• Member Since 4th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Dee Pad


This story is a sequel to The Secret of Manehattan Mall

When Pinkie Pie receives an acceptance letter from one of the most prestigious culinary schools in the world, she is given a chance to achieve her life-long dream of becoming a world-renowned pastry chef. Although this trip means being away from Ponyville and her friends for an entire year, the new friends she meets and the fresh opportunities for crazy shenanigans more than make up for it.

Pinkie might be ready to take on this new environment, but the real question is: is it ready for Pinkie Pie?

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 75 )

OH hell yes you wrote a sequel. :pinkiehappy:

Another great chapter. Pinkie is fantastically in character - it feels like I'm watching the show. Also, why am I the only person to have commented? Come on people!

It's probably just the scenario doesn't grab people's attention. They probably read the description, say "meh", and move on. I suppose it could help to have a more interesting description or a cover image or something, but they aren't exactly strong points of mine.

I suppose. Well, it's their loss. I'm going to stick around at least.

And that is much appreciated. Thank you.

I think it's a really interesting concept. I'd planned to do an EG based one shot with a slightly similar premise, but I love the travel and all the new characters.

Thank you very much. Personally, I've come to love creating personalities for original characters.

By jove, this feels strange. It's like looking at a picture of an idealized Stockholm in the 1950's or 60's in Equestria.

God - good, nice, (also tasty)
God dag or "Goddag" for hello. (literally Good day)
God morgon (morning) would also do in this case.

Edit: I will have to point out that Bra still means Good but used in a different context.

French is really the only other language I know anything about. I'm just using a very basic translator I found via Google search for everything else, and even then only for single words or short phrases; I know how unreliable online translators can be.

So, since I intended Sugar to say "Good morning", I should replace "Bra dag" with "Goddag" then?

5134853 Technically "God morgon" would be more accurate in this case but since Puff greeted with Guten tag then "God dag" would be the correct reply.

You're welcome to give a poke if you need some help with Swedish phrases.

Also, in chapter 2, you might want to take note that a Cheesecake and a Ostkaka (traditional Swedish dish) are two Very different things. We do have Cheesecakes in Sweden though and call them by their original name of Cheesecake. *ponders* Or now when I think about it, it does somewhat resemble a baked cheesecake so nevermind that

Anyhow, you have my upvote and I'm eagerly looking forward to more.

MOAR EDIT: Or if you want them both to say good morning then Puff would've greeted with "Guten morgen" and Sugar would have replied with "God morgon" (Ain't the germanic language tree lovely?)

Another chapter! :pinkiehappy: This story always brings a smile to my face, even when I'm having a really bad day. This is fantastic as always.

Actually, I misspoke. My exact intention was for them to say "Good day", not "Good morning". I don't know whether or not that makes a difference. In any case, I may or may not take you up on your offer. I don't really intend to have Sugar say much in Swedish, mostly because I know literally nothing about the language... In retrospect, a different setting for the story may have been appropriate. Oh well.

As for the cheesecake thing, I am well aware of the difference between the two. I researched it extensively while writing. Wikipedia simply referred to Swedish cheesecake in general as... well, Swedish cheesecake.

5136643 Please don't fret, you've done excellent work so far and I'm enjoying it immensely so far. :pinkiehappy:
I'm just offering my services as someone who is familiar with the language, see it as no more than some friendly spellchecking.

This story is progressing nicely. Keep up the good work.

Mrrr.... Jansson. If the Pegasi eat fish I suppose they'd be all over it.

Oh, huh. I looked that up when I wrote it and didn't think anything of it. Didn't know sprats were fish. Well, can you just imagine it's an altered recipe? I mean, it's just removing one ingredient, right? Or would it go by a different name then?

5448454 The name isn't tied to the dish, and it's quite possible to do a vegetarian version (I've heard), but I've never tried it.

Well, I'll just amend it and specifically say it's vegetarian to avoid confusion.

I think that some of my favorite scenes involve Pinkie thinking about Dash and Dash thinking about Pinkie. It is interesting to see their absence and how it affects each of them and the fact it bothers them so much.


Well, this is just as great as ever (although bloody hell Puff's mum was infuriating - that kind of attitude is not only wrong, it's downright counterproductive). Also, I've written a mini-review of sorts of both this and The Secret of Manehatten Mall over here.

I just read your mini review and I'd like to thank you for the praise. I'm not going to say people should read my stories, but it would be nice if they happened to get a little more attention. I get that people like A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing because a changeling story is probably more interesting to most people, but I do want to branch out into other territory with my writing. Don't want to be a one trick pony, so to speak.

Also, you mentioned editing issues. That's gonna bug me now because I want to know where they are so I can fix them.

Like I said in the review, it's only little things, and if you get into the story they're barely noticeable. I could have a look through for you though, if you want.

Oh boy Pinkie has Dash back with her. Dash will be upset and crazy jealous if she finds out even if Pinkie was not reciprocating.

