• Published 6th May 2014
  • 11,717 Views, 680 Comments

Shades of Night - Sketchy Changeling

When a friend tells you that they have a secret, your gut reaction is to say that it's no big deal, but what if it turns out to be just that? A big deal. A REALLY big deal. How does that affect the friendship?

  • ...

Chapter Twelve - Separation Anxiety: Part Two

Klaus and I took the elevator to the top floor of the mall, which had all the restaurants as well as the comedy club that our show was going to be at. We both decided to hit a steakhouse for lunch, and luckily for us, it wasn't too busy, so we were able to get a table rather quickly.

"Y'know, it's always a lot easier going out to eat with you, Klaus," I told him as I read the menu.

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

"Since you're a griffon and you eat meat, I don't have to worry about what I eat in front of you. I can't remember the last time I had a good steak."

"Oh yeah. With Nightshade living with you, you probably eat meat a lot less often now. I dunno how you do it, man. I can handle going without it when I'm out with my vegetarian friends, but not for as long as you have."

"Well, this is why we have these days just for us dudes, right?"

"Amen to that, brother," Klaus laughed as we bumped fists.

Just then, my phone chimed again as I got another text. It vibrated loudly as it rested on the polished wood table. Before I could even glance at the screen, the phone vibrated again.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I thought as I looked to see the messages that I had received. As I expected, both of them were from Moon.

"Hi, honey-bunches! <3"
Received: 12:07 PM

"Whatcha doin?"
Received: 12:07 PM

"Is it Nightshade again?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah..." I answered with a heavy sigh as I quickly typed out a reply.

"Having lunch w/Klaus."
Sent: 12:08 PM

"You two really keep in touch with each other, huh?" he chuckled as flipped through his menu. "How long has it been since you guys got together? I lost track."

"It's been-"

"Hey there!" said a female voice, and Klaus and I looked up to see a waitress looking down at us with a pen and pad. "My name is Missy and I'll be taking your order today. Are you guys ready?"

"Oh, uh... Yeah, I think I know what I want," answered the griffon. "You ready, Noah?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna get the T-bone steak, medium rare, with a side of fries," I said.

"And what would you like to drink with that?" Missy asked.

"I'll go with a Coke."

The waitress smiled as she wrote my order down, and then she turned to look at Klaus. "And what would you like, sir?"

"I’ll have the same thing, only I'd like my steak well done. My drink will be a root beer, and can I get some mozzarella sticks as an appetizer?"

"Sure thing. I'll be here with your appetizer and your drinks shortly," Missy smiled as she left our table, and I let out a sigh. "Okay, what was I talking about?"

"You were telling me how long it's been since you and Nightshade started dating," Klaus reminded me.

"Right. I think it's been about two and a half weeks."

"Although lately it's been feeling like an eternity," I thought.

My phone began to vibrate again, and I held in an annoyed groan as I glanced at it.

"Practicing a new dinner recipe for u! You're gonna <3 it!"
Received: 12:11 PM

I rolled my eyes and silenced my phone before stuffing it in my pocket with a grunt.

"Okay, what's the matter?" Klaus asked, concern coating his tone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked back.

"There's obviously trouble in paradise. I can tell by how frustrated you look. Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. "No, forget about it. We're having a nice lunch, and we're going to a comedy show in a few hours. I don't wanna put a damper on things by talking about my problems."

"Noah, you're always willing to listen to me talk about my issues, so the least I can do is listen to you talk about yours. Hell, I practically owe you for making you listen to me bitch and moan about my parents for two and a half months."

I chuckled. "I guess that's true."

"Alright then. You can tell Dr. Klaus all about it. I know I don’t have my patients’ bed, but it’ll have to do on such short notice."

Ignoring his cheesy joke, I began to tell him about my problems. "See, when Nightshade and I first got together, I wasn't sure if it would really work out, especially when she was so enthusiastic about telling you and Maud not a day after, but for the first week we were together, I was starting to get used to having her as a marefriend. After her initial excitement, she calmed down a little, and she was a really nice, loving mare. Even our first date was just a stroll through the park and a quick bite to eat. That day, the idea of dating Nightshade grew on me, and I thought that... maybe this could end up being a long-term thing between us."

