• Published 5th Nov 2019
  • 597 Views, 62 Comments

Elements: Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children - Nightmare_0mega

Beings accustomed to strife and spite adjust to a new life of harmony, and try not to ruin it for themselves. Temptations and opportunities for a little fun will hinder their resolve, though. Hopefully the damage won't be too great.

  • ...

White Night Fantasy

A hazy, snowy view of the forest was all that she could see while running desperately. The winds whipped about fresh, harsh powder, further obscuring the scenery. It was cold and unforgiving. The trees, blanketed in the white, heightened her fear as much as the snarling, gnashing sounds did, which were thankfully distant behind her. She couldn't even remember how she got here, let alone why, which made her all the more desiring to flee. Her wings refused to open, keeping her well and truly grounded as her hoofbeats kicked up snow behind her. Her breathing was heavy and panicked, tears threatening to stream down her face as the terror gripped her deafening, beating heart.

The strange thing, which slowly crept into more horrifying territory, was the fact that no matter how hard she ran, the vicious sounds of whatever was chasing her never seemed to be too far off. Worse, it always seemed closer with every passing second. Then, an angry howl erupted behind her, causing her to let out a cry of fear. The moment her voice rang out, she felt her body begin to slow, neither from fatigue nor her own will, as if time itself was dropping to a crawl. She tried desperately to push further, harder, but it was in vain. Then, suddenly, as if time resumed its normal pace, her hoof hit a rock and caused her to trip and fall forward. She let out a terrified scream as the sensation of falling overtook her.


Fluttershy woke up with a start, breathing heavily, pawing at her face and hugging herself close. Her hooves touched against the wet streaks of her cheeks, realizing how much those visions had affected her. She gave a deep, labored, and shaky sigh of relief as the winter morning rays slowly seeped into her bedroom. The birds that had not left to get away from the season of snow and ice chirruped sweetly in their sing-song voices, giving the animal caretaker a moment of respite. There was then the sudden, booming grunt that emerged from behind her home, scaring the birds away, at least for the time being. Instead of startling her, as would most sudden and loud noises, she felt somewhat comforted, at least a little bit.

It was quite strange, really. Once upon a time, she was just a meek, milquetoast pegasus that lived in a small cottage beside the Everfree Forest, tending to woodland critters and healing sick animals. It was a small, simple life that she had curated for herself the moment she realized her calling in the world. Though, while she was still a meek, milquetoast pegasus in a small cottage, she had also became a national heroine, a therapist for the Spirit of Chaos, and guardian of a particularly dangerous creature. To say that her life ran ahead of her would be an understatement. This didn't even go into the new pressures these titles and expectations granted with the responsibilities. She'd be lying if she didn't want to just go back to her simple life, maybe slowly work her way up to opening her dream animal sanctuary one day.

She gave a sigh in resignation as she slipped out of bed, letting her hooves touch the cold of the floor. She shivered a tad, becoming a bit more awake than she had been, before she made he way to the bathroom. Fixing her mane and washing her face, she prepared to tackle the new day the best she could, reaffirming the tasks ahead of her in her mind.

First item of the day was to check on the animals. Considering the season, many of them, had either left for warmer climates like the aforementioned birds or had entered hibernation to wait out the winter. While not ideal, it did mean there were less to tend to, freeing up more time in the day for other tasks. Especially...

Her brush suddenly snagged on a particularly heavy knot, which elicited a slight yelp from her. Calmly, she slowly worked the brush, gently untangling the spot of contention, before she finished the process and the rest of her daily routine. Once done, she proceeded out into her living room, where a few of her house guests were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to greet their kindly hostess. She'd give them a warm, inviting smile as she wished each of them a good morning. Fluttershy then cantered towards the pantry and selected a variety of foods that were ready-made for her little critter friends, and dealt them out according to their diets. All the while Angel, the little white rabbit that remained her companion for quite some time, bounced at her flank, trying to get her attention.

