• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,397 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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From behind the white Alicorn, a midnight blue Alicorn, equal in majesty and height, stepped out.

“Tia, I believe you may have overreacted.”

“Oh, um, quite right, Luna. Sorry everyone,” apologized the elder sister.

The tension in the room slowly defused at the appearance of the younger of the two goddesses.

Rainbow Dash, who had been standing next to Applejack the whole time, leaned over and whispered into her friends ear, “I think we’re about to see if Rarity can banish a sun goddess to the Sun.”

“I reckon so.”

Almost as if on cue, Rarity recovered from her shock, her previously overjoyed face taking a turn into angry and malicious.

“Who do you think are, telling us what we can do? We finally find happiness with one another and Spike asks me to spend the rest of our lives together, and you just come in here and think you can tell us no!” Venom dripped from Rarity’s words as she walked towards the princess. The goddess of the sun, co-ruler of Equestria, she who stood against Discord, banished her corrupted sister to the moon, and challenged the Queen of the Changelings, began backing down.

“It’s not like that Rari-”

“Did I say, I was done? Oh, no. You hypocrite! You preach love and tolerance and go on and on about wanting your subjects to be happy, but as soon as one of them has a chance too, you just flash in here and tell them no, they can’t get married cause one of them is a dragon and the others a Unicorn,” Rarity had worked herself into a frenzy, as Celestia found the wall with the royal flank.

“RARITY! ENOUGH!” Spike shouted, grabbing his love from behind in a warm and strong embrace.

“But why?” The previously angry Unicorn now sounded on the verge of tears, heartbreak resonating through her causing her to shake in Spike’s arms.

“I’m sure she has her reason,” Spike turned and looked at Celestia, “and it better be a damn good one,” he finished, flashing his fangs and focusing the rage in his eyes right into the eyes of the pony he thought of as his mother.

Celestia seemed to be at a loss for words.

“She has her reasons,” Luna spoke up. She had been standing next the punch bowl with a cup of Gummy’s favorite held in her magic. She seemed slightly amused at watching her older sister get a verbal lashing from the scorned lovers. Luna began explaining for her distraught sister, “Equestria has no laws against marriage between sapient beings of different species. It is rare notably, but not unheard of.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Twilight spoke up, her natural curiosity kicking in.

“Celestia explain to our friends and family why these two cannot currently get married,” Luna instructed, giving her sister a chance to redeem herself.

“Um, right. You see my little po-,” an aggravated glance from Spike cut her off, she had interrupted one of the happiest days of their lives she would treat them as equal and not talk down to them. “My friends… my family, Draconia, the nation ruled over by the Broodmother, ruler of the sky, and the King of Dragons, master of the earth, has laws against dragons marrying outside their species. It is not an act of bigotry though. You see dragons are extremely magical creatures, but unlike ponies their magic is more natural. It is tied directly into their emotions. A dragon’s greed, sorrow, and rage can bring destruction and misery if not properly controlled. On the other hoof, their happiness, love, and laughter can bring great fortune and feats of magic beyond understanding. It is therefore a source of great concern for the dragon nation that another species would attempt to trick a dragon into falling in love with them, as a way of abusing their natural magic. Equally important is if the dragon should discover the truth and their unleashed emotions be wrought upon this world.”

“But we’re not like that!” Rarity defended, slightly insulted at the very notion.

“I know. However, dragons are immortal beings, much like me and Luna,” Celestia motioned to her sister, “and as such even if your love is real, the loss of you to time could be too great for the dragon. You see, dragon emotions are so strong that once they find a true mate they will never find another. The cynical or depressed state that leaves a dragon in is extremely dangerous.”

The realization of losing Rarity forever seemed to hit Spike harder than any building ever could. But he would not be deterred, a fire blazing in his eyes as he met Celestia’s gaze. “I would rather be happy living with her for as long as I can, then spend even one moment wishing for what could have been.”

Celestia’s face shone of pride at her surrogate son’s words. “The dragons would agree with you. They are not heartless monsters after all. When they created the law, they also created a loop hole. If you two can prove that your love is pure and unweaning in light of adversity and the future to the dragon council they will allow your marriage, as well as give you an extremely generous gift. Before you ask, the Dragon Council rules alongside the Queen and King in the interest of the clans, though it is rare for the council or the king and queen to get involved in most matters. Also, I am forbidden to inform you of your reward for passing their trials, and trials they will be. The specifics are strongly protected, but I know that they are very difficult and very trying. It is not unheard of for one to perish during them, go insane, or despise the one they once claimed to love so strongly. I would normally advise against this course of action; however, I know you two would just do it anyway. I will be sending the council an official notice of your arrival and of your proposal. You will need to leave in two days’ time; you have until then to attend to any business or preparations you wish.” Celestia took a breath having finished her official announcement.

“Well said sister.” Luna raised her mug and prompted a toast, “however, I believe we should spend tonight together as friends and family. We may wish this night to last eternal, but tomorrow brings a new dawn and the beginning of a difficult trial for our young lovers. They will need our support in the coming trials, and while we cannot join them, we can spend tonight reminding them that we will always be by their sides, just as they will always be in our hearts. Now let us drink, and revel in old memories as we make new ones together.”

Everyone raised their glasses and mugs and yelled, “CHEERS!”

Celestia walked outside the boutique. Spike and Rarity followed after her.

“Celestia, I wish to apologize for my behavior,” Rarity started.

Celestia stood, her back to the two, “no need Rarity. I was so concerned about the whole thing that I over reacted a bit. If anyone should apologize it’s me. But instead of focusing on the negative details, we need to discuss the happy ones. The trials ahead of you both will be very difficult, and it is moments like these, surrounded by your family and friends, and in your love for one another, that you will find the strength to overcome them.” Celestia turned to face them, tears rolling down her face, a large warm smile, and eyes that screamed of love and happiness. “It is not every day my son proposes to such a fantastic mare after all.”

“Mom, you’re embarrassing me,” Spike pretended to whine, as he blushed.

Celestia’s smile grew as she heard the sentiment Spike had not used since he was a young hatchling.

“It’s not every day the greatest drake in the world proposes to me either,” Rarity reminded Celestia, as she snuggled against Spike.

Spike quickly draped his arm over his mare, as she leaned against her dragon. They felt as if any challenge would be trivial in the wake of their love.

“Let’s head back inside. I’m sure everyone would like to join in on these new memories that Luna promised all of them,” Celestia suggested, knowing that the two could spend the rest of the night as they were. Still she knew that tonight was best spent surrounded by those who cared deeply for them and their happiness.

And with that the trio walked back into the party, to join their loved ones. The party would last all night, but like all nights, it would end, and the sun would rise on a new tomorrow.