• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,615 Views, 224 Comments

The Other Earth - hunterz263

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Chapter 5: Change In Direction

You gasp, shooting straight up and looking at the wall. Visions of your dream started to pour into your mind. You start to remember the bullies. Everyday, insults from every last one of them, and each time, they became more clever and hurt a lot more than the last. Then their physical dominance over you. After a few weeks, their insults ran out and you knew it. They started to agonize your body everyday after that just for being who you are. Then they decided to permanently leave their mark in you. They took you off campus, and their leader, Butch, stab you right in the stomach. The intense pain you felt that day came back as you remembered the moment. You put your hands on your scar, just as you did that very day.

You began to tear up as one of the worst moments in your life came back so vividly. But something was bothering your mind. Your tears stopped as fast as they began. Something about that dream was happy but you can't put your finger on it. You started to think of all sorts of things that brought you happiness. What was it? You search every corner of your mind, but nothing came to mind. It wasn't until you sat up and looked at the wall more closely. You were not in your house on Earth. You looked down and saw you were on a different bed than the one you had on Earth. You then remember that you were in Equestria. That's when it hit you.

The rest of the dream was of Rainbow Dash. Images of what you two were doing started to arouse you. Her sweet scent filled your mental nostrils. The taste of her tongue lifted your heart to a chest-pounding rate. Her appearance sent your face into an inferno. You felt your whole body melt as you remember holding her in your arms as you two passionately kissed each other. You didn't even realize you were shaking as you remembered Rainbow Dash kissing your neck and moaning around it.

The dream might have started out as a nightmare but you knew it would end happy. Just as you felt Rainbow Dash taking 'the happy trail' the door opened. That was when you knew your last thought was false. Applejack was giving you the death stare and you locked up. Taking advantage she ran up to you and was about to buck you to death until you woke up.

Now you sat there and thought about what the dream meant. Was it telling you that Rainbow Dash was your true love? You always liked her the most throughout the show. And you slowly started to develop feelings for her. Wasn't that what love was? A slow process which grew on you.

But what about the part after the make out. Applejack was there to keep her mare. Was it a sign that Rainbow Dash was already taken. You started to tear up at the possibility. Rainbow Dash surely must have dated somepony here, maybe she was married. Soon your tears turned into a cry. Your chances of being with Rainbow Dash were next to none. Any mare or stallion would be out of their minds to refuse a beautiful creature like her.

It was still worth a try. You backed out too many times in your past and regretted every single one of them. You weren't going to make the same mistake in your new life.

Feeling grimy, you decided to take a shower. You got out of bed and walked to the bathroom at a slow pace. The images of your dream tore all the energy out of you. You enter the bathroom and search around for shampoo and soap. Checking the towel cabinet you discover them. You are surprised to see bubble bath considering the fact little children did not leave Earth. Taking the shampoo and soap, you headed to the bathtub.

Turning on the water, you wondered where the water was coming from. Adjusting it to the right temperature, you stepped in. The warm water relaxed your mind from all the stress it got in the last few minutes. Yesterday's events horrified you into washing yourself down to the very last detail.

Stepping out, you grabbed a towel from the cabinet. The towel felt very soft compared to the ones you used on Earth. You dried yourself and looked around for clothes. It was then that realized you didn't bring any clothes to Equestria. You felt yourself blush at your idiocracy and walked into the bedroom. You looked in one of the cabinets and felt a wave of relief hit you. Inside were eight different outfits. Three appeared to be for casual wear, one for formal events, two for athletics, and the last two, you had no idea what they were for. You grabbed one of the casual outfits and put it on.

You walk around your house trying to find something to do. You enter the living room and look at the piano. You could play around with the keys and create a random note song, but that was just too childish. You see the sketching board and think of what you could draw. Your drawing was not the best but you enjoyed it when you were bored in class. The only problem was that, you only drew Rainbow Dash. The only thing left in your mind was going out for a walk. You head to your door and open it to have Celestia's sun blind you.