Klaus nodded his head as I continued to explain everything to him, and with each word I said, I got increasingly frustrated.

"But since then, she started acting a lot differently. After we got home from our first date, my mom called to check up on me, and when I hung up, Nightshade was all up in my face asking me 'Who was that? Who was that?' like I was trying to cheat on her or something, and it only got worse from there. Every time I want to go out, even when it's just to pick something up from the store real quick and come back, she wants to go with me. She pretty much NEVER wants to leave my side! It’s like it’s physically impossible for her! I had to convince her to let me go see this show with you without her tagging along! Can you believe how much of a pain that was for me? It was like pulling teeth!"

"So since she's away from you, she's constantly texting you to fill the void," Klaus surmised.

"Exactly," I answered, "and the worst part is that she's so friggin’ possessive! I can't even talk to another girl without her assuming the worst. If we go to buy something, I have to see if the clerk is a guy or a girl so she doesn't freak out. She gets so mean and passive aggressive, and when I call her out on it, she gives me some excuse saying 'that's how much I love you' and 'I can't trust other girls around you,' and even though she says otherwise, I think she acts like that because she doesn’t trust me. I'm starting to feel less like her boyfriend and more like her possession, and I'm getting really sick of it!"

"Okay, okay, calm down," the griffon said with a hushed voice, and I let out a long breath.

"Sorry... It's just that Nightshade's been getting to me lately..."

"I can understand why you seem so frustrated. Sorry I can't offer any advice to help you. I was gonna suggest talking to her, but you've already tried that..."

"Don't sweat it. Just talking to you about it made me feel a lot better." I sighed heavily as I reclined deep into my chair, psychological exhaustion evident on my face.

Ten minutes later, our food arrived, and Klaus and I dug into it like we hadn't eaten in days.

"This place makes the best steaks!" said the griffon. "Their T-bones are on point!"

"Their mozzarella sticks aren't too bad, either," I added. "I should've ordered some for myself."

Just then, Missy arrived at our table. "Everything good here?" she asked.

"We're just great," Klaus yawned.

"No room for dessert?"

"Not at all," I answered. "We'll take the check now, and we'll be paying separately."

"You got it. I'll be right back," the waitress smiled as she walked away. When she came back with our checks, Klaus and I paid them and left the restaurant. We still had about an hour and a half to kill before we had to get to the comedy club, so we spent those ninety minutes screwing around and walking through random stores. At two forty-five, we went to the club just in case there was a long line, and sure enough, there was.

"Man, this guy must be really popular," I commented as we waited in the line. "Just who is performing today? I didn't even bother to ask."

"His name's Henry Chuckles," Klaus answered. "He's a comedian from Fillydelphia. He moved here a few months ago to start his career and his popularity skyrocketed practically overnight."

"And how do you know all this?"


"Ah, of course."

By the time the two of us got in, we were able to get some good seats near the stage, and at three o'clock, the lights dimmed and the MC got on the mic.

"Alright everyone, put your hands, paws, and claws together and give a nice Florida welcome to Mr. Henry Chuckles!"

The crowd cheered as a bright grey-coated diamond dog with green eyes stepped onto the stage with a smile on his face. "What's up, y'all? How're we feeling today?" he asked, and the audience cheered louder as he took his position in front of the mic. "I like to visit Florida from time to time. Beaches, ladies, Disney World, Florida's got some good stuff... if only it wasn't so fuckin’ hot."

We all chuckled at the truth in his joke.

"Not to mention the hurricanes. You wake up one morning and find that your roof is gone and your kitchen is an in-house swimming pool. I guess it's better than living in California. I mean, on top of the heat and the hurricanes, you gotta deal with earthquakes, too. At least with hurricanes you have a warning so you'll know when it's gonna hit. With earthquakes you don't know shit."

