little heart and humor to it. Easy add to the favs.

I'd love for this to get a sequel.

After rereading this chapter, I think this is the most hilarious line from it:

Celestia blinked. "You lost to a plush toy."

5516974 Are you sure it wasn't:

I regret everything!

5986886 That's good too

Oh, oh, momma. Luna said something and I don't know what it means. What does fffff—"

Luna! Language!

6337658 Wow! Well, I'm glad I elicited such a response. You must have posted right after the last time I checked in.
I imagine you'll be happy to hear work on the sequel is continuing. Not as quickly as I'd like, but sadly work is one of those required things.

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