Your eyes get use to the light and look around the ground. The blood from the previous day was gone. You assume Fluttershy and the other medical ponies must have cleaned up the mess after they recovered all the injured. You walk to where the fighters were banished back to Earth. You notice a shadow on the ground and look up to see Princess Celestia descending to land. She was not accompanied by any Royal Guard or her sister. You jump back a little bit as the princess lands in front of you. She looked at you and smiled at you with warmth and comfort.

“Hello there, how are you today?” Princess Celestia said.

“Oh...Oh I’m good” You said nervously.

“Good to hear that. Now if I were you, I would close my ears right now.”

You complied and covered your ears.

“Fellow humans, I request you all to come to the center of town.” Princess Celestia announced with the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Closing your ears did not do much good. Your ears rang in pain with the extreme volume that voice exerted. You uncovered your ears and stood there waiting for everyone to arrive. You began to wonder why the princess was calling all the humans to the center of town. Was she going to banish everyone back to Earth? No impossible. Yesterday she told the remaining humans that they weren't in trouble. But what if she thought we would be a danger in a future? You look at the princess to find any sign of regret or punishment on her face, but there was none. It was gentle and calm.

You look behind you and notice humans were starting to arrive at the Princess's location. Everyone of their faces expressed a different emotion. Some expressed fear, others expressed sadness, and more showed emptiness. Soon all of the humans were gathered around Princess Celestia and waiting to hear what she had to say.

“Thank you” Princess Celestia said “I would like to say that I am sorry about sending the injured back to Earth. I know some of them are your family and I am deeply sorry but it must be done to ensure the safety of Equestria. I hope you can forgive me for that.” The princess looked down at the ground and appeared to be fighting back tears. She looked back up, her face had a gentle look. “Luna and I had a discussion last night regarding all of you. Both her and I know that everyone here does not pose a threat to our people. So I am here to announce that everyone here is free to go.” Princess Celestia had a smile on her face, unfolded her wings, and soared into the air. You watched her leave along with everyone else.

You look around and see people are starting to head back to their homes. You went back to your house not believing what you just heard. Everyone was free to go. After a large fight and just being in Equestria for two days, everyone was free. You arrive at your house and look at it for the final time. You felt a little bit of sadness when you looked at it. Sure you were only there for two days but you kinda grew attached to this house. However your new home would be a much nicer place than this.

Walking inside, you head straight towards your bedroom. You started to wonder if any of the shops in your new home had any clothes for humans. It was possible but you decided to play it safe and bring the clothes the ponies already gave you. You open one of the cabinets and decide which outfits to take. You grabbed all three casual outfits and one athletic outfit. You wondered if you would need the formal attire for anything. Deciding to play it safe, you take it. You exit the bedroom and head towards the door, ready to move to your new home.

You look for the correct road and find it. To pass the time, you started to play some peaceful songs in your mind. You lose all sense of the world around you and come to a peaceful mood while you walked.

“Hey wait up”

The sudden voice snapped you out of your peaceful mood and made you jump. You turn around and see Zach and Fox smiling and waving at you.

“You weren't planning on leaving without us, were you?” Zach said.

“What? No. I just forgot with the shock that we are free to go after two days.” You reply feeling idiotic that you forgot about your new friends.

“Haha, it’s ok. I forgot too. If it wasn’t for Fox, I would have left too by myself.” Zach says followed by a chuckle.

“And that’s why we are brothers Zach.” Fox said.

“Moving on.” Zach faced you. “Where you headed to?”

“I was going to Ponyville actually.”

“Oh really me and Zach are too. Why are you heading there?” Fox asked with a little devilish grin on his face.

You felt yourself blush. “Oh I was going there to, you know... try and date Rainbow Dash”

“Cool. Zach and I have similar reasons. He wants to date Twilight and I want to try and go out with Applejack.” Fox said calmly.