"Be patient," she gently cooed as she rose from the floor to reach the bird home near the ceiling to deliver their morning seeds, "Your breakfast takes time to make, and it would be best to feed the rest of our guests first."

The little bunny simply crossed his arms and stamped his foot in irritation, before picking up one of his partially chewed carrot ends and threw it at the back of her head. She gave a yelp in surprise right before whipping around towards the rascal of a rodent. Before she could chastise Angel, however, the tiny twit had already sped away to another part of the house.

Fluttershy gave a short sigh as she returned to her duties. She knew why he was acting up, but there wasn't much she could do. After all, limiting Angel's carrot eating was best for his health, especially after the stomachache he endured a few weeks ago. Never the less, the moment she finished tending to her other guests, she trotted over to the kitchen and fixed up a salad for angel with plenty of leafy greens, garnishing it very lightly with a few berries. It was then, once placed at Angel's favorite dining spot, she rang a small bell that read "ring in case Angel is hiding", before she made her way to the front door.

Donning herself with the appropriate winter boots, scarf, and hat, she gave salutations to her guests before heading out the door. Once outside, she promptly trotted to the back of her home where an unusual, albeit recently ordinary, sight was presented to her.

There, sleeping soundly in the thick blanket of snow was Bael, as surprisingly gargantuan as ever, with a variety of birds perched at the various ice crystals that lined the great demon toad's back. Said birds chirruped, but seemingly much quieter than before, as if to not pester the snoozing giant. She gave a giggle, realizing why she heard such a loud grunt. Smiling, she turned towards the Everfree Forest, and paused for a moment. Today was the day, she believed. She took a breath and began her trek into the forest, razor focused upon a very specific destination.

It was quite odd, in hindsight. Before Twilight Sparkle, one of her closest and dearest friends these days, had come to Ponyville, there was an unspoken rule about the Everfree. With magic and nature so wild and untamed, none should ever dare to trot those trails. It was only recently that, while dangerous, Everfree Forest was still just that; a forest. A place that could be navigated given the caution and effort. Animals still lived within the confines and survive its hazards well enough, even with the variety of magical beasts that shared residence. So there was no real reason why a pony couldn't at least walk through.

Further than that, there was one who dared to make a home deep in the thick of it. One that the ponies of Ponyville once feared as well. Somepony that was more well versed in the natural world than most modern earth ponies. Even Applejack had gone to her for advice when unusual circumstances presented itself in regards to the Sweet Apple Acres orchards.

In no time at all, while her mind was wandering through the reminiscence and musings of the changes in life, she found herself before a very well built hut. Strange and expressive masks decorated the outside, meaning of which had been told to her and her friends many moons ago when curiosity finally prompted them. The smell of herbs and spices gently permeated the air surrounding the home, giving it a bizarrely welcoming feeling.

Approaching the door, she gave it three gentle raps with her hoof, and waited. The sound of shuffling could be heard just before the door squeaked open. Before Fluttershy, now standing in the doorframe, was the striking visage of a striped black, white, and grey pony with a black and white styled mohawk, and a simple but eye catching spiraled sun as her cutie mark. She gave a warm smile upon seeing Fluttershy was the one knocking on her door, to which the meek pegasus gave one in kind.

"Hello, Zecora," She greeted pleasantly.

"My, my, it is dearest Fluttershy that graces my eyes," Zecora spoke in a smooth, deep, and comforting voice, "To what do I owe this particular surprise?" She then ushered Fluttershy into her home and shut the door behind them.

Truth be told, and as embarrassing as it still is, there was once a time where this kindly mare was ostracized from town. Many excuses were made by a number of them, even today, but the simple fact of the matter was that she seemed different. In reality, she was just an Earth Pony, at the end of the day. Though, Twilight would learn from Zecora that, while fundamentally true, she is part of the Zebra tribe, an offshoot of Earth Pony built for untamed, wild magic wilderness. It's one of the reasons why she felt so at home in the Everfree, which she would confess the same to anyone who asked.

"I believe Princess Luna already told you."

"Ah, yes, the Princess of Dreams and of the Night. So, tell me, what has given you an awful fright?"

