• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 18,451 Views, 422 Comments

A Nobody's Destiny - Golden Flare

Your name is Naxon, you used to work for Organization XIII, but you left, now you find yourself running for your life from dangerous creatures. Can the inhabitants of this world change your life for the better?

  • ...

Day 10: Petsitting

Day 10

Your Home - Your Room
Time of Day: Early Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 7:56 AM

You wake up a little sluggish this time around and stretch your arms out as you yawn loudly. Today was a local holiday, so you had no school. You faintly recall Fluttershy telling you that she volunteers at the animal shelter most of the time.

You get out of bed, eat your breakfast, and hurry to the shelter.

Canterlot City - Animal Shelter
Time of Day: Early Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 8:31 AM


The bell overhead on the door rung as you entered the shelter; most of the animals were in cages while some were roaming free, most likely because they were used to the other animals already. A familiar girl was feeding the animals and turned in your direction when the bell sounded and gets up to greet you.

"Oh, hello Naxon."

"Good morning, Fluttershy." you say.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but, why are you here? Oh, if you don't mind my asking..."

You explain that you decided to help out at the animal shelter like you agreed to do. Fluttershy smiled at your eagerness to help animals, big or small.

"Okay, could you help me feed them? I was in the middle of it when you walked in. Oh, not that I'm saying you interrupted me or anything..."

You reassured her that she was fine and said you'd help. After about half an hour of feeding all of the animals, you and Fluttershy then proceeded to play with them, until you noticed a little dog sitting at the back wall.

"Hey, is that one okay?" you ask her.

Fluttershy frowned, "Animal control brought the poor, little guy in one day, and ever since then, he's been trying to stay away from everybody; worker, volunteer, and pet owner alike. I think he does it out of fear, because he's been taken to an unfamiliar place, I'd be the same way if I were him."

"Have you tried coaxing him?"

"Yes, but even with my special connection with animals, he still avoids even me. I'm worried there might not be anything we can do for him. If he keeps this up...he'll never have a family to call his own."

You return your attention to the little dog, Poor thing kinda reminds me of...well, me. I didn't have a family until I came here. Hmm...maybe he needs to see that there's nothing to be afraid of.

With a goal set in mind, you take the dog food and sprinkle some in your hand, setting the food container down, you turn to walk slowly and carefully to the dog, who cowers into a corner from your approach.

"What are you doing? If I can't even talk to him, what can anyone do?" Fluttershy questions you.

"Maybe there's nothing I can do to help, but there's no harm in trying." you reply as you continue over to the dog, "Hey there, little guy, are you hungry?" you hold out the hand that held the food, which the dog looked from it to you, "It's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of."

The dog looked at your face only to see that you bore an friendly, genuine smile. Seeing that, the dog slowly, but surely, stood up and walked over to you, you and Fluttershy remained quiet the whole time, lest either of you could accidentally scare him off. He eventually made to your food-filled hand and began to eat; it was a few nibbles at first, but escalated to full-on eating.

After he was finished, he looked back up at you and your smile and appeared to be content with your friendliness, to prove that, he pounced onto to you, knocking you off your feet and he began licking your face.

"Ha ha, stop it!" you laughed, "That tickles! Ha ha ha ha!"

Fluttershy was surprised that you did the impossible, no one could get that dog be friendly with anyone. She internally believed that there was more to you than what meets the eye. After a long day at the animal shelter, you decided to take your leave, but Fluttershy stopped you.

"Naxon...um...I just wanted to say thank you for helping the little guy come out of his shell, even when my words couldn't reach him."

What you said was something Fluttershy will never forget, "Actions speak louder than words."

She blushed and subconsciously nodded.

You have forged a Z-Link with Fluttershy.

You nod to her and left the shelter, barely noticing that you were being followed...

Canterlot City - Alleyway
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 10:11 AM

You ran into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster, watching and waiting until the figure passed by, which she did and you got a good look at her; her hair is two tones of pink, one light, one dark, with aquamarine green streaks, all done up in a ponytail with a scrunchie shaped like berries and leaves, she has bright yellow skin with dark colored freckles on her face, and light purple eyes with aquamarine eyeshadow, wearing what you learned to be one of many types of Crystal Prep uniforms.

"He's gone! Well, this is just FANTASTIC!" the girl shouted at no one in particular.

Why is someone from Crystal Prep following me? you thought. You were determined to find out, so you made yourself known by stepping out from behind the dumpster, right behind the girl, "Alright. Who are you?"

The girl tensed up at the sound of your voice and slowly turned around to face you, which made her nervous since you were none too happy and made sure to show it with the now-present scowl upon your face.

"Why, I'm Sour Sweet!" she introduces herself sweetly, then her tone turns sour, "And the reason I'm following you is we needed more intel on you, because you're a threat to Crystal Prep's reputation."

"We"? So there's more people in on this... you think to yourself, "I would say it's nice to meet you..." you swiftly rushed behind Sour, "...but I'm not a fan of being spied on."


You karate-chopped the pressure point on the back of Sour's neck, causing her to lose consciousness and slump to the ground in a heap.

Ability Level Up!
Haste LV2

Suddenly, you hear static.

"Zap to Sweet, do you copy? Over."

You kneel down and check Sour's skirt pockets, inside the left pocket, you find a walkie-talkie, with the individuals trying to make contact on your end.

"Let me try. Flare to Sweet, are you alright? Do you copy? Over."

You stand up and press the talk button, "I'm sorry, Sour Sweet can't come to the phone right now, you can find her unconscious in an alley by the animal shelter, have a nice day...oh, and if I find you stalking me again, the next person isn't going to get off as easy as she did."