We all laughed again, and Klaus looked like he was in pain. "This guy is a riot!" he said to me as everyone else laughed.

As the show went on, Henry's jokes ranged from a bunch of different topics from money, to family, to fan encounters, and then, towards the end of the show, he started to go into a topic that hit home a little.

It started when he pointed out a couple sitting in the audience near me and Klaus.

"Aww, look at y’all! You two on a date?" Henry asked.

The human girl and the unicorn stallion next to her nodded their heads.

"You love each other?"

They nodded again.

"You spend all your time together?"

They nodded again.

"Really? How long have you two been together?"

"A week and a half," answered the girl.

"You'll see," Henry smiled evilly, and the whole audience, including the couple, laughed. "In a few more days, both of y'all are gonna want some alone time."

The stallion gave the diamond dog a questioning look and shook his head.

"Oh, you don't believe me? Alright, then. Show of hands, everyone. How many of you came here without your boyfriend or girlfriend?"

I decided to play along with his joke and raise my hand. I did come here without Moon, after all.

"Okay, it looks like we got ten... fifteen... twenty... Damn, y'all really needed some alone time, huh?"

We all laughed.

"I can understand, though. We all tend to go out of our way in the beginning of a relationship, especially females. Fellas, you ever notice when you first move in with your girlfriend that she wears matching underwear when she goes to bed with you?"

All the guys in the room, myself included, murmured in agreement.

"After a couple months, she won't give a shit less what she has on. She'll go to bed in a red bra and green panties. I mean, you don't have to match but have some pride. You look like a fuckin’ superhero!"

That joke probably got the most laughs in the entire show.

"Alright, let's have another show of hands. How many guys in here have dated a crazy chick?"

A large number of hands went up, including Klaus's.

"Yeah, that looks about right. Okay, now how many of you guys in here are currently dating a crazy chick?"

Only a few hands went up.

"Don't bullshit me now, I know you're thinking it," Henry smirked as he looked at all the guys in the audience.

"This guy's good," I thought, and I raised my hand up jokingly along with several other guys that were afraid to admit that they thought the girl they were dating was crazy.

"Now that looks more realistic," Henry laughed. "Don't worry. I've been there. Take this one chick I dated a few years ago for example. When I tell you that she was on my case about everything, I'm not just talkin’ shit. There was this one time when I was coming home from the bowling alley with my friends, and when I opened the door, she was right there waiting for me. She was all 'Where the hell have you been?' and I said 'At the bowling alley, like I told you. I even called you when I left.' So then she says 'Google Maps says that it takes ten minutes to drive here from the bowling alley! You took eleven minutes to get here.'"

I chuckled to myself. "Sounds like something Moon would say," I thought.

"So then she asks me this:" the diamond dog continued, "'Why'd it take you an extra minute to get home? Were you seeing some bitch on the side?' and I was like 'Babe, if I was cheating on you, I'd need a little more than a minute. That's not even enough time for me to pull up into her yard and say hi.'"

I was probably the loudest laugher that time. The fact that I related to the situation made it all the more hilarious to me.

But that's how stand-up comedy works, after all.

The rest of Henry's routine was full of hilarious jokes, and Klaus particularly liked the part about dealing with overbearing parents. By the time he was done, he received a standing ovation from the audience as we roared with applause and cheers.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he smiled as he acknowledged our applause. "Remember, I'll be in town all week, so tell all your friends! Goodnight y'all!"

We continued to clap as Henry made his way off the stage, and while some of the other audience members went to the bar, Klaus and I left the club, and we were still in stitches.

"That guy was too good!" I said in-between fits of laughter. "That part about his ex-girlfriend was a riot!"

"But that part about his parents, though!" Klaus laughed. "That almost had me on the floor!"

"Yeah, you would like that part, wouldn't you?"

"Just like you would like the part about his ex."


"But at least my parents have been pretty quiet lately. It's nice to have some peace and quiet for a while."

"Let's hope it lasts."

"You're telling me."

Just then Klaus and I jumped when we heard a voice from behind us.

