• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,595 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch20 - Meeting The Mob

My Little Medic


Chapter 20

Meeting The Mob

A dark alley in Manehattan. A place where only the most daring or desperate ponies would visit was now the stage for a fight.

Blurred noises of the always busy ponies could be heard while few garbage cans, old dusty newspapers and rusty cans decorated the background. Near the end of the alley laid an unconscious pegasus with a yellow Earth Pony wearing a grey suit with black stripes sitting on his back.

A white Unicorn in similar outfit slowly approached and said with a relaxed tone, “How would athletic pegasi put it… oh yes. Target acquired.”

“I don’t wish to offend you, Vapor Trail, but I would suggest you to stick with your usual accent.”

“Whatever you say, Tombstone, whatever you say,” Vapor responded as he approached, casually fixing his tie. “The boss will be very satisfied that we captured our target without injuring him.”

“Mister Blink, you know that I am always delicate,” Tombstone said as he retreated his equipment back into his saddlebag and closed it. He stepped from the pegasus and wiped marks left by his hooves from Dust’s back. “I may be the muscle of this family, but I have a very gentle touch. Besides, he didn’t struggle all that much.”

Vapor Trail lit his horn and levitated the pegasus upward before examining her features. “I have no doubts, he is Lightning Dust.” He propped her up against a wall before levitating an illuminating gem and five pieces of paper from his saddlebag.

Tombstone nodded with a satisfied smile, though his peace of mind was interrupted as his ears perked up at the sound of rustling newspaper. He turned towards the source of noise and looked down at the moving newspaper. Step by step, he approached it and knelt before straightening his foreleg.

“Is something wrong?” Vapor asked as he placed the shining gem around the five papers and looked up. After making sure that nopony observed them from the roof, he looked at his partner and asked, “Did you find something?”

With one swift move, Tombstone pushed the newspaper away, revealing… “A lavender plushie?”

Carefully sliding his forehoof under the toy, he picked it up and examined it. “Looks to be one of those Twilight toys, probably thrown away recently, considering how clean it is. I heard they are popular in Canterlot.”

“Leave it be. We have what we came for, and the teleportation spell is almost charged.”

Tombstone took a closer look as he admired the features of the plushie; from poking its belly to moving thin leg. The eyes were closed while fur and tail surprisingly soft. “Leaving such a thing amongst the garbage would be a crime. Whoever threw away such a piece of art deserves a first class mental and physical education.”

“Let me guess, your hoof will do the educating?” Vapor chuckled before charging his horn. The inscriptions on the paper seals flashed a sulphurous yellow as stream of magic flew into them from the gem “Are you going to keep it?”

“Of course I will,” Tombstone responded before opening his saddlebag with help of his muzzle and next placed the toy inside. After sealing his saddlebag and patting it, he turned to his partner and approached.

Vapor Trail wiped the sweat from his head and walked into the forming rune on the ground before levitating Lightning Dust over. Once his partner sat next to him, he poked his side. “I had no idea that you are a doll collector. Maybe one day we can have a tea party.”

“If you have your own doll, sure,” Tombstone responded.

Vapor rubbed his chest and said with mocking tone, “I’m afraid I don’t have any. Unlike you, I don’t steal toys.”

“Sue me,” Tombstone responded before they both vanished in a flash.

“Twilight, what have you got yourself into this time?” Overwatch groaned as she looked down from the roof. The suspicious ponies and Lightning Dust had already vanished, while her little charge was now hiding inside a saddlebag.

Not wasting a moment, Overwatch levitated her black cape, hat and sunglasses into the alley, and jumped from the roof, her legs bending upon the impact.

Treading carefully, she approached the corner she last saw the dangerous ponies, her attention focused upon five piles of ash and slowly vanishing magical rune. Time to see if I still remember my training, Overwatch thought as she charged her horn and cast a scanning spell. Her eyes closed as a trail from the rune towards another destination appeared in her mind, leading towards the tallest building in the area.

She raised her muzzle proudly and rubbed her chest. Why are you learning about the tracking spell? You’ll never need to use it as a Royal Guard, she thought and smirked. Showed them.

After taking a deep breath, she walked out from the dark alley while rubbing her chin. Twilight clearly wasn’t the target, but got herself taken along for the the ride. As bright rays of the sun shone upon her face, she looked at her destination. Pity I couldn’t save that pegasus when I had the chance, but if they managed to knock out an athlete like Dust in mere seconds, fighting them both at once would have been that last thing I wanted to do. She next looked at the nearby stadium where the Wonderbolts were about to start another performance. I better get reinforcements before Twilight decides to reveal herself and things hit the fan.

Slowly regaining consciousness, Lightning Dust opened her eyes, only to see... darkness. What’s going on? Am I blind? She tried to move, but her legs were tied by a cold metal, so were her wings as they refused to spread. She tried to speak, but whatever she said was muffed by a gag.

“My deepest apologies, but before I allow you speak, I need to make something clear. You greatly offended our family by breaking our deal, and we are here to execute a proper punishment. Our boss will be here very soon, and if you value your life, watch your language.”

Feeling that the gag had been removed, she yelled, “Release me this instant before I kick your flank!”

