• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,118 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

A Whole New World

Chapter ll
A Whole New World

Sora started to regain consciousness after his encounter. He opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. He had a feeling as if he was floating in a sea of darkness, just letting the tides move him. It felt..... rather relaxing. He then heard a faint voice say his name.

" Sora,"

Sora started to sporadically move inside of the darkness trying to see who it was talking to him. It wasn't the same voice from before,no, this voice was more soothing to hear.

"Don't be afraid, Keyblader, for you are the light that shines upon this world."

As the voice said this, darkness started crawling onto Sora and overtaking him.

"You must fight the darkness and show them how bright your light shines."

The darkness was creeping closer and closer.

"Sora, you are the key."

With that being said a flash of light illuminated the entire area and Sora closed his eyes to shield them from the light.


Sora slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a bed that was not his. The bed sheets were covered in pictures of butterflies. Sora started to look around the area seeing that he was in an unfamiliar place. Then, he stopped as he saw a pair of cyan eyes looking at him. He instantly started fumbling with the bed sheets trying to get them off but ended falling on the floor.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to startle you, I was just trying to see if you were feeling better, I know it's really not any of my business but, um, I'll just be going now, I didn't mean to cause any trouble," a young girl said as she started heading back down stairs.

"Hey, wait," Sora said making Fluttershy jump at the words. "You didn't cause any trouble at all," Sora said with a slight giggle." "You shouldn't feel bad about coming to check up on someone." "In fact, it makes me happy that I have a friend like you who would do something so kind," Sora said with a smile. Fluttershy was surprised that this person that she barely knew called her those nice things and the fact that he sees her as a friend when they've barely even met. "A...friend,me?" "but we just met, we barely even know each other," Fluttershy said while rubbing her arm and looking at the floor. "Well, why don't we start," Sora said as he got up and walked to the girl. "Hi, my name's Sora," he said while pounding a fist to his chest. "And your name is?" Fluttershy looked up at him and began to tell him her name. "My name is Fluttershy.

"What was that," Sora asked as he could barely hear the girl. "It's Fluttershy."
"Fluttershy,I'll remember that." "Well Fluttershy if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me where I am exactly?"
"Oh, well your in my cottage." "I live on the outskirts of Ponyville so that I can tend to the animals that live in the forest."
Sora looked at her in amazement. "Wait, you take care of all the the animals in the forest?" "That's so cool."
Fluttershy started to blush as a smile started to appear on her face. "It's nothing really, I mean it is what my cutie mark tells me that I'm best at."
"Cutie Mark?" Sora asked. "What's a cutie mark?"
"You don't know what a cutie mark is?" Sora moved his head from in disagreement.
"Well, a cutie mark is a special mark that shows the special talent that someone has."
"That's pretty cool, so what's your cutie mark like?" Sora asked. Fluttershy immediately blushed.
"I...really don't like showing people my cutie mark."
"Come on, I really wanna see Fluttershy please?" Sora pleaded to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy was then interrupted by a bang at her window. She walks over to it to find what could have made that noise. Fluttershy opens the window and looks out and sees Rainbow Dash flying right in front of her. Rainbow then greeted Fluttershy as she flew in the room.

"Hey Fluttershy, I just came to check and see how things were going with the new gu-" Rainbow then stopped in her tracks as she spotted Sora out of his bed.

"Wait...YOUR ALIVE?!" Rainbow said to Sora.
"Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Sora said as he put his hands behind his head.
"Well, you kinda fell out of the sky last night, and hit the ground full force."
"Woah woah woah, I fell out the sky?"
"You were like a comet, you left a crater in the ground!"
"Wow, that sounds so.........Awesome!"
"I know, that's what I said!" Rainbow said with so much enthusiastic force.
"Um, Rainbow," Fluttershy timidly spoke. "You were trying to tell me something remember?"
"Oh, right,sorry about that Fluttershy." "I was just coming to see how things were going with the new guy and Twilight said to go meet her and tell how he was doing so that she could tell Princess Celestia about it." Rainbow then turns towards Sora. "And it seems like you're all better to me."