Zecora, for many, many reasons, became quite the well respected and adored member of the community in Ponyville, despite living outside of town. Her knowledge of magical wildlife and wild magic was invaluable. Her wisdom and level-headed thinking was nigh flawless. At least, that's how Fluttershy saw it. It also helped that Zecora's tea making skills were second to none.

Zecora then handed her a small mug with her specially made herbal tea. After all, visits to Zecora's home were never complete without a cup.

"I-it's this reoccurring nightmare I've been having," Fluttershy stated before she sipped her tea.

"I've heard as much from her highness the night before, but hopefully today we'll get to the problem's core."

"Mmhmm," she hummed in agreement, "Anyway, It's about me, running through the Everfree. Everything is moving in slow motion, or at least it feels like it. It's snowing so much, I can hardly see. Every time I look back, I can hear the h-howls of something chasing me. A-and, I can see g-glowing red eyes in the h-haze."

Zecora sat quietly, listening to Fluttershy's recounting, watching the pegasus' demeanor slowly degrade from her calm state. The kindly Zebra than gently interrupted Fluttershy, "Remember to take a sip when your mood takes a dip."

"Oh, r-right." She blushed from the embarrassment of starting to lose her cool, right before she took a calming drink of her tea. The effect was almost instant, with the warm and soothing sensation allowing her mind to rest and her focus to realign. "Thank you."

Zecora gave a slight nod, as she gestured for Fluttershy to continue.

"So, the dream varies from night to night. Sometimes I'm just running away, feeling like I'm being chased, but nothing much changes. Sometimes the howling starts getting closer. Sometimes I trip and fall. That's the scariest one."

Zecora nodded again, listening patiently.

"I actually had that version of the dream last night." She shivered a bit before she took another sip of her tea, giving a relaxed sigh. "But sometimes... sometimes the dream doesn't end there."

"If you wish for me to help you mend," Zecora started, "Perhaps you should tell me this further end?"

"Right." She steeled herself for a moment, before she continued. "Well, sometimes, I feel like I'm losing whatever is chasing me for a bit. I keep running, because I don't know if I'm safe or not, but I eventually come to what seems like a clearing. I then stop, catch my breath, and try to look around. It's still hazy, but I think I see some sort of mound in front of me. The moment I notice that, I hear the howling again and see the red eyes behind me. I get scared, and my first reaction is climbing on top of the mound, just getting out of reach of... whatever was after me."

Zecora watched Fluttershy place her now empty cup off to the side on a nearby stand as the pegasus later continues with her story.

"Then, suddenly, I feel the mound below me shift, and lift a bit. Despite the shaking, I don't fall, and-"

Zecora leaned in, awaiting the rest with baited anticipation.

"That's when I woke up."

"Hmm..." Zecora hums, pawing at her her chin for a moment. "Well, I can certainly say, Fluttershy dear, that that end isn't just mere."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me something my beloved guest, how does that particular end affect your rest?"

"Affect my rest?" Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. Looking back, there was a difference in mood on the mornings after that particular kind of end. "Well," she started, "I guess I feel... calm?"

Zecora raised an eyebrow, sipping her tea before setting it off to the side on an adjacent stand. "How strange. What changed? It is the same dream you have had, so why were these endings not so bad?" Before Fluttershy could speak, Zecora piped up with a different question. "Would you be so kind as to tell when these dreams plagued your mental well?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment. "I suppose it was a few weeks ago. I think after I... got lost in the Everfree."

"Care to explain? Or, would you refrain?" Zecora asked, intrigued by the implication.

"Oh, no, I don't mind. It was kinda silly, really." She gave a halfhearted laugh, before she began her tale. "Well, it was late at night, and Bael had been absent. He likes being alone sometimes. It was hard to get used to him just wandering off, but I knew he'd be fine. Still, you'd think it wouldn't be so easy to lose track of a big ol' froggy like him." She paused for a moment with a blush, before waving her hoof. "I'm getting off topic. Anyway, it was late at night, and I noticed that Elizabeak had gone missing from the coup. I don't know how that bird keeps getting out, but that hen had always been an escape artist. Luckily, it snowed earlier, so I was able to see her tracks lead into the forest."

