• Published 12th May 2014
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Mente Materia - Arad

Twilight’s trip to Earth and friendship with the humans brings new friends and enemies to her peaceful world. With the specter of war hanging over them, Equestria will have to form an alliance like no other to fight the menace from the void.

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24 -- Adrift

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”
--Marcus Tullius Cicero


11:20, 12/03/2015, CRYSTAL MOUNTAINS

The mountains that made up the northern and western border of the Crystal Empire had suffered the effects of wild weather far more than Canterlot or its surrounding areas. Not a ray of the early afternoon sun breached the blockade of gray clouds that hung low overhead. A reasonable amount of snow had also blanketed the area, with more falling by the minute. Neither the chill in the air or the precipitation kept the assembled allies from doing what needed to be done.

Pairs of pegasi patrolled the skies, searching both for survivors and enemies that were missed by earlier sweeps, with reports coming in constantly of new finds deep within the mountains. The latter were dealt with swiftly and mercilessly by heavily armed griffon and pegasi teams, who used their capacity for flight to tremendous advantage. The former were guided to friendly forces on the ground so that they could be escorted to safer territory.

A temporary stronghold had been set up at the base of one mountain, with dirt and stone walls hastily excavated and strengthened by earth pony magic. A variety of guards patrolled the perimeter while a steady stream of flying cargo chariots offloaded more troops and supplies as they landed, and left laden with refugees from the Crystal Empire.

At the base of the mountain itself, shifts of diamond dogs and minotaurs attacked a collapsed cave entrance with the efficiency of expert engineers. Each piece of stone was carefully broken down and removed while supports were constructed to prevent another cave-in. The work was methodical and slow, for any undue haste could potentially bring disaster and injure the workers clearing the way.

The entire area was a picture of controlled chaos, and at its center was a single spot of calm. Shining Armor stood in the eye of the storm, standing ramrod straight and still as a statue as he stared at the cave entrance. The black armor plates that wrapped around his body had slowly become frosted over from the snowfall, and what was exposed of his coat, tail and mane hung heavily with melted snow and was slowly beginning to accumulate the icy precipitation as well. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of goggles, which went a long way towards maintaining the illusion that he was waiting calmly for news.

He did not respond as a chariot flanked by griffon escorts touched down, or when Alvar dismounted from the transport. The Myrmidon followed shortly afterward, and behind him was Lieutenant Zhang and another human. The human was covered in layers of winter clothes, and his mouth was covered by a plastic mask attached to an air tank. Despite his best efforts to straighten up to his full height, he was forced to lean heavily against the human beside him as the pair trudged through the snow to the worksite at the cave entrance. Alvar and the Myrmidon came to stand beside Shining Armor, and an awkward silence began to stretch between the three as the unicorn didn’t so much as twitch an ear in their direction.

“You will have to pardon our late arrival, Captain,” Alvar started, and when no response made itself apparent, he continued. “After we were informed about the princess’s last stand, I asked for Lieutenant Zhang to provide assistance. His ability will greatly assist the excavation crews in locating the… in locating the princess.

Shining Armor said nothing in response, and Alvar was left struggling for a way to fill the silence between them. “Well… we saw the forces deployed on the ground during our descent. I counted several enemies slain with magic and the wreck of an enemy airship along the trails and partially covered by snow. Princess Cadance did spectacularly during her last stand. It’s an end that any griffon—” The young high talon froze in place when a talon tapped on his back lightly, and he turned to look up at the Myrmidon. Rather than the expected head tilt, the elder griffon was shaking his head slowly.

No more attempts at conversation were made as they watched Zhang approach the worksite and stop. The work crews themselves all paused in their work to watch the human. After several minutes, Zhang and his aid turned back towards the way they had come while the work crew gave a look at the cave entrance before resuming their work.

“Captain,” Zhang addressed Shining Armor as he did his best to straighten to an at-attention stance. His expression showed signs of fatigue and his breath was labored, but still he faced the unicorn directly before continuing. “There are plasma burns on the rock face around the cave entrance, but none within the cave itself. I suspect that Princess Cadance erected a shield at the cave mouth to defend herself. The presence of alien bodies within the cave seems to indicate that the collapse happened after the shield fell.” The plastic mask fogged up as he took a moment to catch his breath. “I could not see more than fifty feet past the debris, as the crystal formations in the rock seem to be generating interference. At this time, I cannot say with certainty that Princess Cadance is in the cave or what her condition is.”

“Thank you for your efforts, Lieutenant,” Shining Armor said crisply before turning and marching towards a small group of unicorn guardsponies that were loitering near the chariot landing areas. He either didn’t hear or simply ignored the condolences that Zhang and Alvar offered. A quick command to one of the idle unicorns was all that was needed to teleport the captain away from the wind-swept mountain ranges.


