• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


Adagio reflects on her fascination with Daring Do as she attempts to write her first fanfiction.

Preread by Cerulean Voice!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

I know that feel all to well, Adagio :raritywink: This was beautiful!

Oh no Adagio, what have you unleashed?

Dr. Dariballerozhotl

I can decipher the Daring Do and Ahuizotl in that, but not the rest, who are those?

Nice to see she found a hobby, Aria and Sonata's antics didn't really look like they left much room for a third player. :pinkiesmile:

Wow. It's like staring into a mirror. That's next to another mirror. Hi, me!-me!-me!-me!-me!

Because echoes bounce off mirrors much better than they do off other materials. Obviously.

And that's about as far as my brain got after finishing. Good, Syeekoh. Is nice, light, self-reflecting.

Majin Syeekoh


Thank you, I appreciate it.


Dr. Caballeron.

The hardest part is often the beginning. To get those first words out... where do you begin? But give it time, and you'll get there eventually.

But maybe you shouldn't always pull all nighters.

Majin Syeekoh

5521456 Yeah, you hit the nail on the head there.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

5521461 But all-nighters are the best nighters!:flutterrage:

5521457 Oh my god, I'd so read that Daring Do fanfic.

The best kind of meta. I only wish there were more to read, here. As insane as it sounds, I'd totally read a 50k word story about Adagio being a fanfic writer. Maybe the other two get in on it as well. Aria would write the 2edgy downers, and Sonata could write the inane crackfics. Man, that could be a fun story. Only problem would be the potential for people to scream that the author needs to write the Daring Do fanfics within the Dazzling fanfic. Ah well, at least we have this fun little one-shot.

Wonder what the others will say about Adagio's new hobby... What if it turns out one of the hair 5 is a writer too?

Should I be afraid of how relatable this was?... because I'm absolutely terrified. xD Great job!

Majin Syeekoh

5521486 Well, I suppose you could put snippets of Daring Do fanfiction in the story.

And thank you.


Well, it's relatable to me. I'm glad that you found it relatable as well.

I want to see the story Adagio wrote at some point. :ajsmug:

Majin Syeekoh

5521543 But I can't write Daring Do fanfiction.:fluttershysad:

5521469 Hi.

Just want to say.

Welcome to Fanficiton and I hope you have a great time :).


Hmm... Maybe Adagio can't either. :raritywink:

Majin Syeekoh


Um, thanks.


Who knows?:trollestia:

Majin Syeekoh

5521660 Thank you.:twilightsmile:

For jinxing it.:twilightangry2:

Majin Syeekoh

5521668 What have you done indeed?

You best think on that.

Well, Syeekoh, the people have spoken.
New chapter pl0x.
Just gonna say, the exchange between you two with your avatars is amusing.

Finally, after a few weeks, she had finished the entire series to date. She still wanted more. Needed more. Her soul screamed for more Daring Do. In her stewing desire, she had turned to the internet in an attempt to sate her yearnings.

She wasn’t expecting the absolute glut of Daring Do content that existed online.

There were literary theses, videos dissecting the themes in the books, even entire libraries of music and art dedicated to certain scenes and characters from the novels. Adagio Dazzle proceeded to get drunk on the heady fumes of Daring Do fan content as she perused each section of the fandom until she finally landed on the motherlode: fanfiction.

This is literally the exact same thing that happened to me when i found it about MLP. Like there was no hole in how you described it. I craved content so bad. When i found out about the "absolute glut" on the internet... I was in bliss.

However, I'm, still, only staring at a blank page...

She opened her eyes, typed something, then deleted it. She typed something else, then deleted it again.

I know that feeling all too well.

And now for a sequel, Adagio's reaction weeks later when she spots an error in a story that people have been reading but never pointed out.

Majin Syeekoh

5521829 It seems we share the same experience.

And don't worry. You'll find your muse eventually.

5521860 Yeah, me too.

And that would be the worst!


The hardest part is often the beginning. To get those first words out... where do you begin?

Beginnings suck. I hate having to write a good beginning.

I genuinely can't stand when these words are uttered to me, Majin, so believe me, I get it, but I have no choice:

You're better than this.

I've seen you do better than this.

Yes, this is nicely "written" and all. I will give you that. Nice barely-disguised meta (wait, so are we allowing that again?), nice description of the emotions behind being a writer on Fimfi--I mean, uh, Daring Do Online or wherever. The execution is fantastic.

But it's an execution of nothing. I have no idea how this got approved. The main character here literally could have been anyone. This could have been Dash, for (Principal) Celestia's sake. This story is a half step up from a tumblr blog about how your day was today trying to write something to post up on AO3. There is nothing here that tells me that this is Adagio Dazzle as opposed to an expy of the author's choice (or even simply the author themselves).

Why is Adagio into Daring this hard? What speaks to her about the character? Adagio's a compulsive planner; how does this influence her writing style? How does her knowledge of the vastness of fandom affect her approach to human domination?

This isn't even getting into the fact that Sonata is in her life and would be a writer's utter nightmare. You actually passed up a scenario in which Sonata Dusk would have been genuinely hilarious. And this is coming from me. Think about that. :twilightsheepish:

Come on, mang. You're one of the few people I depend on here for genuine Dagi goodness. This isn't Dagi. This is yet another 1000-word toss-up of which I see like three of every day. :fluttercry:

Not gonna downvote. I've been harsh enough.

5522004 I mean it was fine to me, just learn to roll with it...:facehoof:


"Learn to..." You know what, not even gonna dignify with a response. We don't know each other.