“I’m afraid you still don’t understand your situation, Mister Dust.” A jolt of pain went through Dust’s stomach as she felt hoof slamming into it. “You are in big trouble, so I would suggest choosing your words carefully.”

Dust grit her teeth before speaking with firm tone, “First off, I am a mare! I’ve been trying to ignore it, but I’m getting really tired of everyone mistaking me for a stallion.”

“Seriously?” another voice spoke up.

“Oh dear. I just delivered a kick to the stomach of a mare. Such shame on my honor. My deepest apologies.”

“Is he really a mare? I mean, his voice and accent are very tomboyish. Your coiffure is also not helping. Not to mention that you were registered as a male during a race two weeks ago.”

Lightning Dust frowned. “I’m just trying to act cool, and everypony right away takes me for a stallion. I mean, come on!”

“I think you’re trying too hard.”

“I agree.”

“Who I am even talking to?” Dust asked with growing annoyance.

“Oh my, once again I let my manners slip. My name is Tombstone, but you may know me as Tombstone Del Gambino. And you must remember my brother, Vapor Del Gambino.”

Gambino… Gambino… Gambino… Dust brainstormed as she desperately tried to remember where she first heard those names. Her mouth opened agape few seconds later. “You… you guys are those who offered me to forfeit a race… to lose.”

“Correct,” Tombstone said. “Your chances of victory were quite high, so the odds against you were very low.”

Vapor continued, “Use that empty head of yours and think. What would happen if everyone’s favourite would lose?”

“I dunno. Everyone who bet on me would lose. Why would I purposely fail my fans?” Dust responded.

“Yes, they would lose, except those who bet against you. It is not about your fans, but about the bits we lost,” Vapor said. He took a deep breath and continued with angered tone, “After you took the bits and agreed to our deal, we made sure that the pony we bet on would win. And yet, you won,” Vapor said.

Dust smirked. “What can I say. You both were cheating. You shouldn't be the ones complaining.”

Tombstone started with firm tone. “While I can’t deny truth of your words, my lady, your actions cost us a lot. As result, you owe us a large sum of bits with extra interest. And there is also a matter of our pride and your outstanding lack of respect towards us.” He stopped and took a deep breath before adding in depressed tone. “It pains me to do this, but we must make an example of you.”

“Yeah, and what are you going to do?” Dust asked, trying to hide any traces of fear behind façade of confidence.

“We…” Tombstone started, but couldn’t finish. His depressed face spoke for itself..

“You broke our deal, stole our bits, showed disrespect and cost us a lot. Let’s see you try to win races without those wings of yours,” Vapor finished.

A cold chill shot down Dust’s spine as any mask of confidence she held broke in an instant, a huge surge of fear overtaking her very being. “Y-y-you’re lying! Y-you wouldn’t do that.”

“Am I? Am I really?" Vapor asked as the noise of two blades scraping against each other reached Dust’s ear.

Heartbeating of the pegasus grew in strength and speed as the noise of rustling became louder with each of Vapor’s steps. She felt weak jolts of pain as she struggled desperately to free herself.

“Try all you like, your fate was sealed the moment you doublecrossed us, and now it’s finally caught up with you.”

Sweat formed Dust’s forehead as few drops slide down her muzzle. She started to hyperventilate. Not my wings, anything but my wings! After more fruitless struggling, she yelled, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! I will do anything you want!”

“It is a little too late for that young lady, I’m afraid,” Vapor responded.

“I’ll pay back what I took! I’ll pay back what you lost, just please, spare my wings!”

“You don’t have such bits on you, Miss Dust. We checked your saddlebag, and we know that your team disbanded. How can such unemployed pony repay us?” Vapor asked.

“M-my parents… I’ll ask them! Please…”

“You mean miss bounty hunter who once tried to capture one of our family members?” Tombstone asked. “I’m afraid our boss isn’t interested in making any deals.”

Upper part of Dust’s face turned purple at the weak contact of sharp cold metal with part of her left wing that tied it to her body. “No, please, I beg you!” She pulled herself against whatever held her, but to no avail. She closed her eyes tightly and grit her teeth as tears started to form in her eyes.

“Hold on Vapor. Shouldn’t we wait for our boss to talk with her before executing a punishment?” asked Tombstone, giving Dust a little light of hope.

“Oh, I’m not going to cut off her wings just yet, especially not without putting her to sleep yet. I’m not a barbarian,” Vapor responded. Lightning Dust sighed, but her relief didn’t last long. “But our boss told us we can… toy with her a little.”

The ears of the imprisoned pegasus dropped at the idea of being stabbed by a sharp blade, while Tombstone frowned. “While I can somewhat turn a blind eye to the torture of a tough stallion, doing so with the lady I disapprove,” He added with firm stomp. “I won’t allow such needless action.”

Vapor growled. “You always had a weakness when it came with the mares. Party pooper… hey, what’s that?”

“What’s what?”

“Your saddle bag is glowing…”

Dust’s ears perked upward and a warm feeling of salvation grew in her chest. Twilight? She followed me!

“My eyes!” Vapor yelled as the noise of two blades bouncing on the floor reached Dust’s ears.