13:07, 12/03/2015, THRONE ROOM, CANTERLOT

The golden-armored Solar Guard were a stark contrast to Shining Armor as he marched down the corridor towards the throne room and the day court. They all snapped to attention as he passed, but nopony could muster the courage to speak to the captain as he walked right up to the throne room’s doors and pushed them open.

Princess Luna sat upon the throne and was surrounded by a modest escort of Solar Guard and a far larger herd of petitioners. The low babble of idle conversation in the chamber died abruptly as Shining Armor marched forward, and the crowd of petitioners parted before him without any prompting. Luna cast a wary eye at the unicorn before looking back to the pony she had been speaking with. “I apologize for the inconvenience, all of you. I am going to have to call a quick recess. Captain Armor and I have much to discuss,” she said before waving off the guards in the room as well.

The moment the doors closed, Shining spoke, “Where is the faker?”

“Queen Chrysalis is not here, and she will not be for the foreseeable future,” Luna explained cooly. “I have a great amount of respect for you, Captain, so I’m going to politely ask you not to seek her out. If I must make it an order, then questions will be asked that we cannot afford to answer at this time.”

Shining Armor said nothing, but the tenseness of his posture and his clenched jaw spoke loudly enough for him.

“I know what you are thinking, captain, and when I first heard of your wife’s fate, I confronted her immediately,” Luna explained, and she let out a sigh when Shining Armor didn’t react in any way. “Princess Cadance had left for the Crystal Empire before her part in our alliance could be solidified, and she was understandably concerned that if she preemptively stationed a changeling with your wife, it would spark an understandable but unfortunate confrontation.”

Just as before, Shining Armor’s expression didn’t change.

Luna’s eyes narrowed at the captain’s continued silence. “As unfortunate as these events are, we cannot afford disharmony in our alliance. I swear to you that the perpetrators of this heinous act will be punished accordingly, but if you jeopardize our position by pursuing a personal grudge, then you will give me no other alternative than to relieve you of duty and sentence you to house arrest until this matter is resolved. I do not want to do that, captain, but I will if you force my hoof. Am I understood?”

“Perfectly, Princess,” Shining Armor said mechanically.

The alicorn held her stern glare for several more moments, before it finally softened. “Then you are dismissed with my condolences, Captain. I must confess that I did not know Princess Cadance very well in the short time since my return, but she was one of the brightest stars in the night sky.”

Silence rushed in to fill the gap in conversation. The only sounds that filled the throne room were Shining Armor’s hooves as he swiftly marched out the way he came.



As with the unexpected arrival of the griffons, the refugees from the Crystal Empire had banded together in their time in exile. Unlike the avian predators, who naturally gravitated towards the taller structures for their impromptu community, the crystal ponies had elected to convert one of the larger parks on the castle outskirts into their sanctuary. Temporary shelters and tents sprung up quickly to accommodate the new arrivals, and hundreds of Canterlot residents arrived to donate their time, effort, and supplies for the cause.

To the beleaguered crystal ponies, to be welcomed so was an unexpected comfort after losing so much. To the ponies that lived in the capital, it was no more inconvenient than helping a relative that had fallen on hard times. What unified both was the comfort of their fellows who were also struggling, and a slow-burning anger at the creatures that were responsible for the atrocities they had endured.

At that precise moment, no creature was a better representative of the latter emotion than Shining Armor as he marched into the park.

It wasn’t long before he was spotted by one of the ponies helping with the relief effort, and a hushed whisper cut through the general chatter and noise like a knife. Barely a minute passed before silence dominated the square, with only the sounds of Shining’s hooffalls echoing through the park. The crystal ponies that caught sight of Shining all bowed or lowered their gazes respectfully. The Canterlot natives and guards paused briefly before continuing their work as quietly as possible.

This continued as Shining Armor cut through the middle of the camp and towards the small knot of guards directing incoming traffic into the park. The majority of them were the gold-armored Solar guard, but a half dozen wore the black armor of the Earth veterans. A pegasus with lieutenant stripes and several burn marks along his flank and barrel armor supervised their efforts until he caught sight of the approaching captain. A brief look of concern crossed the lieutenant’s face before he steeled himself and went out to meet his superior.

“Lieutenant,” Shining Armor said quietly, and he continued without giving his subordinate any chance to respond. “I want you to explain to me why you disobeyed my orders.”

The lieutenant straightened slightly as the captain’s tone sank in. “When we discovered that the rail lines to the Empire were damaged, Princess Cadance elected to continue on hoof rather than remain at the train. I agreed with this assessment, and we resumed our journey north. While travelling, we encountered survivors from an assault in progress taking place on one of the outlying communities. Princess Cadance ordered us to cover the retreat of the civilians while she engaged the aliens directly. When the battle was joined, the aliens halted their attacks and concentrated all of their efforts on the princess.