"Klaus?" the voice asked. "Is that you?"

The griffon and I turned around to see a larger griffon that resembled Klaus standing behind us.

"Reggie?" Klaus asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a retreat with my basketball team," the larger griffon answered "We just won the finals in the Griffon Kingdom and we came down to Florida to celebrate. What are you doing here?"

"I go to school in Florida, remember?"

"Not really, considering the fact that you haven't spoken to anyone in our family besides Griselda since you up and left."

"Oh... right... Well, I just saw a comedy show with my friend here," Klaus said as he gestured to me. "This is Noah. Noah, this is my older brother, Reggie. He's the closest to me in age."

"How many siblings do you have?" I asked.

"There are five of us in all," Reggie explained. "There's our older sister Griselda, our second older sister Violet, our older brother Victor, me, and then Klaus. We were all born three years apart from each other."

"You don't say?" I said.

"Even though Griselda told my parents where I was, they never told my other siblings," Klaus explained.

"We were really worried about you Klaus," said Reggie.

"I know, I know. It's just that I wasn't happy at home, so when I finally finished high school, I had to get out of there as soon as possible."

"I never said that I blamed you."


Reggie smiled down at his little brother. "We all knew that you weren't meant to follow the same paths as the rest of us, but Mom and Dad were the only ones that didn't accept it. We never thought that you and Griselda had planned for you to leave as soon as you graduated. That took a lot of guts."

"Well, I don't know about all that."

"You don't give yourself enough credit, little bro. You did something that the rest of us, even Griselda, would've been too scared to do. Violet and Victor may be too tough to admit it, but we were all happy that you were brave enough to do your own thing. Trust me, if it ever comes to a confrontation between you, Mom, and Dad, we're gonna have your back."

Klaus looked up at his brother with a speechless expression. "I... Thanks, Reg."

Reggie smiled and ruffled the feathers on his little brother's head. "Don't sweat it. You should try and reach out to Violet and Victor. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear from you."

"Sure, I'll do that. Nice seeing you, big bro, and congrats on winning the finals."

"Thanks. Catch ya later," the older griffon then turned to me. "It was nice meeting you, Noah," he told me.

"Same here. Bye," I replied as we parted ways.

Klaus and I walked out of the mall, and he opted to take a cab while I decided to go on the bus.

"See ya around, Noah. I'll let you know when I score some tickets again," he told me as he waved goodbye.

"For sure. See ya!" I smiled as I waved back. Just then, the bus that I was supposed to catch pulled up in front of the stop, and I ran towards it to get on before it left. I found a seat and sat down as I let out a relaxed sigh. "This was just what I needed," I thought. "A nice relaxing day with one of my best friends. Hmm... I wonder what time it is."

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked to see the time. While I did see that the time was four fifty-five PM, what I saw below the clock was what drew my attention.

Forty-two missed calls. Fifteen voicemails. Ninety text messages. All from Moon.

I stared blankly at the screen for so long that I almost missed my stop.

When I finally got home, I stood in front of my apartment door for a good two minutes, wondering how Moon would react once she saw me. One thing was for sure, though: I couldn't delay the inevitable.

I slowly unlocked the door and made my way inside. There was no one in the living room, and I turned around to lock the door...

and then I was practically tackled by a heavy force.

I fell forward as whatever hit me held onto my back, and I hit the ground with a hard thud that knocked the wind out of me.

"Noah!" a voice cried from on top of me. "Why didn't you answer any of my texts or calls!?”

I turned myself around and saw Moon looking down at me with an unhappy expression.

"Moon, could you get off of me?" I asked with an annoyed voice.


"I’m serious Moon! Knock it off!"

"Not until you tell me why you've been ignoring me for the past nearly five hours!"

I felt myself getting more frustrated with her as I laid there with her sitting on top of me. I knew that alicorns had the strength of earth ponies, and with how much of her old power she'd regained combined with the fact that I wasn't the most fit guy in the world, trying to force her off of me would be a lost cause.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I had to silence my phone because I was in a restaurant," I lied, "and since I was going to the show afterward, I just kept it on silent."

