• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,325 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

  • ...

The First Steps

Twilight could hear the sounds of Stormfly barking while she walked up to Fluttershy's cottage, telling her that the dragon was still there. And just as she had been informed, when she walked around to the back of the cottage and spotted the dragon, she found the rider beside her as well. Stormfly was lying on her back and rubbing her face into the grass while Astrid scratched her belly, neither of them noticing the alicorn until Twilight was right beside them.

"Hey, Astrid," Twilight began when the human looked down at her, but all the Viking did was nod to Twilight before focusing on Stormfly again. Astrid moved over to her bandaged wing and began to softly pet it, getting a happy sigh out of Stormfly as her eyes rolled back in her head. "Um, Hiccup told me that you had gone out to look for me. Said that you wanted to talk to me or something?"

"Yeah...yeah I did," Astrid said as she patted Stormfly on the stomach, snapping the dragon out of her trance. The dragon rolled to her feet and shook the dirt off of her scales, letting out a huge yawn before spying some butterflies and rushing after them. Astrid watched the dragon go before sitting down on the grass, then collapsing to her back and staring up at the clouds.

"So...what did you want to talk to me about?" Twilight continued when Astrid didn't say any more, laying down exactly like her and staring up at the clouds as well.

"First, for saving my life," Astrid said after a minute of silence. "Hiccup told me what you did for me back when Wijida threw me off that cliff. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be alive right now. I owe you my life. And I'll find someway to pay you back one day."

"Oh please, you don't have to repay me," Twilight said with a dismissive laugh, but the look Astrid gave her informed the princess that the Viking wouldn't let go of the debt that easily. "So um, anything else?"

"Yeah. For helping to stop me when Wijida was in control of me. If you hadn't helped Hiccup, I might have..." Astrid began while biting her lip.

"You can't blame yourself for that. Wijida was the monster that made you act the way you did," Twilight told Astrid, who smirked at being told the same thing by two different beings. "But that's what friends are for right? Helping each other out when we can't overcome our problems on our own."

"Huh? Didn't know that you and I were friends," Astrid pointed out with a raised eyebrow at Twilight, whose face reddened while she started to stammer out about how it was just a saying. Astrid shook her head slightly before standing up and offering a hand to Twilight, who took it with some confusion as she got up as well. "Alright then, Twilight, if there's ever anything you need me to do for you, all you have to do is ask." Astrid waved to Twilight while she turned to leave, but as she walked away Twilight looked from her to Stormfly with a question coming to her mind.

"Actually Astrid," Twilight began with some hesitation, her tone making Astrid turn back around to glance at the nervous alicorn. "I was actually wondering if you could teach me...how to...properly ride Stormfly?" Astrid raised an eyebrow at Twilight before nodding and waving the pony over to her, before whistling and calling her dragon over as well.

"Alright, we'll start things off simple. Hop on up," Astrid instructed. Twilight glanced up at Stormfly for a moment before opening her mouth to argue, but Astrid gave her a look that silenced all unasked questions, and with a resigned sigh Twilight floated up onto the back of Stormfly.

"Now what do I do?" Twilight asked once she was firmly seated in the saddle. "Don't I have to place my hoof on her nose or something like that?"

"Nah, we'll just put you up there and see how things go from there. Not to mention, I don't think she'd even do that for you," Astrid muttered to herself before taking a few steps back. "What I want you to do now is, try to get her to follow your lead. Once you do that, I should be able to tell how to train you properly."

"I thought we were training the dragon," Twilight muttered before mimicking how Astrid sat on Stormfly, waiting until she had matched the position perfectly before looking down at Stormfly, who glanced up at her with an amused expression. "Um, alright Stormfly I want you to go over to that tree there," Twilight instructed with absolute confidence. Stormfly continued to glance up at her for a moment before she let out a snort and resumed watching a number of butterflies that were circling overhead.

"Um, Stormfly? To the tree please," Twilight instructed again, but with far less confidence as she glanced over to the judging eyes of Astrid. "Stormfly?" The dragon blew out a bit of smoke before she turned and started walking over to the small stream, sitting down in front of it and watching the tiny fish as they swam back and forth, wondering if she could get a bite.

"That's what I thought," Astrid muttered to herself while Twilight tried in vain to get the dragon to listen to her, to no avail. Astrid let the scene go on for another minute before she let out a small whistle that immediately got the dragon's attention, causing Stormfly to race over to Astrid with interest. "So, how did it go?"

"She doesn't listen to a word I say!" Twilight stammered out as she tried to look Stormfly in the eyes, but the dragon continued to ignore her. Astrid looked up at Stormfly's eyes before a smile of her own crossed her face, and she backed away from the dragon.