“My plushie!?” Tombstone said with disbelief and confusion. “H-how?”

“Stop standing in place like a moron and stop it!” Vapor responded.

More random noises followed as Dust suddenly felt the hold against his forelegs weakened, and her wings could move. Not wasting a moment, she ignored the rising temperature and struggled to stand with all her strength, breaking off whatever held her before taking the blindfold off her face. With a quick flap of her free wings, she flew backward, now hovering in mid air while she examined the situation.

The room itself was very spacious and dimly lit, with three large violet curtains decorating the wall. She noticed a lack of furniture, as only three chairs and one table with a lamp were visible in the middle. She also noted one of the chairs lying on its side, no doubt the one she was tied too. A few broken shackles and two katanas decorated the floor while a miniature unicorn stood on the table and eyed foalnappers.

“I must say, I didn’t see this coming,” Tombstone said as he closed his saddlebag and fixed his hat. “A living toy using my own blinding gem against us... Melting shackles to free our prisoner... Eeyup, today is definitively monday.”

“Less talk and more action,” Vapor said as he levitated over his two katanas, one aimed at the hovering pegasus and one at Twilight. “We have a prisoner to capture and a toy to cut in half.”

What?! Dust thought as her heart began to beat at an alarming speed. She grit her teeth and did her best to overcome her fear. I won’t let it happen. With surge of determination, Dust flew towards the little mare in attempt to grab her, but one look at sharp edge of the blade that now levitated between Twilight and her forced her to stop. Dust’s pupils shrunk and wings closed as she fell to the floor, now paralyzed in fear. Get it together, Dust, get it together.

“Wait, we shouldn’t do it,” Tombstone said as he placed forehoof on Vapor’s shoulder and pointed at the little unicorn. “If the merchandise was based on the princess' student, I think we have a princess protege as our unintentional guest.” He retracted his forehoof and took off his hat before performing a half-bow. “Greetings Lady Sparkle, and welcome in our humble residence. It is an honour.”

Vapor rolled his eyes and said, “Less pleasantries and more thinking up ways to fix this mess you’ve caused.”

“Maybe we can talk it over while drinking tea,” Tombstone suggested.

“You’re pointless.”

Lightning Dust tried to move, to grab Twilight and dash for the curtains while noticing a rays of light escaping between them, but her body refused. The image of her wings being cut off still circling in her mind. With her attention focused on the little unicorn, she shouted, “Twilight, run!” Her sharp eye suddenly noticed lavender aura surrounding Tombstone’s saddlebag, unnoticed by the arguing stallions. Few more gems levitated outside of it and now floated by Twilight’s side.

“Freeze!” Twilight shouted as she levitated the blue gem towards the stallions.

Vapor immediately cut it in half as the stream of magic froze his weapons and spread chilling cold against the foalnappers

Tombstone looked between opened saddlebag and the little mare as his body trembled from the cold. “I w-would be v-very grateful if you w-would refrain from s-stealing my equipment, young lady.”

Vapor embraced himself as his body trembled as well. His horn lit, now charged with heating spell and directed towards his frozen weapon. As the ice slowly melted, he looked at his partner and said, “W-w-whose s-side are you on?”

Dust’s attention shifted from the spreading cold and focused on the two gems levitating towards her. She looked to the dangerous stones being placed next to her foreleg, and next to Twilight, who appeared on her muzzle in a flash.

“What are you waiting for? Run!” Twilight shouted. She quickly jumped onto the floor and pointed at the curtains. “Lets go!”

The pegasus nodded before turning around, no longer paralyzed as the objects of her fear were frozen. She swiftly grabbed Twilight with her foreleg and exposed shoulder while dashing towards the window.

Twilight levitated the curtains to the side before her eyes opened widely. “Stop, don’t–” she failed to finish as a lavender barrier formed in front of the window and bounced them back, rolling the pegasus on the floor who in turn was squeezing Twilight in her hold a few times.

Now free from pegasus’s hold, the little mare walked shakily before falling on her face, now lying flat against the floor.

Dust’s pointed at the barrier as she asked, “What was that?”

“Special seal used to protect our home from thieves or the flames of an enraged dragon. Expensive, but worth every bit,” Vapor Trail said as he levitated over his katanas and carefully melted the ice with his magic.

Twilight shook her head and examined the barrier before jumping onto Dust’s back. She climbed up onto pegasus’ head and pointed at the approaching unicorn accusingly. “That’s an invention created by my family!”

“Indeed,” Vapor responded before levitating his weapons to left and right side, now aiming Dust’s wings from both sides. “Such irony that your family’s invention ended up used against their own flesh and blood.” His expression hardened as he added in hostility, “Now, what should I do with you?”

Twilight didn’t waste a moment before levitating red and white gems towards the window, but flames and electricity spread over the barrier without forming a single crack.

Tombstone, upon noticing that his saddlebag was once again surrounded by a lavender aura, pressed his hoof against it. “Not this time, young lady, besides, it would take more firepower to break all the barriers that seal this room. Furthermore, this entire place is warded, so teleporting is also out of question, and the sound proof seals mean that there’s no point in screaming for help.” He smirked. “We were very prepared.”

