• Member Since 18th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



These are the meditations of Princess Luna as she goes for a walk one cool, blustery, fall afternoon. There is sadness. There is happiness. There is complexity. It all seems so simple, because it really isn't.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Pretty cool.

This seems like a nice parallel to "The Living is Easy". And yes, you've got a Descendantish style going on here.

Nice parallels between Luna and the ponies she observed. This is a nifty little piece so it's upvoted. NIce work.

I can certainly see the influence of my work, as you said, in this... but more importantly I can see your own growth and clear narrative development in this piece. Well done, Kal.:pinkiesmile:


Pretty cool.

Thankee. :)


This seems like a nice parallel to "The Living is Easy". And yes, you've got a Descendantish style going on here.

I had that idea perhaps in the back on my mind, but I actually didn't realize it until I saw your comment and read back through that wonderful piece. Thanks for nudging my head.


Nice parallels between Luna and the ponies she observed. This is a nifty little piece so it's upvoted. NIce work.

Thanks. Just trying something nifty. Nah, just putting something out there because I'm a lazy twat. Thanks. :P


I can certainly see the influence of my work, as you said, in this... but more importantly I can see your own growth and clear narrative development in this piece. Well done, Kal.:pinkiesmile:

:twilightblush::pinkiegasp: Descy-sempai noticed me! *SQUEE!* I swear, you are a far greater writer than I and this is just a hackjob piece done by a guy too Iazy to properly budget writing time for the month. I am honored by yours words.

Then, the last darken until they turn brown, dead, like perversely yellow mummies.


He was a living casualty of the political games that she and her sister caught up the people in.

that line reads weird.

Her own moon came every night and ponies headed for hom,


Plus, it is purple, as is she.

Actually she's dark blue.



Speaking of "I'm Blue, by Eiffel 65". This story and Luna's thoughts make that song perfect for this fic.

The first half had a documentary feel about it - sort of distant, afraid to get inside the head of its character. It did not feel like the genuine reflection of times past.

But the second half... what a turn! The moment Luna starts wondering about what had driven her to become Nightmare Moon is the moment when the writing embodies her history and personality together, presenting an idea of what it is like to look back as a reformed villain in a thousand-year retrospect.

The language grows more bold after that transition. The dream-like atmosphere shows better when the mind is presented through something more than mere statements!

I only wish the first half had matched the quality of the second. However, seeing the progression from a child to a wizened elder, if this was an intentional stylistic choice, then this piece would be worthy of a higher praise!


I only wish the first half had matched the quality of the second. However, seeing the progression from a child to a wizened elder, if this was an intentional stylistic choice, then this piece would be worthy of a higher praise!

That was completely intentional, actually, as the centerpiece of the story which I used to construct the train of thought around.

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