• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th

Parallel Black

Bad crossovers are born from the corpses of good characters. Don't be a murderer, kids


For years she has watched them; the ponies. They live and play, cry and die. All of this her mother taught her, all of this she was shown first-hoof. Now, Cuddlhu has come of age and is able to fully interact with her surroundings and the individuals beyond. With the addition of a disguise, indistinguishable to the form of a real pony, Cuddlhu can start living a fuller life than her nature would normally allow.

Her secret is a big one, and yet it’s only skin-deep. Little does Cuddlhu realize, she isn't the only thing in Ponyville with a few surprises up her sleeves.


Set in season 1.
Inspired by a picture I saw on Derpibooru. I'm sorry, but there will be no clop in this story. This thing is at once exactly what it sounds like, and not at all what is sounds like. By which I mean the tentacle have feelings too, stop running away and let them hug you.

Edited by the lovely Eldorado!
Pre-read by the also-lovely Shimmering Stallion!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 55 )

Five years... Pinkie must feel awful, having not notice a new pony in Ponyville... you'd think she'd notice the shack once or twice, even if it IS on the edge of town.

Pinkie's got five years worth of parties to make up for!

Oh god, you're right. She will be adding up all the parties that she's missed. All to make the incoming super-party even more ridiculously terrifying for poor, introverted Cuddlhu, I guess :P

La! La! Cuddlhu fhtagn!

5024990 Her small and dark shed is going to be PACKED with ponies that don't know who she really is... Quilliam never warned her about "The Pink One".

They WILL find out about her secret... if even ONE finds out, that party's gonna go haywire, and her poor garden's going to be absolutely trampled.

... Enjoy the chaos! :pinkiecrazy:

Well, a party is now unavoidable, this will be fun.

I'm sorry, but there will be no clop in this story

Darn... :pinkiesad2:

5025553 I know... I know... it's okay, Abby. It's still got my seal of approval on it, and clop is being made on Derpibooru... In the meantime, get to work making some clop for it!

What the fuck Parallel? REALLY? I can't, I don't. I can't even. I can't odd.

5026885 I know, I know, no clop is a bit of a downer.

I kid. Don't be afraid of the tentacle pony, Kazi, she won't eat, kill or tentacle rape you. I know you're used to more tame stuff from me, but if you read this one, go in with the mindset that it's a perfectly normal story, because that's exactly what it is. The only difference is that it has a very odd main character. I love doing this sort of thing.

Well that was weird, and cool, and I really liked it. :pinkiehappy:

You need to add a link to the picture this is based on, though. I can't find the source at all. :twilightoops:

You are probably using a filter that hides the tag questionable. But a link should work anyway so here you go: https://derpiboo.ru/710658

Okay, thank you. I just didn't know what to search for.

That was incredibly amusing, hope it continues. Also, tentacle monsters of the non-rapey variety are my favorites.:pinkiesmile:

5029491 The comedy shall continue. Next chapter is a little bit dull on that ides of things in my opinion, but judging how chapter 5 is going right now... I won't have to worry about a thing :rainbowkiss:

5030029 I laughed out loud when I saw this. Perfect reaction there XD

This is the cutest tentacle horror I have ever run across. And I have run across a lot of cute tentacle horrors.

5032678 Thanks to you, tentacle horrors are now known for their odd fascination with small, furry rodents. Now you can feel proud knowing there's an incoming scene where Fluttershy's showing Cuddlhu around the meadow, and all the Cephalopony can focus on is the beautiful - and possibly delicious, who knows - white ferret following her wherever she goes.


noooo how will I ever cope with this turn of events

She's a lot more fragile than I imagined.

It's so terribly sad when someone wants to be something else. It makes me want to comfort her and assure her that she can be as much a pony as anypony else. (And read more chapters :rainbowkiss:)

I love this idea, and the writing is nice! I really look forward to more ^.^

Yep. You ever seen a slug all dried up in the middle of a path, with a tiny pool of slime surrounding it? That would be Cuddlhu if she left the suit for too long.

Thanks a lot! And more is definitely on the way. Chapter 5 is around half way done so far.

Dude why doesn't this have more likes? I love this!

Unless that's intentional, you misspelled your chapter title. It should be "visibility". Titles are one of the areas you least want spelling errors.

5150781 ... Woopsie, that is indeed a mistake on my part. Thank you very much for pointing it out :yay:

Oh my god, Parallel. This is so adorable. Keep it up!

This is a fun and surprisingly adorable story. I look forward to more.

Glad to hear it, both of you :twilightsheepish: Next chapter is almost done. I promise.

He let out a short-lived laugh. “Yes, that’s… interesting, but that’s not what I meant. I’m asking why it looks as though you skinned a pony and then turned their body into that suit.”

Cuddlhu frowned, as if not understanding what Margrave had just said. “Does that… count as an injury?”

“Yes. It does.” Margrave barely even noticed that he was sliding into pose, ready to tackle the creature to the ground if she gave the wrong answer.

Cuddlhu zipped herself back up. “Then no. I didn’t hurt anyone,” she answered.

that didn't answer his question!

“Yay!” Cuddlhu cried, clapping her hooves together in joy.

My god thats too cute!

5340944 I can't get the image out of my head of Cuddlhu trying to follow the paper as it's pulled away from her pen. These things need to be drawn.


Now I want moooaaar :c

5684134 Don't worry. Someday I'll come back to this :)

5689438 so should it be marked as on hiatus if your're not working on it right now?

5787177 Sorry about that. I'd totally forgotten that I hadn't done that.

Jesus this is getting too cute.

Gotta love the change in the mythos from evil to cuddles.:trixieshiftright:

Damn girl can run

Gotta love the merry-go-round game :moustache:

This should totally be updated in the nere future :pinkiehappy:

I want more, but it's marked as canceled...

If you can't continue this story, could you re-make it? Take the basic idea and re-work it into something new? Take a different path, etc.

Aha. You are correct, actually. That's exactly what I plan on doing at some point down the line, after Window Shopping reaches a certain point.

If you decide to rewrite this one at some point in the future, I would definitely read it, since this was tentacularly cute :twilightsmile:

No, turnips aren't that great at relieving itchiness. However, it can promote healthy skin and hair.

Well at least she's not carnivorous of ponies...

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