Dust closed her eyes and bit her lips. As a racer, she naturally feared sharp weapons, as the idea of losing her wings was unbearable. Dust’s thoughts shifted to Twilight who now stood on her head and fought her battles. Do something, you coward. You heard what Twilight said. She has been fighting against her fears her entire life. If she can do it, so can you. She opened her eyes and looked at the enchanted weapon, barely keeping eye contact with its sharp edge. You got her in this mess, you must get her out.

Lightning Dust turned towards the unicorn who was in fighting stance. She bent her legs and spread her wings before dashing towards the spellcaster as Twilight grabbed her hair to not fall off. Before the levitated weapons could catch up with her speed, she delivered a direct punch into unicorn’s face.

Twilight followed Dust’s attack by shooting a beam of magic into Vapor’s horn. The noise of blades bouncing on the floor echoed through the room.

Vapor massaged his cheek before clopping his forehooves. “Impressive.” He quickly levitated his weapons over before approaching his partner and placed forehoof on his shoulder. “I fear I may accidently cut that annoying pegasus and the princess’s student if this fight continues. You caused this mess, now clean up.”

Tombstone nodded before taking off his hat. He placed it inside of his saddlebag and next approached the pegasus, his steps slow and stare relaxed.

Lightning Dust examined the room while searching for alternative exit route, quickly noticing reinforced door. “Do you think I can break through?”

Twilight approached her ear and whispered. “Why break through when we have the key,” she responded before levitating over a transparent object that slowly regained its black color. “I cast an invisibility spell on the key before levitating it from Tombstone’s saddlebag.”

“So you stole the key out of my pocket?” Tombstone asked before taking off his hat and rubbing mane.

Dust asked, “May I ask what was the point in hiding rather than using it right away?”

“I thought that escaping by window would be a much faster solution, and decided to hide the key just in case,” Twilight said before standing on her rear hooves and poked her own horn. “Also, I spent enough time with my foalsitter to learn when somepony is using illusions, and I can tell that I’m not the only pony hiding something.”

“Keen eye,” Vapor said to himself before capturing Twilight with his levitation, who struggled fruitlessly against it, anti-teleportation wards cancelling her spell.

“Leave her alone!” Dust shouted before dashing towards the unicorn, only for Tombstone to ran out in front of her. She tried to fly around, but the earth pony once again blocked her path with a great display of agility. She tried to fly above him, but was tackled against the ceiling.

“I’m afraid this room doesn’t give you much space to fly, young lady. Surrender and save yourself the unnecessary struggle.”

Dust frowned as she slowly descended towards the floor while looking at thin barrier that formed between her and ceiling. It seems breaking through walls, floor or ceiling is out. She shot Tombstone an angered glare “And have my wings cut off, forget it!”

Dust flew towards the stallion while performing an aerial kick, but her target jumped to the side and land on his forehoof. Wait a moment… I did the same… oh no. With strong flaps of her wings, Dust tried to fly out of attack range, but the stallion proved too quick as his hoof pushed her against a wall with great force. Her body bounced of a lavender barrier and slammed against the ground.

“You’re too slow.”

Feeling a sense of deja-vu, she tried to stand while a black mark of a hoof was visible on her stomach.

Suddenly, the door into the room slammed open as a tall orange unicorn in grey suit entered the room. His expression filled with disappointment. His gaze forced Lightning Dust to step back and curl a little.

“Boss,” Vapor said.

After taking a few firm steps, the unicorn looked around and examined the area. Quickly noticing broken chains, a puddle of water and a black key lying on the floor.

Dust noticing that the door is open, flew with all speed she could muster while freeing Twilight from Vapor’s levitation, who seemed too distracted to even notice. She was about to bypass the intimidating pony, only to be pressed against the floor with great force. A thin lavender barrier protecting it from the impact.

Slowly, she was levitated upward up to the stallion's speaking face. “So you are that good for nothing double crossing racer who broke the agreement with my children,” he spoke with elderly and tired tone. “I was looking forward to the displeasure of meeting you.” His attention shifted to miniature unicorn lying on the floor, who stood back up and massaged her head. “And what do we have here?”

“The Princess’s student, Lady Twilight Sparkle,” said Tombstone before rubbing his forehooves against each other nervously. “I found her under a newspaper in a dark alley, and assumed she was a doll.”

Vapor Trail added, “Please, it’s not his fault. She was acting like a toy that became a bit popular recently.”

One shake of his raised foreleg silenced Vapor and Tombstone. He pushed Lightning Dust into their embrace before levitating Twilight up to his face and asked, “Is that true?”


How do I get myself into those mess? thought Twilight as she was being levitated against her will. Acting like a plush toy to find where they are taking Dust worked like a charm, but getting out is another story.

“Is that true?”

Knowing already that any attempt to escape would only provoke her captor, she crossed her forelegs instead and looked to the side. “Maybe.”

The elderly unicorn chuckled, and soon it turned into a weak laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Twilight asked while her mind searched for a way out.

He raised forehoof up to his mouth and coughed. "The fact that the heart of my organization was infiltrated by a shrunken student of the princess, who managed such feat by acting as a plush toy. I find this concept quite amusing. Wouldn't you agree?”