"And you don't think you could've told me that!?" Moon yelled.

"Well, I'm sorry! Now will you get off of me!?"

The alicorn humphed and got onto her hooves, leaving me to slowly get up onto my feet.

"I understand you wondering why I abruptly stopped texting you, but you didn't have to leave my phone overflowing with calls and messages!"

"Well excuse me for worrying about you!" Moon snapped as she turned to look down at me with tear-filled eyes. "You said that if I needed anything then I could call you, but you didn't answer a single one of my calls! How do you think that makes me feel!? What's so wrong with me wanting to know what you're doing!?"

I wanted her to be quiet. I wanted her to leave me alone, but nothing I could say would get her to quit yelling her head off at me.

Then I realized... if I wanted her to stop, I didn't have to say something, but do something, something that, given my feelings towards Moon as of late, I really didn't want to do.

I had to kiss her.

With no other option, I lunged forward and pressed my lips against the alicorn's muzzle, and her little fit was immediately sedated. Her anger had melted to the point where she began to embrace me tightly and pull me in closer to her while wrapping her wings around me.

I meant for the kiss to last five seconds, but she made it last a full minute.

After sixty agonizing seconds, our lips parted, and Moon looked down at me with a somewhat dazed expression.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I told her.

She nodded at me blankly. "Okay..." she answered as her lips slowly contorted into a smile.

"Are you alright, now?"

"Mm-hm. I feel a little better now. Want some dinner?"

I let out a sigh. "Sure."

Moon had prepared a plate of noodles made from scratch rather than a pre-made pack, and the atmosphere was incredibly quiet as we ate.

I was too deep in my thoughts.

It seemed like throughout our "relationship", Moon had been going through phases. First, she was all excited about our "romance" when it first started, then she was completely calm, but now it seems like she's getting too used to being alongside me. She can't stand to be apart from me, and whenever she is, she feels the need to constantly call me in order to make up for the separation. It wasn't her calling and texting in and of itself that bothered me though. It was the fact that she'd do so to such an excessive degree. On top of that, she couldn't stand it when I talked to a girl other than her, regardless of who it was. It was only a matter of time until she started snapping at Maud.

Her current phase was a mixture of possessiveness and dependence, and I didn't like it. I didn't feel comfortable around her anymore, but she always wanted to be around me. I felt trapped.

I finished my dinner and put my plate in the sink before turning around to see Moon looking at me with a hopeful expression, and I knew what she wanted.

"Dinner was nice," I said calmly as I walked past her, not noticing the disappointed look on her face.

After brushing my teeth and showering, I went into my room alone and climbed into bed, with Moon inevitably climbing in after me. As usual, she held me close to her, but this time, her grip was much stronger, with her legs and wings wrapped around me, I could feel as much.

"Um... Moon?" I said as she bent her neck down and began nibbling at mine, shivering every time I felt her sharp teeth poke and prod at my soft skin.

"My beloved..." she moaned sultrily into my ear. “I love you so much."

"Moon, I-"

"I know it scares you that I used to be evil and I know that I can never be a normal mare, but believe me when I say that I love you with all my heart and that you mean the world and more to me," she crooned, nibbling and licking my neck. "Everything I do, I do for you. It's all because I love you, Noah. I'd gladly do anything for you... Anything..."

"Yeah, I know... and that's the problem."

Regardless of how much she loved me, Moon's love for me was starting to get out of hand, real fast.

“That settles it,” I thought. “Something’s gotta give.”

Author's Note:

Something's gotta give, indeed. Seems like Noah's about to put his foot down, but how is he gonna go about it? You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out... Oh, this is gonna be fun.

Sorry if any of Harry's jokes seemed corny. I tried the best I could without copying any actual stand-up routines.

It'll be a while before the next chapter since I'm gonna be working on the first chapter of MOA: Alternate Perspectives, so don't hold your breath. For now, let me know what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments, and I'll catch you guys later.

I'm gone!