"Well, that was a lucky little flick. What happened while you sought your chick?"

"So, I entered the forest," Fluttershy continued, "And kept my eyes glued to Elizabeak's tracks. I wasn't quite sure how far she had gone. Some days she takes a slow stroll. Other times, she speeds off like a roadrunner. All I knew was that I had to keep moving if I wanted to find her."

Zecora wanted to say something in regards to the little hen, but decided to refrain on the off chance it derailed the story. Instead, she sipped her tea once again and continued to listen.

"I think I was was around the path leading to your hut before I actually saw her. Before she could run, I called out to her and went up to collect her. Thankfully, she was alright, if a little cold. I chastised her for her silly behavior and was about to head home when..." Fluttershy shivered. "I spotted timberwolves." She took another sip of her tea, before realizing it was just about empty. "I'm so sorry, Zecroa, but may I bother you for another cup?"

"Of course you may, my little pony. Tell your story, while I fetch more tea."

"Thank you," She replied in courtesy, as she watched Zecora collect her cup and canter to the kettle. "Anyway, the moment I spotted the timberwolves, I picked up Elizabeak with my wings. I was hoping to grab her and sneak away, but she squawked, and alerted them. I didn't have much of a choice but to start running."

"Ah, now I truly see. There is the source of the dream," she declared as she finished stirring her guests's cup. Zecora than placed it on the tray, and carefully carried the tray with her teeth over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy herself graciously took back her cup with another thank you, which invoked a small bow from Zecora as she put the tray away and sat back down.

"I think I messed up, because I panicked when I started running, and lost the trail I was previously on. I could hear them give chase, all while it began to snow harshly in the forest, making it difficult to see where I was going. I ran as hard and as fast as I could with Elizabeak tucked beneath my wing. Poor thing was panicking harder than me. By the time I realized I needed to find a safe place, I also realized I was completely lost. With no trail to guide me, the sudden starting blizzard making it harder and harder to see, and the timberwolves hot on my tail, I had no way to focus on where to go. So, I just kept running blindly. I was running so hard, at one point, I almost tripped over a root."

Zecora raised an eyebrow, seeing it all come together, which meant...

"After running for so long, and the sound of the timberwolves getting fainter, I spotted what looked like a clearing. I thought that if I could get there, I'd be able to see over the canopy and maybe spot the shadow of a tower from the Castle of the Two Sisters, even through the snow. At least, if I could see it, then I'd know where to go where I'd be safe. So, I made a turn towards the clearing, and when I entered, I promptly slipped on the the ice below me."

Zecora, while taking a sip, tried her hardest not to laugh at the sudden pratfall her unfortunate guest had just described, managing to keep herself under control and not choke on her drink.

"I was able to hold onto Elizabeak and get back up quickly, but I realized that the ice wasn't just some random patch. The clearing I found was actually a lake." Fluttershy then took another sip, her behavior becoming decidedly more animated. "And, that's not all. At the other side of the frozen lake, from what I could just barely see, was a large mound. I couldn't spot anything else, even beyond the canopy, so I figured I should try the climb it. Maybe the difference in height would help me. It was a good thing too, since I started to hear the timberwolves again. So I raced over and climbed it as fast as I could, thankfully reaching the top without much of a fuss."

"I feel this tale is soon coming to a conclusion. So, what exactly was the mound that ended this confusion?"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow for a moment, before opting to finish her story first. "Well, when I got to the top, I found the timberwolves charging across the lake towards me. I couldn't tell if they'd be able to climb up after me, but I was at least a little out of their reach. I looked around, but noticed that there weren't any shadows of the castle through the snow, so I still didn't really know where I was. The timberwolves were at the bottom of the mound, getting ready to try and climb up, as I feared, so I had to make a choice fast. I could either run, and HOPE I could find somewhere familiar and safe, or I could try and fly with Elizabeak in my hooves. Considering the snow and how squirmy Elizabeak already was under my wing, there was no knowing how long I'd be able to hold onto her while I tried to fly."