“Alright then, let’s go.” You said with enthusiasm.

The three of you moved down the road, heading towards the exit of District 9. You look around and see numerous people entering and exiting their houses. You wondered where most of them were going and what their intentions were. Maybe they would help the ponies develop more advanced technology, or help them explore the cosmos. You start to wonder what you could contribute to Equestria. Maybe you could teach the young fillies and colts the dangers of bullying. Your thoughts shifted after hearing that word in your head.

“Hey guys, what's your opinion on dreams?” You ask. Fresh images of last night’s dream made you wonder if it actually meant something.

“My opinion of dreams?” Zach started “To me, I think they are wonderful no matter what they are. I mean it’s better then sleeping through darkness, you actually get to see really cool stuff in dreams.”

“I just think they are fun to have.” Fox said.

“No no. That’s not what I meant. What I meant was, do you think dreams have a meaning?” You ask.

“Oh well to me, I think it’s up to you.” Zach said with a smile on his face. “I mean, I had a dream that I was a human with some supernatural abilities, but it didn’t really mean anything. It could be telling me that I am really connected to the paranormal, but other then that it was just a cool dream. However other dreams, like the one I had two nights ago, do have a meaning to me. That one, I believe, was telling me that I really like Twilight and should date her.”

“I could not have explained it better myself.” Fox said.

Zach looked at you. “Why do you ask?”

You sigh. “Well this dream I had last night left me with mixed reactions. I feel like it’s telling me multiple messages.”

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Fox asked with worry in his voice.

“No. It’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure that most of it meant nothing at all.” You reply with confidence.

“Ok. Just remember me and Fox are always here to help.” Zach said.

“I know. And I will be here to help also.” You reply.

. . . . .

After 3 hours of traveling down a single road, you arrived at your new home, Ponyville. Numerous ponies were going about their business, but some of them gave the three of you the cold stare. You could not blame them since they probably heard about the fight in District 9. You looked around and found that there was no other humans there. You thought everyone would be moving here. You look at Zach and Fox and see they had the same thoughts.

“Shouldn't this place be filled with other humans?” Zach asked.

“Maybe they figured everyone would move here and went somewhere else.” Fox replied.

His logic was sound. Maybe everyone did go somewhere else out of fear that the rest would move here.

“Well now that we are here, where should we stay” Zach asked.

“How about an apartment?” You say.

“That would be nice. Fox you agree?”

“I do. Lets go find the apartments.” Fox said.

Ponyville was a lot larger than the three of you expected. There were numerous businesses in the town, ranging from restaurants and stores, to bars and nightclubs. After minutes of searching, the three of you found the apartment building. Standing three stories tall, the apartment complex was made of smooth concrete and the signature hay roof. The windows had a pink shade to it, along with the rest of the buildings in Ponyville.

Zach leads the three of you into the building. The interior was similar to that of a hotel. Nice carpet, interesting ceiling and fancy chandeliers.

“Wait a second guys” Zach says with worry “We don’t have any money”

You and Fox facepalm. How could the three of you forget that you have no money to rent a space.

“Don’t worry I got this” Zach said.

You watched as Zach walked up to the receptionist.

“Can I help you?” The receptionist asked.

“Yes actually. Me and my friends need a room but I’m afraid we don’t have any money. Perhaps you and me can work out something else for payment.” If there was a table in front you, you would smash your head into it after hearing that. Your face turned to a bright red as you were utterly embarrassed by your friend. You heard Fox snickering a little.

“Uh, you humans have a month free. Here is your key.” The receptionist said blankly

Now it was your time to laugh. Zach’s facial expression was hilarious. You also noticed he blushed quite a bit from embarrassing himself. It was priceless to you.

“Your room number is 314” The receptionist announced.

The three of you headed up the stairs. The stairs were decorated with the same carpet as the lobby and the walls had complicated patterns on it. You wondered how a small apartment complex like this could afford such luxurious decoration. Maybe they had no competition in the area.