"But, we should still go see Twilight and find out what she thinks about it." Fluttershy suggested.
"Sigh, fine, but I'm telling you he's all better." "Hey new guy, are you ready to go?"
"I guess so but....wait," Sora started patting his body all over him and looking over his shoulders. "Where's my jacket?" he started feeling around his neck and noticed that something else was missing. "Where's my necklace?!"
"Relax, dude," Rainbow said. "Last time I checked, Rarity had them, she said something about 'a new fashion discovery' or something."
"Can you tell me where she is?"
"She's not that far from Twilight so we'll stop there to get your things first if it's that important."
"Well lets get going then," Sora said to the two girls.
All three then exited the cottage and started walking towards the small town of Ponyville.

Off in the distance, far enough where no one could spot him, stood a person in a black coat with the face being covered by a hood.
"So, the key blade wielder is here. "This will prove to be more challenging than I thought." "In a world where friendship is the magic that trumps all others." "The light in this world is naturally stronger than any other, plus with Sora and the keyblade here, this light will be more powerful than I'd imagined." "For now, I'll stay hidden." The hooded figure snapped his fingers and a portal of darkened opened up. "No matter what it takes, this light will be destroyed." The hooded figure then enters the dark portal as it closes behind him.

We now return to Sora, Rainbow, and Fluttershy as they enter the main area of Ponyville.

"So this is Ponyville," Sora said as he looked around the small town and was surprised how the liveliness of Ponyville did not match a regular town. On every road in every corner there were people doing something with a happy expressions on their faces.

"Yep, welcome to Ponyville, Home of The Elements of Harmony." Rainbow said to Sora with a proud expression.

"The Elements of Harmony?" "What's that?"

"They're not just a what spiky," Rainbow quickly told Sora.

"Spiky?" "Did she mean my hair?" "My hair's not that spiky," Sora thought to himself.

"The Elements of Harmony are the most powerful artifacts in Equestria!"

"They keep peace and order and banish all evil that they see."

"Only the chosen few can actually wield the Elements themselves, for they are the living examples of the elements themselves."

"Woah," Sora said in amazement. "How do you know so much about them?"

Rainbow then grinned. "Well, maybe it's because I'm-" Rainbow was suddenly halted as a pink blur ran right past her and Fluttershy and leaped onto Sora forcefully knocking him to the ground.

"Ow, what was that about?" Sora said as he looked to the girl that was laying on top of him in his downed position.

GASSSSSSSPPPPP "You're ALIVE?!, I can't believe it because the last time I saw you were in a crater and you had fallen from the sky, I told everyone that there was someone crash landing from a meteor shower but they wouldn't believe me, ME, Pinkie Pie, of all people, so anyway since you're feeling better why not come to the SugarCube Corner and get something to eat?"
Sora was at a lost of words as he was bombarded with statement after statement from this girl who was named Pinkie Pie. After a few seconds Sora gave her an answer.

"Uhhhhhh, Pinkie Pie was it?" Pinkie Pie nods her head up and down. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think that this is really a good time and plus I'm really not that hungry-" Sora was then interrupted as his stomach had growled, destroying the excuse that he tried to use.

"Not hungry huh?" Pinkie said sarcastically as Sora chuckled nervously. "Well", Pinkie Pie said as she started to get off of Sora, "Even if you don't want anything to eat from the best bakery in Equestria, you can at least meet Mr and Mrs. Cake first."

"Sure, I can do that," Sora said.

"Great! Then let's go!" Pinkie then grabbed Sora's hand and started to pull him towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Geez, that girl just won't take no for an answer huh Fluttershy," Rainbow said.

"That's Pinkie Pie for you." Fluttershy said.

"Hmph, I guess so." "Well, no point in going on to Rarity's without Sora so I guess we're going to Sugarcube Corner too."

Rainbow and Fluttershy both start walking to Sugarcube Corner and couldn't help but to laugh at how Pinkie was forcefully pulling Sora urging him to hurry up.

"We're here!" Pinkie said excitedly to Sora.

"So this is SugarCube Corner?" Sora said as he continued to admire how the building was shaped like a gingerbread house.