Twilight rubbed her chin and said, “Now that you mention it, it does sound quite bizarre.” What am I thinking? She shook her head. “Release me and Lightning Dust this instant!”

“Bold and determined, even while in peril. I’m impressed.” The elderly stallion took off his hat and performed half bow as he said, “Welcome to the residence of the Del Gambino family.” He raised his head and pressed forehoof against his chest. “My name is Don Rigid Del Gambino. It’s an honour to welcome the protege of our wise ruler.”

Twilight frowned. “I wish I could say the same about meeting you.”

“It is understandable,” he responded before looking at his acquaintances. “I hope my sons weren’t too violent with you.”

“They didn’t hurt me, but they tried to hurt Lightning Dust,” she responded while pointing at the restrained pegasus.

“With all due respect, young lady, lying about my involvement doesn’t suit a pony of your position,” Tombstone responded with raised foreleg before he pressed it against his chest. “I fell deeply wounded hearing such accusation. I didn’t torture the prisoner, I tried to stop Vapor from torturing her.”

Twilight ignored the stallion and continued, “Not to mention that cutting off her wings is just cruel.”

The stallion cleared his throat with a cough before speaking, “It seems I will need to educate you about us, young lady.” He levitated over a chair and placed the little mare on it, though his magic still prevented her from escaping. “You see, Miss Sparkle, in our line of work, we can’t really afford to play nice. Should we ignore one person’s debt, many others will think they can escape with theirs.” His tone became more serious as Twilight could feel the pressure of levitation spell increasing in strength. “Would Lightning Dust go unpunished for breaking our deal, for making fools of my sons, more can follow her example.”

“I’m sorry!” Dust shouted as she struggled against Tombstone’s hold. “I just hate when others cheat in sports, so I wanted to give you taste of your own medicine. I will return everything back, I promise!”

Twilight pointed at Dust with what little freedom she had and shouted, “What she said, unless foalnapping ponies and holding them hostage is also part of your work?” Twilight asked before crossing her forelegs. “Is this room where you hold ponies imprisoned, torture them for informations and so on?”

“Answering your first question, we don’t foalnap ponies, that would be our competitors. We have… a small territory struggle with them,” he said before fixing his tie. “My family focused on gambling, distribution of hard cider and provides protection to shopkeepers that can afford it.” He gestured over the room. “As for this place, it is my personal training and contemplation room. Those barriers aren’t meant to just keep intruders away, but they also protect this building from my magic.”

A sealed room. I'm sure I would need one of those, should I regain my full size, Twilight thought before considering her options while staring at the stallion's head. If I attack his horn directly, I can free myself from his levitation and run towards the opened door. My teleportation will work outside, letting me escape. She turned towards Dust. But I need to save her too. I can always increase my size a bit and fight while the seals should withstand my magic and protect this building from collapsing… Twilight’s stare hardened. But maybe I can get us out with diplomacy instead.

Twilight took a deep breath and asked with most neutral tone she could muster, “You train your magic?”

Don Rigid nodded. “Of course I do, but I am sure it is something you are familiar with, considering what you did during your entrance exam.” Twilight’s eyes widened as she raised forehoof up to her face. “Why so surprised? I have eyes and ears in many places, and your display of power wasn’t easy to miss,” Don Rigid responded before chuckling at the sight of blush on Twilight’s tiny cheeks.

He looked at the ceiling and spoke with an air of nostalgia, “Oh, the good old days, filled with reading, exams, challenges, and hitting on mares.”

He was student at the School for Gifted Unicorns, not good. Our fight may break through all the barriers and hurt many innocent ponies. I have to find another solution. Twilight gulped. She half closed her eyes and pointed at the stallion, “Why are you telling me this? Wouldn’t such information help to track down your family?”

He chuckled. “The Royal guards already know, young lady, but I ensured that it would not help them. As a former student and leader, I always have to be a few steps ahead of my enemies.” He knelt and pointed at the little unicorn. “Though I am certain that my experiences are nothing compared to yours.” He pressed tip of his forehoof carefully against Twilight’s chest. “Your outstanding power was no doubt a burden to you.”

Twilight nodded hesitantly. “It was… but as I adapted to my magic and improved myself… I defeated my fears and found joy and fun in challenging myself. Everyday was like an adventure.”

“A mare with a passion who is searching for thrills. I am sure you would be a perfect match for my little Tombstone,” Don said with a chuckle.


“Excuse me.” With stallion's attention on her, Twilight asked, “You said that your competitors specialized in foalnapping ponies. Do they also operate in Canterlot?”

Don tilted his head to the side and responded with tired voice, “Yes… they have two representatives who hunt for nobility.”

Bingo Twilight raised her muzzle proudly and puffed her chest while struggling a little against levitation field. “They tried to capture me and Spitfire with help of two Griffons. They are in prison now.” After waiting a moment for the stallion to laugh, she asked, “Since I did you an unintentional favour in dealing with your competition, can I ask you to go easy on Lightning Dust?” She held her forehooves together in pleading gesture. “Please.”

Don looked at the silenced pegasus, whose eyes begged for mercy. “Should she return what she stole, who will compensate what my sons lost? They bet against Dust and lost quite a sum.”

