• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

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  • TNo Rest For The Traitor
    A griffon soldier gets sentenced to dying in the desert for improper military behaviour. That is just the first step of the journey which leads into a story that might or might not be his. Still, he will have a role to play.
    Nameless Narrator · 95k words  ·  84  1 · 1.7k views

This story is a sequel to Imbalanced

Main story to Diplomatic Relations

The small town of Ponyville is peaceful and prosperous on the first glance but the locals know that every time somepony new tries to stay there they bring trouble. A mental patient and a batpony trying to finally find peace might be too much for this town to handle. Will whatever happened to them in the past follow them here? Will the townsfolk accept a batpony? Will the duo even care?

Does Blazing Light still exist?

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 136 )

I can use the toilet (even the three seashells)

Nice Demolition Man reference! :rainbowlaugh:

I have always wondered why this story series has so few viewers and such bad ratings despite a well structured and edited story, and I think I've worked it out. Your story kills hope. Every time your audience sees something positive coming over the hills, you brutally murder it and serve up the tattered remains and demand that we be thankful for what little we get. It is a structure that is destined to piss off a lot of readers.

And it is awesome because you don't care. You know your story and you deny the uninformed views of others.

In some respects I've been putting off commenting as I didn't want to shape what you have written.through some poorly worded comment or misconstrued wordplay, but I feel you deserve some more comments than the empty wasteland you seem to have been stuck with.

I love it

4520282 And yet, after so much killing, some hope still remains so maybe it's the other way around and it never really dies.

Whatever the truth is, thanks for the comment. It's always fun to read something deeper and constructive in the comments.

4687309 I try to be as realistic as possible.

Is there going to be another with redemption and suchlike or will we be left here with sadness :fluttercry:

I don't see why this hasn't received more attention :P maybe it needs to be in more groups

P.S pinkie, both versions, terrify me

4689527 It's not for everyone, I can understand that. On top of that, none of the stories (aside from DR) was actually focused on story and that probably put off few interested people. As for the groups... someone did me a favor (I have no clue who) and somehow put Imbalanced into quite a few of them. I don't even know how to do it.

Me be dumb pone. :derpyderp2:

Will it continue? If I can find a semi-possible way of reviving a pile of ashes destroyed by Discord, forgotten by his love and thus completely unwilling to come back then maybe. If not then there's a lot of characters to play with aside from Blaze.

And a nice kick it was, you d***.:fluttercry: Still can't hate the story though. thumbs up

4691916 Glad you 'enjoyed' it.

P.S.: Screw the story, story is whatever! Characters are where the fun is at.

4692131 Ha! All too true as my favorite part, leaving a Blaze in my heart, Choking for air, and filling the Void of adventure with Scream.:flutterrage:
Kinda makes me wish I had another being inhabiting my body, tired of all this monologing.

4702628 Well, you know, hope dies last...

... then gets revived, killed, revived again, kicked in the nuts and set on fire.

Then hope gets pissed enough and starts smacking some serious ass.


After everything, thats it!!!!! ;~;

6133915 Infuriating, isn't it? Well, keep going. No Rest For The Traitor awaits you.

WHAT!? *Jaw hits the floor*

8101287 Don'T worry, it gets worse... eventually.

8101389 Man that was not a kick in the balls. is stepping on a lego.

So is this the point where I'm meant to switch to Diplomatic Relations or what? I'm going to assume so and go to that one now, but a more clear instruction of when to move to a side story would be nice please.

The bare minimum you need is to get to the end (before the final chapter) of this one, because it's the one tied the most to the Imbalanced storyline. Then you only read the final chapter of DR and Heroes, Villains. (United We Stand 1, 2, 3) To get the full picture, it's good to read all three stories. In short, "HaW" is Blazing's part, "DR" is Twilight's part and explains why Luna gets involved in the end, and "Heroes, Villains" sets why changelings are camping in Ponyville.

Yes, I know it's dumb, you can yell at me from 4 years ago as much as you want :D

I tried to rewrite the three stories into one at one point, and it was a complete mess, so I kept it like this in the end.


Okay, this obviously takes place before Relations, since at the end of that first chapter it was mentioned that Twilight's home was 'made by the tree of Harmony'... or however it was worded, So I figure I will just stick around here... at least until after Tirek's rampage, or when signs of the events of Relations start appearing...

You know? There is one advantage to having so few readers... You can actually say you have one hundred percent likes on quite a few of your stories...

Wait... aside from being just the hallucinations Blazing had; spawned from his own insanity, is it possible all of those 'hallucinations' were also visions of what happened in certain alternate universes?

Both end at the same time. THAT I at least remember!

Tirek's rampage

I don't think you'll find many signs connecting the other two stories to Heroes other than the final chapter. I once tried to rewrite the three stories into one that would make more chronological sense, I even had a nice cover for it.

It sucked so bad that I had to revert to this format. I know how chaotic it gets, and I did it only once again with "To The Skies!" but that one isn't so tightly connected, so it's not a big problem like here.

I definitely agree. If I had a big flow of people around, majority of the stories would be more red than green.

Considering Chokey's addiction, sucking is inevitable.

It's not only Blaze inhabiting that mind right now, and someone is trying to make Blaze give up completely. These are Blaze's memories turned against him or as it "should have happened".

After all, someone like Blaze doesn't deserve to live.