"Just wait until you see inside," Pinkie said as she led Sora through the doors and into the bakery. As soon as he walked inside the smell of sugary sweets hit Sora in the head like a ton of bricks. Pies in this section, cakes in the other, and many more desserts that one could name in the back.

"Woah, look at all these sweets."

"So, what do you think?"

"It's incredible."

"Well you have no one else to thank but the mastermind behind it all," Pinkie Pie said. She then went to the front counter and rang the dining bell that was sitting on top of it asking for assistance. Out the kitchen door came a short,chubby women wearing a pink apron and had pink swirly hair.

"Hey Mrs. Cake!"

"Oh, hey Pinkie Pie, what brings you here,this is your off day."

"I know, I know, but I just wanted to show our new guest the most amazing baker in Equestria."

"Pinkie, you flatter me." She then turns to look at Sora with a warm smile. "And you are?"

"My name's Sora, pleased to meet you."

"Likewise." Mrs.Cake said. "So, Pinkie Pie told me that you were in a hurry."

"When did she tell her that?" "Yeah, I really need to get a few items back."

"I understand but before you go, you just have to try our one of a kind sapphire cupcake."

"A sapphire cupcake?"

"That's right, a cupcake made with the finest sapphire gems," Mrs. Cake said as she handed one to Sora. "You just have to try it."

"I guess I have no choice, I don't want to look like a jerk in front of someone I just met." "Sure, I'll try it."

Sora then eats the cupcake and felt the taste of the cupcake surround his tongue in a soothing array of flavor and taste.

"Well, whatcha think?" Pinkie said.

"It......it's.......AMAZING!" "You really are the best baker in Equestria." Mrs.Cake started to blush from the compliment.

Sora and friends then proceeded out of the shop,waved bye to Mrs.cake, and soon arrived at Rarity's boutique.

"Well,this is it,Rarity's boutique," Rainbow said.

"So, my stuff is in their?" Sora asked. Everyone agreed with a nod. "Ok then, this should be easy enough." Sora went up to the door and knocked on it a few times. a few seconds passed and he proceeded to knock on it again. As he was getting ready to knock he heard the doorknob turn. The door to the store opened and standing in the way was a beautiful girl with sapphires for eyes and long purple hair with curls at the end that was wearing a white bathrobe with yellow accents around the edges.


The opening of a bedroom marked the exit of a gorgeous girl, with a white robe tied around her slender frame. After a long night of working and only a few hours of sleep, she decided to skip breakfast and let the feeling of hot water on her body take up her morning.

Now refreshed, she starts to go downstairs and stops to look at the object that made her stay up so late.

Rarity always considered herself a fashionista, and always knew what would and wouldn't be in style this season or the next. But, in all her years of fashion, she never saw anything quite like the clothing that was laying at her desk.

The item was simple in fact. A jacket, jet black in color with white outlining around the bottom and zippers, and around the shoulders were metallic silver like cloth that closely resemble pauldrons, which gave it a knightly sense. Attached to the hood were two yellow buckles which was so daring and unordinary that it could just work on the right person.

Fixing the outfit hardly took anytime, but having never seen an outfit such as this before, one just couldn't let their inspiration sit , they had to let move. Rarity had to know.

As she continued to walk downstair she heard a knock at the door. She probably thought it was Fluttershy, seeing that she was the one who saw Rarity put it into her own hands to fix the jacket. She couldn't wait to show her friend the work and inspiration that it brought her and quickly opened the door. She was surprised to see that it was not her friend at the door, but a boy that she had never seen before. Slightly shorter than the male, she couldn't help but notice that she was staring at his chest. She noticed that he was slender than most men in Equestria but still held more physique than his body led to believe. She looked up to see the face of this stranger. His ocean blue eyes met her sapphire ones . She watched as a calming breeze passed gently through his spiky brown hair. As she was staring at his face she was at a lost for words, for even though she could that the boy was close to her age, she could tell that he still held much of his childhood with his features.

Both teenagers stared directly into each others eyes for what seemed like forever until Rarity was finally able to snap out of it and greet the stranger but her eyes quickly went wide into shock and wide into embarrassment as she looked down at herself.