“I can pay it up, I’m sure!” Twilight shouted as she looked at the captured pegasus who stared back at her with shock. “I’m working for the Wonderbolts as a medic, but with my size, I don’t really have any significant expenses. I’m sure I can earn enough if you give me time.”

The stallion rubbed his chin. “Interesting offer, Lady Sparkle. You’re quite generous.” He sighed. “Sadly, there is still an issue with growing interest.”

Dust tried to respond, but hoof pressed against her mouth prevented her.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and said, “Seriously? How much time passed since that bet? Few weeks?”

“Two weeks,” Vapor said before frowning. “Time doesn’t matter near as much as the fact that she tricked us.”

Don nodded. “Correct. For such display of disrespect, the interest from the stolen sum is one hundred percent.”

Twilight’s ears dropped as she mentally noted, Lesson one to be learned, never have any debts with a Mafia boss. Lesson two, don’t mess with them. As she considered her other options, a familiar face peeking from behind the door captured her attention. “Overw–” she immediately placed her forehooves over her mouth.

Don’s ear perked upward at the noise of incoming attack while his barrier reflected the beam, his attention still focused keeping Twilight immobile. “I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am used to dealing with assassins. A common sleeping spell is not going to catch me off guard,” he said with raised muzzle, but not bothered to look behind. “You can come out now, unless you want my acquaintances to hunt you down.”

“Well, it was worth a try,” Overwatch said as she sat at the entrance into the room. Sunglasses present on her muzzle while a black hooded cloak covered her from top to bottom, though one could notice a scarf around her neck after a closer look. “Just doing my job as a royal guard, nothing personal.”

The elderly unicorn shook his forehoof towards his sons who seemed more than eager to attack the intruder. He rounded the table and sat, now having both Twilight and Overwatch in his sight. “Don’t you mean your job as the princess’s student’s personal bodyguard? It is quite obvious, so there’s no point in denying it.” Upon noticing a nod as the guard mare took of her hat, he asked, “I am quite curious, how did you bypassed my guards?”

Overwatch rubbed her chest. “I have my ways. All I can say is that hired muscle usually aren’t too smart. Two of them are currently unconscious inside a barricaded closet.”

“Quite impressive.”

Overwatch smirked as she entered the room and pointed towards the window. “If you thought that was impressive, then you are going to love this.”

Tombstone, Vapor and Don turned their attention towards the window while noticing some sort of speeding comet.

As the projectile was getting closer with each passing second, Vapor asked. “Father, I believe we should evacuate.”

“Nonsense,” the proud stallion responded as the aura around his horn grew in strength. “This room’s safety measures are strong enough to slow down a rampaging dragon. But if it will make you feel safe…” A barrier immediately formed around the group of ponies.

Few seconds later the projectile hit, immediately cracking the lavender barrier on both sides of the window while bursting in flames. A second later, another barrier shattered and a black scorched mark was left on the floor, a pony with flaming mane in the middle of it.

Tombstone, Vapor and Dust stared at it in awe and widely opened mouths.

“Wow Spitfire. Your signature move just can’t be stopped,” Fleetfoot said as she landed on her captain’s left side and took a fighting stance as she glared at the ponies in grey suits.

“I second that. First you send the flaming ball that broke Shining Armour’s defenses during a hoofball match, and now you shattered a magically protected room’s barrier without the use of any equipment,” Soarin’ said as he landed on Spitfire’s right side. Two other Wonderbolts that participated in the show descended right behind them.

Spitfire rubbed her own chest. “What can I say. I’m just that good.” She turned towards her foes, now staring at the tallest unicorn who held Twilight hostage. She pointed her hoof at him and shouted, “Twilight Sparkle is working for me and she is under my protection. Now we can do it easy way,” she slammed her forehoof against the scored floor, and next shook ashes from it. “Or we can do this the hard way.”

Twilight, noticing a moment of distraction she needed, shoot a beam of magic towards her captor’s horn. Now released from the levitation that pressed her against the table, she jumped and ran towards Spitfire. She stood on her rear hooves and pointed at the captured pegasus. “They don’t have any intention of hurting me, but we need to save Lightning Dust before they cut her wings off for tricking them.“

“Cut her wings off,” Spitfire said before gritting her teeth. Her wings spread in intimidating gesture, her team followed in suit. She looked at the unicorn who was now levitating two katanas and was ready for a fight. “How about I break some horns, and lets see how it will serve you!”

A group of hired thugs made of a few earth ponies and a minotaur blocked the entrance into the room as Overwatch aimed her horn at them and charged a spell. Spitfire eyed Vapor, ready to knock him out before his sharp weapons could cripple the restrained pegasus. Fleetfoot prepared herself to rush Tombstone while Soarin’ with Twilight on his head hesitantly approached the tallest unicorn, who just stared back impassively.

Soarin’ gulped and his legs trembled as he looked up. “Is there a possibility we can solve this without unnecessary violence?” he asked.


That was amazing, Dust thought as she couldn’t look away from Spitfire, who just a moment ago shattered the sealed room with her own flaming body. She observed as the captain shook herself from glass fragments stuck in her fur and next wiped ash from her forelegs. The flames on her mane slowly vanished. Even the barrier protecting the floor didn’t endure the impact, smoke emerged from the burned surface.

