• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 2,231 Views, 109 Comments

Doctor Whooves: You Are Not Alone - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor goes to the coordinates Twilight gave him and finds himself in a place he shouldn't be, meeting an old enemy who should be long dead.

  • ...

A Bit of Decorum

The Doctor and the disguised companions made their way to Canterlot Castle.

The Doctor was growing more nervous. Applejack and the crusaders shouldn't be here. This was wrong. If the two Applejack's came in contact with each other....

No... That wasn't what was bothering him.

Part of him knew who he was going to meet when he got there, the other part couldn't believe it. He was dead. He made the choice to die. He could have easily regenerated but he decided that he wanted to stick it to the Doctor one last time. The Master was his past, no drudging it back.

But then there were Twilight's words. "Time Lord, you are not alone."

That was even the same wording as before. That couldn't be a coincidence.

But even if he was here, how? How could the Master be in this universe? Technically the Doctor wasn't in this universe, at least not the original one. Did the Master manifest in this universe the same way the Doctor did? Did this universe's version of the Master have a chance meeting with his counterpart? Or is it the original Master come here himself?

Whatever the answer was, he knew one thing. Something or someone was pushing him toward this meeting. Someone who had a vested interest in keeping him alive. The Doctor couldn't decide whether that comforted him or not.

They made their way into the main hall, where they were announced to the two princesses.

And then they were allowed to meet the "bride."

Applejack had explained everything on the way over. Princess Cadence was at this moment kidnapped and being held in a dungeon underneath the castle. The pony in front of them was an imposter. Chrysalis, the tyrant queen of the Changeling Hive. The Doctor swore to himself he wouldn't try to stop anything too early.

Of course that wouldn't stop him from having a little fun with her in the meantime.

"And you are...?" the false Cadence asked in a condescending tone.

"Oh," the Doctor let out a small laugh. "Forgive me, I am Time Turner. I'm an attendant to her grace, the Duchess Bright eyes."

"Charmed, I'm sure..." She held out her hoof for Applejack to kiss.

At first the Doctor thought AJ was going to punch her, but she composed herself and played along.

"Forgive me," Chrysalis said. "But you don't seem like the Duchess type..."

"Oh, I wouldn't mind that," the Doctor said without missing a beat. "On a day like to day, nothing's as it seems!"

The false Cadence started to look very very nervous. "Um... Right."

"I don't mind telling you, the Duchess and I do love weddings!" the Doctor said boisterously. "The love in the air is so thick you can taste it! Almost feed on it!"

Chrysalis was starting to look trapped. "Yes... Yes of course..."

"Why I'd say that too much could even BLOW you clear across Equestria!" That got Applejack to stifle a laugh, which may have blown their cover if a stallion hadn't entered the room at that very moment.

"Would you?" he said smugly. "That's an interesting turn of phrase. I like it. It fits with your attitude I think."

"Ah!" Chrysalis looked as if she had been rescued. "Time Turner, Duchess Bright Eyes, this is Decorum. He's my attendant."

"Delighted," Decorum smiled.

The Doctor's jaw dropped. This was it. He couldn't doubt it any more. But how? How did he get here.

"I'm particularly glad to meet you Time Turner," Decorum smiled. "It's good see another humble servant. A kindred spirit! Someone you can share your wells and woes with. Yes, I think whether you're king or commoner...

"It's good to know you're not alone."

Decorum shot the Doctor an evil grin. The Doctor managed to keep his composure however. "My thoughts exactly. As a matter of fact I think we shouldn't keep these ladies busy any longer! I think this castle has a wine cellar and let them get on with their duties and have a little drink. What do you say?"

"Sounds perfect!" Decorum smiled.

Applejack shook her head, begging the Doctor not to leave her with Chrysalis.

"I'm afraid I can't stay," Chrysalis smiled. "I'm meeting my future sister in law. The guards will show you to your room, Duchess."

Applejack let out a sigh of relief.

"You used to foalsit for the groom's sister, didn't you princess?" the Doctor let out a sly grin. "How did that amusing little hoofshake go? Sunshine, sunshine..."

Chrysalis very quickly made her way out of the room.

"Your Grace?" the Doctor called to AJ as she was being led to her room. "When you and the children get to the room, feel free to let your hair down. I'll be up later with some business to take care of, alright?"

Applejack suddenly realized something. "Uh... Time Turner? Where are the fillies?"

The Doctor was suddenly horrified. He hadn't seen the Crusaders since he got to the castle. "Ah... I'm sure they're just getting themselves into a little mischief. I'll find them and bring them to you when the time comes."

"Yes, yes," Decorum said happily. "I'm sure they're fine. In the meantime, Turner. We have much to discuss."

Decorum led the Doctor to the wine cellar.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders burst into the TARDIS throwing of their perception filters as they came in.

"Alright," Apple Bloom said. "I think I can do this. I've been watchin' real close and I think I have the basic idea on how to fly this thing now!"

"It's a good thing the Doctor gave us a key!" Scootaloo smiled.

"Why are we doing this again?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo said. "A lot of problems that we've run into can be solved if the Doctor had the TARDIS closer to the action! He's always cut off from it. So we're gonna move it into the castle so the Doctor can get to it when he needs it."

"Why didn't we ask the Doctor to do this?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"This is more fun!" Apple Bloom said as she flipped the switch and got the TARDIS moving again.

After a very bumpy ride they finally materialized.

They walked out of the door and noticed their surroundings. "See? This is the castle wine cellar! Told you I'd get us here!" Apple Bloom said smugly.

They heard two voices coming from up the stairs. One of them belonged to the Doctor.

"Quick, hide!" said Scootaloo.

"The wine is down here," Decorum smiled. "I feel that this is a good place to talk."

"Agreed," the Doctor smiled.

Decorum selected a wine and poured it into glasses. "You really could have been more subtle than that, Doctor."

The Doctor closed his eyes.

"All of those veiled insults and hints," Decorum smiled. "Chrysalis is an idiot, she didn't catch them. I did. You're getting rusty. I'm beginning to think that without me to temper you, you'll get rusty. We wouldn't want that, would we?"

The Doctor smiled and excepted the glass. "Thanks. How do I know this isn't poisoned?"

"Doctor," Decorum smiled. "You insult me."

Decorum was enveloped in blood red flame. When the fire died down, the visage of a red-eyed Changeling stood before the Doctor.

"I wouldn't do anything as inelegant." The Master raised the glass.


Author's Note:

I'mma have some FUN with next chapter. I love writing the whole Red Dragon/Dark Knight, Villain Hero Dialogue!!:rainbowkiss:

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