She was still in her bath robes!

Rarity quickly slammed the door leaving behind a puzzled Sora. Sora looked back behind him for confirmation from the girls but to no avail.

"Is that an every day thing around here?" Sora asked the girls.

"Eh, more or less," Rainbow shrugged.

Sora then looked back at the door and saw it being enveloped by a light blue aura. The door then magically swung open and revealed the inner layer of the shop. Sora looked left and right and stopped at the stairs of the store as he saw a dainty little hand with a diamond bracelet laid upon it on the rail of the stairs. The owner of said hand quickly followed suit. A blue and white striped sweater which clung to her body ever so gently seems to accent her beautiful sapphire eyes and her gorgeous long purple hair. A pair of white short shorts wrapped around her slender waist which showed off her lovely legs. She then proceeded to walk down the stairs ever so elegantly in her fashionable white boots as Sora saw her looking at him with her bedroom eyes. Sora couldn't help but notice how her hips were pumping ever so gracefully as she got closer down the stairs. He also couldn't help but notice the three diamond cutie mark that happened to be placed on her thigh.

"This girl is a goddess," Sora said to himself. Sora was broken from his inner thoughts as he heard a voice as smooth as silk. "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and oh so magnifique."

Rarity had failed to notice the three other girls that were beside Sora. "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie?"

"Hey Rarity," Rainbow said waving to the fashionista. "You kinda closed the door on him a few seconds ago."

Rarity turned to the guy in question and blushed with embarrassment. "I'm terribly sorry dear, you see I was working all night on this outfit that I happened to stumble upon, and I suppose I overslept resulting in what you saw a few seconds ago." "I hope you can forgive me."

Sora then smiled a bright grin at her which sent her cheeks blushing brighter than ever before. "Hey, Hakuna Matata."

"Hakuna Mawhata?" Rainbow dash said.

"Hakuna Matata, it means no worries," Sora extended his hand to the outfit that she was working on. "I believe that jacket belongs to me."

Rarity had a puzzled look on her face. "So you're the mysterious person that fell from the sky?"

"That's right."

"I must say, no one has dared to mention how handsome you are." "Trying to keep him all to ourselves girls?" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy started blushing from the accusation.
Rainbow: “NO! What!?! I have no idea what you're talking about!”
Fluttershy:"No,you have the wrong idea, I wasn't trying to... I mean I'm not saying that no one would but, um....oh my." Pinkie Pie just laughed at how the other girls were reacting.

Rarity trying to stifle her giggling from escaping her lips. "Now, now girls, I'm only teasing." She then turned to face Sora. "My name is Rarity, or Miss Rarity if you would prefer." "Now, about your outfit...."

"Oh yeah! So....Rarity, right?" She nodded to answer his question. "You're the one that fixed my outfit for me?"

"That's correct."

"So, it sounds like you've already heard about me?" Sora said as he put his hands behind his head.

Rarity waved a perfectly manicured hand. "Well who wouldn't have with an appearance as grand as yours?" "Now just give me a few seconds while I go fetch your belongings." Rarity turned to go get Sora's items when she turned back around with a questionable expression on her face. "Pardon me dear, but I never got your name."

"I'm Sora."

"Sora...." coming from her he could have sworn that it sounded more like a lovely coo. "My, My what an exotic name." "Just give me one moment to get your things Sora." Rarity turned around and made her way to the clothes. Sora's eyes went wide as he could clearly see her hips swishing left and right with each step, and he just couldn't stop watching. The whole scene was rather voluptuous. Sora stopped watching as Rarity turned around and gave him his jacket and necklace back. "Here you go Sora," I hope everything is to your liking."

"Thank you Rarity," Sora then slid on his jacket and put his necklace back around his neck. "That's better."

"Well, now that that's out of the way, I can get started on my "project" now." Pinkie said as she zipped out of the boutique with a big smile on her face.

"What did she mean by that?" Sora asked.

All three of the girls started to giggle. "Trust me,you'll know what she means in a few hours," Rainbow said.

"O......k?" "So, now we're going to Twilight, right?"

"Yep, we'll take you to Twilight, tell her you're better and get on with the rest of the day."

"Then let's get going."

"Mind if I come with Sora?" Rarity said getting closer to Sora.

"Not at all," Sora said with a smile.

"I.....think I'll go back home you guys, I have to go and feed the animals." Fluttershy told her friends.

"Are you coming tonight to Pinkie's "Project" then Fluttershy?" Rainbow said.


"Great, we'll see you then."

"Ok, bye you guys,"

"Bye Fluttershy." all three of them said in unison.

"Twilight's house, this way." Rainbow said to Sora.

"Lead the way."

"I must say, that jacket looks quite divine on you Sora," Rarity said. "It really suits you."

"Oh, thanks Rarity, I don't normally get compliments on it that much." Sora now mimicking Rarity. "But I must say, that your outfit is anything but extraordinary."

"Oh, please you flatter me," Rarity said waving her hand." But nothing stands out more than your hair."

"Your stands out more compared to mine Rarity." "I find it better."


"This is gonna be a long walk," Rainbow groaned under her breath.


A few hours pass as the trio of friends walk out of Twilight's Library with Twilight and Spike right behind them.

"Well, that didn't take forever," Rainbow said to the group as they were leaving.

"But it's almost sundown." Sora said.

"I was being sarcastic."

"I still don't understand how you were able to survive that crash." Twilight said. "How did you even get up there?"

"I, would also like to know how Sora," Rarity said.

"Well, the last thing I remember is that I was having a weird dream and in the dream there was this-"

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt this amazing story about some guys dream but we have to get to the Applejack's place." Rainbow said impatiently.

"Ok,ok, I'll ask later."Twilight said.

"Don't have to be so rude." Rarity said.

"I still don't know what's going on," Sora said.

"Just roll with the punches and you'll be fine, now come one let's go," Rainbow said as she grabbed his arm and started moving faster with each step.

The group eventually arrives at a farm and by this time the sun was now setting. They walk up to a large barn door and Rainbow puts her hand in front of Sora. "Wait right here." Rainbow went inside the barn where it was complete darkness inside. "Ok, you can come inside." Sora then start to walk inside feeling more nervous with each step. "Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow,Spike,where did you go?" Sora whispered to himself.

Then a pair of stage lights flashed on causing Sora to shield them. As his eyes adjusted, he saw something standing inside the stage light. It was wearing a black loin cloth that revealed both legs up onto the thigh. He could tell it was the body of a girl. She was also wearing a black top that showed off her front and back and it revealed most of her body. Sora was dumbfounded as he saw this pretty girl in this outfit. He then looks at her face and hair and notices familiar looking swirly pink hair. "Wait, Pinkie?!" Sora said with his mouth hanging wide open.
She clapped her hands and music started as she was getting ready to sing.

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase.
Hakuna Matata. Ain't no passing craze.....!
It means no worries for the rest of your days....
It's our problem free......for us friends to be......
Hakuna Matata........
Pinkie, what's all this?
It's a party from me, to you.
This is amazing Pinkie thank you,but what's with the outfit?
Do you like it? My friend Zecora let me wear it.She said this would be a real surprise.
It's surprising alright, but I like ,it it looks good on you. Sora looks down and sees three balloons on Pinkie's thighs.
Hey what are those balloons?
That's my cutie mark. It resembles my love for fun and my love for partying. You see....
When I was a little girl......(Operatic voice) when i was a little girrrrrrrrr.....l
Very nice.
Thanks, I've been practicing.
The happy levels here were a little low
So I decided to put on a real big show
From the people on the ground to the birds in the sky.....
They all knew me as the pink party girl, Pinkie Pie....

The surrounding lights turned on and it showed a crowd of people which seemed to be the residents of Ponyville as they were all cheering like people in church while pinkie started preaching like a paster.

And then there was fame!
[she got her fame!]
I knew that partying was my game!
[Don't get her started!]
I could feel it in my chest!
[Here we go!]
I could feel it in my bre-
[ Woah, Pinkie, not in front of the new guy.]
Oops, sorry.

Sora blinked in confusion off of what just happened as the song started back up.

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase!
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

Sora then decided to put his singing skills to the test as he joined in.

It means no worries for the rest of your days
[Yeah, sing it Sora.]
It's out problem free
for you and me
Hakuna Matata......

The rest of the girls just looked at how the two were dancing and singing in synch without any trouble at all.
"look at those two," Twilight said.
"Iook at Pinkie, I've never seen her this happy, I mean she's always happy, but it looks like she's glowing with happiness," Spike said.
"They seem to really be enjoying themselves," Rainbow said. "What do you think Rari-" Rainbow stopped as she Rarity with a very envious expression over her face. "Someone's a little jealous?"
"Preposterous, I'm not jealous at all that Pinkie sharing a duet with Sora, whatever gave you that idea?"
Before Rainbow could have any more fun off of Rarity's jealousy,the song kicked back in.

Hakuna. Matata. Hakuna. Matata. Hakuna. Matata. Hakuna. Matata.x6
It means no worries for the rest of your days

Sora and Pinkie started holding each others hands as they were side by side.

It's our problem free
For you and me
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
I say Hakuna
I say Matata.

As the song ended cheers from around the barn could be heard on all side. Sora felt giddy knowing he basically just did a performance in front of all these people. Pinkie then gave him a very tight hug.
"So, did you like the song?"
"Pinkie...... that song was amazing," Sora said. "I don't know why but it felt so familiar to me."
"That's funny, I just wrote it today. Alright, on to stage 2." She then turned her attention to the crowd. "Everybody, please welcome DJ Pon3!" Smoke started to appear inside the barn and in the middle of it stood a girl with spiky blue hair with baby blue streaks in it who was wearing a pair of purple glasses. In front of her was a gigantic DJ booth. "Alright, everybody, LET'S PARTY!" She pressed one button and immediately the whole barn was blasted with dubstep.


Fluttershy was at her cottage taking care of her animal friends. She was making sure that they all had enough food, water,and were happy and healthy. "Great, everyone of you is just fine." She was just about to go upstairs when she felt something thumping her leg. She looked and it was her pet bunny Angel. He was motioning to her in sporadic actions. "Is everything okay Angel?" Angel pointed outside as the sun was setting. "gasp, oh no, I'm late for the party, and I promised my friends that I was going to be there. Thank you for reminding me Angel. I'll make sure to make you that carrot salad that you like when I get back." Fluttershy then leaves out of her cottage to go to Applejack's farm.

As time passes buy, Fluttershy notices that it starts getting darker and darker. as the sun had finally set and the moon started to rise, she was in close proximity of the farm. As she was walking through the trail of apple trees she heard something scurry on the ground. She was instantly startled of what it was. "What was that?" She started to look down at the dark ground to see what could have made that sound. She then spotted two yellow beady eyes piercing out of the darkness. The light of the moon gave Fluttershy enough light to see the body of the eyes which was humanoid in itself, and for her to realize that there were more than one. Fluttershy saw herself surrounded by more and more of these creatures. She backed herself up to a tree and with losing all hope, she screamed.


The party was in full effect. The music was loud and catchy, the people were just enjoying their time, and Sora was having a great time. So great that he had to step out of the barn just to get some air. "Man, those girls really wanted to dance," Sora said as he recalled an event that took place during the party. After the party had started, Rarity grabbed Sora's arm, asking him to dance with her. Pinkie also came around Sora's other and arm and asked him the same question, and before he could say anything, she was already pulling him onto the dance floor. Rarity used her magic to stop Pinkie from taking Sora as she wanted to be the one to dance with him. So the two girls each started pulling in opposite directions leaving Sora's body not going anywhere. It Twilight's magic to stop the two from hurting Sora or from splitting into two. After that moment, the party went on as normal. Sora walked to an apple tree and placed his back on it as he slid down to the ground. "I'll think I'll just relax and regain my energy," he said as he started to close his eyes. As soon as his eyes closed, he heard a loud scream. He immediately jumped up from his rest and started running to the direction where he heard the scream.