"I think I see what the problem is," Astrid said with a nod while glancing up at Twilight, who was looking eagerly at Astrid while she awaited the answer. "It's you."

"Me? Why would it be me? I've done everything exactly like you and Hiccup!" Twilight argued with a bit of heat, but Astrid let out a smile as she motioned for Twilight to come over to her.

"You have mimicked the movements of me and Hiccup, but you aren't doing everything we do. For starters, you are trying to be the one in control," Astrid began, yet all her words did was gain more confusion from Twilight.

"Well, yes. Isn't that what the rider of the dragons does, makes the decisions?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but there's more to it. See Twilight, your problem is that you think that you giving the orders means that you are the more important part of the pair," Astrid clarified while she swung up onto Stormfly's back, placing a hand on the dragon's neck with a small smile. "But even though you might be the rider, your dragon is just every bit your equal. The two of you are more than just a person riding a dragon. You act and fly as one. Neither of you is more important than the other."

As she said this Stormfly's eyes went wide and she shot up into the sky, rolling and looping perfectly. "Twilight, pick up some of those rocks and hurl them into the air!" Twilight glanced from the pair to the rocks, before shrugging and using her magic to hurl them up, where Stormfly and Astrid dived down towards them with incredible speeds. Twilight watched closely as the rider and dragon hurtled towards the rocks, but to Twilight's surprise, all Astrid did was place a hand on Stormfly's neck before the dragon shot her spikes into the rocks and shattered them into pieces.

"How'd she know to do that?" Twilight asked when Astrid and Stormfly had landed next to her. "Aren't you supposed to give the order."

"Most of the time I do, but sometimes I leave it up to Stormfly's intuition," Astrid said while she rubbed Stormfly's nose with a smile. "Glad to see your wing's doing better. She's definitely one of the smarter Nadder's that you'll ever meet. But that's what I mean, when I say you're equals and work as one. You have to trust each other's judgment. Now most the time the dragons follow our lead, but they're still more than capable of making smart choices."

Twilight nodded with a small frown while she took in what Astrid was teaching her, before she stepped forward towards Stormfly, who glanced down at her with interest once again. Twilight took in a small breath, before holding out her hoof towards Stormfly and closing her eyes, not seeing the dragon tilt her head to the side in response.

"I am sorry if I offended you or made you feel like you were less important than me. Ever since I have become a princess, that is an issue that I have struggled to deal with constantly, and I try to make others feel as if they are just as important as me. So, I know we got off on the wrong hoof, but if you would allow me to-" Twilight stopped talking when she opened her eyes and found that Stormfly had placed her nose against Twilight's hoof, though when Twilight looked up at the dragon she had a curious expression in her eyes.

"Well, color me surprised, she's willing to give you a chance," Astrid laughed when Twilight looked to her for answers. "But I've seen that look on her face, and that means you're in for a wild time."

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" Twilight stammered.

"Well, hop on up and we'll find out!" Astrid laughed as Stormfly crouched down and motioned for Twilight to saddle up. Twilight looked from the smiling human to the almost smiling dragon with some trepidation before she placed herself back up on the saddle.

"Okay, this time I won't try to control her, I'll try to work with her," Twilight whispered to herself, but not quiet enough so that Stormfly couldn't hear. "Okay Stormfly, if you wouldn't mind, please walk over to that tree." Stormfly looked up at Twilight before the dragon let out a yawn and crouched down on the grass, starting to nod off as Twilight looked down at Stormfly with frustration filling up her eyes. "What did I do wrong now?!"

"You're being too submissive to her now." Both Astrid and Twilight turned to see Fluttershy walking up to the pair with a bucket of fish being dragged behind her. "I had this problem with her at first, before Hiccup explained to me what was going on. You have to act as equals, Twilight. If you think of yourself as less, then she'll be the one who gives the orders."

"And there you go," Astrid said to Twilight as Fluttershy dragged the bucket over to Stormfly and showed her the fish, immediately gaining her the dragon's full attention. Twilight was nearly thrown from Stormfly's back as the dragon doubled over to eat away at the fish, and she quickly teleported off of the dragon before another quick movement from Stormfly tossed her off.

"Ugh, I think that's enough dragon training for today," Twilight muttered while she sat down next to Astrid and Fluttershy, watching Stormfly devour the fish quickly with keen eyes. "It's so strange to think that it's only been a couple of weeks since the pair of you appeared in Equestria. And now we've captured Wijida and all is well. Guess, soon I've got to think about sending you four back to your own world."

"And how are you going to do that?" Astrid asked.