You reached the third floor and head to the left towards the even numbered rooms. The walls looked very familiar to you, like you were there before. The walls were red and there were multiple doors on both sides of the wall. You quickly brush the thought off as the building’s interior was very similar to Earth’s design in the first place.

The door to room 314 was now in front of you, patiently waiting to be opened. Zach pulled out a key and inserted it into the door knob. With the famous sound of a click, Zach opened the door and proceeded in. The door revealed a large room with a couch, a few chairs, and a table. You decided to take a look at the rest of the apartment while Zach and Fox stayed in the central room and chatted. To the right was the kitchen, and it contained a refrigerator, a counter, a few cabinets, and a stove. You leave the kitchen and enter the only bedroom. It was fairly large and held a bed and a dresser. There was a door the led to a hallway that connects the central room and the bedroom. There were various paintings in the hallway and a door that led to the bathroom. You headed back to the central room to talk to Zach and Fox.

“So what do we do now?” Fox asked.

“Well the receptionist said we had a month free on this place. I say we go out and get jobs so we can pay the rent. But I think we all knew that.” Zach announced.

You and Fox nod your heads.

“Alright then, I’ll be out job hunting. I suggest you two do the same.”

“I have one question Zach” Fox said forming a mischievous grin on his face. “Where do you plan on working at?”

“You’ll just have to find out Fox, though I’m sure you can guess it.” With that, Zach left the apartment.

After a moment of silence, Fox looked at you. “I’m sure he’ll do good working at the library. Don’t you think?”

“I’m certain he will, he’s pretty friendly.” You reply.

“He wasn’t always that friendly.” Fox’s facial expression changed after saying that. “He always told me these stories of his past.”

“How far down in depression was he in?” You ask.

“He wanted to end it all.” Fox said grimly. “I think the only thing holding onto him was this one girl. Irony is though, she was the one causing him depression.”

There was a moment of awkward silence before you broke it. “So Fox, where do you plan to work?”

“I don’t know actually. I think I will work as a shop vendor’s assistant. What about you?”

“Well. I seriously don’t know. You and Zach have an idea where to work and meet your dream mare, me however, I can’t get a job in the sky.” You reply sadly, it’s going to be hard meeting Rainbow Dash, let alone trying to date her.

“Well, I’m going to find a job, catch you back here?” Fox said trying to leave the awkward moment he was in.

“Yeah, I’ll see you here. Good luck finding a job” You reply cheerfully.

“You too” Just like Zach did, Fox left you alone in the apartment.

It did not take long before thoughts of Rainbow Dash started to fill your mind. Thoughts of walking with her down Ponyville, your friends giving you a warm smiling. Thoughts of her kissing you on your first date. Visions of her telling you “I love you”, it was overwhelming. So what did you do, you went on a walk.

You explored Ponyville to get a better feel of the town, and also to look for a job. Trading vendors made up the bulk of jobs in the town, most of them selling food, and none of them hiring. You checked if the only hotel was hiring, it wasn’t. From the library to the nightclub, nothing was hiring. There was one last place to check, the cafe. You approached the building, heart racing, this was the final place to find a job. There was a sign on the window.

“Now Hiring”

You exploded with joy as you read those two simple words. You started to dance around from the happiness. As you danced in circles, you noticed a number of ponies were looking at you strangely. You stopped and saw a number of them giggle. You turned away embarrassed.

Upon entering the building, you found it was quite small on the inside. The door led a straight path to the counter in the back of the room. There were only 12 tables in the place, six on the left, and six on the right. Each table contained two chairs.

You reached the counter and noticed numerous items on it. A bell, a register, and various stands containing spoons and other commodities. You rang the bell and heard rustling in the back and wondered what was going on. An Earth pony mare appeared out of a door and looked at you rather shocked. She had light grey coat, a very elegant black mane and tail, and deep blue eyes.

