• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
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Coronet the lesser

"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." ~Gene Fowler


Tirek is imprisoned once more. Left for eternal imprisonment, to rot for his cruel deeds committed during his brief escape. Now Tirek can only dream of what may have been had he succeeded. With an eternity to think over his actions, he is surprised when he is subjected to a visit from a being he had long thought had forgotten him.

Edited by: jeray2000

*Just something I wrote during a day I had no internet. Kind of came out of nothing really. I just wanted to do another villain story. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Tirek makes sense to prattle on about Might makes Right. I love how he was rambling on about how weak and illusory friendship is, how it's nothing compared to real power. For a moment it almost made sense...

... and then you remember who's in Tartarus and who's not.

4789578 You sir have just won. There is no other possible comment that could top your analysis of Tirek in this. I really wanted Tirek's view to make sense. Perhaps you could even relate to him.

But as you said it all comes down to who is free and who is a broken, disheveled and old mess. :pinkiehappy:

4789612 Thank you! Also added this to the Lord Tirek group.

Holy hell that was epic. You sir are an amazing writer and this really shows how far The Mighty Tirek has fallen.

Wow. That was awesome!

This is awesome, prodund, deep and wise

Meh, the ponies don't win because of friendship, they win because their opposition insists on doing stupid things and faffing about for no reason rather than keeping a laser focus on a swift and efficient victory.

For instance, had Tirek demanded to drain Twilight's alicorn magic before releasing her friends, then snapped her powerless neck and killed the rest of the group anyway, he would have won.

Very nice emotional piece, though. I enjoyed reading it. :twilightsmile:

4817907 That is true, but I've read somewhere that Tirek deliberately didn't kill anyone because he wished to dominate over everyone. Or in reality he is a pg villain. Heh

But I see your point. Tirek's arragoance was as much responsible for his defeat as was his inability to contain the elements. Like I've said Tirek is still a petulant and angry child obsessed by power. Which is ultimately one of his greatest weaknesses.

The only exception I can think of is Sombra, who generally acted very efficient and did everything he could to go for the throat the moment he got an opportunity. Other than that, all the villains have indulged in pointless antics rather than sensibly go for the jugular, starting from when Nightmare Moon decided to create random forest obstacles for the Mane Six rather than use her god-like powers to smite them to ash as soon as they proved to know too much.

Still, you'd think with the stakes being ultimate power or else eternal damnation a centaur would be a bit more careful to dispose of lose ends and potential threats, but I guess not.

4818219 absolute power can warp your perception of things. Tirek thought he had won and thought no one could stop him. He was oblivious to anything else. The rest of the villains all follow the same pattern really.

I'd say Sombra sort of dallied though. He was very slow in dealing with his enemies. I dunno maybe it's just a personal opinion. He could have been the best villain the show had. He just wasn't developed enough to warrant it.

And then of course there's Tirek's treatment of the three helpless princesses. As an escapee from Tatarus himself, you'd think he'd know better.

General Grievous demonstrates the proper response to a room full of helpless enemies:

Magnificent work! What can I say?
Actually, a few things. Let´s see...

The narration style was simply beautiful. What a precious example of the description of emotions and movement. There are stories in which the narrator simply tries to tell a story, but this is beyond that, this is true art. I simply can´t get enough of it. The details, the emotion... everything was perfect.
Tirek´s character was good. I love the portrayal of him being evil but maintain some good within, so faint it can barely be appreciated. Scorpan was an excellent character as well. I actually choked a little when he said that he missed Tirek.
The plot advances steady and in a perfect pace. Calm and collected, nothing can be said to happen abruptly breaking the immersion of the story.
Now, there are a few spelling errors; you should give this a second looks sometime in the future. But still, what a perfect piece.

5954303 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:

The Visitor is probably one of my favourite stories that I have written for this site despite that it wasn't as sucessful as I had hoped. Nonetheless, I feel that it is probably one of my better pieces that I absolutely adored writing at the time.

I had always thought that Tirek and Scorpan's relationship was more or less a dark mirror version of Celestia and Luna's, where in this case the younger sibling was in the right. Tirek himself, at least in my view, is so far gone with his own ambition that he can't see how far he has fallen. I still, as you say, think there is good in him but it is in itself far too weak to change him which is the real tragedy of the two's relationship.