EDIT: Goddamnit, I really should start thinking about these responses. The answer is right in the next chapter. Fml.

Tirek's rampage is when Twilight's old tree-library got destroyed, and the new tree... castle... thing was made, right? Or is it different in this AU? Anyways, I will go back to Diplomatic Relations to quote the part that pinned DR as post-Tirek.

Soo... yeah, and since blazing was outside and at least semi-coherent DURING Tirek's rampage in heroes, which he clearly is not at the beginning of horn and wings, that means this is before Diplomacy... at least up to... and probably just a bit after Tirek's rampage.

...though sucking of what? That, is the real question...

Heh, you probably should sit down, and just start reading these in order one of these days...

"Well yeah, it wasn't pretty."




"A white stallion, huge guy, blue mane, strange blue patches of fur right above his hooves. Pretty muscular too, looked like a soldier or a guard," she pauses, "Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

...and we apparently caught up to DR... even though there was no reference to Tirek's rampage... or any implication that Blazing gets, or ever has gotten to go outside...

So as I mentioned earlier, at this point, this is supposed to be post Tirek, but with no implication that has happened yet... I declare this a plot hole!

*Places plot hole sign, warning you to watch your step around the plot hole*

...in any case, off to the next page of Relations, to keep caught up!


So as I mentioned earlier, at this point, this is supposed to be post Tirek, but with no implication that has happened yet... I declare this a plot hole!

Fiiiiine, I'll add SOME mention of a giant centaur running by...
...in the rewrite. It's not like it was plot important or anything. Mumble mumble.
(In reality it's because Heroes weren't supposed to be connected to the other two stories, but then I needed Twi to find Shadowstep and more specifically Cross for the final chapter, and had to explain why they were in Ponyville. Joke's on you, I KNOW about this one!)

or any implication that Blazing gets, or ever has gotten to go outside

I might have the stories mixed up, but doesn't Chokey bring Blaze out in a wheelchair, at least into the gardens or something, or is it mentioned later? I dunno.
Your enthusiasm scares me.

Heh, you probably should sit down, and just start reading these in order one of these days..

Only after I've read everything else more interesting on Fimfiction... which means everything else.
At that time I think I was trying to make it chronologically consistent with the series. I can't remember at which point exactly it changed because I got ahead (generally, I considered one season being one year). DR/HaW/Heroes must be happening around the same time, but they don't start at the same time is all I can say with certainty.

The blue eyes staring in amazement at my ears flash through my head.

I thought blaze had gray eyes. I distinctly remember him remarking how he hated how they looked with his coat somewhere in the early chapters of Imbalanced.

I eat an apple before I leave. It's not too late but with winter in full swing it's dark already. It's also cold as the beds in Stalliongrad but I can't afford to put on any clothes because they might rustle and I need my ears unobstructed and ready. The message said there was a camp in the Sweet Apple Acres but unfortunately I can't fly to find it quickly.

...what message?

"That's what I love about you, Gift. You're an incurable optimist."

...now I know where Blaze gets it from...

Ooooh... so it was Heavy who brought the diary, I thought it was Gaze...

"Owwww," Blaze groans, "What did I do yesterday?"

Honestly... that was a little fast. One moment he's braindead, the next, what little of him could come back, came back. For what would probably my first criticism of this particular story, him coming back should definitely have been more gradual. At least in my opinion.

I mean, the least you could have done was add a sort of mumbling in between as he started to come to. Look at it this way... when you first wake up from a deep sleep, are you suddenly fully awake, able to speak coherently, etc., etc?

...yeah, I'm doubting that is the case...

"So... let me get this straight. You didn't tell her about me. To her I may have really been just somepony trying to break in and rob the place. When she chased me away successfully you smashed her face in."

Ah Choking... you just get Blaze back and you can't even hold off one day before messing something up?

With me slightly overfeeding Doom Star, or Doomie as Choking refers to her, she now thinks I'm some sort of a juice box combined with her dad. I must admit it's a bit flattering but having a daughter only few years younger than me is silly.

...yeeeeeeep veeeeeeery silly. Uhuh.

Grey when he looks down/when it's darker. His eyes are actually blue when he looks up or when light shines on him. (So blue, but when it's darker they look grey. Don't ask me how it works, I just looked in the mirror.)
The fact that Heavy brought the journal to the asylum.
Technically, it was. From a patient who was afraid of everyone and everything and didn't communicate at all, through slight improvements in Choking's care, to this. He wasn't physically brain damaged as such, it was just the fight going on inside him causing his mind to be overloaded and useless, which now Blaze won, to a degree. Of course not completely, Sombra was the best dark mage ever. Destroying him is as difficult as getting rid of Blaze himself. That's going to require help from a certain griffon.
I could go with some fun sleepy one-liners, why not?
Love makes horsies do crazy things. Desperation helps too.
Hah, I completely forgot this happened!

"No! Bad eldrich horror, shoo!" she yells.


Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Can't. Breath. :rainbowlaugh:

...seriously though... they may want to get that looked at...

Waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust.

Hooray! A reference I actually get!

L Now, I could try to find some no-experience job but that might be pretty difficult in this small town and would probably involve just hauling stuff.

...not the first time...

Great. Headaches, confusion, my magic trying to kill me, everything's juuuust fine.

...not the worst you've ever been in... and I feel it won't be the worst you ever will be in by far...

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