“Oh I wasn’t expecting a customer right now” the mare said in a rather apologetic tone. Her voice was rather normal, nothing stood out to you. “I never get any business this hour.” The mare, who you assume is the owner, walked up to face you before proceeding. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Yes actually” You said nervously. This was your last chance and only chance to get a job. If you didn’t get this job, you could not pay your share of the rent. Zach and Fox would surely kick you out if that happened. You would be forced to live on the streets the rest...

“Sir? Is everything alright?” That mare said with concern.

You were snapped out of your thoughts instantly as the mare asked the question. You look at her before continuing.

“Sorry about that, just thinking.” You say with a little bit of a laugh.

“Oh I understand, so is there anything I can get you?” The mare asked.

“I would like to apply for a job here”

“Oh of course. Give me a second so I can get your application” She walked to the back and you waited patiently. You could see her shadow in the doorway and saw she was making exasperated movements. You also heard the mare say a lot of things in a tone of frustration. After two minutes of non-stop comical display, the mare arrived with the application in her mouth. She dropped it in front of you before continuing. “Here you are sir. I apologize for the wait, the last employee I had destroyed the office space out of anger”

You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at this. When did the employee get fired? Why did he get fired? And better yet, why was the office still destroyed? Your curiosity could not be contained, you just had to ask.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why was your last employee fired?” You asked with a hint of fear in your voice.

“Oh I don’t mind at all. The last employee was fired because he flirted with all of the mares that came into the shop. It got really annoying and soon became a problem. Many of the mares came into the shop just to talk to him and left without buying anything. It was bad for business, so I fired him for not doing his job” The mare didn’t even appear to hurt when she told you that. Infact, she appeared to be quite happy recalling the memory.

“My goodness, when did you fire him?” You asked more confidently now.

“About ten minutes ago”

That made sense to you, and it would explain the noise you heard her make in the back when you rang the bell.

With your curiosity fed, you looked at the application. It was a single piece of paper with the title Generalized Equestrian Application. You concluded that this application was used throughout any job in Equestria, no differences in them what so ever. The first line asked for your name and date of birth, simple enough. Below that it asked if you graduated school. You wondered if that applied to humans. The final part was asking you for your current residence address. You turned the application over expecting more but only found an empty white page. This left you baffled, surely they would have a section for committed crimes or your past jobs.

You heard a soft click and looked above the application to find a quill and ink. The mare must have brought them to you.

“Thank you” You felt utterly stupid for not asking for the mare’s name. “Oh I’m sorry what was your name?”

“Silver Java” She held out one of her hooves in front of you. You extended your arm and shook it, which resulted in her making a strange face. You decided not to question it, opting to finish the application. You filled out the first line in a few seconds. The second line however confused you. Did it apply to humans also?

“Excuse me, Silver Java, I have a question about the application” You asked with a hint of worry in your voice.

“Yes?” She said in a sultry tone. You were confused by the sudden change in tone, but you decided to ignore it.

“Does the second question apply to humans?” You turned the application sideways and pointed to the question.

“This question?” She pointed to the question and moved her hoof as close as possible to your hand. You could feel heat rising in face when you saw how close her hoof was.

“Yes, that one” You said more nervously. You don’t know why Silver all of a sudden changed her attitude.

“I don’t think so” She said, keeping up with the sultry tone in her voice.

“Okay, thank you.” You skipped the second line and quickly filled out where you lived. Silver Java was making you really uncomfortable. You handed her the application. She grabbed it with her mouth and went to the back, walking with a slight sway in her hips. You thought about leaving the café that moment, sure it would be rude, but Silver Java is really creeping you out. However it was too late since Silver Java came out of the back.

“Your application is in” she said in her normal tone again, maybe she is acting normal again, you thought. “Is there something else I can help you with?” This time her tone was not normal, yet it wasn’t sultry either. It was more seductive.