It seems like those two are particularly close so I wonder how Dash is going to expain her sudden appearance and how is Pinkie going to take it.

Pinkie and Dash have a great dynamic here though they have a tension that I think Sugar is going to pick up on and probably will act on it too.


I don't see why Pinkie should apologize for anything. This is all Rainbow's fault. She's a distraction Pinkie doesn't need right now.


Perhaps not but many times doing so helps the process along better such as in this case. Is your pride of being right more important than getting your life on track with your friendship restored?


5932564 No, but isn't friendship more important than RAINBOW'S pride?


Of course but clearly Dash was too caught up at the time in her hurt feelings to figure that out at the time. If you are the person that figures out that you can help speed along the healing process by doing what Pinkie did then it helps. Waiting for somebody else to do it just prolongs the problem if you know you can fix it. Pinkie saw an opportunity to fix it and took the initiative. Dash had not gotten to that point yet so Pinkie would have to wait a while for Dash to come to the same conclusion.

It was simply a case of Pinkie feeling responsible for upsetting Rainbow Dash, whether she was or not. That's why she apologized. Although Crimson Dawn's explanation works too.

However, you're conversation made me realize that Rainbow Dash never actually apologized to Pinkie. As a result, I've gone back and reworked their conversation a little bit. Hopefully it makes the reconciliation feel a little more natural. I may still go back and edit that last scene a little more at some point. Honestly, I wasn't entirely satisfied with how it turned out the first time. Don't you hate it when you have something in your head, but it comes out completely different when you put it on paper? That tends to happen to me a lot.

I never understand why there are so few comments on this excellent story. The whole scene between Ginger and Candy was just played perfectly.

I love the idea of not seeing what Dash and Pinkie did in the making of the food. It just makes the scene all the funnier.

Also a big lol for the eating of the pie bit.

Well the truth is out but will Pinkie continue on as she has or will things change over time?

This is actually the opposite of how I normally see this happening oddly. Normally I think Pinkie is the one attracted to Dash and then Dash not knowing what to do and here we have the opposite. Always fun to read something different.

I definitely feel like this issue is over between Dash and Pinkie (and I hope not too as you actually do have some cute/awesome moments together).

I also wonder what SUgar will do next. This isn't over and I am actually surprised that it came to a head this quickly. I thought that it was going to take longer than that and play with that more.

Can I just say I adore this story? Definitely one of my top fives you just do this slice of life/mixed with emotional strain so well! I really really really wish this was more popular because other people really deserve to be taken on a ride as awesome as this one.

Keep the hope alive Dash Pinkie may come around...you never know.

It will be fun to see how the cake competition will go. Pinkie is being really easy going about it for now but will she continue allowing herself to be pushed. Probably not or how will our new favorite Griffin learn anything? Dash will probably help this out too trying to get them to work together when Pinkie's attitude drives Gwen insane.

Lots of different plot threads going on right now. Pinkie has managed to get herself into complicated situations. Hopefully she and Dashie wil l figure things out.

Another really good chapter. I also notice that it is not over yet which is even more awesome. It is nice to see Pinkie sort of reciprocating Dash's interest even if she still is insisting that she does not like mares (though it does not seem clear to me that she actually does not like mares or that she has not really considered it before at all and so is having a hard time dealing with the situation) though I hope she is not just accidentally leading Dash on. That would be a bit sad. I of course still hope that Pinkie decides to give it a shot but we will have to see. It is looking better now than ever so that keeps me interested.

It is to bad Pinkie is now out but it was very compassionate of her to take the fall for Gwen. I can also really seeing her doing that as well. Makes you wonder what other changes are in store. I kind of hope Gwen comes to Ponyville after she graduates and bakes a cake for Celestia just like they were going to as a sort if redemption and cementing of their friendship.

Can't wait to read more.

Been reading this since yesterday--just pausing to say how much I really enjoy this. Good thing I caught this delisious fic when you updated! Also, with three years of French class under my belt, I can understand everything, despite my foggy memories :rainbowkiss: Just wanted to say great job :heart: And now, on to the next chapter...

LAUGHED TILL TEARS WERE STREAMING DOWN MY FACE!!! WHOOOOOO XD But seriously, that's something Pinkie should report :rainbowderp: And suddenly Rainbow Dash!


While I'm not crazy about the idea of RD and Pinkie being together, I'm excited about how Gwen and Pinkie will get along now.

I really enjoyed the story. I was kind of surprised that the story is over but even so I really liked it.

I am still really sad that Dash and Pinkie never did get together but I guess you can't win them all.

I kept thinking that Piinkie was going to give it a shot with folks like Maud's conversation that just kept bringing it up.

Also the kind of day where the sun causes glare on the television no matter what time it is, so you may as well be outside anyway.

This is one of the things that makes this story so good. That creepy level of relatability. It's all over this story, and it makes it so much easier to get into.

Ah, so Gwen was asserting her dominance this whole time! That explains it!:twilightsmile:

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