And yes, I indeed usually just pass through with stories like this. Unfortunately for Majin, I happen to like the cut of his jib. So he gets the tough love. :rainbowkiss:

Please note that I am not stopping your enjoyment of this story in any way. (Or am I? I now wonder! :trollestia:)

Majin Syeekoh

5522127 This comment actually helped me collect my thoughts a bit.

First of all, this is not about the Adagio Dazzle in Rainbow Rocks. This is about the Adagio Dazzle post-Rainbow Rocks, where in the climax of the film, she lost an inherent part of herself, like how you or I would lose an arm or a leg. She lost her chance at human domination, and reading that book filled that void in her life. Adagio threw herself into Daring Do as a coping mechanism to deal with losing her siren powers and the negative reception that she was hinted at receiving in school. She signed up for that website for another chance at being loved, or adored.

And I would argue that Adagio Dazzle is more Indiana Jones than David Xanatos. Her plans to acquire negative energy were rather reactionary in nature for the most part and dependent on certain contingencies that she couldn't have planned for. I mean, what were the chances that a musical showcase would happen to be taking place when they showed up at school? What were the chances that the holders of the Equestrian magic would reveal themselves so brazenly?

You're absolutely right that I could have utilized Sonata in this; she would have been hilarious.

Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20, right?

5522127 Wow, just wow...welp you must pretty awesome, I mean yeah tough love but its a website calm down its not a fuckin book!


First of all, this is not about the Adagio Dazzle in Rainbow Rocks. This is about the Adagio Dazzle post-Rainbow Rocks, where in the climax of the film, she lost an inherent part of herself, like how you or I would lose an arm or a leg. She lost her chance at human domination, and reading that book filled that void in her life. Adagio threw herself into Daring Do as a coping mechanism to deal with losing her siren powers and the negative reception that she was hinted at receiving in school. She signed up for that website for another chance at being loved, or adored.

This is a headcanon I find myself rather enjoying. I wish it had been in the story. You come quite close with this:

Experiencing the series was ecstasy to her, another form of creation. A creation in her mind of what A.K. Yearling transcribed onto the page. A world all her own to distract her from the fact that the Dazzlings weren’t the most popular students at Canterlot High. She devoured the series whenever she could—before school, between periods, sometimes even ditching classes to read a chapter in the bathroom. She served a series of detentions in order to feed her new obsession, which just gave her more time to read.

That's a kickass paragraph, dude. But it's also as far as we get, and it's an infodump at that that tells without showing anything. And outside of it being a distraction from her crappy post-Siren life, we still never find out what it is about Daring that appeals to Adagio enough that she'd devour her entire series and then start obsessing enough to head into the mouth of madness that is fanfiction. :3 Your Indiana analysis actually could have been something to tie into that, since Daring's Indiana Parallel #1.

And I would argue that Adagio Dazzle is more Indiana Jones than David Xanatos. Her plans to acquire negative energy were rather reactionary in nature for the most part and dependent on certain contingencies that she couldn't have planned for. I mean, what were the chances that a musical showcase would happen to be taking place when they showed up at school? What were the chances that the holders of the Equestrian magic would reveal themselves so brazenly?

I would semi-counter-argue that she's a little of both, actually. Jones's reactionary moxie combined with Xanatos's organizational skills. Even so, again, I could roll with the full Indiana route. You'd just have to sell it to me, the pathetically Adagio-obsessed reader, because there is no post-canon representation of Adagio Dazzle. I've only got the movie to go on, And in that movie, while she's Got Nothing at the start, she's off to the mastermind races once she realizes Equestrian Magic Is In The House. She actively reacts to problems, as well as observes possible obstacles and squashes them from the shadows with the help of her comrades. Those traits are all actually quite conducive to being a fanfic writer. Poor girl.

But hey, all this is why Dagi is best Dazzling. You already know. And I know you already know. Which is why this quickie threw me for a loop. Again, not usually this harsh. But the majority of this fic is lovingly crafted prose of the general act of writing fanfiction, with little of Adagio (be it movie version, your version, whoever) thrown into the mix. You gotta mix. That's my main critique. Actually you have to establish the Adagio you're working with first, then mix.

Gimme Adagio first. Then you can get to massaging the sympathies of the writers on the site. :pinkiehappy:

But at least now I know you had a motive with this. I honestly think an extra thousand words would have done it justice, but otherwise, thanks for clearing things up. Best in the future.

I am kind of a big deal--wait, no I'm not. But you certainly seem to be letting me affect you quite a bit. :rainbowderp:

The masterpiece I have written shall be forever regarded as the best fiction e-- *story gets flagged and deleted* ...Celestia bucking damn it...

5522423 Not at all, my good man! I do enjoy head cannons but its just the problem with fans attavking other fans over small details.

5522256 I enjoyed your story! dont let whats his face tell you otherwise!:pinkiesmile:

Is it a bad thing that I just read this in two and a half minutes?

Nice little meta piece. Have a like.


Writer's block, the story of my life!

And as for Adagio: "One of us! One of us!"

I know that feeling, Dagi. Want to write SOMETHING but just don't have anything. :twilightangry2:

A friend of mine calls them "hair five and Sunset", because mane six is when they're ponies, hair six when they're humans and Twilight is with them and hair five when Twilight isn't around...

Majin Syeekoh

5526802 What do you mean?

Ah, of course.

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here. This feels incomplete, but I loved it all the same. Will you be making a sequel?

5527576 Well yes, but where did the "hair" part come from?

Ponies have manes, humans have hair.

"I even write my own fanfiction"

I love it. And I want to see a sequel where her fanfiction is talked about in the halls of Canterlot High by its resident Daring Do fans. You know who they'll be. :rainbowkiss:

Oh, my god. A fanfic where Adagio is 100% relatable? 80%, maybe, but 100? It's like you know exactly what all fanfiction authors go... through...


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