You let go of the button and crush the walkie-talkie in your hand with a single squeeze and drop it next to Sour, walking away from the scene.

Canterlot Suburbs
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 10:20 AM

You were walking through the streets, not even thinking about the girl you left in the alley. As you pressed forward, you heard the familiar sound of music, and proceeded to follow it. Before you knew it, you found yourself near a house with an open garage door, inside the garage was Flash and his band jamming out. They finished their song and Flash noticed you immediately.

"Hey, Naxon!" he turned to his bandmates, "Alright guys, now's a good time for a break." they didn't argue and began putting up their instruments for the time being, Flash set his guitar on a stand and walked over to you, "What's up, man? How've you been?"

"I've been doing good; spending time with my friends, helping out at the animal shelter, stuff like that." you reply.

"Cool, cool." Flash suddenly looked like he was struck by an idea, "Hey, why don't you jam with us sometime? The guys have been talking about your guitar skills nonstop since the last time you played."

You instantly became nervous as you didn't want a repeat of last time, "Um...I don't know..."

"I know we were shocked the last time we heard you play, but trust me, nothing you can do will surprise us now."

You wanna bet? you sorely thought, remembering who you really are. You think about it for a moment, "Well..."

Flash and his posse lean in close.

"...You promise you all won't be shocked?"

They all looked at each other, then back to you with a hand on each of their chests, "We promise." they say.

You take their promise to heart (if you had one), and began to smile, "...Alright."

They cheered in happiness, glad to know you're on board. You still have your reservations, but you don't want to disappoint your friends.

Z-Link Level Up!
XII - Flash Sentry - Lv. 2/20

You bid them farewell and continued on. Suddenly, a chime came from your ePhone, you pull it out and entered "Text Messages", finding a message from Pinkie.

Hey, Naxy! :D Im cheering Dashie on @ the soccer field, wanna come!?

You text her back, but not in the crude form she wrote you;

Sure, be there in a few.

You got a text back;

KK!!! <3 :)

You put away your phone and rush to the soccer field.

Canterlot High School - Soccer Field
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 11:30 AM

Shortly after arriving, Rainbow immediately challenged you to a one-on-one soccer game; the score was at 3-3 before you two decided to take a water break.

Level Up!
Lv. 3 > 4
HP: 28 +2 =30
MP: 22 +1 =23
STR: 12 +3 =15
MAG: 7 +2 =9
DEF: 11 +3 =14
SPD: 12 +4 =16
Crit. %: 8 +2 =10
Crit. Bonus: 10 +3 =13

During your break you and Rainbow talked around various things, even Pinkie put in her own two bits in the conversation. After a while, you and Dash continued your game; it ended with Rainbow at 4 and you at 5. It was only an exhibition match, so Rainbow wasn't as angry as you predicted she would be.

"Aw man! Lost again!" she sighed, "I've got a long way to go if I'm gonna beat you, Naxon."

"Just keep training Rainbow, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you do." you say.

"Yeah, you're right." Rainbow suddenly fidgets, "Hey...you got your phone with you?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

"Hand it over for a sec."

"...Okay then."

You give Dash your phone and she begins typing into it, then gives it back.

"There. My number's in there now. Text or call if you wanna train, or just talk, 'kay?"

"Okay." you smile, "Thanks Rainbow."

She smiles back, "Heh, no prob. Anything for a friend."

Z-Link Level Up!
III - Rainbow Dash - Lv. 2/20

Rainbow's Number
Rainbow Dash's cellphone contact information.

You say goodbye to Rainbow and Pinkie and head back home for lunch, which was grilled cheese sandwiches.

The rest of the day was uneventful...

Time of Day: Evening
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 9:49 PM


"Shhhh! Keep your voice down! Are you trying to get us in trouble!?" Indigo whispered.

"I agree, Sour, dearie, I understand you're upset, but it's no excuse to give away our location." Sunny chastised.

"And besides, we need a change of plans, we're gonna have to watch him from a distance...and I think I know just the girl who can help."

Indigo dialed a number on her cellphone and started ringing.

"Whoever's calling, it's a little late, don't you think?"

Indigo deadpanned, "Hello to you too, Sugarcoat." she perked back up, "Listen, we need a favor..."

Author's Note:


Lv. 4
HP: 30/30
MP: 23/23
STR: 15 (+1)
MAG: 9
DEF: 14 (+1)
SPD: 16
Crit. %: 10
Crit. Bonus: 13



No. VII - Lunatic
No. VIII - Eternal Flames


Gift Card: $2.08 (Sugarcube Corner)


Black Coat (Defense +2)
Pajamas (Defense +1)
Wondercolt Uniform (Strength +1, Defense +1, Speed +1)
Swim Trunks (Speed +1, Water resistance +5%)
(E) Casual Clothes (Strength +1, Defense +1)


Apple x 7 (+20 HP)
Fizzy Apple Cider x 5 (+50 HP)

High Jump LV2
Shockwave (Lunatic only)
Burn, baby! (Eternal Flames only)
Air Slide LV1
Haste LV2


Key Items

Popsicle Stick
Paper Stack
Luna's Pen
ePhone 6
Celestia's Number
Luna's Number
House Number
Pinkie's Number
Rainbow's Number
ID Card
Canterlot Animal Shelter Flier
Class Schedule
Canterlot High School Map
Bronze Wondercolt Badge


III - Rainbow Dash - Lv. 2/20
IV - Rarity - Lv. 1/20
VI - Trixie Lulamoon - Lv. 2/20
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 4/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 4/20
XI - Fluttershy - Lv. 1/20
XII - Flash Sentry - Lv. 2/20
XIII - Sunset Shimmer - Lv. 1/20