I was suprised so few stories have taken on the relationship between them as I find it fascinating. I'll definately have a look over this in the future again. Thanks for the review, it's always fantastic to get feedback on some of my smaller works. :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Cheers for the favourite as well! :pinkiesmile:

he is surprised when he is subjugated to a visit from a being he had long thought had forgotten him.

I think you mean subjected.
A synonym of subjugated is enslaved.

I thought what I was doing was right

That's still betrayal. It doesn't matter whether you did it for the right reasons, it's still betrayal. That said, I completely agree that Scorpan was right to betray his brother(so long as he never made any actual Oaths to help him, I have a thing about that), but call it what it is.

“I had hoped you had changed,”

... I'm starting to think Tirek was right, Scorpan is an idiot. You want someone to change, you don't lock them up and leave them alone for over an millenia. You rehabilitate them. You need a therapist, treatment, psychologist, etc for that. Not just to isolate them from all contact. You do that if you want a raging lunatic or a rage-driven psychopath. In fact, I'm surprised that Tirek didn't just go mad. I think Sombra did go mad, Discord probably can't go mad, Nightmare Moon was already mad, Tirek didn't. He remained sane and driven for more than a thousand years. If anything, his confinement only burned away whatever compassion he had. But he was clearly still sane. Evil(or at least greedy), but sane.

“So power over others makes you strong?”

In a word? Literally? Absolutely. I'm tired of seeing the same "true courage", "true strength", bullshit everywhere. You wanna say "team work makes the team work"? Fine. I support you completely. But when you start applying words like "strength" and "courage" to your morality? F**k you and your bullshit.*

*To those whom it might concern, I apologize for my swearing, it's been a rather cynical day.

“You have never truly asked yourself why you failed, have you?” Scorpan felt renewed. A final assault against the barriers. He threw his body up and got closer. Tirek matched it by moving back. “Why you couldn’t win so long ago and why you still cannot win now.”

Because he couldn't anticipate the next bullshit that the creators would throw in because he had no way of knowing about what was happening in the private lives of the Mane 6.

4789578 and then you think about how "the purple one" actually did cheat. Then you deiced that there' s no dishonor in cheating when the good guys do it and move on. Seriously, the Mane 6 could get away with anything. They have previously preformed mind rape, and no one was mad.


"the purple one" actually did cheat.

Cheat? Please explain to me how she cheated. I wasn't aware they'd set down ground rules for Tirek's conquest of Equestria.

They have previously preformed mind rape, and no one was mad.

... wat. How can you even... the mental magic performed by them cannot even REMOTELY be equated to rape. For you to even consider that is just ludicrous and undermines how utterly horrible rape is. Did those people they'd 'mind raped' act like they'd been raped?

Also, this one other thing.

(so long as he never made any actual Oaths to help him, I have a thing about that)

I don't see why. If Scorpan made an oath to help Tirek take over Equestria, rip out the souls (I know, magic, but hyperbole is fun) of the ponies, then why would it suddenly be Scorpan in the wrong to realize 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't be tyrannical invaders to this peaceful nation who's done nothing to us? Bro? ... bro?'.

6138375 I never said I had anything against cheating, but the basic concept of fair play are generally that you don't involve god-trees. Secondly, if you don't like the Oaths you've made, you shouldn't have been stupid enough to say "I swear to help you drain the magic out of the peaceful country over there" And lastly, Twilight and Fluttershy have both violated the Free Will of others, taken away their right to chose for themselves. It is literally the worst crime imaginable, worse than rape, worse than murder, worse than anything. Twilight is worse than Fluttershy(she damned two entire species to slow death by starvation because she was afraid of disappointing the Princess and her friend was too stubborn to try another way), and she violated the free will of her entire town with her "want it, need it" spell. Fluttershy isn't as bad. She just sends waves of psychic terror through another's mind until they conform to her will, or somehow hacks into their nerves and forces their bodies to submit without their mind's consent(which could definitely result in "And I Must Scream"). Which is bad, but not as bad as mind control.


I wasn't expecting that to be so deep.

but it was unquestionable twhom

To Whom.

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