"Oh please, I mastered Star-Swirl's method of dimensional crossing not that long before you got here. The only problem is that it requires and incredible amount of magic that can completely wipe me for days on end," Twilight explained with a small sigh. "I was bedridden for days and Spike had to work around the clock to take care of me. It was still really weird meeting a pair of dragons that didn't talk."

"You think you had it weird? Hiccup and I were just racing each other when all of a sudden, these strange things appeared in front of us and Hiccup got sucked into them. I barely made it through before it closed behind me, and when I wake up I'm in a world of talking ponies. WE got the weirder end of that," Astrid argued, and Twilight was forced to concede that she was right.

"I'm glad that we got to meet the four of you, though. It's been so much fun learning about the dragons while you've been here," Fluttershy added while Stormfly finished off the fish and rested the bucket on her nose, trying to find the fish that wasn't in there. "Especially since they're so different. It makes me wonder just how many other kinds of creatures are out there, that are different from ours?"

"That's the multiverse theory, Fluttershy, and that's one long night of studying to even begin to understand," Twilight said with experience, before her horn began to glow and she teleported a pair of envelopes over, which she then offered to the both of them.

"What are these," Astrid asked as she opened up hers to find a golden ticket inside, glancing at it curiously before Fluttershy squealed beside the human in excitement.

"These are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, the most premier party in all of Equestria," Twilight explained while Astrid tried to deduce if the tickets were made from real gold or not. "And Celestia wanted to invite both of you as a sort of, 'thanks for all you've done'. I assume Hiccup's already gotten his."

"Some kind of get together huh?" Astrid asked as she turned it over. "Where is this taking place again?"

"In Canterlot. Why?"

"Oh, no reason, just wondering," Astrid muttered to herself before nodding at Twilight. "Sure, I guess I'll go. It'll be one last pony thing I get to experience before Hiccup and I return to Berk. What's the worst that could happen?"


"All of the invites have been sent, Sister." Celestia opened her eyes and looked up to see her sister descending onto the balcony next to her, the two nodding at each other before turning and walking into the castle. "And from what I have heard, all of the mane six have agreed to come as well as our human and dragon guests."

"That is good, considering that King Zardon wanted to speak to them both and personally thank them for what they have done," Celestia said with a nod while the two descended deeper into the castle, into the parts where only the most dangerous weapons and ponies were kept. They walked past a full platoon of guards before coming to a stop in front of a glass wall that revealed a single, black pony with strange markings and white eyes on the other side.

"Well, hello princesses, I'm sorry that I didn't get up but I didn't see either of you coming," Wijida laughed with a sinister smile as she turned to face the glass, where the two princesses stared at her from the other side. "Please, take a seat--both of you--and tell me what's on your minds. Please do, since I can't read your minds from behind this strange glass you have."

"And you never will again, Wijida, not as long as you reside behind these walls," Luna snarled at Wijida before Celestia placed a hoof on her sister's chest and shook her head slightly.

"My sister is right, Wijida. This glass and these walls have been infused with the greatest magic that my sister and I can muster to suppress your powers. The magic seeps into your brain and prevents you from concentrating. We figured that to see the future and move things with your mind must take a lot of mental strain. And due to the fact that you are still in here, proves to us that we have been successful," Celestia informed Wijida, a smile crossing the princess' face when she saw Wijida turn away with a frown. "It is finished, Wijida. The only chance you have to resurrect Thanatos will pass in a few days and then you will be placed on trial for what you have done. Until then, please enjoy our hospitality," Celestia said before turning and walking away.

"Oh, this story isn't done yet, my dears. I don't need to see the future to know that," Wijida laughed as she rose from her single seat and walked over to the glass, staring into the remaining princess' eyes with her own blank ones. "We will dance the final dance soon enough. But speaking of dancing, I have heard that the gala is coming up soon, yet the two of you forgot to invite me. I will remember that when I rain destruction upon the land."

"Do not bother with threats, you are beaten," Luna snarled at Wijida, who simply smiled in reply. "You cannot escape this cell, and even if by some chance you could, you still do not know where the Draconis Gem is. And with your powers sealed off, I highly doubt that you will be getting out of here."

"Oh, but I will Luna. I can see it in your future," Wijida whispered, but all her words did was cause Luna to chuckle.

"Please. You cannot see anyponies' future while you are locked in there. You cannot see anything." Luna turned and left with a snort after saying this, leaving Wijida to sigh as she shook her head and walked back over to her chair.

'Well, you are not wrong there, princess. I cannot currently see into anypony's future while trapped within this cell,' Wijida thought to herself before she closed her eyes and opened her inner eye, an inner eye that, while blinded to nearly all of the beings in the land, still had something it could see. And what she saw made her smile.

'Yes, Luna. No pony's future, indeed.'