The lieutenant hesitated for just a moment before steeling himself. “I elected to follow the princess’s earlier orders and ensure the civilians were escorted to safety before pursuing the invaders. Unfortunately, Tirek chose to pursue the noncombatants. There was no chance that they could survive without our help, so we held as long as we could before falling back.” Nearly a minute passed as the lieutenant tried not to shrink under the goggled stare of the captain. “Captain… I would like to express my deepest regrets at your loss. The princess—”

“MY WIFE!” Shining roared, drawing more than a few surprised looks from the other guards and the crystal ponies nearby. He took a step towards the lieutenant as he continued to yell. “I gave you one order! ONE ORDER! Guard my wife! You disobeyed that order, lieutenant, and now she’s DEAD!”

By the end of his rant, Shining had invaded the other pony’s space and made no effort to halt his advance. His ears were laid back and the muscles along his jaw were clenched tight. One hoof came up, before coming down on the cobblestone path heavily. Without another word, he turned and stomped out of the park.



The Strike Ready Room was filled with a modest assortment of soldiers relaxing as best they could. The vast majority was an almost equal sampling of the three pony races, followed by a flock of griffons, then humans, and lastly a small sampling of zebra and minotaurs. Most simply sat in small groups to talk or play simple games to pass the time before they were called up for deployment.

All avoided Shining Armor.

The guard captain sat on the bench closest to the chariot lofts and teleportation areas, with his goggled gaze locked firmly on the opposite wall. A quartet of blades sat ready in their sheaths beside him, and his armor had been checked and rechecked several times. The moment an alert was received, Shining Armor would be the first soldier on the ground to fight.

The only problem he was encountering now was a disconcerting lack of cooperation from the aliens. For nearly six hours he had held his position, waiting for his chance to take to the field. He needed the aliens to attack somewhere, anywhere, so that he could have a proper target to vent his anger and frustration on. He needed it to keep his mind from dwelling on—

Shining was saved from walking down that dark train of thought when Captain Harris sat down next to him. For a long moment, neither said anything to the other, or even acknowledged the other’s presence. “Captain Armor,” Matt said finally, though his gaze was locked forward much like the unicorn.

“Captain Harris.” The response was anything but conversational.

Another moment passed before the human let out a sigh. “I’m not going to waste your time or mine by offering condolences, you’ve heard enough of that from what I’m told,” Matt said slowly, and he paused as Shining Armor’s left ear twitched. “However, I think you’re forgetting that you aren’t the only person who’s lost someone important to them.”

“I don’t need a lecture from you about losing my wife,” Shining snapped.

“What about Twilight?”

The simple question caused whatever barbed comment Shining had prepared to die before it was said. “She has her friends. They’ll help her get through this,” he finally managed, before growling, “She also has you.”

“You’re right, they’ll help her as best they can. But she also needs you. Her friends can sympathize with what happened, but you knew Cadance as long as she did. You lost your wife, and Twilight lost the closest thing she had to a sister,” Matt explained carefully and quietly. Silence filled in where the conversation left, and Matt let out a sigh. “Captain Armor,” he said, and his voice was more official than informal. “The princess requires your presence at the Vault of the Sun. You are to report there immediately.”

The order forced a reaction out of the stallion as his head snapped to the side to glare at Matt. The human made no move to meet Shining Armor’s glare. No further explanation made itself apparent, so he stood and marched out of the ready room.


21:00, 12/03/2015, VAULT OF THE SUN, CANTERLOT

Canterlot Castle held enough show rooms and display cases to put most museums to shame, as the princesses had collected a great deal of things over their many years of rule. The majority of the public halls were filled with art and artifacts that held cultural or aesthetic value. A small minority of these halls were private and maintained by the princesses themselves, and were often stuffed from wall to wall with trinkets that held nothing but sentimental value.

The Vault of the Sun was neither of these. Anything that had earned a place in that room was considered too powerful or dangerous to be allowed somewhere that might tempt anypony who saw it. Shining Armor had only ever been in the vault twice. The first time had been in the presence of Princess Luna to retrieve the Clover Leaves for their first trip to meet the humans. The second had been to replace them upon his return.

It went without saying that access to the vault was restricted to a precious few ponies, so Shining Armor was understandably put on guard when three ponies were waiting just past the entrance guards. Twilight Velvet leaned heavily against Night Light, and tears rimmed her eyes when she caught sight of her son approaching. She took a breath to call out to him but stopped when her husband pulled her close. The elder stallion’s expression was blank as his wife sobbed into his chest. Despite knowing his goggles would prevent it, Shining found that he couldn’t meet his father’s eyes.

