• Published 28th Apr 2018
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Pray, Hope and Wander - Flashgen

The investigation into the disappearance of the citizenship of Ponyville nears an end, as those involved desperately look for answers.

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Session 05 - Lantern - April 28th

Transcription of Session 05: Lantern, Assistant Investigator
Date: April 28th
Time: 8:22 a.m.
Interviewer: Doctor Blue Sky, PhD

Lantern seemed in fine spirits before our meeting. I’m unsure if he’s been made aware of others in the camp having similar dreams to his, but after getting some food and coming to my tent for a session, his attitude was still positive. I noticed that he hadn’t brought anything with him, despite my request for a journal.

Blue Sky (BS): Good morning, Lantern. Could you state your name and role for the record again?

Lantern (L): Of course, Doctor. Lantern, assistant investigator to Miss Vines.

BS: Thank you. I see you’re looking well this morning, did you have a productive night?

L: No, not particularly, but I did sleep well during the day.

BS: That’s good to hear. I asked you at the end of our last session about keeping a dream journal. I see you didn’t bring anything today.

L: I left it at my tent, Doctor. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to share, it just didn’t seem important.

BS: Do you recall it? I assume you wrote it down, at the least?

L: I did, yes. It wasn’t anything interesting for most of the night, not anything that I could remember after waking up, but there was something.

Lantern’s face had changed, back to that look of uncertainty as he stared down at his hooves.

L: It was the Town Hall, again.

BS: Were you inside or outside? Are there any details that stood out?

L: Outside, and… it was here.

Lantern looked back up at me and continued before I could question what he meant.

L: I could see the tents, the lights we strung up around town, and the stars. It wasn’t whatever they wrote about.

BS: So, you dreamt about the investigation then, and what’s been happening?

L: No, I don’t think it was, but… I felt like I was being watched, even as I was in the air somehow, looking down at the town. The next thing I knew, I was inside. I’ve only been there once, to help Pendant with some cataloging, but it was the mayor’s office.

BS: Was there anything you heard or felt that stuck out?

Lantern looked down at his hooves for a long while, silent.

BS: Lantern, whatever it is, you can tell me.

L: There were hoofsteps and a thud. I didn’t see anything move or change.

BS: You’re certain, Lantern?

L: Yes, that’s when I woke up. It was around nine or so, last night. I’d overslept and had to write it down quickly, but that’s what I remember.

He looked up at me and then glanced to the entrance of the tent.

L: I reported late to Miss Vines and started looking over some books she requested, but I went to Town Hall, past the curfew.

Miss Vines had informed me that no one was allowed outside the camps on the edge of town after dark, except for a set of rotating perimeter guards.

BS: What did you find, Lantern?

L: Nothing. I thought the dream meant something, that there was something there, but it was just the same as it was when we arrived. Pendant made sure everything was put back in its place whenever anyone was done examining it.

BS: Like I said in our first session, Lantern, what you tell me here is confidential, to a degree. Your actions, while breaking Miss Vines’ protocol, aren’t enough to warrant my reporting of them. That curiosity paints them in a different light, and you obviously have regret about it.

Lantern nodded.

L: I thought I’d find something.

BS: Lantern, Miss Vines told me yesterday about how she feels in this investigation. You, her, several of your colleagues, all seem to harbor the same want to uncover what’s happened here.

It is worth noting here that Miss Vines had approved my requisition for a set of herbs which helped induce deeper sleep the night prior, and I was aware of their impending arrival that morning.

BS: I… think there may be something to your dreams. Others in this camp have had similar ones, following yours. I know that you’ve kept them a secret as well.

The realization of what I had to say slowly dawned on Lantern’s face, but he kept silent.

BS: Even ponies that had never known Solace described his face. I think you’re of sound mind, Lantern. The stress of what you experienced has been getting to you and what I’m about to suggest may not help in that matter. I spoke to Miss Vines and requested a mixture of particular medicinal herbs, potent ones. One of my professional peers believes it can induce more vivid dreams, and a deeper sleep. You’ve not had these particular dreams that worried you since you started sleeping during the day, but I wonder if this medicine I requested could induce them.

Lantern looked down as I spoke, and I began to question why I brought this to his attention. I am not a member of this team, nor should I influence this investigation’s outcome or course.

BS: They should arrive in an hour or so. Would you consent to taking them?

L: If it will help others, or brings something to light, I’ll take them.

BS: You must be absolutely sure, Lantern. Miss Vines stressed how much of a burden this might end up being, and how poorly you felt after first experiencing them.

L: I know, Doctor, but they have to mean something. I can’t hide from it.

Lantern received his medication an hour later and went to sleep.