"Either run blind or risk her fall. That does indeed seem to be a tough call."

"One I didn't have to make," Fluttershy replied. "The mound below be began to shake as I heard the sound of ice cracking. As the snow and ice fell away, along with the climbing timberwolves, I noticed something familiar. I was standing on top of Bael!"

Zecora noticed Fluttershy's eyes light up upon that last statement, and gave a small smile, but said nothing to interrupt her.

"I couldn't believe my luck in all of this. Bael was actually here! I figured THIS must have been where he disappears off to when he wants to be alone. It also turns out the timberwolves howling, growling, and climbing him made him wake up. He wasn't very happy about that, and with a mighty roar, he scared them off. I was so happy to see him, and so happy he saved me, I planted a hug right on top of him." She gave a deep sigh and a delighted smile. "He wasn't exactly very happy to notice I was on top of him, nor the reason I was kind of the reason why the timberwolves bugged him in the first place, but he agreed to help take me back to the cottage."

"I can see the harsh experience you had. But, I suppose it wasn't all bad. After all, we've found some of these repeating dreams end right around when your dear friend came with the mend. You must cherish Bael quite well if you're this smitten. I can tell."

Fluttershy choked on the tea she was sipping on for a moment, before she responded, "S-smitten?"

Zecora laughed a little, "Perhaps it is not the best term. Though, there is one 'frog' that could help you confirm?"

"Do you think the nightmares would stop if I talked to him?"

"It is worth a shot, so, I don't see why not?"

Fluttershy sat back against her seat, staring at her tea contemplatively. Zecora did say it might not be the correct term, but was it possible? She has been with Bael for quite a while now. He's helped her, given her advice, rescued her, kept her safe. Sure, he was surly and a curmudgeon and an actual demon at the end of the day, but there was a charm to it. Charm? she thought for a moment. Why was that the word she picked? Was this affection? Was it just admiration? Or, was it just an extension from her love of all animals, even though he has shown he's more than just that. Or, perhaps Zecora was just planting ideas into her head with that 'smitten' comment to mess with her a little. Still, she was right in that it might be best to talk to Bael, Fluttershy assured herself.

With a final sip of her tea, draining the contents from her mug with a satisfied sigh, she placed it on the counter beside her seat. "Ok," she declared with renewed vigor and determination. "I'm going to talk to him. Thank you very much for listening to me."

"You are most welcome, my lovely guest. I'll always be here to grant advice of my best. Thought, I have to let you know in part. I'm not sure if I could assist with matters of the heart."

Fluttershy blushed with an embarrassed glare. "Please, stop teasing me, Zecora!"

The wizened zebra laughed, "Fluttershy, do forgive my poor little joke. Don't let my musings hang on you like a yoke."

Fluttershy shook her head and gave a polite wave goodbye, before exiting the hut and making her trek back to her cottage.


Bael was resting comfortably underneath a blanket of snow. The birds that had harassed him earlier that day had finally left him alone in the peace and quiet. Normally, if he wanted to be properly alone, he'd have shrouded himself in his icy haze and let the mist carry him to his spot he found in the forest nearby. However, he recently had decided it would be best to stick around the cottage for the time being. He wasn't entirely sure why, but something deep in his soul urged him to stay, at least for now. At least, until, whatever unfinished business was solved that kept him so close to the 'little canary'.

"Bael?" called out the aforementioned 'canary'.

His eyes opened slowly, a little irritable, as he steadily and gently readjusted himself, careful not to shift off the snow from his back. He then noticed that his warden was now standing before him.

"Why do you disturb my slumber?" he asked, grouchy from the fact.

"I'm sorry for waking you," she apologized, "But I need to ask you a few things."

"What is it?"

Fluttershy blushed a little, and seemed hesitant, but took a step forward as if to summon some courage. "I... wanted to know why you saved me."