“Oh no, I gotta get back and check on my roomates. It was nice meeting you Silver Java.” With that, you rushed out of the cafe.

You started to think about Silver Java’s sudden attitude change on your walk back to the apartment. She seemed normal at first, her voice, her attitude, everything seemed normal. But she changed after you shaked her hoof. You thought it was okay when she was using the sultry tone but when she went to a seduction tone, she started to creep you out. Was it a bad thing however, she is pretty cute to you. And when she had her hoof close your hand, you blushed quite a bit. What could that mean? Soon your mind started to make images of you hugging Silver Java. She broke the hug and looked deep into your eyes. She closed her eyes and slowly moved towards you...

You halted the train of thought, trying to purge all the images your mind just made. You already had a mare you liked and her name was Rainbow Dash. You were not going to let a mare you barely met infect your mind with romantic images of her. To counteract this, you thought of intense images of you and Rainbow Dash being together. You pushing her against a wall and deeply kissing her. Hearing her moan as you start to kiss her on the neck. You pushed her onto the bed and hearing her slowly say your name drove you wild.

You thought that was enough to keep Silver Java out of your head. One unintended side effect of the images was you becoming slightly horny, but it would disperse after a minute. One thing that did confuse you was why you chose such lustful images. Normally the images were more romantic and slower, even your dreams were like that. You brushed it off thinking you needed the extra lust to cleanse the other images you had.

You arrived back at your apartment and found that Zach and Fox were already there. Zach had a huge grin on his face while Fox had a bland look on his face.

“Hey man!” Zach said in a very cheerful tone.

“Oh, hey there” Fox said with no enthusiasm what so ever.

“Hey guys, where did you two apply?” You asked hoping to cheer up Fox a little.

“I applied at the library, and guess what. Twilight wants to run some test on me. Isn’t it exciting?” Zach said with a lot of joy.

“That’s pretty cool Zach, just make sure she doesn’t take them to the extreme” You say with a little bit of excitement. You were happy for Zach, knowing part of his dream was coming true. You looked at Fox. “Did you apply at a vendor Fox?” You were hoping Fox would explode with joy like Zach did.

“I didn’t apply anywhere.” Fox said sounding depressed.

“What?!” You and Zach said in unison.

“Yeah I didn’t apply anywhere. In fact I wanna tell you guys something” Fox said not changing in tone

“Go ahead Fox” Zach said concerningly.

“While I was out, I started to think of your sister again Zach and I miss her” Fox stood up and put more firmness into his voice. “Which is why I am going to Celestia herself and telling her to send me what to Earth”

“What?!” You and Zach said in unison again, this time more shocked.

“This is goodbye. I’m going to miss you two. Hey it was fun while it lasted, but I belong on Earth” Fox walked to the door opened it and looked at you and Zach one last time and closed it. You could hear his footsteps get softer and softer until they vanished. You looked at Zach and saw he was really hurt. The same could be said about you, one of the only true friends you had got up and left, never you see you guys again. Zach looked back at you.

“I’m going to bed. You can sleep on the bed, I’m sleeping on the floor tonight.” Zach said with a lot of pain in his voice.

“Yeah. Night Zach” You said shocked.


You went into the bedroom and plopped onto the bed, not caring if you were comfortable. One of your friends just left a world full of peace and harmony. The thought just left you feeling empty inside, even your thoughts were affected. Nothing was in your mind, not Rainbow Dash, not Silver Java, not Fox. Nothing was in it but cold emptiness. You closed your eyes to escape reality and fell asleep.

. . . . .

You were half awoken and half asleep. You could hear two voices in your head arguing over something. Soon you saw Silver Java and Rainbow Dash in your mental picture, both looking at you.

“... Me because you always liked me” The imaginary Rainbow Dash said.

“She will only use you and you know it. Pick me because I will care about you, unlike her” The image of Silver Java said.

“You hardly know her, date me, you know how I act and what I like and such” Rainbow Dash did have a point, you did know her the best.