Suddenly, the hold against her increased in strength as Dust struggled to free herself, fruitlessly. It seems I am a loser this time. How can I complain about incompetence of others when I can’t do a thing while the Wonderbolts and Twilight are talking and fighting to save my sorry flank? She grit her teeth. I hate it. I hate being useless.

The tension in the air grew as both sides were more than ready to fight without holding back. Dust’s heartbeating became rapid and muscle tensed as she waited for opportunity to help her saviours.

“Is there a possibility we can solve this without unnecessary violence?”

Without violence? Dust thought as she looked at Soarin’, who sweated in fear and struggled to hold his ground. Is he crazy?

“If we fight, many ponies may end up hurt, and while I believe that your place is behind bars, you don’t seem to be as bad as you act,” Twilight said before jumping towards Don’s muzzle, but stopped herself in mid air with self levitation. “How about you will forgive Dust, and in exchange we’ll let you and your family go and we won’t try to capture you.”

Oh great, so now I’ve been promoted from a hostage to a bargaining chip, Dust thought as she was more than willing to yell ‘don’t worry about me and kick their flanks,’ but one look at the levitating katana kept her mouth shut. If only I worked as hard as Twilight, if I challenged myself everyday, I wouldn’t be so easy to capture. I would break the window like Spitfire did, or I could knock down the important pony and break us free.

After a moment of deep thinking, both sides were ready to attack each other, waiting only for signal form their leaders. Don finally spoke, “And if I refuse? We can always punish Dust for what she did and evacuate.” He poked his own horn. “I assure you, I am very experienced when it comes to combat magic and teleportation.”

Twilight smirked and asked, “Do you know how much weight I can levitate at my current size?” Noticing a hesitant shake, she landed on the closest chair and focused her magic, before levitating Tombstone and Vapor. Distracted, they freed Lightning Dust who flew towards the Wonderbolts and took a fighting stance of her own.

“Impressive, now allow me to show you mine,” Don said before focusing on his own raw power, immediately capturing and pushing all pegasi against a wall, with their wings restrained.

Twilight pointed her hoof at the towering unicorn and said, “What will happen if I increase my size and fight you?”

Don looked at the cracked barriers that sealed his training room before his pupils shrunk. “I see… and if I will retreat?”

“I will dispel illusions that protect your and your sons identity before you do. My brother is the Captain of the Royal Guard, and with my help, we will hunt you down,” Twilight threatened, her face expression as intimidating as possible. The towering unicorn knelt and returned the favour as both unicorns ended up in a staring contest.

Don chuckled as it turned into a strong laugher. The Wonderbolts now released from his hold. “I see it is not a bluff, young lady, you won.”

Lightning Dust straightened herself and her own wings before eyeing her former captor. “Really?”

The unicorn nodded. “The safety of my family always comes first.” He stood tall and proud before pressing forehoof on his chest. “I, head of the Del Gambino family, with my sons as witnesses, forgive the debt and disrespect you showed us, Miss Dust. We won’t try to hunt you down or use violence against you.” He pointed at the little unicorn, and next at the Wonderbolts. “You can thank those brave ponies for that.”

I am off of the hook, just like that? Dust thought before approaching with careful steps, bypassing fragments of broken glass. “What about bits I took after breaking our deal. I can still return those…”

Don stomped. “Are you refusing my mercy?”


“Good,” Don said before kneeling to the little mare. Dust’s ear perked upward as she overheard his whisper. “I like your attitude. Should you ever end up on the other side of the law, there will always be a place for you in our organization Lady Sparkle.”

Twilight blushed and looked around nervously. It was already overwhelming to be offered a job among elite fliers, but the idea of working for a criminal organization made her feel uneasy.

“I… I… I have to go,” she responded before jumping from the table and climbing up onto Spitfire’s back.

As the ponies left the room while whispering something to Overwatch, who was sitting next to the entrance into the room. Spitfire looked around and spoke, “So… that’s it… no epic fight and arresting criminals? We just let them go?”

Twilight answered, “Seems like it, unless you want to.”

Spitfire shook her head. “I prefer not.” She looked at the broken chains and next at Lightning Dust, who waved back nervously. “Now, what exactly happened here?”

“It’s a long story,” she responded before whispering something into Spitfire’s ear.

Lightning Dust stared speechlessly as she tried to comprehend the situation, when suddenly, the Captain of the Wonderbolts approached her and asked, “I heard that you plan to join the Wonderbolts, just like your father. Is that true?”

Dust nodded hesitantly. “Y-yeah… but I will understand if you don’t want to give me a chance…” She sighed and lowered her head. Why would the elite want a looser like me? Much to her surprise, she felt a still warm forehoof of Spitfire on her shoulder.

“Listen rookie. I know that you have talent, and that you can be great flier, but you won’t get anywhere with that big mouth of yours. You need to work more like a team player,” Spitfire said as she raised Dust’s head with a hoof and looked her in the eyes. “I don’t know yet how you got in this mess, but Twilight said that what you need is a good example and teacher.”

“Example?” Dust asked in confusion.