The last pony in the room was Twilight Sparkle. She had a worn blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and she did a valiant job of holding back tears as she looked down. Shining followed her gaze to find his sister’s hoof resting on…

“I’m sorry, I have duties I must attend to,” Shining Armor said quickly as he turned and began to march away from his family. You think you’re so clever, Harris, not specifying which Princess gave the order? I’ll remember this…

“Son…” “Shiny, stop, please...” The words of his parents fell on deaf ears as he continued—


The shouted order forced him to pause, the angry and grief-filled tone only partially responsible for his hesitation. He looked over to see his sister fixing him with a glare that would make lesser beings cower.

“Shiny, if you walk out that door… if you don’t come here right now, then I don’t ever want to see you again,” Twilight said shakily. Though her voice faltered at the ultimatum, the true measure of her resolve was found in her unyielding glare.

He wanted to leave. Sun above, did he want to. Am I willing to give up my family to avoid what’s waiting for me? Shining clenched his teeth and turned back to face them. Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight? he asked himself, and he felt the mildest sense of deja vu at seeing his sister in this light. Every fiber of his being willed him to stop, to run, to find something to vent his frustration at. Despite this, Shining forced himself to walk stiffly toward the gathering, and the object that sat at its center.

The Crystal Heart sat beside Twilight, its perfection unmarred by the violence that had caused its arrival in Canterlot. When Cadance… when his wife had possessed the artifact, it had shone brilliantly with magic and power, but now it had only the smallest flickers of light within it. Shining slowly reached out with a shaky hoof, before placing it on the center of the heart.

The dark corridors of the castle’s lower levels vanished instantly. A vast field stretched in every direction around Shining Armor, with waves of long grass waving as far as the eye could see. Not a single cloud was in the sky to block the sun as it hung in the late afternoon sky, but the heat was countered with the gentlest of breezes. It was a setting that couldn’t be more comfortable to anypony that experienced it.

“Shining Armor.”

The stallion whirled around to look for the source of the voice. “Cadance! CADANCE!” he screamed, but there was nopony there save him.

“If you’re here, Shiny, then the worst must have happened.” The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once. Regret tinged the voice as it continued, “I am so sorry. I am so sorry that you were the one left behind. I had always thought that our situations would have been reversed, given our circumstances.”

“Where are you? I’ll find you, I’ll save you! I just need to know where you are!” Shining Armor shouted as he continued to run full tilt across the grasslands. His heart hammered in his chest and his legs began to burn from the sprinting. They were minor inconveniences that he could ignore. “Where are you? Please, Cadance!”

“I’m sorry, Shining Armor,” the voice said. “I’m not the Cadance you want. When the extent of the danger became apparent, I was created by her to say what must be said to those who remain. I’m an echo of her love for you... and her last will and testament.”

Shining continued to sprint as the sun slowly sank towards the horizon. He sprinted until his legs couldn’t support his weight anymore and he collapsed to the ground. His heart demanded that he keep running, but his body couldn’t support that order. Through sheer willpower, he got his hooves under him, only to collapse again. He ceased his struggling only when a familiar shadow fell over him.

The setting sun shone brightly around Cadance as she watched Shining struggle to reach her. “My Shining Armor, always so stubborn,” she said as tears filled her eyes. “Shiny, it had been my greatest wish that we be together for as long as fate would allow it. I know that you will cherish my memory to your last days, but going forward you’ll have to accept that you deserve more than me.”

Shining continued to crawl and stumble forward until he fell before the radiant figure. “You’ve got it wrong, Cadance. You’re more than I ever deserved! Please… don’t go!”

A shaky smile tugged at his wife’s features as the tears finally fell from her eyes. “I’m nothing but a memory now, Shiny. You deserve someone to have and to hold. Your heart is too strong to be held back by a memory, so I know you’ll find somepony that will help you heal.” She leaned forward until until their faces were just inches apart. “I still have one gift left to give you. Goodbye, my Shining Armor.”

The stallion looked up… and saw the stone ceiling of the Vault. Cadance’s image, and the endless field, had vanished like a pleasant dream. Shining removed his hoof as he looked back to the Crystal Heart, and his breath caught in his throat as the last light of Cadance’s magic faded away.

His armored hoof rose sharply, and he had every intention of striking the Heart with all of his strength… but the anger was gone. The fire. The outrage. The blame. All that was left for Shining Armor was the reality of what had happened to his Cadance. His raised hoof hovered in the air before pulling the goggles off of his eyes. Only his pride allowed him to maintain his stoic facade, but it lasted only until Twilight pulled him into a tight hug and sobbed into his shoulder. He returned the embrace, and wept.

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