“You don’t know everything about her, I’ve seen what she has done in the past. She will only use you and leave you in a snap” And now Silver Java has a point. Maybe Rainbow Dash is hiding something.

Before Rainbow Dash could reply, you were fully awake and in control of your thoughts again. You wondered why your subconscious did this but it always produced random ideas. To cool off and to try and avoid boredom, you went for a walk.

The sun was barely rising and it felt amazing to you. It’s warmth and radiance washed away any troubles you had. You stopped walking and just stared at it’s beauty. You looked back towards the ground and saw a pony about to pass you.

“Hello there” The filly said with a smile on her face.

“Hello” You said with a big grin on your face. You don’t know why, but you were in a really good mood today. You started to wonder how job applications worked in Equestria. You decided to ask the mare how the process worked. “Hey, how does the job application process work?”

“Oh it’s very simple” She said in a very friendly voice. “It’s starts with a quick examination of your application, mainly your birthday and place of residence. Next they send you a letter telling you when you go through the test run”

“I’m sorry, but, what is the test run?” You asked with a curious tone.

“The test run is where they test you on how well you can perform the job. Of course they give you instructions at first, but then they test you on how well and how fast you can do the job. After that. they tell you if you got the job. If you do, they tell you your first day of work. And that’s pretty much it.”

“Okay, thank you ma’am” you say.

“No problem” The mare left you, nervous in thought. A test run, on a job you knew nothing about. Sure they gave you instructions, but everything would probably be explained once. And what if Silver Java had high expectations?

No, you could not think about it. You had to have confidence, nothing was going to stop you from getting the job.

You returned to the apartment, expecting to find Zach awake. Instead you found two letters on the floor near the door. One was directed to you, the other towards Zach. You opened up the letter and not to your surprise it was the date and time of the test run. Turns out your test run was today, and it started in two hours. You went to where Zach was sleeping on the floor and dropped his letter near him.

You decided to take a shower, trying to look your absolute best when you went in for the test run. You turned on the water and noted it started out lot warmer than at your old house in District 9. You stepped in and washed every part of your body, making sure not a single speck of dirt or grime was visible. After you dried yourself and put of one of your casual outfits, you went to check on Zach. He was still sound asleep on the floor and you wondered if you should wake him up. What if his test run was at the same time as yours? There was a good chance he would miss it if was. But than again, he did apply at the library, maybe his test run was later in the day. You decided to not wake him up since his test run was more then likely later in the day.

You checked the time and saw you had ten minutes until your test run began, just enough time to get to the cafe. As you proceed towards the cafe, you got more nervous with every step you took. You started to feel your heart pound and your hands sweat. Thoughts of failure started to enter your mind. What if you were too slow? What if you break something? Would you forget the instructions? The thoughts kept getting worse and once you reached the cafe, they were at their peak. So many wrongs and no rights, you thought about backing out. You stared at the building and took three deep breaths, each one calming you down. You looked at the building and walked in.

“You’re right on time. Are you ready to begin?” Silver Java asked with a joyous tone.

“Yes” You replied with no hint of being nervous.

“Excellent. Come over here and I’ll show you how everything is done” she said continuing the joyous tone. At least she is not using the other two tones you thought.

For the next 45 minutes, Silver Java explained all of the tools that you were expected to use, which machines were which, where all the cups were, and how to operate the register. She also explained how to make all the drinks on the menu. By the end of it all, you felt a headache come on. So much information explained in such a short amount of time made your brain hurt. The worst part was, it was not over. Now you had to retain it all for the actual test. Silver Java went into the back and quickly came out with a paper in her mouth. She put it on a table, you picked it up and looked over it. You felt fear climb into as you realized what it was.

“That is a list of the average amount of orders I get during the busy hours. I want you to complete as many as you can in 30 minutes.” You noted that she said this in a serious tone. When you looked at her, she did not have a smile, only a cold stare.