"Hmmm? Is that all?" he asked in slight indignation. He gave a snort, almost dismissive of what was asked, but decided to answer anyway. "You woke me up. Or, more accurately, whatever was chasing you woke me up. Purely circumstantial."

"O-oh," Fluttershy deflated. There was an awkward silence between them.

Then, the wind picked up a little and caused Fluttershy to shiver a bit. Bael, on reflex moved a little closer, still careful not to dump the snow that sat upon him, almost as if trying to block the wind. She looked up to the great Lord of Frozen Soil, and a new question popped into her head.

"Uhm, why did you take me back home that day?" she asked.

"That..." Bael started, before whatever answer he was about to give vanished at his tongue. Truth be told, he didn't really know. Not off the cuff, at least. He thought about it for a moment, but decided to come clean instead. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure."

"I could have gone home on my own at that point. All you would have needed to do is point me in the right direction."

Bael thought for a moment. It was true. He didn't have much of a reason. He just... felt like it. To be fair, many demons, including himself, have always done things on a whim. However, this time it seemed... different.

It was then that Fluttershy spoke again. "Bael," she started, "I've been having a reoccurring nightmare about that day. Lost in the woods, in the snow, being chased, and being very afraid of what would happen. Sometimes, the nightmare would end in the middle of being chased. Sometimes I'd wake up after I trip over something." There was a quiver in her voice as she spoke, but that stopped when she said, "But, sometimes... sometimes that dream would end after I find a frozen lake in the middle of a clearing, and climb a mound of snow and ice at the far end of it. When I get those ends to the dream, I feel... safe, and calm. Just like when I found you in the forest that day, when you saved me from the timberwolves."

Bael sat in silence for a moment, patiently listening to the little pony talk about what had been going on. It was then he realized why he had stayed near the cottage and what his soul wanted. Giving assistance to a mortal wasn't something a demon would normally do. However, for this little creature, he'd strongly consider it, though he'd be remiss to admit his slowly growing fondness. Fond? he thought to himself. Do I really have a favored connection and affection to this little thing?

Gazing upon Fluttershy, he could feel something within her soul as well. A deepening warmth that he also noticed whenever the loud pink one stuck around the other devil trapped in this land. While they shared the feeling, it seemed those two were quite ignorant of it. Never the less, something needed to be rectified. It was affecting the both of them in some way.

"I believe I can help you," Bael stated.

"R-really?" Fluttershy asked excitedly, her heart skipping.

"You must close your eyes, and stay calm. I do not do this often, but it may help."

"Yes," she agreed, closing her eyes, before she asked out of curiosity, "What are you going to-?"

"Stay silent," Bael ordered, eliciting an 'eep' out of Fluttershy. With his warden silent and her eyes closed, he closed his own eyes and reached deep within his soul to pull out his natural demonic power. Pushing it outward, he used his power to reach towards Fluttershy, into her mind and soul. With a little bit of effort, he found that moment in time, when she was lost in the woods and rescued by Bael, grabbed hold of it, and pulled it away. Then, he opened his eyes.

Fluttershy, woozy for a moment, also opened her eyes, and began to look around. Confusion could be read upon her face, as she looked up and noticed Bael, eliciting a surprised yelp. "Oh, Bael! I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you something, but..." her face scrunched a little, "I can't seem to remember."

"It probably wasn't very important," Bael stated flatly.

"I hope not," she said with slight worry, "Oh! I should go check on Angel. Make sure he ate his salad. He's always such a handful." She looked back towards Bael. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep. I hope you have a good nap."

"May you sleep well too."

"Huh?" she questioned, before she let out a giggle, "I normally do already, but thank you anyway!"

She then trotted away, leaving Bael behind in the gently falling snow. She was a good, warm soul, he admitted, but he had always preferred the cold. He readjusted himself and let his eyes relax and close. I'll have one last nap here, he thought as slumber took hold of him once again, as the deep urge in his soul slowly died out, snuffed by the winter chill.

Author's Note:
