• Published 16th Oct 2014
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Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

Mr. Disc, the rehired art teacher for Canterlot High had an argument with a student when he get's pushed into the portal and into Equestria. Dazed and completely confused, he tries to figure out why every living things is afraid of him.

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1: A Push into True Surrealism.

"But sir, I still don't understand why." The fifteenth student who had complained to me today whined, "I did everything you said right. I got the shading right, the lighting right, even the angles right, so why did I get a 'D+'?"

I rolled my eyes, up to this point; I just wanna go home. I've barely stepped out what has to be the worst teaching day in the history of worst teaching days. I mean, seriously, it was a simple little sketch assignment that tests my students’ abilities of what they can create in a short amount of time. And they were drawing an orange for crying out loud! And since then, every single little student has been complaining to me.

Oh sure, I’m thankful that Celestia decided to give me a second chance with my job. Considering she rehired me after that one (ahem) episode where I let my students run loose painting everything in sight to turn Canterlot High School into a giant canvas. And sure, I just happened to run out of my medicine to keep me sane that fateful day. But it was thanks to Celestia who had gotten me out of that puzzle house to give me another chance. And it turned out that the one who convinced her to stay was a girl by the name of Fluttershy. To her credit, she was the one who saw me, not as a madman, but as a teacher who just happens to have some flaws. And a good thing too. Ms. Fluttershy has all the potential of being an artist with her "extreme knitting" and her simplistic drawings. Not to say that she reminded me why I love teaching art to begin with.

“So? Why did you give me a ‘D+‘?”

Well… Almost.

I turned to the young man. “You want to know why? Alright here it is, while you may have the technicalities down, you still fail to understand what an artist does."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"An artist takes the liveliest thing he sees and tries to capture it down on whatever he can get his hands on to make art in his own way. Your sketch lacked the character of turning an orange into something unique."

"But mine is more detailed, Especially than Fluttershy's."

"Now grant it, Fluttershy’s sketch may be simple, but at least she can interpret an orange to look like something I’ve never seen before.”

He’s starting to get mad. Typical. “So you’re saying I can’t draw?”

“I didn’t say you can’t draw, I’m saying that you tend to use your head to interpret the world instead of using all of you. Where was your heart? Your Bowels? Your stomach, hands, feet, liver or your soul for that matter? You need to put your whole, not part of yourself into your art.”

I can almost see his hair catching on fire. "Don't you think, Mr. Discord, that I at least tried?"

Oh, I hated it when my students call me that name. After my episode, students at the high school have been calling me Discord. Perhaps it's my name but they've added O-R-D to the end of it. Perhaps it's my surrealist paintings that I've made in the past. Maybe it's the clothes that I personally hand stitched together that outright questions people's idea of fashion. Or perhaps it was that incident that I let my students turn all of the school into Picasso's nightmare. Whatever the reason may be, I ended up getting stuck with that name.


Truth be told, I once liked the name. I liked it so much, that I've changed my last name to Discord. But as time went on, (and getting into deep trouble with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna) I tend to see that name as a slur name. So with a compromise, I settled with on (after making some compromises with everyone) my original last name, Mr. Disc.

I turned around, started to walk away from an argument. “Now if you don’t mind, I like to get back hom-” he then pushed me from behind.

My hands attached to my mitch-match sleeves of my coat reached out to the base of the statue. Thoughts of hitting the kid back did cross my mind, and what teacher who’s having a bad day and getting pushed on that said day wouldn’t have thought of that? For me, this little punk was the very last straw that broke the elephant’s back. (Or was that a camel? Then again, why camel? Why not a horse or something like that?) Anyway, I expected that my hands to hit something solid. I expected to push back from the base so I can face the kid.

Instead of any of that, for whatever reason that the universe decided to play a cosmic practical joke on me, I went through it. Don’t ask me how or why, because if you tried to answer those questions, your head will leave a huge mess to clean up after.

The next thing I knew, I think I was falling. And I kinda wish that I had a camera with me for a future painting, because it was like falling into a kaleidoscope of colors. There were colors mashing together and apart again, like a blurred camera overlooking a crowded street. Or being spun around while being near-sighted. And what a sensation I was going through as well! It wasn’t painful, but it was like I was being stretched out like putty in toddlers’ hands. And being stretched into what? I’ve no idea what-so-ever.

I can’t tell you how long I stayed in that vision that your typical hippie would kill for, but at some point, I think I blacked out. When I woke up, I remembered having a slight headache and being really, really, really, really, really dizzy. I tried getting up, but even doing that felt… odd. After stumbling around I grabbed hold of something until the room stopped spinning.

Wait, room? I was just outside, wasn’t I? Eventfully, the room became clear… “W-What is this? Where am I?” I asked in alarm. I’ve never seen this place before. Everything, I mean literally everything looked like as if it was made out of crystals. As impressive as the huge room was, it was bare. It had only a few columns, a double door, and a-

The double doors opened. Now, in a normal situation, I’d expect there be a person to peek into the room with the weird little man holding onto a column. Instead, what I get, is a horse’s head, made out of see-through crystal, with a Roman (or is it Greek?) helmet peeking through.

“Is anypony in…”

It talked. The thing talked! His expression reflected mine with the wide eyes and hanging jaw. And then, when I was about to reach out to him, I stopped. My hand, there wasn’t a hand. There was a lion’s paw. I quickly looked at my other, there was a bird’s claw.

“M-MY HANDS!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HANDS?!?!?!” I politely asked to nobody in particular. I looked back at the door, it was open but the thing was gone.

Naturally, I turned to the only decor in the room, a mirror. I stepped over to it, and what I saw, well, every single gear in my head came to a scratching halt. The only possible way that I could even come close to compare it was like seeing a live self-portrait in my surrealist art. My head had the likeness of, what I think is a donkey. I have an antler horn and some other horn on my head. My Eyebrows and goatee have gone from gray to completely white. The torso was long and brown like a snake with fur. My left leg has a hoof, the other is a lizard’s leg. And my tail looks like the tail of a dragon in those Chinese artworks. And all of the colors, I noticed, were like the clothes that I had worn.


I turned around, now there’s more of them and… Is that a white unicorn?