“O-Okay” You reply. You were starting to get nervous again with the amount of pressure she was giving you on the test run.

“Start” Silver Java said in a deep serious voice.

With that you rushed off to start your first order. You got it done quickly and put it on a random table. You moved onto your second and it came out perfectly. You finished the first 7 orders in 11 minutes. Once you started the eighth order, you started to fault. You knocked over one of the stacks of cups and they went all over the floor. You didn’t dare look at Silver Java as you guess her face would be one of disappointment or anger. By the end of the run, you made a multitude of mistakes. From knocking over stands of commodities, to putting in the wrong ingredients, and many more. You knew you blew it and you waited for the magic words.

You looked at Silver Java and saw she was deep in thought. The only thing you could think of when you saw that was why. Why would she be thinking about this? You obviously made too many mistakes and only managed to get out 18 orders out. Surely you made a really bad test run, probably the worst in all of Equestria’s history.

“You’re hired” Silver Java said, a smile forming on her face.

“What?” You asked thinking it was a cruel joke.

“You will improve and get better in time. Plus I could see you were really nervous, and I think I know why” The last part she changed her tone to sound more sultry. You started to feel more uncomfortable after you heard that. “You will begin work at six in the morning tomorrow and end at two in the afternoon. I would get plenty of rest tonight, I expect a big crowd in the morning” Silver Java went back to her normal tone.

“Okay, thank you Silver Java. I will not fail you.” You said with mixed emotions in your voice.

. . . . .

Many hours passed and you were back in the apartment. While you were out, you wondered around the town with no direction. You swore that you saw everything in Ponyville, every alleyway and every crack in the town's buildings. When you returned, you found Zach reading a very large book. After you said your greeting, Zach told you how his test run went. He did a much better job than you did, but he wasn’t hammered with a lot of instructions like you were. Instead he was given locations of book genres and instructions on how to sort then, which was through alphabetical order. Zach told you he was hired and was given the book he currently had to study. The book he was reading was actually a delivery schedule and an inventory checklist. Once Zach was done explaining, he ask how your test run went.

You felt a blush from embarrassment come on, but went ahead and told him. He seemed lost when you started to explain how to make special drinks and all the ingredients that went into them, but never once did he ask a question about it. When you told him about your mess ups, he laughed multiple times. When you were done, you checked the time and decided to get some sleep. You went into the bedroom, got on the bed, and fell into unconsciousness easily.

. . . . .

You woke up and stared at the ceiling. Something that surprised you was that you had no dreams that night. Ever since you came to Equestria, you had dreams every night. Waking up without remembering one just felt weird to you.

You brushed that aside as you remembered you had a job to get to. You checked the time and saw it was 5:30 in the morning. You had just enough time to take a quick shower and head the the cafe. You got out of bed and headed towards the shower. Once the water was the right temperature, you stepped in and did a quick washover. Once out, you put on a new outfit and paced yourself to the cafe. When you entered, you found Silver Java standing at the counter smiling.

“You’re right on time. I look forward to see how you do today.” Silver Java said in a cheerful tone, to your relief.

You went to your post and started to look around to memorize the location of all the items at your disposal. Sure you got locations from Silver Java, but it was all crammed into your head in a short amount of time.

Twenty minutes passed and not a single customer came to the cafe. You were getting bored, the excitement of your first job quickly running out. Silver Java was in the back so you had no one to talk to. You had nothing to do. Out of boredom you started to stare at the counter, looking at the finer details.


The sound of a bell made you jump from shock. You were starting to get excitement again, knowing you were about to serve your first customer. When you looked up, your heart skipped a beat when you saw who it was. You started to feel your heartbeat in your chest and your palms starting to sweat. Immediately your excitement was replaced with nervousness. Walking towards the counter slowly was the mare you thought you would never meet. The mare that you dreamed about. The mare you were in love with.

Rainbow Dash.