Spitfire nodded. “That’s correct. In around two or three years, we will be opening a Wonderbolts Academy for future recruits. This will be a good place for you to learn discipline and teamwork and show me that you are a good material for a Wonderbolt.” She smiled encouragingly. “Give it some thought.”

Twilight on captain’s head nodded. “Good luck, Dust, and remember to try to consider other ponies’ feelings before you say things. It will save you a lot of trouble.”

Lightning Dust just stared at the little unicorn in shock as her heartbeating once again reached it’s limits. A mare who saved her flank and gave her a chance to join the Wonderbolts. A mare superior to her in skills and strength of character. Okay Dust. You were just given a second chance — Don’t you dare waste it. Twilight put a good word to the Wonderbolts for you, so don’t embarrass her. She immediately saluted. “Will do ma’am. I will stay out of trouble and become the best recruit the academy ever had. I won’t waste your trust.”

Spitfire nodded before turning around and walking towards the window, while Twilight galloped towards her flank, once against staring at following Lightning Dust. “When we talked today, you said that you will visit your parents after deciding what to do next,” Twilight said. Upon noticing a nod, her ears dropped as she asked with curiosity, “Are you going to tell your parents about this?”

Dust shook her head. “Nah, I think it is best not to worry them,” she responded before spreading her wings and following Spitfire, who flew at slow pace. “Especially considering my mom’s line of work. Should she learn what happened, she may gather a few other bounty hunters and go on some sort of quest to capture those ponies.” She sighed. “I would sleep better knowing that my mother isn’t fighting against the mafia.”

“Fair enough,” Twilight said before waving her forehoof. “I think it is time for us to part our ways. I have work to do.”

“Actually, we canceled the second part of the show to save you both,” Spitfire said as her words were like a punch in the stomach for Dust and Twilight, who looked down in guilt. “But no biggy. Saving the wings of talented flier are worth disappointing our fans this one time.”

“Sorry!” Twilight and Dust said in unison before looking at each other and chuckled. After giving their final farewells, Lighting Dust changed her course and flew towards her home.

“Come on Dust, you can do it,” she said to herself, now standing on front of door into her cloudy home. After taking a few slow breaths, she knocked.

“Come in, the door’s unlocked.”

Upon hearing voice of her mother, she slowly pushed the door open and entered, taking five steps… before ending up in the tight embrace of her mother.

“We saw what happened during the show, are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, mom,” she responded before pushing herself free from the death lock. Twilight healed my bruises and wing, but it seems I got few new ones after recent fight, she thought before bypassing her mom. “Hey dad.”

“Welcome home, Dust. How are you feeling?” Whirlwind asked with concern before escorting his daughter towards the dining table, vegetable soup already on it.

“I already said I’m fine. Just few bruises, no biggy.”

“I didn’t mean your injuries. I know you’re tough, just like me,” Whirlwind said before taking a sip of his soup while his wife sat to his right. “What I ask about is your pride. I know what you tried to do, and I hope that this failure won’t weigh down on you.”

Here it comes. Play it cool, Dust thought before coolly saying, “Not really.” Noticing confusion on her parents faces, she continued, “I was very angry and disappointed, but then I thought. 'It wasn’t my fault. If my teammates were stronger and more skilled, we would have succeed.'”

“Agreed,” Whirlwind said with firm tone.

“I bumped into Spitfire, and she told me that in around two or three years the Wonderbolts Academy will open. If I succeed, I will be able to fly with you, Dad.”

“I am looking forward to it!” he responded with an encouraging smile.

Here goes nothing. Dust raised her forehoof and said, “However, if I want to be worthy to fly with the best, I need to get better and improve myself, or else I will just slow them down.”

“Really?” the mare asked as she captured her daughter’s attention. “You were always saying that you are good enough already, why such a change?”

“My failure showed me that there is a lot for me to learn.” With a deep breath and determination, she said, “If I want to be the best, I have to push my limits.”

Whirlwind placed the spoon back into the soup and rounded the table. He placed his forehoof on his daughter’s shoulder and said, “I don’t know what to say. If this is what you wish, then I will do my best to help.”

“Thanks dad,” she said before embracing him tightly. Hugs may not be cool, but screw it, she thought before saying, “I will improve myself, master the tornado, and when I will find a partner I can count on, I will perform it again, this time without failing.”

After several seconds, she was freed from the embrace as she no longer felt her face pressed against her dad’s chest. With a warm smile, she looked at the pegasus and asked, “What about you, how was your time at work?”

Whirlwind took a step back, nearly losing his balance when his flank struck the table. After reasserting himself, he rubbed back of his neck and said, “It was… rough…”

“Sounds like you had quite the adventure. Care to tell me about it?” Lighting Dust asked as her wings flapped in excitement.

The stallion received a chuckle from his wife as he looked at the few bandages still present on his body, a memory of his spar against the miniature princess surfacing in his mind. “I’d… rather not.”

Author's Note:

And so we reached the end of Lighting Dust's appearance.
The next two chapters will focus on Twilight introducing the Wonderbolts to Fancy Pants's family and Blueblood, and those two will be the last two chapters as we are almost at the end of this sidestory.

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Rated Ponystar